32 resultados para remake


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Depuis le début du nouveau millénaire, le cinéma s’est vu envahi par une pratique qui n’avait jamais atteint une telle ampleur : le remake. Lorsque comparée à son film source, la nouvelle version est à tout coup semblable, mais différente à la fois; ont-ils plus de points en commun qu’ils en ont avec les films de leurs époques respectives? En utilisant cette vague de remakes des années 2000, la présente étude propose une analyse comparative afin de démontrer l’évolution de la représentation du mal et de la violence retrouvée dans les remakes d’horreur de type slashers. En guise de première partie, ce mémoire débute avec l’élaboration de la fonction du genre ainsi que celle du remake. Puis, un second chapitre est dédié à la constitution des premiers cycles des slashers afin de comprendre le cheminement du sous-genre. L’étude se conclut par la comparaison de ces informations avec les résultats de l’analyse des remakes de slashers.


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Sessão Dupla é um livro de caráter coletivo no qual os colaboradores escolheram o título de um filme de sua preferência, a partir de uma lista com 1300 filmes, e escreveram a crítica de pelo menos duas versões da obra selecionada, a original e um de seus remakes. O livro ainda conta dois ensaios: o primeiro sobre a relação entre cinema, arte e comércio; e o segundo acerca da prática de produção de continuações, remakes e reboots no mundo cinematográfico.


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Sessão Dupla é um livro de caráter coletivo no qual os colaboradores escolheram o título de um filme de sua preferência, a partir de uma lista com 1300 filmes, e escreveram a crítica de pelo menos duas versões da obra selecionada, a original e um de seus remakes. O livro ainda conta dois ensaios: o primeiro sobre a relação entre cinema, arte e comércio; e o segundo acerca da prática de produção de continuações, remakes e reboots no mundo cinematográfico.


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This article introduces a special issue on the topic of co-creative labour. The term co-creation is used to describe the phenomenon of consumers increasingly participating in the process of making and circulating media content and experiences. Practices of user-created content and user-led innovation are now significant sources of both economic and cultural value. But how should we understand and analyse these value-generating activities? What are the identities and forms of agency that constitute these emerging co-creative relations? Should we define these activities as a form of labour and what are the implications and impacts of co-creative practices on the employment conditions and professional identities of people working in the creative industries? In answering these questions we argue that careful attention must be paid to how the participants themselves (both professional and non-professional, commercial and non-commercial) negotiate and navigate the meanings and possibilities of these emerging co-creative relationships for mutual benefit. Co-Creative media production is perhaps a disruptive agent of change that sits uncomfortably with our current understandings and theories of work and labour. The articles in this special issue follow and unpack the often diverse and contradictory ways in which the participants themselves use and remake the social categories of work and labour as they seek to co-ordinate and contest co-creative media practices.


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Young people are arguably facing more ‘complex and contested’ transitions to adulthood and an increasing array of ‘non-linear’ paths. Education and training have been extended, identity is increasingly shaped through leisure and consumerism and youth must navigate their life trajectories in highly individualised ways. The study utilises 819 short essays compiled by students aged 14–16 years from 19 schools in Australia. It examines how young people understand their own unique positions and the possibilities open to them through their aspirations and future orientations to employment and family life. These young people do not anticipate postponing work identities, but rather embrace post-school options such as gaining qualifications, work experience and achieving financial security. Boys expected a distant involvement in family life secondary to participation in paid work. In contrast, around half the girls simultaneously expected a future involving primary care-giving and an autonomous, independent career, suggesting attempts to remake gendered inequalities


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This novella for children draws on historical research into the Norwegian Viking invasion of, trade with, and settlement of the west coast of Scotland. The practice-led project uses the historical research to construct a narrative which demonstrates the superiority of reason and generosity over physical force, and also the potential for an individual to resist conformity. The project mobilises narrative theory from psychotherapy and bibliotherapy (Hunt & Sampson, 1998; Eakin, 1985, 2008). It is premised on the principle that through active reading we can remake the story of our life and our sense of self and identity.


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The chapter argues that the women who compose the majority of street prostitutes in Great Britain are currently subject to an interlocking system of regulation that variously defines them as criminal offenders, threats to public health, victims of child abuse, and vulnerable women who must be compelled under the threat of punishment to seek welfare help. Each label or approach to the street prostitute involves a set of interventions aimed at changing or working with different aspects of the women's lives. This produces an interlocking system of regulation, because the interventions are not mutually exclusive. A street prostitute can be defined as both a victim and an offender and as both a patient in need of medical help and a threat to public health. This comprehensive system of regulation means that a street prostitute faces not only a wide range of criminal justice dispositions, but also mandatory participation in programs in which her relationships and the choices she makes in her life outside of prostitution are subject to scrutiny and intervention. Given that street prostitutes are mostly poor women seeking economic survival in a profession that makes them vulnerable to victimization, the current regulatory system is an attempt to control a small group of poor women regarding their choices and relationships as they struggle to survive poverty. Whereas in the 1980s in Great Britain, a woman involved in street prostitution may have faced only a fine, now she is subject to a more extensive range of criminal justice actions accompanied by various government interventions designed to remake her life.


