999 resultados para relational space


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This paper draws on David Harvey’s theories of absolute and relational space in order to critique geographically bound school choices of the gentrified middle-class in the City of Melbourne, Australia. The paper relies on interviews with inner-city school choosers as generated by a longitudinal ethnographic school choice study. I argue that the participants construct their class-identity in relation to their geographical (or residential) positioning and this influences their schooling choices. In the light of this argument, I theorise geo-identity in thinking about how geographies inform and instruct identity and choice. This paper contributes by offering a focused analysis of Harvey’s spatial theories and class-identity in processes of choice.


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O objetivo desse trabalho é compreender a ação humana nos jogos esportivos coletivos. Os jogos em questão são aqueles que são disputados em interações conduzidas pelos jogadores em ações simultâneas mutuamente referidas que envolvem o corpo em um mesmo ambiente ? geralmente esportes com bola, como o futebol, o basquetebol e o voleibol, entre outros. A perspectiva adotada nos conduziu no sentido de compreender a ação no curso da experiência de jogar, uma experiência comumente retratada por praticantes como uma experiência desafiadora, excitante, arrebatadora e autêntica. A realização da ação adequada à lógica dos eventos no sentido de propiciar o alcance das metas e objetivos propostos pelo jogo aos jogadores e à sua equipe, com uma organização e sentido de desafio, conduz e ordena todo o curso da experiência competitiva até o fim da partida ocasionando aquela experiência. Como isso é possível? Para tentar entender como ação e experiência se articulam em uma vivência singular, distinta das demais, na prática dos esportes coletivos, devemos compreender toda a ordem presente na própria constituição do desafio que caracteriza todo o jogo ? uma ordem prática que confere ao ser um impulso contínuo e arrebatador à ação. O jogo, desse modo, é apresentado aqui como um mundo a que corresponde toda uma ordem de existência. Esse mundo, em relação ao qual um modo agonistico de ser se alinha, é ordenado por um conjunto de regras que determina a forma lógica básica da prática competitiva. No modo como foi subjetivada e incorporada pelos jogadores em suas competências, essa forma ordena as interações permitindo que uma dinâmica competitiva real se desdobre fluentemente entre eles numa mesma corrente simultânea e sequencial de eventos que envolvem a todos, sendo vivenciada por cada um no mesmo tempo e no mesmo espaço de uma experiência competitiva nossa. Essa forma se apresenta como ordem de uma mesma realidade contínua, presente tanto numa dimensão predominante espacial e corporal da experiência, envolvendo objetos físicos, no tempo imediato; quanto numa dimensão predominantemente temporal, onde se situa um espaço relacional no qual segue se definindo quem está melhor ou pior e, ao final, o vencedor e o perdedor da partida. Nesse mundo dos jogos agonísticos, ambas as dimensões se mantêm articuladas por mecanismos de definição, acumulação e objetivação numérica dos eventos (como o placar) que são programados para funcionar de acordo com um princípio integrador de justiça, baseados em critérios de excelência e competitividade ? mecanismos cujas operações bem inter-relacionadas devem definir o melhor a cada partida, conferindo à realidade vivenciável nesse mundo um sentido de unidade e completude próprias de uma experiência singular.


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O objetivo desta tese é, por um lado, abordar a relação entre o corpo e a linguagem a partir das perspectivas da poesia, do teatro e da performance. Por outro lado, propomos que a compreensão de tal campo relacional pode esclarecer pontos em comum entre essas diferentes artes, trazendo uma nova percepção do fenômeno poético. Para tal, fez-se necessário operar um desvio com relação à concepção moderna que entende o corpo enquanto substância material extensa e a linguagem como algo associado à substância subjetiva ideal do pensamento. Pelo contrário, procuramos trabalhar com a hipótese de que corpo e linguagem se encontram em estado de relação senão necessária ao menos constante, valendo-nos da ideia do corpo-em-vida, e da linguagem enquanto ação e enquanto discurso. A análise opera um recorte contemporâneo entre obras que vão das poetas Angélica Freitas e Marília Garcia até a da atriz e encenadora Cristina Flores, e da performer norte-americana Laurie Anderson. A escrita da tese nos levou a uma combinação entre aspectos formais do ensaio e do drama, numa costura de múltiplas vozes, de modo a concretizar o entrelaçamento entre as ideias vividas ao longo da pesquisa e a experiência física da produção do texto


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To better understand the nature of temporary spatial clusters (TSC’s) in industrial marketing settings, this conceptual paper first provides a theoretical synthesis of spatial understanding from the industrial marketing (IM) and economic geography (EG) fields, focusing particularly on Doreen Massey’s work on relational space. This leads to a conceptual schema for organizing the IM literature in terms of spatiality, and which also helps clarify the ontological nature of TSCs. We then move to introduce the notion of institutional boundary-work, drawing on the work of Thomas Gieryn, and Andrea Brighenti’s examination of territorology, to conceptualize the activities of market actors engaged in the ongoing social accomplishment of TSCs. Such activities, we suggest, involve these actors ‘marching’ boundaries to assume network influence and maintain market order in IM settings. In summary, therefore, our paper addresses two fundamental questions: i) How do we conceptualize the form of TSCs in IM settings? And, ii) what function(s) are TSCs performing (and how is this being undertaken) in IM? The paper closes by providing methodological guidance for how a research agenda on TSCs within IM activity might be developed, followed by a summary of the managerial implications that emerge from our theorizations.


