993 resultados para resonator-coupling elements


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Presented is a design methodology which permits the application of distributed coupled resonator bandpass filter principles to form wideband small-aperture evanescent-mode waveguide antenna designs. This approach permits matching of the complex antenna aperture admittance of an evanescent-mode open-ended waveguide to a real impedance generator, and thereby to a coaxial feed probe. A simulated reflection coefficient of < - 10 dB was obtained over a bandwidth of 20%, from 2.0-2.45 GHz, in a 2.58 GHz cutoff waveguide. Dielectric-filled propagating waveguide and air-filled evanescent-mode waveguide sections are used to form the resonators/coupling elements of the antenna's coupled resonator matching sections. Simulated realised gain variation from 3.4-5.0 dBi is observed across the bandwidth. The antenna's maximum aperture dimension is < 0.47 wavelength at the upper operating frequency and so it is suitable for use in a wide angle scanning phased array.


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Circuit quantum electrodynamics, consisting of superconducting artificial atoms coupled to on-chip resonators, represents a prime candidate to implement the scalable quantum computing architecture because of the presence of good tunability and controllability. Furthermore, recent advances have pushed the technology towards the ultrastrong coupling regime of light-matter interaction, where the qubit-resonator coupling strength reaches a considerable fraction of the resonator frequency. Here, we propose a qubit-resonator system operating in that regime, as a quantum memory device and study the storage and retrieval of quantum information in and from the Z(2) parity-protected quantum memory, within experimentally feasible schemes. We are also convinced that our proposal might pave a way to realize a scalable quantum random-access memory due to its fast storage and readout performances.


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Small element spacing in compact arrays results in strong mutual coupling between the array elements. A decoupling network consisting of reactive cross-coupling elements can alleviate problems associated with the coupling. Closed-form design equations for the decoupling networks of symmetrical arrays with two or three elements are presented.


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Die vorliegende Dissertation dient dazu, das Verständnis des Exzitonentransports in organischen Halbleitern, wie sie in Leuchtdioden oder Solarzellen eingesetzt werden, zu vertiefen. Mithilfe von Computersimulationen wurde der Transport von Exzitonen in amorphen und kristallinen organischen Materialien beschrieben, angefangen auf mikroskopischer Ebene, auf der quantenmechanische Prozesse ablaufen, bis hin zur makroskopischen Ebene, auf welcher physikalisch bestimmbare Größen wie der Diffusionskoeffizient extrahierbar werden. Die Modellbildung basiert auf dem inkohärenten elektronischen Energietransfer. In diesem Rahmen wird der Transport des Exzitons als Hüpfprozess aufgefasst, welcher mit kinetischen Monte-Carlo Methoden simuliert wurde. Die notwendigen quantenmechanischen Übergangsraten zwischen den Molekülen wurden anhand der molekularen Struktur fester Phasen berechnet. Die Übergangsraten lassen sich in ein elektronisches Kopplungselement und die Franck-Condon-gewichtete Zustandsdichte aufteilen. Der Fokus dieser Arbeit lag einerseits darauf die Methoden zu evaluieren, die zur Berechnung der Übergangsraten in Frage kommen und andererseits den Hüpftransport zu simulieren und eine atomistische Interpretation der makroskopischen Transporteigenschaften der Exzitonen zu liefern. rnrnVon den drei untersuchten organischen Systemen, diente Aluminium-tris-(8-hydroxychinolin) der umfassenden Prüfung des Verfahrens. Es wurde gezeigt, dass stark vereinfachte Modelle wie die Marcus-Theorie die Übergangsraten und damit das Transportverhalten der Exzitonen oftmals qualitativ korrekt wiedergeben. Die meist deutlich größeren Diffusionskonstanten von Singulett- im Vergleich zu Triplett-Exzitonen haben ihren Ursprung in der längeren Reichweite der Kopplungselemente der Singulett-Exzitonen, wodurch ein stärker verzweigtes Netzwerk gebildet wird. Der Verlauf des zeitabhängigen Diffusionskoeffizienten zeigt subdiffusives Verhalten für kurze Beobachtungszeiten. Für Singulett-Exzitonen wechselt dieses Verhalten meist innerhalb der Lebensdauer des Exzitons in ein normales Diffusionsregime, während Triplett-Exzitonen das normale Regime deutlich langsamer erreichen. Das stärker anomale Verhalten der Triplett-Exzitonen wird auf eine ungleichmäßige Verteilung der Übergangsraten zurückgeführt. Beim Vergleich mit experimentell bestimmten Diffusionskonstanten muss das anomale Verhalten der Exzitonen berücksichtigt werden. Insgesamt stimmten simulierte und experimentelle Diffusionskonstanten für das Testsystem gut überein. Das Modellierungsverfahren sollte sich somit zur Charakterisierung des Exzitonentransports in neuen organischen Halbleitermaterialien eignen.