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The thesis is an examination of how Japanese popular culture products are remade (rimeiku). Adaptation of manga, anime and television drama, from one format to another, frequently occurs within Japan. The rights to these stories and texts are traded in South Korea and Taiwan. The ‘spin-off’ products form part of the Japanese content industry. When products are distributed and remade across geographical boundaries, they have a multi-dimensional aspect and potentially contribute to an evolving cultural re-engagement between Japan and East Asia. The case studies are the television dramas Akai Giwaku and Winter Sonata and two manga, Hana yori Dango and Janguru Taitei. Except for the television drama Winter Sonata these texts originated in Japan. Each study shows how remaking occurs across geographical borders. The study argues that Japan has been slow to recognise the value of its popular culture through regional and international media trade. Japan is now taking steps to remedy this strategic shortfall to enable the long-term viability of the Japanese content industry. The study includes an examination of how remaking raises legal issues in the appropriation of media content. Unauthorised copying and piracy contributes to loss of financial value. To place the three Japanese cultural products into a historical context, the thesis includes an overview of Japanese copying culture from its early origins through to the present day. The thesis also discusses the Meiji restoration and the post-World War II restructuring that resulted in Japan becoming a regional media powerhouse. The localisation of Japanese media content in South Korea and Taiwan also brings with it significant cultural influences, which may be regarded as contributing to a better understanding of East Asian society in line with the idea of regional ‘harmony’. The study argues that the commercial success of Japanese products beyond Japan is governed by perceptions of the quality of the story and by the cultural frames of the target audience. The thesis draws on audience research to illustrate the loss or reinforcement of national identity as a consequence of cross-cultural trade. The thesis also examines the contribution to Japanese ‘soft power’ (Nye, 2004, p. x). The study concludes with recommendations for the sustainability of the Japanese media industry.


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Heavy Weather was a monumental sculptural work produced for the prestigious McClelland National Sculpture Survey in 2012. The work was a large cold-cast aluminium figure depicting the artist in athletic costume arching backwards across the top of massive boulder. The pose of the figure was derived from the ‘Fosbury flop’, the awkward backwards manoeuvre associated with high-jump event. The boulder was a portrait of a different kind - a remake of the Ian Fairweather memorial on Bribie Island but elongated to tower upwards. The work thus emphasised two contrasting impressions of movement – immense inertia and writhing agility. Heavy Weather sought to bring these two opposing forces together as a way of representing the tensions that shape our relationship with objects. In so doing, the work contributed to the artist’s ongoing exploration of sculpture, self-portraiture and the civic monument. The work was promoted nationally including the Art Guide and the Melbourne Review. It was also the subject of a article in the Australian Art Collector.


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NBC's failed attempt to remake the BBC's Coupling generated a significant amount of press coverage in summer 2003. At the core of the debate was a struggle to reconcile an increasingly integrated transatlantic television market with traditional assumptions about culture and its authentic connection to space and place. The interest in the remake not only created a space where certain national differences were played out and performed but also facilitated an equally compelling transatlantic dialogue about creative ownership, appropriation, and a network's responsibility to its audiences. In doing so, the media attention highlighted how television formats are best understood not as innocuous commodities of international trade but as potential sites of articulation, contestation, and community in an increasingly transnational television environment.


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This paper by Carl Grodach demonstrates the careful unravelling of complexity, diversity, contestation and contradictions involved in the reconstruction of symbolic urban spaces after violent conflict, and the allied processes of cultural reinterpretation, political reconfiguration and material revaluation which accompany it. The paper analyses the reconstruction and redevelopment of the 16th-century historic centre of Mostar, Bosnia-Herzegovina, following the Bosnian Wars of 1992–1995. Reconstruction efforts centre around Stari Most, the 16th-century Ottoman bridge destroyed by Bosnian Croat military in 1993. In Mostar, both international and local organizations are in the process of reinterpreting Bosnia’s legacy of Ottoman city spaces. This research and analysis illuminates how such spaces can be central to contemporary projects to redefine group identities and conceptions of place. It provides insight into the ways various groups are attempting to reshape outside perceptions of the city—and Bosnia’s ethnic conflict—to articulate a new definition of local identity and ethnic relations and to remake a stable tourist economy through Mostar’s urban spaces.


