920 resultados para reflection holograms


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A novel setup for imaging and interferometry through reflection holography with Bi12TiPO20(BTO) sillenite photorefractive crystals is proposed. A variation of the lensless Denisiuk arrangement was developed resulting in a compact, robust and simple interferometer. A red He-Ne laser was used as light source and the holographic recording occurred by diffusion with the grating vector parallel to the crystal [0 0 1]-axis. In order to enhance the holographic image quality and reduce noise a polarizing beam splitter (PBS) was positioned at the BTO input and the crystal was tilted around the [0 0 1]-axis. This enabled the orthogonally polarized transmission and diffracted beams to be separated by the PBS, providing the holographic image only. The possibility of performing deformation and strain analysis as well as vibration measurement of small objects was demonstrated. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We present first results on a method enabling mechanical scanning-free tomography with submicrometer axial resolution by multiple-wavelength digital holographic microscopy. By sequentially acquiring reflection holograms and summing 20 wavefronts equally spaced in spatial frequency in the 485-670 nm range, we are able to achieve a slice-by-slice tomographic reconstruction with a 0.6-1 mum axial resolution in a biological medium. The method is applied to erythrocytes investigation to retrieve the cellular membrane profile in three dimensions.


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A novel setup for imaging and interferometry through reflection holography with Bi12TiPO20(BTO) sillenite photorefractive crystals is proposed. A variation of the lensless Denisiuk arrangement was developed resulting in a compact, robust and simple interferometer. A red He-Ne laser was used as light source and the holographic recording occurred by diffusion with the grating vector parallel to the crystal [0 0 1]-axis. In order to enhance the holographic image quality and reduce noise a polarizing beam splitter (PBS) was positioned at the BTO input and the crystal was tilted around the [0 0 1]-axis. This enabled the orthogonally polarized transmission and diffracted beams to be separated by the PBS, providing the holographic image only. The possibility of performing deformation and strain analysis as well as vibration measurement of small objects was demonstrated. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This thesis has discussed the development of a new metal ion doped panchromatic photopolymer for various holographic applications. High-quality panchromatic holographic recording material with high diffraction efficiency, high photosensitivity and high spatial resolution is one of the key factors for the successful recording of true colour holograms. The capability of the developed material for multicolour holography can be investigated.In the present work, multiplexing studies were carried out using He-Ne laser (632.8 nm). Multiplexing can be done using low wavelength lasers like Ar+ ion (488 nm) and frequency doubled Nd: YAG (532 nm) lasers, so as to increase the storage capacity. The photopolymer film studied had a thickness of only 130 Cm. Films with high thickness (~500 Cm) is highly essential for competitive holographic memories . Hence films with high thickness can be fabricated and efforts can be made to record more holograms or gratings in the material.In the present study, attempts were made to record data page in silver doped MBPVA/AA photopolymer film. Image of a checkerboard pattern was recorded in the film, which could be reconstructed with good image fidelity. Efforts can be made to determine the bit error rate (BER) which provides a quantitative measure of the image quality of the reconstructed image . Multiple holographic data pages can also be recorded in the material making use of different multiplexing techniques.Holographic optical elements (HOEs) are widely used in optical sensors, optical information processing, fibre optics, optical scanners and solar concentrators . The suitability of the developed film for recording holographic optical elements like lenses, beam splitters and filters can be studied.The suitability of a reflection hologram recorded in acrylamide based photopolymer for visual indication of environmental humidity is reported . Studies can be done to optimize the film composition for recording of reflection holograms.An improvement in the spatial resolution of PVA/acrylamide based photopolymer by using a low molecular-weight poly (vinyl alcohol) binder was recently reported . Effect of the molecular weight of the binder matrix on the holographic properties of the developed photopolymer system can be investigated.Incorporation of nanoparticles into photopolymer system is reported to enhance the resolution and improve the dimensional stability of the system . Hence efforts can be made to incorporate silver nanoparticles into the photopolymer and its influence on the holographic properties can be studied.This thesis was a small venture towards the realization of a big goal, a competent holographic recording material with excellent properties for practical holographic applications. As a result of the present research, we could successfully develop an efficient panchromatic photopolymer system and could demonstrate its suitability for recording transmission holograms and holographic data page. The developed photopolymer system is expected to have significant applications in the fields of true-color display holography, wavelength multiplexing holographic storage, and holographic optical elements. Highly concentrated and determined effort has yet to be put forth for this expectation to become a reality.


