982 resultados para residency program


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Description based on: [1997].


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Background: Since 2007, there has been an ongoing collaboration between Duke University and Mulago National Referral Hospital (NRH) in Kampala, Uganda to increase surgical capacity. This program is prepared to expand to other sites within Uganda to improve neurosurgery outside of Kampala as well. This study assessed the existing progress at Mulago NRH and the neurosurgical needs and assets at two potential sites for expansion. Methods: Three public hospitals were visited to assess needs and assets: Mulago NRH, Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital (RRH), and Gulu RRH. At each site, a surgical capacity tool was administered and healthcare workers were interviewed about perceived needs and assets. A total of 39 interviews were conducted between the three sites. Thematic analysis of the interviews was conducted to identify the reported needs and assets at each hospital. Results: Some improvements are needed to the Duke-Mulago Collaboration model prior to expansion; minor changes to the neurosurgery residency program as well as the method for supply donation and training provided during neurosurgery camps need to examined. Neurosurgery can be implemented at Mbarara RRH currently but the hospital needs a biomedical equipment technician on staff immediately. Gulu RRH is not well positioned for Neurosurgery until there is a CT Scanner somewhere in the Northern Region of Uganda or at the hospital. Conclusions: Neurosurgery is already present in Uganda on a small scale and needs rapid expansion to meet patient needs. This progression is possible with prudent allocation of resources on strategic equipment purchases, human resources including clinical staff and biomedical staff, and changes to the supply chain management system.


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The Re-introduction Project began with an art-science research residency in 2012, funded through the Australian 'Synapse' art-science residency program. It was developed in partnership with the Australian Wildlife Conservancy, Australia's largest private conservation agency and their South-East regional scientist Matt Hayward and conducted through a series of seven high intensity field-trips to AWC’s remote properties in VIC, NSW and SA. These trips coincided with key times at which the AWC’s mobile scientific teams were undertaking intensive scientific activities. The program coincided with specific events that senior scientist collaborator Dr Matt Hayward led in 2012 at Mallee Regions (Yookamurra, Scotia and Buckaringa), Lake Eyre Basin (Kalamurina) and Sydney (North Head). The initial outcome of the project was the work Pitfall (An Opportunistic Survey) - a new media installation created in light, media, object, text and sound presented near the AWC headquarters at Mildura in far NW Victoria. Pitfall built upon ideas and cross disciplinary processes developed during this residency/collaboration with Australian Wildlife Conservancy inspired by working with their ecological scientists during pitfall-trap survey events used to survey small mammals and invertebrates. ‘Pitfall’ was designed in response to a playful survey that I asked the AWC scientists to engage with around ideas of avoiding ecological pitfalls into the future. This continually-evolving artwork was built from multiple screens, a tabletop landscape mapped with projections, fibre optics, 3D spatial sound and infrared night imagery.


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This research is situated in the field of practice-led research investigating embodied perspectives on the performance of dance making. In the stock of choreographic literature, the celebrated ‘creativity’ label is associated predominantly with the choreographer and is discussed in terms of product rather than process (Lussier-Ley and Durand-Bush 2009; Hennessey 2003). A reliance on the mystery of inspiration or choreographic genius (Penty 1998) for the production of ‘great’ dance works does not acknowledge the complex and timely process common in the creation of dance (Mace and Ward 2002) nor provide a true representation of the creative contributors (Farrer 2014). The failure to attribute creative impulses and skills to dancers is reminiscent of a time when they were thought of only as instruments in the creative process not active participants and collaborators (Jowitt 2001a; H’Doubler 1957). This project asked the question, to what end do dancers contribute to choreography and how is this contribution valued and recognised? Dancers are integral to the creative process. The research found that the scope of a dancers’ creative involvement in the development of a new work is dependent on: the individual choreographers approach to creating movement; the relationship between dancer and choreographer, and dancer and fellow company members; and the dancers collaborative skills and interpretive skills, versatility, and initiative. Recognition and attribution of dancers’ creative input is dependent on a choreographer’s viewpoint, generosity, and prior creative experiences. The work was created as a part of the Ausdance Queensland 2010 Bell Tower III Choreographic Residency program. Applicants were peer reviewed and vetted by a panel of local and national dance producers. The creative work was presented at the Judith Wright Centre for Live Arts. The project was funded by Ausdance Queensland and Arts Queensland. https://es-es.facebook.com/events/106661226023025/?hc_location=stream


