127 resultados para reparation


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kuv., 14 x 22 cm


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A notice of change in reparation agent between Robert Morrogh and Thomas Douglas from Quebec to Daniel Shannon in Niagara.


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Syftet med denna studie är att ta fram underlag till en arbetsmiljöchecklista för service och reparationsarbete av skogsbränslemaskiner. Däri ingår maskiner för skördning, transport och sönderdelning av sortimenten GROT (grenar och toppar), stubbar respektive klenskog. En avgränsning har gjorts till service och reparationsarbete som görs ute i fält. Tjugotre riktade fallstudier har genomförts i Mellansverige med fokus på service- och reparationsarbete som skett ute i fält. Arbetsmiljöfaktorer har observerats och dokumenterats med foto, samtal har förts med förare och servicemän, och mätningar av buller och damm har genomförts. Vid samtal med förare har efterfrågats hur ofta service och reparationsarbete genomförs, vem som gör det, vilka moment som ingår samt var det vanligtvis utförs. Servicearbete ingår i förarens arbetsuppgifter och förekommer med olika intervall. Vissa arbetsmoment utförs dagligen, såsom byte av huggstål, smörjning av krannipplar och renblåsning av container. Andra sker med längre intervall, såsom byte av oljor och filter. I studien har tillvägagångssätt och arbetsmiljörisker vid omfattande, respektive mindre, service- ochreparationsarbete identifierats. Service- och reparationsarbete är ofta tungt och smutsigt.Arbetsmiljörisker samt goda exempel på lösningar för olika typer av maskiner har sammanställts.Baserat på studiens empiriska resultat, genomförda litteraturstudier och analyser harcheckpunkter som bör ingå i en arbetsmiljöchecklista identifierats. Identifierade checkpunkternahar grupperats utifrån målgrupp och typ av arbetsmoment med syftet att vara praktisktanvändbara. Målgrupperna är maskintillverkare/ägare som modifierar maskiner, respektiveservicemän och förare. Framtagna checkpunkter utgör en grund till en checklista för arbete medservice- och reparationsarbete av skogsbränslemaskiner.


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The inter-American human rights system has been conceived following the example of the European system under the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) before it was modified by Protocol No 11. However, two important differences exist. First, the authority of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) to order reparation has been strictly limited by the principle of subsidiarity. Thus, the ECtHR's main function is to determine whether the ECHR has been violated. Beyond the declaratory effect of its judgments, according to Article 41 ECHR, it may only "afford just satisfaction to the injured party". The powers of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR) were conceived in a much broader fashion in Article 63 of the American Convention on Human Rights (ACHR), giving the Court the authority to order a variety of individual and general measures aimed at obtaining restitutio in integrum. The first main part of this thesis shows how both Courts have developed their reparation practice and examines the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. Secondly, the ECtHR's rather limited reparation powers have, interestingly, been combined with an elaborate implementation system that includes several of the Council of Europe's organs, principally the Committee of Ministers. In the Inter-American System, no dedicated mechanism was implemented to oversee compliance with the IACtHR's judgments. The ACHR limits itself to inviting the Court to point out in its annual reports the cases that have not been complied with and to propose measures to be adopted by the General Assembly of the Organization of American States. The General Assembly, however, hardly ever took action. The IACtHR has therefore filled this gap by developing a proper procedure to oversee compliance with its judgments. Both the European and the American solutions to ensure compliance are presented and compared in the second main part of this thesis. Finally, based on the results of both main parts, a comparative analysis of the reparation practice and the execution results in both human rights systems is being provided, aimed at developing proposals for the improvement of the functioning of either human rights protection system.


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Dissertação apresentada à Universidade de Cabo Verde e à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Educação - Especialidade: Educação Especial


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Solicitadoria


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil – Estruturas e Geotecnia


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Introduction : The redox properties of fine/ultrafine particles as well as nanoparticles (NP) are suggested to be important to explain their biological activity and could constitute a novel and promising metric for hazard evaluation. The acellular in vitro dithiothreitol (DTT) assay allows measuring this property. Objectives : (1) to evaluate sampling requirements for fine/ultrafine particle allowing measurement of their oxidative potential (2) to apply the methodology to occupational situations where particle from combustion sources are generated. Material and method : Sampling parameters (type of filters and loaded amount) and storage duration affecting the DTT measurements were evaluated. Based on these results, a methodological approach was defined and applied in two occupational situations where diesel and other combustion particles are present (toll station in a tunnel and mechanical yard for bus reparation). Results : Teflon filters loaded with diesel particles were found more suitable for the DTT assay, due to their better chemical inertness compared to quartz filters: after storage durations larger than 150 hours, an increased reactivity toward DTT was observed only with quartz filters. Reactivity was linearly correlated to the loaded mass until about 1000 μg/filter. Different redox reactivities were determined in both working places, with the mechanical yard presenting a higher DTT consumption rate. Discussion and conclusions : These results demonstrate the feasibility of this method to determine the oxidative potential of fine/ultrafine particles in occupational situations. We propose to include this approach for hazard assessment of work places with exposure to manufactured and other NP.


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L’estudi actualitza la taxa de reincidència dels menors que durant l’any 2008 van finalitzar un programa de mediació o reparació (MRM) i als quals s’ha seguit fins el 30 de juny de 2011 per saber si han reincidit, és a dir, si han tornat a prendre contacte amb el sistema d’execució penal a Catalunya, ja sigui com a infractors juvenils o com a adults, en mesures d’execució penal a la comunitat o en el sistema penitenciari català. En total, la població estudiada ha estat de 2.022 subjectes. També s’han estudiat les poblacions d’altres tres mesures o programes que a priori es pensava que podrien correspondre a segments de població similars als del Programa de MRM i es volia comprovar si efectivament era així. Aquests tres grups de població estudiada són: 1) els menors i joves als que s’ha aplicat l’Art. 27.4 de la LORPM5/2000 (no continuar la tramitació de l’expedient), 2) aquells als que s’ha aplicat la mesura d’amonestació i 3) els joves per als quals l’informe tècnic proposava una mesura de prestacions en benefici de la comunitat. En l’informe es donen resultats del perfil dels infractors i de les víctimes; de les característiques del Programa de MRM; de la reincidència i les seves característiques; del perfil del jove reincident; es fa una anàlisi específica des de les perspectives de gènere i d’estrangeria; es comparen els programes i mesures esmentats i finalment es fan un seguit de recomanacions derivades dels resultats i de les conclusions.