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In this work we prensent an analysis of non-slanted reflection gratings by using exact solution of the second order differential equation derived from Maxwell equations, in terms of Mathieu functions. The results obtained by using this method will be compared to those obtained by using the well known Kogelnik's Coupled Wave Theory which predicts with great accuracy the response of the efficieny of the zero and first order for volume phase gratings, for both reflection and transmission gratings.


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The scope of this paper is to reflect on the theoretical construction in the constitution of the sociology of health, still called medical sociology in some countries. Two main ideas constitute the basis for this: interdisciplinarity and the degree of articulation in the fields of medicine and sociology. We sought to establish a dialogue with some dimensions - macro/micro, structure/action - that constitute the basis for understanding medicine/health in relation to the social/sociological dimension. The main aspects of these dimensions are initially presented. Straus' two medical sociologies and the theory/application impasses are then addressed, as well as the dilemmas of the sociology of medicine in the 1960s and 1970s. From these analyses the theoretical production before 1970 is placed as a counterpoint. Lastly, the sociology of health is seen in the general context of sociology, which underwent a fragmentation process from 1970 with effects in all subfields of the social sciences. This process involves a rethinking of the theoretical issues in a broadened spectrum of possibilities. The 1980s are highlighted when theoretical issues in the sociology of health are reinvigorated and the issue of interdisciplinarity is once again addressed.


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The article discusses the possibility of applying Kuhn's concept of paradigm to collective health. The concept and its use in epidemiology, planning and the social sciences are reviewed briefly. The study stresses the multi-paradigmatic character of collective health, resulting from the convergence of multiple epistemologies and the involvement of diverse fields such as the biological sciences, philosophy, the social sciences and humanities.


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We construct an invisible quantum barrier which represents the phenomenon of quantum reflection using available data on atom-wall and Bose-Einstein-condensate-wall reflection. We use the Abel equation to invert the data. The resulting invisible quantum barrier is double valued in both axes. We study this invisible barrier in the case of atom and Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) reflection from a solid silicon surface. A time-dependent, one-spatial-dimension Gross-Pitaevskii equation is solved for the BEC case. We found that the BEC behaves very similarly to the single atom except for size effects, which manifest themselves in a maximum in the reflectivity at small distances from the wall. The effect of the atom-atom interaction on the BEC reflection and correspondingly on the invisible barrier is found to be appreciable at low velocities and comparable to the finite-size effect. The trapping of an ultracold atom or BEC between two walls is discussed.


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Real-time viscosity measurement remains a necessity for highly automated industry. To resolve this problem, many studies have been carried out using an ultrasonic shear wave reflectance method. This method is based on the determination of the complex reflection coefficient`s magnitude and phase at the solid-liquid interface. Although magnitude is a stable quantity and its measurement is relatively simple and precise, phase measurement is a difficult task because of strong temperature dependence. A simplified method that uses only the magnitude of the reflection coefficient and that is valid under the Newtonian regimen has been proposed by some authors, but the obtained viscosity values do not match conventional viscometry measurements. In this work, a mode conversion measurement cell was used to measure glycerin viscosity as a function of temperature (15 to 25 degrees C) and corn syrup-water mixtures as a function of concentration (70 to 100 wt% of corn syrup). Tests were carried out at 1 MHz. A novel signal processing technique that calculates the reflection coefficient magnitude in a frequency band, instead of a single frequency, was studied. The effects of the bandwidth on magnitude and viscosity were analyzed and the results were compared with the values predicted by the Newtonian liquid model. The frequency band technique improved the magnitude results. The obtained viscosity values came close to those measured by the rotational viscometer with percentage errors up to 14%, whereas errors up to 96% were found for the single frequency method.


