994 resultados para reflected radiation


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The global radiation incident on a tilted surfaces consists of components direct, diffuse and reflected from the ground. On a hourly database, the direct radiation can be calculated by geometric projections (ratio of the incidence angle to the solar zenith angle). The reflected radiation has a small effect on calculations and may be calculated with an isotropic model. Both components presents dependence of measures in incidence or horizontal surface. The great difficulty is to evaluate the diffuse radiation by variations of circumsolar, brightness horizontal, isotropic and anisotropic subcomponents. This study evaluated twenty models to estimate hourly diffuse radiation incident on tilted surfaces at 12.85° (latitude - 10°), 22.85° (latitude) and 32.85° (latitude + 10°) facing to North, under different cloudiness sky conditions, in Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil (22°53' S, 48°26' W and 786 m above the mean sea level). In contrast, models for estimating the diffuse component show major differences, which justify the validation for local calibrations. There is a decrease of the maximum total radiation scattered with increasing atmospheric transmissivity and inclination angle. The best results are obtained by anisotropic models: Ma and Iqbal, Hay, Reindl et al. and Willmott; isotropic: Badescu and Koronakis, and the Circumsolar model. The increase of the inclination angle allows for a reduction in the performance of statistical parametric models for estimating the hourly diffuse radiation.


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The potential of near infra-red (NIR) spectroscopy for non-invasive measurement of fruit quality of pineapple (Ananas comosus var. Smooth Cayenne) and mango (Magnifera indica var. Kensington) fruit was assessed. A remote reflectance fibre optic probe, placed in contact with the fruit skin surface in a light-proof box, was used to deliver monochromatic light to the fruit, and to collect NIR reflectance spectra (760–2500 nm). The probe illuminated and collected reflected radiation from an area of about 16 cm2. The NIR spectral attributes were correlated with pineapple juice Brix and with mango flesh dry matter (DM) measured from fruit flesh directly underlying the scanned area. The highest correlations for both fruit were found using the second derivative of the spectra (d2 log 1/R) and an additive calibration equation. Multiple linear regression (MLR) on pineapple fruit spectra (n = 85) gave a calibration equation using d2 log 1/R at wavelengths of 866, 760, 1232 and 832 nm with a multiple coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.75, and a standard error of calibration (SEC) of 1.21 °Brix. Modified partial least squares (MPLS) regression analysis yielded a calibration equation with R2 = 0.91, SEC = 0.69, and a standard error of cross validation (SECV) of 1.09 oBrix. For mango, MLR gave a calibration equation using d2 log 1/R at 904, 872, 1660 and 1516 nm with R2 = 0.90, and SEC = 0.85% DM and a bias of 0.39. Using MPLS analysis, a calibration equation with R2 = 0.98, SEC = 0.54 and SECV = 1.19 was obtained. We conclude that NIR technology offers the potential to assess fruit sweetness in intact whole pineapple and DM in mango fruit, respectively, to within 1° Brix and 1% DM, and could be used for the grading of fruit in fruit packing sheds.


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Reflecting light from a mirror moving close to the speed of light has been envisioned as a route towards producing bright X-ray pulses since Einstein's seminal work on special relativity. For an ideal relativistic mirror, the peak power of the reflected radiation can substantially exceed that of the incident radiation due to the increase in photon energy and accompanying temporal compression. Here we demonstrate for the first time that dense relativistic electron mirrors can be created from the interaction of a high-intensity laser pulse with a freestanding, nanometre-scale thin foil. The mirror structures are shown to shift the frequency of a counter-propagating laser pulse coherently from the infrared to the extreme ultraviolet with an efficiency >10 4 times higher than in the case of incoherent scattering. Our results elucidate the reflection process of laser-generated electron mirrors and give clear guidance for future developments of a relativistic mirror structure. 