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Cette recherche s’intéresse au soutien à domicile des personnes âgées dites « en perte d’autonomie » dans un contexte où, d’une part, les inégalités socioéconomiques parmi ce groupe sont marquées et, d’autre part, les services à domicile tendent vers une standardisation et une marchandisation. L’autonomie a été mobilisée comme concept pour mieux appréhender les conditions de vie et les rapports sociaux qui nuisent ou contribuent au bien-être des aînés à domicile, de leur propre point de vue et de celui des auxiliaires familiaux et sociaux qui interviennent auprès d’eux. Ce groupe d’acteurs est généralement évoqué dans la littérature comme ayant une vision sociale et globale des personnes qu’ils visitent, de par leur proximité et intrusion dans l’espace de vie de ces dernières. Le discours dominant par rapport au bien-être des personnes âgées (bien-vieillir ou, en anglais, successful aging) dans la littérature en gérontologie ou dans les documents institutionnels s’articule autour d’une conception fonctionnelle de l’autonomie, au détriment des dimensions plus sociales et relationnelles. Cette recherche a ainsi cherché à investir une perspective sociorelationnelle de l’autonomie, qui se retrouve en sciences sociales chez des auteurs tels que Druhle, Sen, McAll, Honneth, Guillemard et Castoriadis. Ce cadre conceptuel au cœur duquel se trouvent notamment les notions de reconnaissance et de rapports sociaux inégalitaires a servi de porte d’entrée pour analyser 10 entrevues semi-dirigées avec des auxiliaires familiaux et sociaux (qui ont évoqué, chacun, la situation des trois dernières personnes visitées, pour un total de 30 exemples de cas) et 14 entrevues semi-dirigées avec des personnes âgées recevant des services à domicile. Au croisement de ces regards, les résultats de cette recherche suggèrent que les conditions de vie matérielles et relationnelles ont un impact déterminant sur la possibilité pour les aînés de « se sentir vivants » et que pour les personnes les plus défavorisées et/ou isolées, le soutien à domicile se traduit le plus souvent en une situation de « confinement », de « maintien » à domicile. Par rapport à la relation avec les auxiliaires, il apparaît que l’amélioration du bien-être des aînés recevant de l’aide à domicile passe, entre autres, par la création d’un espace relationnel autonome dans lequel la personne existe non seulement comme « corps », mais également comme « esprit ». Par-delà des services offerts, c’est ce type d’interaction (attentif et respectueux des habitudes, intentions et projets qui ont rempli la vie des personnes aidées) qui retient le plus leur attention et mobilise l’essentiel de leur discours sur le soutien à domicile. Il semble également que ce soit parfois en se faisant marginal dans la vie des gens et en créant simplement des espaces favorables à une autonomie collective que le réseau de services peut avoir les impacts les plus positifs sur les personnes, de leur propre point de vue.


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Ce mémoire tente de comprendre comment l’enfant en bas âge construit son espace relationnel en lien avec l’ordinateur, en s’inspirant de la nouvelle sociologie de l’enfance qui reconnaît celui-ci comme un acteur socialement compétent ayant un pouvoir de création. Suite à une série d’entrevues, faites auprès de six jeunes enfants, il semble que ces derniers peuplent leur espace relationnel en attribuant des rôles à ceux qui les entourent (joueur, travailleur, enseignant, apprenant, etc.). Poussant un peu plus loin ma réflexion, trois dimensions se sont démarquées, venant agir comme liants des multiples trajectoires (Massey, 2005) qui coïncident et, par conséquent, forment l’espace relationnel de l’enfant: l’inconciliabilité, l’émancipation et l’affectivité. Ces trois dimensions sont à mon avis essentielles pour comprendre pleinement comment l’enfant conçoit et vit ses relations autour de l’ordinateur.