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O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a noção de causalidade biológica da doença mental através dos discursos eugênicos e higiênicos nas décadas de 1920 e 1930 no Brasil. Para tanto, selecionamos a revista Archivos Brasileiros de Hygiene Mental. Esta revista foi escolhida por ser produzida pela Liga Brasileira de Hygiene Mental, uma instituição bastante representativa destes discursos neste período, e também por ser uma revista editada no Rio de Janeiro, nosso recorte geográfico. A revista foi produzida de 1925 a 1947 e o período selecionado para sua análise foi o de 1925 a 1935. Para tal propósito, utilizamos um referencial teórico foucaultiano, especialmente no que tange às discussões em torno do tema do biopoder. Acreditamos que uma análise histórica, necessariamente desnaturalizante, dos discursos psiquiátricos desse período no Brasil, possa contribuir para a compreensão de certas peculiaridades dos discursos psiquiátricos atuais, a fim de possibilitar uma revisão das concepções estabelecidas de tratamento, incitando a ressignificação das experiências de saúde e adoecimento e, conseqüentemente, de propostas terapêuticas.


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In defining what he termed 'Television's Second Golden Age', Robert J.Thompson refers to characteristics such as being 'not regular TV', internal continuity, mixed genres but an aspiration towards 'realism', complex writing, self-consciousness and intertextuality. Such characteristics are displayed by the BBC series Life on Mars (2006-2007) which intermingles the Seventies tough cop show with psychological fantasy. This chapter examines the way that the series can be understood as a dramatisation of the negotiation that the creators undertook with their Seventies source material to update it for the values and qualities of contemporary television drama. It will emphasise the importance of television in the generation of the imagined 1973 and its characters, but also as an ongoing connection between the real and the imagined within the programme, including forming a breach of the boundaries between the two. Sam's actions within his Seventies world to remake it to include his own ideas of justice and due process while retaining the passion and freedom of action that the milieu provides will also be be examined in relation to the series' creators' needs to remake the Seventies tough-cop show in the light of modern social and media mores. The paper will also consider how Sam has to come to terms with his father's crimes, as the series' creators had to come to terms with the 'crimes' of taste, morality and approach of their 'parent' programmes from the Seventies' Golden Age.


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Invprest es la primera plataforma de préstamos entre personas en Colombia y Latinoamérica dirigida exclusivamente para Millenials; es decir conectamos a personas que necesitan financiamiento con personas que están dispuestas a prestar a una tasa justa, equitativa y más rentable que la del mercado financiero. Se tiene en cuenta un estudio de crédito diferente al tradicional donde se revisan factores de la personalidad y comportamentales del solicitante de crédito para conocer su riesgo. Actualmente una gran parte de los usuarios financieros se sienten insatisfechos con los servicios que prestan las entidades bancarias. La tecnología y nuevos modelos de economía colaborativa han abierto el espacio a nuevas formas de consumo, entre ellos la innovación en los servicios bancarios que han funcionado por mucho tiempo de la misma forma. La falta de un excelente servicio, unas tasas de interés que no reflejan las condiciones del mercado, la falta de un servicio que incluya las necesidades de los clientes en una economía digital son problemas que se resuelven con este emprendimiento. Se busca llegar a un mercado potencial de 170.000 personas en Bogotá y en Colombia de 638.000 aproximadamente. El mercado en Colombia es nuevo, naciente y con potencial de crecimiento. Actualmente hay más de 70 países que cuentan con plataformas de este estilo y se espera que las inversiones en estos modelos de negocio sean mayores a $14.000 Millones de dólares en el 2.015. Así mismo en Colombia cada vez se conoce más sobre los cambios de la industria financiera mundial. Invprest se diferencia en otros aspectos relacionados con el seguimiento de la cartera, los requerimientos relacionados a la posesión de activos fijos que en este modelo no son necesarios si la persona tiene buenos ingresos y la utilización de firmas electrónicas para que todos los procesos se puedan hacer electrónicamente. Yohan Florez es un apasionado por el tema de finanzas que ha logrado contactar e incluir a personas de Fiduciarias, Brigard & Urrutia, Certicamara y otros expertos financieros en la creación de las soluciones que se le pueden dar a los problemas de este proceso y que ayudan con su conocimiento y experiencia para el desarrollo del proyecto. 3 En el corto plazo la empresa se va a consolidar en Colombia y en el mediano- largo plazo se van a realizar las acciones para expandir el modelo a otros países de Latinoamérica. Se espera que en el tercer año se cuente con ingresos superiores a los $1.700 millones de pesos con una ganancia de $98 millones, el punto de equilibrio se alcanza en el mes 11. El medio para llegar a los clientes es usando redes sociales con publicidad dirigida, así mismo el Ceo será el principal vendedor de la compañía al inicio de la operación. La inversión inicial requerida para el proyecto empresarial es de $201.000.000.