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Estudo possui como objeto a contribuição da residência em enfermagem para a formação de especialistas na percepção de egressos de uma instituição publica. O problema do estudo foi elaborado a partir das seguintes questões norteadoras: qual a contribuição da residência em enfermagem para a formação de especialistas na visão dos egressos? Os egressos da residência em enfermagem vêm aplicando os conhecimentos e as competências obtidas durante a residência na sua área de atuação? Quais as contribuições da residência em enfermagem para a identidade do enfermeiro especialista? Os objetivos do estudo foram: Identificar a contribuição da residência em enfermagem para a formação de especialistas na visão de egressos; descrever a aplicação dos conhecimentos e competências obtidas pelo residente de enfermagem na área de atuação; e analisar as contribuições da residência em enfermagem para a identidade do enfermeiro especialista. Metodologia: estudo qualitativo, descritivo, exploratório, tendo como campo um uma instituição de ensino superior, situada no município do Rio de Janeiro. Participaram do estudo 25 egressos do curso de residência de uma instituição pública a partir dos critérios de inclusão estabelecidos. O projeto atendeu as exigências do Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa em atenção a Resolução 466/12. A coleta de dados ocorreu no primeiro semestre de 2014. No tratamento dos depoimentos foi aplicada a técnica de Análise de Conteúdo, cujos resultados foram discutidos a luz do suporte teórico adotado. Os resultados evidenciaram que a residência na concepção dos egressos é uma opção do recém-graduado de capacitação e ingresso no mercado de trabalho no intuito de aprofundar os conhecimentos teóricos e práticos em determinada área do saber. Para o grupo a residência configura-se como uma estratégia relevante em termos de desenvolvimento de competências de cunho técnico e gerencial, diminuindo a defasagem dos conteúdos não obtidos na graduação, principalmente no que dizem respeito ao cuidado de pacientes de alta complexidade e manuseio de tecnologias de ponta. Neste sentido, a residência contribuiu para outros fatores de ordem subjetiva como identidade e realização profissional como também em relação a satisfação e reconhecimento pelo trabalho realizado junto aos pacientes e instituições onde atuam. Por outro lado os egressos apontaram problemas de ordem institucional vivenciados no período em que realizaram o curso, principalmente no tocante a precarização da força de trabalho em termos de pessoal e inadequação das condições de trabalho. Concluiu-se que apesar das inestimáveis contribuições da residência para o aprimoramento técnico, gerencial e relacional do enfermeiro recém-formado e sua inserção no mundo do trabalho com maior segurança e conhecimento do que é ser enfermeiro, há necessidade de ampliar a discussão sobre fatores de ordem estrutural que interferem no processo de formação. E, dentre eles, a precarização da força de trabalho e condições de trabalho inadequadas que interferem no processo de capacitação. Todo esforço deve ser realizado pelas instituições responsáveis pelos programas de residência no intuito de fornecer condições adequadas de formação, o que pode repercutir na motivação, satisfação e maior adesão a esta forma de capacitação em serviço.