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This work presents the implementation of the ultrasonic shear reflectance method for viscosity measurement of Newtonian liquids using wave mode conversion from longitudinal to shear waves and vice versa. The method is based on the measurement of the complex reflection coefficient (magnitude and phase) at a solid-liquid interface. The implemented measurement cell is composed of an ultrasonic transducer, a water buffer, an aluminum prism, a PMMA buffer rod, and a sample chamber. Viscosity measurements were made in the range from 1 to 3.5 MHz for olive oil and for automotive oils (SAE 40, 90, and 250) at 15 and 22.5 degrees C, respectively. Moreover, olive oil and corn oil measurements were conducted in the range from 15 to 30 degrees C at 3.5 and 2.25 MHz, respectively. The ultrasonic measurements, in the case of the less viscous liquids, agree with the results provided by a rotational viscometer, showing Newtonian behavior. In the case of the more viscous liquids, a significant difference was obtained, showing a clear non-Newtonian behavior that cannot be described by the Kelvin-Voigt model.


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In this work total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry has been employed to determine trace element concentrations in different human breast tissues (normal, normal adjacent, benign and malignant). A multivariate discriminant analysis of observed levels was performed in order to build a predictive model and perform tissue-type classifications. A total of 83 breast tissue samples were studied. Results showed the presence of Ca, Ti, Fe, Cu and Zn in all analyzed samples. All trace elements, except Ti, were found in higher concentrations in both malignant and benign tissues, when compared to normal tissues and normal adjacent tissues. In addition, the concentration of Fe was higher in malignant tissues than in benign neoplastic tissues. An opposite behavior was observed for Ca, Cu and Zn. Results have shown that discriminant analysis was able to successfully identify differences between trace element distributions from normal and malignant tissues with an overall accuracy of 80% and 65% for independent and paired breast samples respectively, and of 87% for benign and malignant tissues. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We clarify the extra signs appearing in the graded quantum Yang-Baxter reflection equations, when they are written in a matrix form. We find the boundary K-matrix for the Perk-Schultz six-vertex model, thus give a general solution to the graded reflection equation associated with it.


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We obtain a class of non-diagonal solutions of the reflection equation for the trigonometric A(n-1)((1)) vertex model. The solutions can be expressed in terms of intertwinner matrix and its inverse, which intertwine two trigonometric R-matrices. In addition to a discrete (positive integer) parameter l, 1 less than or equal to l less than or equal to n, the solution contains n + 2 continuous boundary parameters.


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Aim: To identify how the methodology of Reflection Groups (RG) can contribute to approach social-psychological problems, so often observed as obstacles in PE efforts. The objective was also to verify the contributions from RG to the implementation of ergonomics recommendations, which were a starting point and organized group discussions. Method: A concrete case was used as an illustration, and studied in depth: RG with administration and production workers` representatives from the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics of a cardiologic hospital in Sao Paulo, Brazil. RG are temporary thinking groups, taking place outside the workplace and having delegative and consultive participation. They make use of Operative Groups, an adapted form of tripartite group, activity as an instrumental resource, group dynamic techniques and videotaping. In 2007, 31 meetings took place during paid working hours with 7 groups of different composition, ranging from 1.5 h to 3 h. Results: Additionally to the positive effects in communication and psychosocial environment, RG could also contribute to changes in interpersonal relationships, cooperation, personal and work behaviours. By dealing with aspects which could hinder the explicit task: fears, conflicts, and stereotyped beliefs and behaviours; resistance to change could be broken and group members could learn. RG allowed input about new risks; continuous information and feedback about ongoing ergonomics interventions so that immediate corrective action could be taken. The main form of participation was in administrative, organizational, and psychosocial problems which required a better clarification and identification of their real causes, commitment, and elaboration of strategies and negotiation of different stakeholders in their solution. Conclusion: RG takes advantage of homogeneous and heterogeneous groups, in face to face communication. The interactions in the groups are task-oriented (explicit task) but attaining groups` goals depends on a relational interaction (implicit task). Relevance to industry: Reflection groups can bring important contributions to ergonomics and industry because they favour the discussion, disclosure of problems and incorporation of solutions, enabling interventions in working organization, psychosocial environment and relationships in a collective and participatory approach, promoting health and social integration. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.