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A Humanidade anda cansada, esgotado. Um cansaço que é a soma do fardo de cada um e também parte do fardo de outros. E a Humanidade busca explicações para este cansaço. E quer aliviá-lo. E quer minimizá-lo. Mas busca muito mais que isso. Trata-se, enfim, de buscar não o remédio mas o sentido da própria existência, as respostas adedentro, ou seja, bem no interior do ser humano. O presente trabalho pretende ser uma reflexão – compreender para agir - sobre a busca da dimensão da espiritualidade como possível resposta na prevenção de quadros de stress e burnout. Quem trabalho na área da assistência e na relação de ajuda contínua com pessoas em situação de extrema fragilidade sabe que se não houver um cuidado na reposição de energias, com muita facilidade a pessoa chega a um estado de cansaço e a qualquer momento o turboadrenalina pode queimar. No âmbito da gestão de unidades sociais e bem-estar, cuidar dos cuidadores é a maior e mais nobre missão de qualquer Instituição. Pois, que serviços seriam vivenciados sem as pessoas que formam o corpo e, por isso, a vida de uma Instituição? O caminho da nossa reflexão é orientado para a Comunidade Vida e Paz, como espaço relacional que quer e procura ser um espaço de renovação de vidas – das pessoas sem abrigo – onde, amparadas por um conjunto de Cuidadores, cujo olhar se orienta num trabalho de unificação da pessoa, são imbuídos por uma espiritualidade que se quer colaborante na missão de dignificar cada pessoa e devolvê-la à sua condição original. A pessoa, cada pessoa, é a soma de si, da relação com outros e da relação com o transcendente. Na missão de cuidar, pode a espiritualidade ser ausente? Desta, retiramos um sentido coerente da existência, a verdade do dom e da dádiva e, por isso, uma vida feliz.


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In a large metropolis, students from different neighbourhoods can experience very different life opportunities. This can influence their attitude towards schooling and learning, including the learning of mathematics. We interviewed a group of six students from a favela in a large city in the interior of the state of São Paulo in Brazil. We invited the students to look into their future and explore whether or not there could be learning motives that linked mathematics in school to possible out-of-school practices, either in terms of possible future jobs or further studies. We identified some themes in the students' descriptions of their experiences. The first theme is discrimination. The students feel discriminated against due to the fact that they come from a poor neighbourhood. They fear being trapped in some stereotypes. The second theme is escape. There is a strong motivation to begin a new life away from the favela. A third theme concerns the obscurity of mathematics. It seems clear to everybody that education is relevant to ensure a change in life. However, the mathematics lessons do not provide any clues regarding how mathematics might function is this respect. The fourth theme is uncertainty with respect to the future. The students could easily formulate almost unattainable aspirations, while reality might impose some very heavy limitations. In this article we introduce a theoretical framework for discussing the relation between favela students' life conditions in relation to their educational experiences and opportunities. Students' intentions for learning are related to their foregrounds, that is, how they perceive their future possibilities, as made evident to them by their social environment. Students in a favela could experience what we call a borderland position, a relational space where individuals meet their social environment and come to terms with the multiple choices that cultural and economic diversity make available to them.


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Policy brokers and policy entrepreneurs are assumed to have a decisive impact on policy outcomes. Their access to social and political resources is contingent on their influence on other agents. In social network analysis (SNA), entrepreneurs are often closely associated with brokers, because both are agents presumed to benefit from bridging structural holes; for example, gaining advantage through occupying a strategic position in relational space. Our aim here is twofold. First, to conceptually and operationally differentiate policy brokers from policy entrepreneurs premised on assumptions in the policy-process literature; and second, via SNA, to use the output of core algorithms in a cross-sectional analysis of political brokerage and political entrepreneurship. We attempt to simplify the use of graph algebra in answering questions relevant to policy analysis by placing each algorithm within its theoretical context. In the methodology employed, we first identify actors and graph their relations of influence within a specific policy event; then we select the most central actors; and compare their rank in a series of statistics that capture different aspects of their network advantage. We examine betweenness centrality, positive and negative Bonacich power, Burt’s effective size and constraint and honest brokerage as paradigmatic. We employ two case studies to demonstrate the advantages and limitations of each algorithm for differentiating between brokers and entrepreneurs: one on Swiss climate policy and one on EU competition and transport policy.