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Problématique : En dépit de nombreuses initiatives et interventions au cours des dernières années, l’intérêt des étudiants en médecine pour la médecine de famille (MF) demeure inférieur aux attentes des planificateurs de services de santé. Objectifs : Préciser les facteurs qui influencent les leaders étudiants en médecine dans leur choix de programme de résidence en s’intéressant plus spécifiquement aux groupes d’intérêt en médecine de famille (GIMF) et aux moyens d’accroître leur efficacité. Stratégie et devis : Approche synthétique par étude de cas multiples à un seul niveau d’analyse. Recherche descriptive à finalité instrumentale en recherche-action. Participants : Leaders étudiants de trois facultés de médecine du Québec (n=21), sélectionnés par choix raisonné à l’aide d’un sociogramme. Méthode : Groupes de discussion et questionnaire autoadministré. Analyse qualitative assistée par le logiciel N-Vivo. Résultats : Différents facteurs, dont l’existence des GIMF, influencent le choix de carrière des étudiants en médecine. Pour augmenter la capacité des GIMF d’intéresser les étudiants à la MF, on pourrait notamment s’appuyer sur les groupes d’intérêt d’autres spécialités et développer une approche de marketing social auprès des indécis, insistant sur leurs motivations d’ordre émotionnel. Conclusion : Les GIMF peuvent contribuer à la promotion et à la valorisation de la MF chez les étudiants en médecine du Québec. En s’intéressant aux leaders étudiants en médecine et leur influence naturelle sur leurs pairs, il est possible d’accroître l’efficacité des GIMF.


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Introducción: Todos los trabajadores del área de la salud están en riesgo de padecer un accidente biológico. No obstante los estudiantes de estas aéreas, pueden presentar más riesgo porque apenas están en formación y no tienen la práctica o experiencia suficiente. Existen varios artículos que han estudiado la incidencia y prevalencia de accidentes biológicos en los trabajadores del área de la salud, Sin embargo, sobre esta problemática de la población estudiantil del área de la salud, se encuentra menos literatura. Por lo tanto con esta revisión sistemática se busca analizar y actualizar este tema. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión de la literatura científica de artículos publicados en los últimos 14 años, en relación con la prevalencia de accidentes biológicos en estudiantes de medicina, odontología, enfermería y residentes del área de la salud a nivel mundial. Se llevó a cabo la búsqueda en la base de datos de Pubmed, encontrando un total de 100 artículos, escritos en inglés, francés, español o portugués. Resultados: Las prevalencias encontradas sobre accidentes biológicos en estudiantes fueron las siguientes: en países europeos a nivel de enfermería los valores oscilan entre 10.2 % a 32%, en medicina fueron del 16%-58.8%, y en odontología del 21 %. En países asiáticos, se encontró que en enfermería el porcentaje varía de 49%-96 %, en medicina van del 35% -68%, y en odontología varia de 68.a 75.4%. En Norte América, en medicina las cifras fluctúan alrededor del 11-72.7 % y en odontología giran alrededor del 19.1%. Finalmente respecto a Suramérica la prevalencia fue de 31.2 a 46.7% en medicina, y del 40% en enfermería. Conclusiones: Por lo anterior se pudo concluir que, la prevalencia de accidentes biológicos en los estudiantes del área de la salud es elevada y varía según el continente en el que se encuentren.


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Leishmaniasis is a parasitic zoonosis caused by protozoans of the genus Leishmania transmitted by insects known as phlebotomines, which are found in wild or urban environments. It affects domestic and wild animals and transmission to man happens by accident. The disease occurs in tropical and sub-tropical areas, mainly in Asia, Europe, Africa, and the Americas. There are two forms that affect man: American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) and American visceral leishmaniasis (AVL). The latter is caused by three species of Leishmania: Leishmania (Leishmania) donovani, Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum, and Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi, which are grouped in the Leishmania (Leishmania) donovani complex. Wild reservoir hosts of L. chagasi known so far are foxes and marsupials. In domestic environment, dogs are the most important reservoir hosts and sources of infection to the vectors Lutzomyia longipalpis. Leishmaniasis is difficult to control, causing epidemic outbreaks, thus being an important public health problem. Due to lesions caused by the mucocutaneous type and the severity of those caused by the visceral type in humans, visceral leishmaniasis is one of the main public health concerns. This paper is part of the monograph presented at the end of the residency program in the field of Zoonosis and Public Health at the School of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry, São Paulo State University, UNESP, Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil, in 2005.