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The current understanding of electron tunneling through proteins has come from work on systems where donors and acceptors are held at fixed distances and orientations. The factors that control electron flow between proteins are less well understood, owing to uncertainties in the relative orientations and structures of the reactants during the very short time that tunneling occurs. As we report here, the way around such structural ambiguity is to examine oxidation–reduction reactions in protein crystals. Accordingly, we have measured and analyzed the kinetics of electron transfer between native and Zn-substituted tuna cytochrome c (cyt c) molecules in crystals of known structure. Electron transfer rates [(320 s−1 for *Zn-cyt c → Fe(III)-cyt c; 2000 s−1 for Fe(II)-cyt c → Zn-cyt c+)] over a Zn–Fe distance of 24.1 Å closely match those for intraprotein electron tunneling over similar donor–acceptor separations. Our results indicate that van der Waals interactions and water-mediated hydrogen bonds are effective coupling elements for tunneling across a protein–protein interface.


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Mode coupling between the whispering-gallery modes (WGMs) is numerically investigated for a two-dimensional microdisk resonator with an output waveguide. The equilateral-polygonal shaped mode patterns can be constructed by mode coupling in the microdisk, and the coupled modes can still keep high quality factors (Q factors). For a microdisk with a diameter of 4.5 mu m and a refractive index of 3.2 connected to a 0.6-mu m-wide output waveguide, the coupled mode at the wavelength of 1490 nm has a Q factor in the order of 10(4), which is ten times larger than those of the uncoupled WGMs, and the output efficiency defined as the ratio of the energy flux confined in the output waveguide to the total radiation energy flux is about 0.65. The mode coupling can be used to realize high efficiency directional-emission microdisk lasers. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America


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A new inline coupling topology for narrowband helical resonator filters is proposed that allows to introduce selectively located transmission zeros (TZs) in the stopband. We show that a pair of helical resonators arranged in an interdigital configuration can realize a large range of in-band coupling coefficient values and also selectively position a TZ in the stopband. The proposed technique dispenses the need for auxiliary elements, so that the size, complexity, power handling and insertion loss of the filter are not compromised. A second order prototype filter with dimensions of the order of 0.05 lambda, power handling capability up to 90 W, measured insertion loss of 0.18 dB and improved selectivity is presented.


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We investigate the collective optomechanics of an ensemble of scatterers inside a Fabry-Pérot resonator and identify an optimized configuration where the ensemble is transmissive, in contrast to the usual reflective optomechanics approach. In this configuration, the optomechanical coupling of a specific collective mechanical mode can be several orders of magnitude larger than the single-element case, and long-range interactions can be generated between the different elements since light permeates throughout the array. This new regime should realistically allow for achieving strong single-photon optomechanical coupling with massive resonators, realizing hybrid quantum interfaces, and exploiting collective long-range interactions in arrays of atoms or mechanical oscillators.


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"Contract No. AF33(616)-310 RDO No. R-112-110 SR-6f2"


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It is well accepted that different types of distributed architectures require different degrees of coupling. For example, in client-server and three-tier architectures, application components are generally tightly coupled, both with one another and with the underlying middleware. Meanwhile, in off-line transaction processing, grid computing and mobile applications, the degree of coupling between application components and with the underlying middleware needs to be minimized. Terms such as ‘synchronous’, ‘asynchronous’, ‘blocking’, ‘non-blocking’, ‘directed’, and ‘non-directed’ are often used to refer to the degree of coupling required by an architecture or provided by a middleware. However, these terms are used with various connotations. Although various informal definitions have been provided, there is a lack of an overarching formal framework to unambiguously communicate architectural requirements with respect to (de-)coupling. This article addresses this gap by: (i) formally defining three dimensions of (de-)coupling; (ii) relating these dimensions to existing middleware; and (iii) proposing notational elements to represent various coupling integration patterns. This article also discusses a prototype that demonstrates the feasibility of its implementation.


