996 resultados para religious norms


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This paper examines the understandings and practices of 515 heterosexual religious young adults living in the UK in terms of their religious faith and sexuality. It presents qualitative and quantitative data drawn from questionnaires, interviews, and video diaries. Four themes are explored. First, participants generally understood sexuality in relation to sacred discourses. Second, regardless of gender and religious identification, the participants drew from religious (e.g. religious community) and social (i.e. friends) influences to construct their sexual values and attitudes. Third, the religious and familial spaces within which the participants inhabited were structured by heteronormative assumptions. Thus, the participants must negotiate dominant norms, particularly those pertaining to marriage and sex within it. Finally, the paper focuses on married participants, offering insights into their motivations for, and experiences of, marriage. Overall, the paper demonstrates that, like their lesbian and gay counterparts, heterosexual religious young adults also had to manage various competing and mutually-reinforcing sexual and religious norms in constructing a meaningful life.


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Les normes juridiques étatiques cohabitent avec les normes juridiques religieuses. En résulte parfois un décalage pour les croyants. En ce qui concerne le divorce notamment, la conciliation entre ces deux ordres normatifs pose de nombreux problèmes. Ainsi, pour les femmes désirant dissoudre leur mariage, la reconnaissance des normes religieuses par le droit aura une incidence directe sur la réalisation de leurs droits fondamentaux. Cette étude s’attarde à la façon dont cohabitent ces ordres normatifs en droit et à l’impact de leur considération en ce qui a trait au divorce. Elle propose, plus spécifiquement, une analyse de ces questions centrée sur le droit canadien et le droit américain.


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Im Zentrum der vorliegenden Untersuchung steht die Nutzung von Medizinalpflanzen vor dem Hintergrund einer zurückgehenden Phytodiversität in Nordbenin. Die Dissertation ba-siert auf ethnologischen Forschungen, die in das interdisziplinäre Forschungsprojekt BIOTA (Biodiversity Monitoring Transect Analysis in Africa) eingebunden sind. Das BIOTA-Projekt untersucht die Wirkung menschlichen Handelns (insbesondere Nutzung) auf die Biodiversi-tät und versucht aus diesen Erkenntnissen Maßnahmen zum Erhalt der biologischen Vielfalt abzuleiten. Die vorliegende Studie basiert auf einem 13-monatigen Feldforschungsaufenthalt im Zeitraum von April 2004 bis August 2006 in der nordbeninischen Gemeinde Ouassa-Pehunco. Meine Informanten sind überwiegend traditionelle Heiler, mit denen ich standardi-sierte und offene Interviews durchführte, deren Behandlungsverfahren und Heilzeremonien ich teilnehmend beobachtete sowie dokumentierte und auf deren Initiative hin ich mich bei dem Aufbau eines Medizinalpflanzengartens einbrachte (cf. Kap. 1). In diesem Forschungsfeld situiere ich mich mit der Frage nach dem Einfluss einer verän-derten Pflanzenvielfalt auf die traditionelle medizinische Versorgung der Baatombu Nordbe-nins. Die Beantwortung dieser Frage erfolgt in mehreren Schritten. 1. Die Phytodiversität nimmt, wie von naturwissenschaftlicher Seite bestätigt, in der Region ab. 2. Lokale Heilkun-dige nehmen diesen Rückgang an verfügbaren Heilpflanzen ebenso wahr. 3. Die Abnahme der Pflanzenbestände führen die Heiler vor allem auf den Baumwollanbau und die demogra-fischen Entwicklungen der Region zurück - dies entspricht ebenfalls den Auffassungen von Naturwissenschaftlern, die eine Verdichtung der landwirtschaftlichen Bodennutzung fest-stellten. 4. Heilkundige und Heilpflanzenverkäuferinnen vermerken eine zunehmende Nach-frage nach lokaler Pflanzenmedizin aufgrund der steigenden Bevölkerungszahlen. 5. Die pflanzenbasierte Gesundheitsversorgung der lokalen Bevölkerung ist jedoch relativ gesi-chert, da die Heiler sich alternativ wirkender Medizinalpflanzen bedienen, ihre Therapiefor-men der veränderten Lage anpassen (z.B. geringere Dosierungen) und sie regelmäßig genutz-te Pflanzen im Medizinalpflanzengarten Guson wieder anpflanzen. Ein wichtiger Aspekt der Arbeit ist, dass die Heilpraktiken der Baatombu nicht allein auf naturheilkundlichem Erfahrungswissen beruhen, sondern in magisch-religiöse Vorstellungen eingebettet sind (cf. Kap. 2). Demzufolge untersuche ich die lokalen Krankheits- und Ge-sundheitsvorstellungen und die symbolischen Klassifikationen von Heilpflanzen und Krank-heiten (cf. Kap. 3). Ich stellte fest, dass nach Auffassung von Heilkundigen soziokulturelle Faktoren wie der Zeitpunkt und der Ort einer Sammlung sowie entsprechende Ernte-Rituale die medizinische Wirksamkeit von Pflanzen maßgeblich bedingen (cf. Kap. 5). Die Umwelt-klassifikation der Heiler (Landschafts- und Vegetationstypen) richtet sich demzufolge nach dem medizinischen Wert, den sie einer Heilpflanze zuschreiben (cf. Kap.4). Basierend auf diesen Erkenntnissen wurde von einigen engagierten Heilern und mit Un-terstützung von BIOTA, der GTZ und der Deutschen Botschaft der Medizinalpflanzengarten Guson eingerichtet, der eine Antwort auf die regionale Ressourcenverknappung darstellt und in seiner Anlage dem lokalen ökologischen und heilkundlichen Wissen der Heiler entspricht (cf. Kap. 6). Den Anwendungsbezug der Forschung nutzten die Heiler, um sich als Interes-sensgemeinschaft für den Erhalt der benötigten pflanzlichen Ressourcen einzusetzen.