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CONCLUSION: Our self-developed planning and navigation system has proven its capacity for accurate surgery on the anterior and lateral skull base. With the incorporation of augmented reality, image-guided surgery will evolve into 'information-guided surgery'. OBJECTIVE: Microscopic or endoscopic skull base surgery is technically demanding and its outcome has a great impact on a patient's quality of life. The goal of the project was aimed at developing and evaluating enabling navigation surgery tools for simulation, planning, training, education, and performance. This clinically applied technological research was complemented by a series of patients (n=406) who were treated by anterior and lateral skull base procedures between 1997 and 2006. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Optical tracking technology was used for positional sensing of instruments. A newly designed dynamic reference base with specific registration techniques using fine needle pointer or ultrasound enables the surgeon to work with a target error of < 1 mm. An automatic registration assessment method, which provides the user with a color-coded fused representation of CT and MR images, indicates to the surgeon the location and extent of registration (in)accuracy. Integration of a small tracker camera mounted directly on the microscope permits an advantageous ergonomic way of working in the operating room. Additionally, guidance information (augmented reality) from multimodal datasets (CT, MRI, angiography) can be overlaid directly onto the surgical microscope view. The virtual simulator as a training tool in endonasal and otological skull base surgery provides an understanding of the anatomy as well as preoperative practice using real patient data. RESULTS: Using our navigation system, no major complications occurred in spite of the fact that the series included difficult skull base procedures. An improved quality in the surgical outcome was identified compared with our control group without navigation and compared with the literature. The surgical time consumption was reduced and more minimally invasive approaches were possible. According to the participants' questionnaires, the educational effect of the virtual simulator in our residency program received a high ranking.