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This paper addresses the construction and structuring of a technological niche – i.e. a protected space where promising but still underperforming technologies are stabilized and articulated with societal needs – and discusses the processes that influence niche development and may enable niche breakout. In theoretical terms the paper is grounded on the multi-level approach to sustainability transitions, and particularly on the niche literature. But it also attempts to address the limitations of this literature in what concerns the spatial dimension of niche development. It is argued that technological niches can transcend the narrow territorial boundaries to which they are often confined, and encompass communities and actions that span several spatial levels, without losing some territorial embeddedness. It is further proposed that these features shape the niche trajectory and, therefore, need to be explicitly considered by the niche theoretical framework. To address this problem the paper builds on and extends the socio-cognitive perspective to technology development, introducing a further dimension – space – which broadens the concept of technological niche and permits to better capture the complexity of niche behaviour. This extended framework is applied to the case of an emerging renewable energy technology – wave energy - which exhibits a particularly slow and non-linear development trajectory. The empirical analysis starts by examining how an “overall niche space” in wave energy was spatially constructed over time. Then it investigates in greater detail the niche development processes that took place in Portugal, a country that was among the pioneers in the field, and whose actors have been, from very early stages, engaged in the activities conducted at various spatial levels. Through this combined analysis, the paper seeks to understand whether and how niche development is shaped by processes taking place at different spatial levels. More specifically it investigates the interplay between territorial and relational elements in niche development, and how these different dynamics influence the performance of the niche processes and impact on the overall niche trajectory. The results confirm the niche multi-spatial dynamics, showing that it is shaped by the interplay between a niche relational space constructed by actors’ actions and interactions on/across levels, and the territorial effects introduced by these actors’ embeddedness in particular geographical and institutional settings. They contribute to a more precise understanding of the processes that can accelerate or slow down the trajectory of a technological niche. In addition, the results shed some light into the niche activities conducted in/originating from a specific territorial setting - Portugal - offering some insights into the behaviour of key actors and its implications for the positioning of the country in the emerging field, which can be relevant for the formulation of strategies and policies for this area.


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Rezension von: Norm Friesen: The Place of the Classroom and the Space of the Screen, Relational Pedagogy and Internet Technology, New York, Bern etc.: Lang 2011 (183 S.; ISBN 978-1-4331-0959-1)


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Place matters to literacy because the meanings of our language and actions are always materially and socially placed in the world (Scollon & Scollon, 2003). We cannot interpret signs, whether an icon, symbol, gesture, word, or action, without taking into account their associations with other meanings and objects in places. This chapter maps an emergent strand of literacy research that foregrounds place and space as constitutive, rather than a backdrop for the real action. Space and place are seen as relational and dynamic, not as fixed and unchanging. Space and place are socially produced, and hence, can be contested, re-imagined and re-made. In bringing space and place into the frame of literacy studies we see a subtle shift – a rebalancing of the semiotic with the materiality of lived, embodied, and situated experience. ...


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This study assesses gender differences in spatial and non-spatial relational learning and memory in adult humans behaving freely in a real-world, open-field environment. In Experiment 1, we tested the use of proximal landmarks as conditional cues allowing subjects to predict the location of rewards hidden in one of two sets of three distinct locations. Subjects were tested in two different conditions: (1) when local visual cues marked the potentially-rewarded locations, and (2) when no local visual cues marked the potentially-rewarded locations. We found that only 17 of 20 adults (8 males, 9 females) used the proximal landmarks to predict the locations of the rewards. Although females exhibited higher exploratory behavior at the beginning of testing, males and females discriminated the potentially-rewarded locations similarly when local visual cues were present. Interestingly, when the spatial and local information conflicted in predicting the reward locations, males considered both spatial and local information, whereas females ignored the spatial information. However, in the absence of local visual cues females discriminated the potentially-rewarded locations as well as males. In Experiment 2, subjects (9 males, 9 females) were tested with three asymmetrically-arranged rewarded locations, which were marked by local cues on alternate trials. Again, females discriminated the rewarded locations as well as males in the presence or absence of local cues. In sum, although particular aspects of task performance might differ between genders, we found no evidence that women have poorer allocentric spatial relational learning and memory abilities than men in a real-world, open-field environment.


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This is a current story of ethical space in education that is often neglected in the design of educational experiences for Aboriginal students. This story is told through an Aboriginal lens rooted in the structured Two Row Wampum Belt relational agreement between Aboriginal peoples and Settlers. Through ethnographic narrative based on an extensive literature review, individual in-depth interviews, and a personal journal, this study documents the processes of acceptance, silence, complications, and then rejection to position Aboriginal Elders as inclusive bodies of knowledge in publicly funded secondary school classrooms. Aboriginal Elders are valued as Knowledge Holders, as Aboriginal teachers, guides, and mentors. Yet, the complexities of colonial rights, politics, and policies continue to intrude deeply into the lives of Aboriginal peoples to cause silence, confusion, and struggle rather than an evolution of new knowledge amongst two co-existing solitudes under the original terms of the Two Row Wampum Belt. The study was delayed and then came to an end when the school boards and local schools scrutinized its operating policies and unresolved funding issues. This study demonstrated that despite the Two Row Wampum Belt agreement that promised a co- existent relationship between Aboriginal peoples and Settlers, the strategy of inviting Aboriginal Elders to work alongside teachers in the classroom was viewed as being in conflict with the Settler’s institutional/educational objectivities, and, as such, was denied to Aboriginal students.