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Dissertação de mestrado, Qualidade em Análises, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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Techniques for modelling urban microclimates and urban block surfaces temperatures are desired by urban planners and architects for strategic urban designs at the early design stages. This paper introduces a simplified mathematical model for urban simulations (UMsim) including urban surfaces temperatures and microclimates. The nodal network model has been developed by integrating coupled thermal and airflow model. Direct solar radiation, diffuse radiation, reflected radiation, long-wave radiation, heat convection in air and heat transfer in the exterior walls and ground within the complex have been taken into account. The relevant equations have been solved using the finite difference method under the Matlab platform. Comparisons have been conducted between the data produced from the simulation and that from an urban experimental study carried out in a real architectural complex on the campus of Chongqing University, China in July 2005 and January 2006. The results show a satisfactory agreement between the two sets of data. The UMsim can be used to simulate the microclimates, in particular the surface temperatures of urban blocks, therefore it can be used to assess the impact of urban surfaces properties on urban microclimates. The UMsim will be able to produce robust data and images of urban environments for sustainable urban design.


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The aim of this study is to evaluate the variation of solar radiation data between different data sources that will be free and available at the Solar Energy Research Center (SERC). The comparison between data sources will be carried out for two locations: Stockholm, Sweden and Athens, Greece. For the desired locations, data is gathered for different tilt angles: 0°, 30°, 45°, 60° facing south. The full dataset is available in two excel files: “Stockholm annual irradiation” and “Athens annual irradiation”. The World Radiation Data Center (WRDC) is defined as a reference for the comparison with other dtaasets, because it has the highest time span recorded for Stockholm (1964–2010) and Athens (1964–1986), in form of average monthly irradiation, expressed in kWh/m2. The indicator defined for the data comparison is the estimated standard deviation. The mean biased error (MBE) and the root mean square error (RMSE) were also used as statistical indicators for the horizontal solar irradiation data. The variation in solar irradiation data is categorized in two categories: natural or inter-annual variability, due to different data sources and lastly due to different calculation models. The inter-annual variation for Stockholm is 140.4kWh/m2 or 14.4% and 124.3kWh/m2 or 8.0% for Athens. The estimated deviation for horizontal solar irradiation is 3.7% for Stockholm and 4.4% Athens. This estimated deviation is respectively equal to 4.5% and 3.6% for Stockholm and Athens at 30° tilt, 5.2% and 4.5% at 45° tilt, 5.9% and 7.0% at 60°. NASA’s SSE, SAM and RETScreen (respectively Satel-light) exhibited the highest deviation from WRDC’s data for Stockholm (respectively Athens). The essential source for variation is notably the difference in horizontal solar irradiation. The variation increases by 1-2% per degree of tilt, using different calculation models, as used in PVSYST and Meteonorm. The location and altitude of the data source did not directly influence the variation with the WRDC data. Further examination is suggested in order to improve the methodology of selecting the location; Examining the functional dependence of ground reflected radiation with ambient temperature; variation of ambient temperature and its impact on different solar energy systems; Im pact of variation in solar irradiation and ambient temperature on system output.


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Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, determinar os balanços de radiação e energia da cultura de alface (Lactuca sativa, L. cv. Verônica) em estufa de polietileno. O experimento foi realizado em uma estufa tipo túnel alto com cobertura de polietileno (100 mim de espessura) e em uma área externa, ambas com 35 m². Durante o ciclo da cultura, foram monitoradas as radiações global e refletida, saldo de radiação, fluxo de calor no solo e temperatura do ar (seca e úmida) nos dois meios. Utilizou-se um Datalogger que operou na freqüência de 1 Hz, armazenando médias de cinco minutos. A partir das integrações diárias das irradiâncias global (K¯) e refletida (K­), verificou-se que a transmissividade média da radiação global (K¯in / K¯ex) foi aproximadamente constante, em torno de 79,59%, enquanto a razão das radiações refletidas (K­in / K­ex) foi igual a 69,21% com coeficiente de variação de 8,47%. As curvas normalizadas do saldo de radiação de ondas curtas em relação à radiação global (K* / K¯), nos dois meios, mostraram ser aproximadamente constantes no início do ciclo e decrescentes no final. A relação (Rn/ K¯) foi maior no meio externo, em torno de 12%, a partir da fase em que a superfície verde da cultura cobriu o solo. O balanço médio (L*) de radiação de ondas longas foi maior no exterior, em torno de 50%. O balanço de energia, estimado em termos de fluxos verticais, mostrou, em média, que: no exterior, 83,07% do saldo de radiação foi convertido em calor latente (LE), 18,00% em fluxo de calor no solo (G) e 9,96% em calor sensível (H), enquanto que, no interior da estufa, 58,71% do saldo de radiação foi convertido em LE, 42,68% em H e 28,79% em G.