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The Toledoth Yeshu, the “Generation,” or “Life of Jesus,” have been described as an anti-Gospel, or a parody of the Gospel. This protean tradition, witnessed in more than hundred manuscripts and printed editions, offers a “counter-history” of the life of Jesus and the origins of Christianity. According to this mischievous narrative Jesus was an illegitimate child turned charlatan, and his disciples a bunch of violent and senseless rogues who continued to stir up trouble in Israel even following their leader’s shameful hanging. The Toledoth Yeshu is the story of an anomaly (Jesus and the birth of Christianity). It is also a story about confusion: marital confusion, social confusion, and religious confusion. As an exercise in “historical imagination,” the Toledoth Yeshu offers a narrative of religions compared, and a reflection on social and religious borders, on their instability and fragility, and ultimately on their necessity. The present paper will explore the normative dimension of the Toledoth Yeshu tradition: the way the “disorder of things” the narrative relates also conveys a powerful discourse on social and religious norms. We will also seek to map this tradition in the broader context of medieval Jewish discussions on Jesus (particularly Maimonides) as a “case” in the religious history of mankind, addressing issues of false prophecy, religious deviation, transgression, and heresy.


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The purpose of this study is to examine organizational patterns of African American activism in response the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Given their political, economic, and social disenfranchisement, African Americans have historically developed protest and survival strategies to respond to the devaluation of their lives, health, and well-being. While Black protest strategies are typically regarded as oppositional and transformative, Black survival strategies have generally been conceptualized as accepting inequality. In the case of HIV/AIDS, African American religious and non-religious organizations were less likely to deploy protest strategies to ensure the survival and well-being of groups most at risk for HIV/AIDS—such as African American gay men and substance abusers. This study employs a multiple qualitative case study analysis of four African American organizations that were among the early mobilizers to respond to HIV/AIDS in Washington D.C. These organizations include two secular or community-based organizations and two Black churches or faith-based organizations. Given the association of HIV/AIDS with sexual sin and social deviance, I postulated that Black community-based organizations would be more responsive to the HIV/AIDS-related needs and interests of African Americans than their religious counterparts. More specifically, I expected that Black churches would be more conservative (i.e. maintain paternalistic heteronormative sexual standards) than the community-based organizations. Yet findings indicate that the Black churches in this study were more similar than different than the community-based organizations in their strategic responses to HIV/AIDS. Both the community-based organizations and Black churches drew upon three main strategies in ways that politicalize the struggle for Black survival—or what I regard as Black survival politics. First, Black survival strategies for HIV/AIDS include coalition building at the intersection of multiple systems of inequality, as well as on the levels of identity and community. Second, Black survival politics include altering aspects of religious norms and practices related to sex and sexuality. Third, Black survival politics relies on the resources of the government to provide HIV/AIDS related programs and initiatives that are, in large part, based on the gains made from collective action.


