997 resultados para renewal process
We study a class of models used with success in the modelling of climatological sequences. These models are based on the notion of renewal. At first, we examine the probabilistic aspects of these models to afterwards study the estimation of their parameters and their asymptotical properties, in particular the consistence and the normality. We will discuss for applications, two particular classes of alternating renewal processes at discrete time. The first class is defined by laws of sojourn time that are translated negative binomial laws and the second class, suggested by Green is deduced from alternating renewal process in continuous time with sojourn time laws which are exponential laws with parameters α^0 and α^1 respectively.
The goal of this project is to increase the amount of successful real estate license renewals while reducing the disruption caused by manual processing and calls for assistance with renewals and technical issues. The data utilized in this project will demonstrate that the Real Estate Commission renewal process can be improved by utilizing electronic resources such as more detailed website information and repeat e-mail notices, through modifications to the online renewal process to reduce applicant error, and by increasing the visibility of online renewal log-in instructions while decreasing the visibility and use of mail-in applications.
One-on-one communication with driver’s license customers is the most valuable tool Driver Services employees use to help drivers stay independent and safe. Driver Services employees understand that a sense of remaining independent, in everything from running errands to shopping to visits with friends, family and doctors, depends on a driver’s license. There are times when Driver Services personnel, or even the drivers themselves, determine it’s time to stop driving. In those cases, people are given a free identification card. There are also times when the DOT must suspend a person’s driving privilege. This can be caused by vision problems, a medical condition or unsafe driving. If the driver cannot be relicensed, DOT personnel make the commitment to work with the individual by providing information about available transportation alternatives. We are providing this information to make the renewal process understandable and less stressful. We hope that by explaining why the DOT screens vision, requires medical information and requests drive tests, and describing how these all relate to highway safety, drivers will know what to expect. Personnel are available to answer questions or discuss concerns at any of the Iowa Department of Transportation or County Treasurer driver’s license sites. Please contact one of the driver’s license stations listed in this booklet.
This doctoral dissertation explores the intra-organizational dynamics of a strategic renewal process. The main research question is how the pursuit of change and organizational inertia co-exist, intertwine, and collide in organizational cognition and capabilities during the strategic renewal. It is a comprehensive study on how organizational capabilities, organizational cognition, and structure enhance and inhibit change. Theoretically, the study is positioned in the modern tradition of strategy research, using the dynamic capability view and the organizational and managerial cognition research tradition as the main theoretical frames. Empirically, the study is a longitudinal case study of the Finnish Broadcasting Company (Yle), following the organizational changes during the years of 2011-1014. The analysis is based on both quantitative and qualitative data, which was collected during the research process using surveys, interviews, and archives. The main theoretical contribution is the application of the two theoretical approaches in one study. Empirically, the study contributes to operationalization of the concepts related to the dynamic capability view and organizational cognition, in a media context that is going through drastic changes due to digitalization. Furthermore, the case of a public broadcasting company extends the application of the theoretical concepts to the context of public management. The results suggest that renewal is a complex process, in which an organization’s perceptions intertwine with the strategic actions and decision-making. The change evolves pathdependently: the past experiences, routines, and organizational structures tend to dictate the future visions, desires, and actions. The study also reveals how the public nature of an organization adds to the tensions between change and organizational inertia, and hampers the decision-making. The doctoral dissertation consists of six research papers, each of which explores the phenomenon under study from a different perspective.
2000 MSC: 26A33, 33E12, 33E20, 44A10, 44A35, 60G50, 60J05, 60K05.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 60G70, 62F03.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 60K05
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 60J80, 60F05
The work studies a general multiserver queue in which the service time of an arriving customer and the next interarrival period may depend on both the current waiting time and the server assigned to the arriving customer. Stability of the system is proved under general assumptions on the predetermined distributions describing the model. The proof exploits a combination of the Markov property of the workload process with a regenerative property of the process. The key idea leading to stability is a characterization of the limit behavior of the forward renewal process generated by regenerations. Extensions of the basic model are also studied.