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Este trabalho objetivou determinar o albedo (r) no espectro solar e estimar o saldo de radiação, em ambientes cultivados com feijão-vagem (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), em condições de campo e em casa de vegetação com cobertura de polietileno, em Botucatu, SP, (22º 54' S; 48º 27' W; 850 m). A irradiância solar global (Rg) e a radiação solar refletida (Rr) foram utilizadas na determinação do albedo através da razão entre Rr e Rg. Curvas diurnas de r foram traçadas para dias com céu parcialmente nublado e claro, em fases fenológicas da cultura. Os valores do albedo diurno, obtidos através dos totais de radiações, foram utilizados para analisar a variação desse índice durante o ciclo da cultura, nos dois ambientes. O albedo variou com a elevação solar, o ambiente e as fases fenológicas da cultura. A variação de nebulosidade praticamente não influiu sobre o albedo, para totais diurnos. As estimativas do saldo de radiação nas fases vegetativa, reprodutiva e no ciclo da cultura, foram realizadas por meio de regressões lineares simples, tendo como variáveis independentes a irradiância solar global (Rg) e o saldo de radiação de ondas curtas (Rc). Todas as estimativas de radiações apresentaram um melhor ajustamento para fases fenológicas que para o ciclo como um todo. O saldo de radiação (Rn), em condições de campo, ficou bem estimado pela irradiância solar global e o saldo de ondas curtas. O saldo de radiação interno (RnI) à casa de vegetação mostrou-se satisfatoriamente estimado pela irradiância global externa (RgE).


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An alternative box-type solar oven constructed from the scrap iron of a gas conventional cook is presented, which functions principles are the effect greenhouse and the concentration. The oven of the conventional cook is the baking enclosure where the absorber (pot) of the solar oven is located, being re-covered for a glass blade for the generation of the greenhouse effect isolated lateral and having deep its and for a composite the plaster base and EPS. Segments of plain mirrors had been placed in the laterals of the oven for the concentration of the radiation and a reflecting parabola was introduced in the baking enclosure for the exploitation of the incident reflected radiation in the interior of the oven. The oven is mobile to allow one better aiming of exactly in relation to the apparent movement of the sun. The thermal economic and of materials viabilities of the stove in study will be demonstrate The average internal temperature of the absorber was around 150°C and the internal temperature around 120°C. Will demonstrate that its low cost and good thermal performance represents basic characteristics for the viability of large use of such archetype, mainly for cooking the decreases and averages temperatures. One will reveal that the archetype in study is competitive with the box-type solar cooker conceived in the whole world


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An alternative box-type solar cooker built starting from the scrap of a tire and a scrap of old office chair is presented, which principles functions are the effect greenhouse and the concentration. The tire served as structure for making of is the baking enclosure where the absorber (roasting pan 20x30cm) of the solar is located, being re-covered for a glass blade for the generation of the greenhouse effect isolated lateral and having deep its and for a composite the plaster base and EPS. Segments of plain mirrors had been placed in the laterals of the oven/cook for the concentration of the radiation and a reflecting parable was introduced in the baking enclosure for the exploitation of the incident reflected radiation inside of the oven/cook. The oven/cook is mobile to allow one better aiming of exactly in relation to the apparent movement of the sun. The thermal economic and of materials viabilities of the stove/cook in study will be demonstrate. The average internal temperature of the absorber was around 152,3°C and the internal temperature around 110°C. Will demonstrate that toits low cost and good thermal performance, represents basic characteristics for the viability of large use of such archetype, mainly for cooking the decreases and averages temperatures. One will reveal that the archetype in study is competitive with the box-type solar cooker conceived in the whole world