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Planar magnetic elements are becoming a replacement for their conventional rivals. Among the reasons supporting their application, is their smaller size. Taking less bulk in the electronic package is a critical advantage from the manufacturing point of view. The planar structure consists of the PCB copper tracks to generate the desired windings .The windings on each PCB layer could be connected in various ways to other winding layers to produce a series or parallel connection. These windings could be applied coreless or with a core depending on the application in Switched Mode Power Supplies (SMPS). Planar shapes of the tracks increase the effective conduction area in the windings, brings about more inductance compared to the conventional windings with the similar copper loss case. The problem arising from the planar structure of magnetic inductors is the leakage current between the layers generated by a pulse width modulated voltage across the inductor. This current value relies on the capacitive coupling between the layers, which in its turn depends on the physical parameters of the planar scheme. In order to reduce this electrical power dissipation due to the leakage current and Electromagnetic Interference (EMI), reconsideration in the planar structure might be effective. The aim of this research is to address problem of these capacitive coupling in planar layers and to find out a better structure for the planar inductance which offers less total capacitive coupling and thus less thermal dissipation from the leakage currents. Through Finite Element methods (FEM) several simulations have been carried out for various planar structures. The labs prototypes of these structures are built with the similar specification of the simulation cases. The capacitive couplings of the samples are determined with Spectrum Analyser whereby the test analysis verified the simulation results.


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We synthesized vertically aligned nail-shaped ZnO nanocrystal arrays on silicon substrates via a combination of a carbothermal reduction method and textured ZnO seeding layers that were precoated on silicon substrates by thermally decomposing zinc acetate, and studied their optical properties using cathodoluminescence (CL) and photoluminescence techniques. The ZnO nanonails show a sharp band-gap edge UV emission and a defect-related broad green emission. Monochromatic CL images of an individual ZnO nanonail show variations in spatial distributions of respective CL bands that had different origins. We attribute the spatial variation of CL images to an uneven distribution of luminescent defects and/or a structure-related light out-coupling from hexagonal ZnO nanostructures. The most distinct CL feature from the hexagonal head of an individual ZnO nanonail was the occurrence of a series of distinct resonant peaks within the visible wavelength range. It appeared that the head of a nanonail played the role of a hexagonal cavity so that polarizationdependent whispering gallery modes were stimulated by electron beam excitation.


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Finding an appropriate linking method to connect different dimensional element types in a single finite element model is a key issue in the multi-scale modeling. This paper presents a mixed dimensional coupling method using multi-point constraint equations derived by equating the work done on either side of interface connecting beam elements and shell elements for constructing a finite element multiscale model. A typical steel truss frame structure is selected as case example and the reduced scale specimen of this truss section is then studied in the laboratory to measure its dynamic and static behavior in global truss and local welded details while the different analytical models are developed for numerical simulation. Comparison of dynamic and static response of the calculated results among different numerical models as well as the good agreement with those from experimental results indicates that the proposed multi-scale model is efficient and accurate.


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In this paper we propose and analyze a novel racetrack resonator based vibration sensor for inertial grade application. The resonator is formed with an Anti Resonance Reflecting Optical Waveguide (ARROW) structure which offers the advantage of low loss and single mode propagation. The waveguide is designed to operate at 1310nm and TM mode of propagation since the Photo-elastic co-efficient is larger than TE mode in a SiO2/ Si3N4/ SiO2. The longer side of the resonator is placed over a cantilever beam with a proof mass. A single bus waveguide is coupled to the resonator structure. When the beam vibrates the resonator arm at the foot of the cantilever experiences maximum stress. Due to opto-mechanical coupling the effective refractive index of the resonator changes hence the resonance wavelength shifts. The non uniform cantilever beam has a dimension of 1.75mm X 0.45mm X 0.020mm and the proof mass has a dimension of 3mm X 3mm X 0.380mm. The proof mass lowers the natural frequency of vibration to 410Hz, hence designed for inertial navigation application. The operating band of frequency is from DC to 100Hz and acceleration of less than 1g. The resonator has a Free Spectral Range (FSR) of 893pm and produces a phase change of 22.4mrad/g.