Tutkimus keskittyy brändin luomiseen ja brändin kokonaisvaltaisen hallinnan keinoihin kiinteistönvälitysalalla. Tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää miten yritykset hyödyntävät brändipääomiaan brändiä vahvistettaessa ja uudistettaessa. Tätä kysymystä pyritään tarkastelemaan erityisesti kahden case-yhtiön näkökulmasta, jotka molemmat toimivat kiinteistönvälitysalalla. Tutkimuksen pääongelmaksi muodostui kysymys: ”Mitä tekijöitä tulisi huomioida brändipääoman vahvistamisessa ja uudistamisessa kiinteistönvälitysalalla toimivissa yrityksissä?”. Tutkimus on luonteeltaan laadullinen eli kvalitatiivinen tutkimus. Laadullinen tutkimus pohjaa läheisesti teorian ja empirian väliseen vuorovaikutukseen ja sen lähtökohtana on pyrkiä kuvaamaan tutkimuskysymystä kokonaisvaltaisesti. Laadullisen tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on myös löytää tai tuoda esille tosiasioita sen sijaan, että todennettaisiin jo olemassa olevia väittämiä (Hirsijärvi, Remes & Sajavaara 2000, 152). Tutkimusmetodina aineiston keräämisessä käytettiin tutkimushaastattelua, joka toteutettiin tapaustutkimuksena. Tapaustutkimukselle tyypillisesti haastattelu oli puolistrukturoitu, joten haastateltavat vastasivat tutkijan esittämiin kysymyksiin, jotka olivat samat molemmille haastateltaville, mutta keskustelua ei rajoitettu. Huoneistokeskuksen edustajan mukaan brändejä pitää tarpeen tullen uudistaa, mutta se ei saa olla itsetarkoituksena. Mikäli brändi on brändijohtaja alallaan, ei suuria muutoksia kannata lähteä tekemään vain tekemisen vuoksi, vaan niille pitää olla jokin selvä tarkoitus. Brändin viestin vahvistaminen onkin brändijohtajana toimivalle yritykselle usein parempi ratkaisu, kuin toimivan konseptin uudistaminen. Huoneistokeskus pyrkiikin varmistamaan sen, että brändin viesti ei pääse unohtumaan asiakkailta. Huom!:in liiketoimintajohtajan mukaan brändiä uudistettaessa on tärkeää, että brändiä konkreettisesti muutetaan. Huom! onkin tästä syystä positioinut itsensä aikaisemmasta poiketen edelläkävijäksi pitkäikäisyyden painottamisen sijaan. Huom! on myös painottanut entistä enemmän laadukkuuttaan ja avoimuuttaan ja nämä pyritään osoittamaan verkkosivujen asiakasarvosteluilla. Johtopäätöksenä voidaan todeta, että molemmat yritykset pitävät kaikkia brändipääomatekijöitä tärkeinä kiinteistönvälitysalalla. Tästä huolimatta brändiä vahvistettaessa Huoneistokeskuksen edustaja oli sitä mieltä, että tärkeintä on keskittyä brändin tunnettuuteen. Huom!:in edustaja sen sijaan oli sitä mieltä, että brändiä uudistettaessa tärkeintä on keskittyä laadun tuottamiseen ja yhdistämään tämä myös mielleyhtymäksi. Haastateltavia oli kuitenkin vain kaksi, joten tutkimuksen johtopäätöksiä ei voida yleistää koskemaan koko toimialaa.
In this thesis T-policy is implemented to the inventory system with random lead time and also repair in the reliability of k-out-of-n system. Inventory system may be considered as the system of keeping records of the amounts of commodities in stock. Reliability is defined as the ability of an entity to perform a required function under given conditions for a given time interval. It is measured by the probability that an entity E can perform a required function under given conditions for the time interval. In this thesis considered k-out-of-n system with repair and two modes of service under T-policy. In this case first server is available always and second server is activated on elapse of T time units. The lead time is exponentially distributed with parameter and T is exponentially distributed with parameter from the epoch at which it was inactivated after completion of repair of all failed units in the previous cycle, or the moment n-k failed units accumulate. The repaired units are assumed to be as good as new. In this study , three different situations, ie; cold system, warm system and hot system. A k-out-of-n system is called cold, warm or hot according as the functional units do not fail, fail at a lower rate or fail at the same rate when system is shown as that when it is up.
Este artículo es un avance del proyecto de investigación “Transformaciones de las prácticas pedagógicas de los profesores en un proceso de renovación curricular”. Su marco conceptual se fundamenta en el análisis de cuatro ejes centrales: el primero hace referencia al concepto de currículo, que compromete varios aspectos relacionados con los diferentes actores del sistema educativo; el segundo afronta las renovaciones curriculares en programas de Ciencias de la Salud, que permite aclarar y determinar lo que la comunidad académica entiende al respecto, sus características, fines y efectos; el tercero analiza la información para identificar los factores que posibilitan la apropiación o no de los principios de las renovaciones curriculares reflejados en las prácticas pedagógicas de los profesores; el cuarto explora conceptualizaciones acerca de cómo el profesor interpreta y orienta su actuar educativo. Finalmente, se propone una discusión cuyo hilo conductor responde a las siguientes preguntas: ¿Cómo los procesos de renovación curricular en programas de formación profesional en Ciencias de la Salud impactan las prácticas pedagógicas de los profesores? ¿Cuáles son los factores que posibilitan la apropiación de los principios de las renovaciones curriculares en las prácticas pedagógicas de los profesores en programas de formación profesional en Ciencias de la Salud?
This is an ethnographic and comparative study of the Maracatus Solar (2006) and Reis de Paus (1960), whose aim was to verify what is ancient and traditional in the new maracatu practiced by the guild Solar and conversely, what is new or modern in the old maracatu ritualized by guild Reis de Paus. It is worth noting that through this case study it is also intended to ethnographically observe and better understand the processes of ruptures and continuities between modernization and tradition, and the relationship between the global and the local. The communication system, the dancing, the music, the costumes and the loas (letters) were analyzed using the technique of participant observation as well as secondary materials such as newspapers, blogs and magazines. The interviews were open, non-directive, but recorded to facilitate understanding the speech of revelers. The research has shown that all the symbolic elements of aesthetic expression of the maracatu are permeated by clashes of historical contexts and of political representation, which, in another instance, also enunciates a fight of micro-community resistance regarding the renewal process and the social development that plague modern megalopolis. It is In this interim, between modernity and tradition that today it can be spoken about the existence of hybrid identity in the maracatu regarding a context mediated by the overall above mentioned values and customs specific of the new generations. However, one can not deny that the forms of negotiations with modernity also require the establishment of a link with the specific singularity of a popular culture that is not excluded, but also should not get invaded by the idea of authenticity. Therefore, performing this study was above all an opportunity to understand also the community life in the city outskirts, understanding society, culture and everyday social relations maintained between humans that produce and make it all happen. The Solar and Reis de Paus do not join in opposition between themselves nor by their similarity. What is most striking among them is the renewal of a tradition that reinvents itself in the form of popular representation across the street parade
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Música - IA