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The radiation budget in agricultural crops is very important on the microclimate characterization, on the water losses determination and on dry matter accumulation of vegetation. This work describes the radiation budget determination in a green beans crop (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), in Botucatu, SP, Brazil (22° 54′S; 48° 27′W; 850 m), under two different conditions: the normal field culture and in a polyethylene greenhouse. The densities of fluxes of radiation were used to construct diurnal curves of the components of global radiation (Rg), reflected radiation (Rr), net radiation (Rn).The arithmetic's relations allowed to obtain the components net short-waves (Rc) and net long-waves (Rl). The analysis of these components related to the leaf area index (LAI) in many phenological phases of the culture showed Rg distributed in 68%, 85%, 17% and 66%, 76%, 10% to Rn, Rc and Rl in the internal and external ambients in a polyethylene greenhouse, respectively.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Para determinar la influencia del manejo del suelo sobre el microclima de la canopia se estableció un experimento en un viñedo de Cabernet Sauvignon conducido en doble cordón de pitones en espladero alto. Se aplicaron tres tratamientos: Testigo (TR)-suelo sin maleza; (CVP)-cobertura de suelo espontánea y control del desarrollo vegetativo por desbrozado y (CA)-cobertura de flora espontánea y control del desarrollo vegetativo con aplicación de herbicida de contacto desecante. Se midió la radiación fotosintéticamente activa (PAR), la composición espectral de la radiación directa y reflejada, y la temperatura a nivel de racimos en el interior de la canopia. El TR reflejó más radiación en la zona del UV y del visible. El CVP reflejó entre un 8 y 9%, el CA entre el 16 y 18% y el TR entre 18 y 19%. En la radiación reflejada, la relación rojo/rojo lejano fue mayor en CA y TR, mientras que la relación azul/rojo fue mayor en CVP. La temperatura en el interior de la canopia fue mayor en TR (30,8°C) que en CVP (26,7°C). La utilización de coberturas vegetales de raíces superficiales y permanentemente desbrozadas sería de utilidad para reducir la radiación reflejada y la temperatura de la canopia sin competir con el viñedo por agua y nutrimentos.


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El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar los efectos de las coberturas vegetales en el microclima de la planta de vid. Se compararon cinco coberturas de diferente ciclo vegetativo con respecto al manejo de suelo sin labranza mediante aplicación de herbicidas. El estudio se desarrolló en un viñedo cv. Malbec conducido en espaldera alta, situado en Agrelo, Luján de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina. Se determinaron parámetros microclimáticos, temperatura, humedad relativa y radiación a nivel de racimos, temperatura del suelo, cantidad y calidad de la radiación reflejada por la cobertura. También se midió la expresión vegetativa y de uvas y el potencial enológico. Se verificó una significativa disminución de la radiación fotosintéticamente activa (RFA) reflejada por las coberturas con una menor relación “Rojo/Rojo lejano" comparada con el suelo descubierto. Sin embargo, el efecto no se percibió dentro de la canopia debido a que las coberturas permanentes de trébol rojo (Trifolium pratensis) y agropiro alargado (Agropyron elongatum) restringieron el vigor de las cepas, disminuyendo el crecimiento de brotes y el tamaño de hojas, lo cual se tradujo en una mayor recepción directa de la RFA a nivel de racimos. No hubo una significativa variación en cuanto a temperatura máxima, mínima y amplitud térmica a nivel de racimos. No obstante ello, los tratamientos con mayor cobertura de suelo tendieron a reducir levemente la temperatura mínima a nivel de racimos. La humedad relativa en la canopia no fue significativamente afectada. El trébol rojo, el agropiro alargado, la mezcla centeno-cebadilla (Secale cereale-Bromus catharticus) y el sorgo del Sudán (Sorghum sudanensis) redujeron notablemente la amplitud térmica del suelo. El efecto fue determinado principalmente por la disminución de la temperatura máxima. Las coberturas vegetales con alguna dificultad para desarrollarse durante su ciclo vegetativo tuvieron un comportamiento intermedio o uno muy similar al de un suelo descubierto. La introducción de una cobertura permanente con buena invasión del sitio interfilar permitió modificar indirectamente las características microclimáticas de la canopia, a través del control del crecimiento vegetativo y de los rendimientos de la planta de vid, modificando el equilibrio vigor / producción del viñedo, y por lo tanto la composición de las uvas y del vino elaborado.