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Three hypotheses have been offered to explain the historical specialty selection by women physicians. They are: (1) women choose the specialty for which the training requirements and working conditions interfere least with their commitments to marriage and children; (2) women tend to select the more "feminine" specialties such as pediatrics and psychiatry, and to avoid the "masculine" fields such as surgery; and (3) women have been deliberately excluded from male-dominated fields such as surgery. While the above hypotheses may be true to a greater or lesser degree, none of them has been adequately tested.^ The major study hypotheses are as follows: (1) female physicians' choice of specialty is influenced by the following reasons: (a) family responsibilities; (b) sex role expectations; and (c) sex discrimination; (2) female physicians' choice of specialty is also influenced by their age and ethnicity; and (3) the primary reasons for choosing a given specialty vary by type of specialty.^ The reasons for specialty selection will be explored based on a survey of women graduates of one of the oldest medical schools in the United States, The University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) in Galveston, Texas (n = 930). The survey response rate was 75.3% (700 respondents).^ The results for the first study hypothesis showed that fewer than 14% of the respondents agreed that sex role expectations, sex discrimination and family responsibilities played a role in their choice of specialty. Fifty nine percent of the respondents disagreed with the idea that sex role expectations influenced specialty selection and 64% disagreed that family responsibilities had an effect on the selection of their specialty. Around half (49%) were uncertain of the influence of sex discrimination. It was concluded that sex discrimination, sex role expectations and family responsibilities did not have a major impact on specialty selection.^ With respect to the second hypothesis, age was significant in Internal Medicine, Obstetrics/Gynecology and Psychiatry. Women physicians in Internal Medicine and Obstetrics/Gynecology were significantly younger (less than 45 years old) while physicians in Psychiatry were significantly older (45 years or older) than other specialties studied.^ The third hypothesis was confirmed: the reasons for choosing a given specialty varied by specialty.^ Respondents' comments written on the survey provided insight into other possible reasons for specialty selection including exploration of the role of mentoring and job satisfaction.^ The retrospective cross-sectional study design used in this study does not adequately capture the fact that different reasons may be given for the choice of specialty at different points in time, e.g., as the time of choosing a residency program versus several years into the future.^ In conclusion, approaches that explore the range of reasons that women elect to enter and stay within a given specialty must be explored to gain richer understanding of the complex and dynamic nature of women physicians' professional lives. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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A residência multiprofissional em saúde é uma modalidade de ensino de pós graduação lato sensu, voltada para a educação em serviço. Emerge no contexto brasileiro como uma proposta complementar a fim de se atingir as metas e os princípios preconizados pelo sistema único de saúde (SUS), principalmente quanto à integralidade. Além de trazer implicações e lançar desafios ao exercício profissional do psicólogo, inserindo-o no entrelaçamento de campos densos e complexos (saúde, educação e políticas públicas), a modalidade propõe que profissionais com formações diferentes atuem num mesmo campo, com discussões e intervenções conjuntas. A questão que move a pesquisa é a posição-sujeito no programa de residência multiprofissional face ao modelo de educação-saúde vinculado. Assevera-se que a posição-sujeito é objeto discursivo deslizante (de tessitura simbólica) que toma em consideração o sujeito constituído no claudicar da linguagem e interpelado pelo inconsciente e que se manifesta como efeito de significantes em direção ao grande Outro. Para tal, vale-se da interface dos aportes teóricos da análise de discurso pêchetiana e da psicanálise lacaniana. A análise de discurso sustenta o discurso como efeito de sentidos mediados pela ideologia e ocupa-se, especialmente, da incursão da alteridade do discurso-outro sobre o mesmo. A psicanálise lacaniana, por sua vez, reitera a primazia do inconsciente estruturado como linguagem diante de um eu imaginário e versa para o sujeito marcado como falta que, dividido, faz do discurso o estatuto do significado. Assim, é proeminente na análise do objeto a metodologia indiciária dada ao caráter simbólico e cambiante da posição-sujeito no discurso. A análise se realizou mediante o dispositivo da interpretação como gesto analítico, que acompanha as elações próprias do objeto. O corpora é constituído por uma materialidade escrita e por uma oral. A escrita compõe-se de recortes de leis, portarias e resoluções que fundam a modalidade de residência multiprofissional e reforçam os ideias do sistema único de saúde; a materialidade oral compõe-se de recortes e fragmentos discursivos advindos da transcrição de supervisões realizadas mediante a prática clínica do psicólogo-residente na cena hospitalar. Da análise, conclui-se que a materialidade escrita se posta como campo-Outro que ordena a estrutura política da residência multiprofissional e direciona a manutenção da ordem e reprodução das relações hierárquicas mediante ideologia assujeitante. Essa materialidade, por sua vez, age como intradiscurso e reverbera-se na memória discursiva e na prática clínica. A posição-sujeito, no plano da articulação significante, faz deslizar e produzir sentidos que denotam ora a manutenção e reprodução de uma posição fusionada ao discurso médico, científico-positivista; ora a posição-sujeito é marcada pelo saber condicionado ao fetiche da mercadoria, deflagrando a ordem do capital nas insígnias da multiprofissionalidade e da educação permanente. O trabalho propiciou, enfim, acompanhar as transmutações da posição-sujeito, independentemente do indivíduo ou da naturalização de sentidos provenientes da função que exerce. O objeto posição-sujeito reiterou a construção da realidade a partir da condição faltante. É essa condição faltante e incompleta que outorga ao desejo o modo de o sujeito se posicionar desta e outra maneira - na formação, no trabalho, na vida.


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Integration of experiential learning into the library and information science (LIS) courses has been a theme in LIS education, but the topic deserves renewed attention with an increasing demand for professionals in the digital library field and in light of the new initiative announced by the Library of Congress (LC) and the Institution of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) for national residency program in digital curation. The balance between theory and practice in digital library curricula, the challenges of incorporating practical projects into LIS coursework, and the current practice of teaching with hands on activities represent the primary areas of this panel discussion.