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This study examined religious home education in educational, psychological, and sociological context. Growing up within a religious denomination is a process of learning the rules, norms, opinions, and attitudes, which serve to make the individual an active member of the group. It is a process of transferring the cultural inheritance between generations. Sabbathkeeping can be regarded as a strong indicator of the Seventh-day Adventist value system, which is also why I have concentrated on this specific issue in my study. The purpose of the study was to find out, how the Sabbath is transferred from parents to children among Finnish Adventists. It was also examined how parents could make the day of rest positively exceptional for children, and how the parental authoritativeness affects the process of transference. According to Bull & Lockhart s (1989) theory, the amount of Adventist generations in family history influences the transfer of religious tradition. This study aimed to find out whether or not this theory would apply to the present-day Finland. The nature of religious development among Adventist young people was also one of the interests of the research. The methods used in the study were in-depth interviews (n = 10) and a survey (n = 106). The majority of the interviewees was young adults (age 15-30) grown up in Adventist families. The interviews were taped and transcribed for the study, and survey answers were analysed with SPSS-data analysis program. The amount of survey questionnaires evaluated was 106, whole population of 15-30 year-old Finnish Adventists being about one thousand. Democratic relationship between parents and children, parents' example, encouragement to own thinking, and positive experiences of Sabbath and the whole religion, including the social dimension of the Adventism, seem to be some of the most significant factors in transference of religious tradition. Both too severe and too permissive education were considered to lead to similar results: unsuccessful transfer of values, or even rebellion and adopting a totally opposite way of life than that of the parents. In this study the amount of Adventist generations in family history does not correlate significantly with the end results of value transference. Keywords: Sabbath, intergenerational, value transference, religious home education Avainsanat: sapatti, arvojen siirtyminen vanhemmilta lapsille, uskonnollinen kotikasvatus


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Consumption choices assist in solving the problem of how to convey and recognize religious identities. In the communication of an identity, individuals use the knowledge embedded in consumption norms, which restrict the range of choices to a smaller set and abbreviate the required knowledge for encoding and decoding messages. Using this knowledge as a shared framework for understanding, individuals with religious beliefs can choose consumption items that would not only strengthen their beliefs but also help them express the intensity of their commitments to these beliefs. Because individuals and societies have different beliefs, norms, commitments, and expressive needs, consumption choice can help to express these differences. Our explanation contrasts with incentive-based approaches that view religious consumption norms as solutions to free-rider problem inherent in clubs.


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This study examines the role of religious leaders and individual's religiousness in affecting attitude towards digital piracy and behavior intention. The data analysis of 400 usable responses from a religious organisations provided several significant relationships. Attitude towards digital piracy and subjective norms has a negative relationship with digital piracy intention. There are also significant differences between highly religious and less religious respondents in terms of their attitude towards digital piracy, motivation to comply with their religious leaders, and intention to engage in digital piracy behavior.


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Equality has become an important concept within secular-liberal societies (Perrons 2005), with white, secular Western women interpellated as quintessentially embodying this equality (Gill and Scharff 2011; McRobbie 2011; Nayak and Kehily 2008). For religious organizations, the interacting spaces of gender and sexuality constitute two of the most contested terrains in rights-giving, and many religions are seen as less progressive regarding equality vis-à-vis other social institutions (Plummer 2003; Tosh and Keenan 2003; Weeks2007). Young religious women have to articulate how they fit into the contours of secular-liberal equality norms as religious subjects. This chapter will focus on how young religious women living in the UK made sense of equality in the context of their religion, focusing on attitudes to gender equality and sexuality equality.


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This creative writing work was selected for publication in a bi-lingual anthology, published in China, as suitable to be culturally applicable to both Chinese and Australian social contexts. The poem raises six social/ethical issues and comments on them. It is based on research into Chinese traditional poetry that focuses on an image, and after each image this poem provides an ethical comment. It is based in the ethical hypothesis that moral evaluation of individual and social behaviour can not be achieved without ethical judgement which questions social norms. In particular, the poem questions the validity of fundamentalism – the belief in religious, scientific and moral absolutes. This is a key issue in contemporary research into the effect of religion on politics. It also draws on contemporary psychological theory, especially the concept of narcissism. The sociological basis of the work is in drawing parallels between eastern and western ethical issues, stressing similarity by inference. The imagery on which the poem is based selects objects such a single ‘stone’ that take on symbolic connotations common to both Australian and Chinese readers. This is innovative, since very little creative writing has been dome to address commonalities between Australian and Chinese ethical thinking, especially by adopting Chinese motifs.