29 resultados para reeducation


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Background and Purpose. This descriptive cohort study investigated a physical therapy program of pelvic-floor neuromuscular electrostimulation (NMES) combined with exercises, with the aim of developing a simple, inexpensive, and conservative treatment for postpartum genuine stress incontinence (GSI). Subjects. Eight female subjects with urodynamically established GSI persisting more than 3 months after delivery participated in the study. The subjects ranged in age from 24 to 37 years (X̅=32, SD=4.2). Methods. This was a descriptive multiple-subject cohort study. Each subject received a total of nine treatment sessions during 3 consecutive weeks, consisting of two 15-minute sessions of NMES followed by a 15-minute pelvic-floor muscle exercise program. Patients also practiced daily pelvic-floor exercises during the 3-week treatment period. The treatment intervention was measured using three separate variables. Maximum muscle contractions (pretraining, during training, and posttraining) were measured indirectly as pressure, using perineometry. Urine loss pretraining and posttraining was measured by means of a Pad test. Self-reported frequency of incontinence was recorded daily throughout the period of the study, using a diary. Data were analyzed using a one-way repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA), a Wilcoxon signed-ranks test, and a Friedman two-way ANOVA by ranks. Results. The results indicated that maximum pressure generated by pelvic-floor contractions was greater and both the quantity of urine loss and the frequency of incontinence were lower following the implementation of the physical therapy program. Five subjects became continent, and three others improved. A follow-up survey 1 year later confirmed the consistency of these results. Conclusion and Discussion. The results suggest that the proposed physical therapy program may influence postpartum GSI. Further studies are needed to validate this simple, inexpensive, and conservative physical therapy protocol.


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Background and Purpose. This descriptive cohort study investigated a physical therapy program of pelvic-floor neuromuscular electrostimulation (NMES) combined with exercises, with the aim of developing a simple, inexpensive, and conservative treatment for postpartum genuine stress incontinence (GSI). Subjects. Eight female subjects with urodynamically established GSI persisting more than 3 months after delivery participated in the study. The subjects ranged in age from 24 to 37 years (X̅=32, SD=4.2). Methods. This was a descriptive multiple-subject cohort study. Each subject received a total of nine treatment sessions during 3 consecutive weeks, consisting of two 15-minute sessions of NMES followed by a 15-minute pelvic-floor muscle exercise program. Patients also practiced daily pelvic-floor exercises during the 3-week treatment period. The treatment intervention was measured using three separate variables. Maximum muscle contractions (pretraining, during training, and posttraining) were measured indirectly as pressure, using perineometry. Urine loss pretraining and posttraining was measured by means of a Pad test. Self-reported frequency of incontinence was recorded daily throughout the period of the study, using a diary. Data were analyzed using a one-way repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA), a Wilcoxon signed-ranks test, and a Friedman two-way ANOVA by ranks. Results. The results indicated that maximum pressure generated by pelvic-floor contractions was greater and both the quantity of urine loss and the frequency of incontinence were lower following the implementation of the physical therapy program. Five subjects became continent, and three others improved. A follow-up survey 1 year later confirmed the consistency of these results. Conclusion and Discussion. The results suggest that the proposed physical therapy program may influence postpartum GSI. Further studies are needed to validate this simple, inexpensive, and conservative physical therapy protocol.


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Study Design Cross-sectional study. Objective To explore aspects of cervical musculoskeletal function in female office workers with neck pain. Summary of Background Data Evidence of physical characteristics that differentiate computer workers with and without neck pain is sparse. Patients with chronic neck pain demonstrate reduced motion and altered patterns of muscle control in the cervical flexor and upper trapezius (UT) muscles during specific tasks. Understanding cervical musculoskeletal function in office workers will better direct intervention and prevention strategies. Methods Measures included neck range of motion; superficial neck flexor muscle activity during a clinical test, the craniocerivcal flexion test; and a motor task, a unilateral muscle coordination task, to assess the activity of both the anterior and posterior neck muscles. Office workers with and without neck pain were formed into 3 groups based on their scores on the Neck Disability Index. Nonworking women without neck pain formed the control group. Surface electromyographic activity was recorded bilaterally from the sternocleidomastoid, anterior scalene (AS), cervical extensor (CE) and UT muscles. Results Workers with neck pain had reduced rotation range and increased activity of the superficial cervical flexors during the craniocervical flexion test. During the coordination task, workers with pain demonstrated greater activity in the CE muscles bilaterally. On completion of the task, the UT and dominant CE and AS muscles demonstrated an inability to relax in workers with pain. In general, there was a linear relationship between the workers’ self-reported levels of pain and disability and the movement and muscle changes. Conclusion These results are consistent with those found in other cervical musculoskeletal disorders and may represent an altered muscle recruitment strategy to stabilize the head and neck. An exercise program including motor reeducation may assist in the management of neck pain in office workers.


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Este trabalho se propõe a analisar a abordagem biomédica sobre a recidiva de engorda, após a gastroplastia para tratamento da obesidade. Foram realizadas, na plataforma PubMed, buscas dos seguintes termos: weight regain AND bariatric surgery OR gastroplasty NOT diabetes. Juntamente com a seleção dos seguintes filtros: artigos sobre humanos, disponibilidade do texto completo, disponibilidade do resumo. Somente publicações entre 2010 e 2014 foram selecionadas. Estas foram analisadas com um questionário auxiliar de 46 perguntas sobre os seguintes temas: a alimentação dos pacientes, a abordagem da re-educação alimentar, o acompanhamento do pós-operado pelos profissionais de saúde, e as hipóteses para o sucesso da cirurgia. Como resultados, percebemos que não conseguir emagrecer o suficiente ou não manter o emagrecimento são consideradas algumas das complicações da gastroplastia, atingindo um grande número de pacientes. Estas complicações evidenciam que o método considerado mais eficaz no tratamento da obesidade mórbida também é falho e, em cerca de 8 anos, uma nova intervenção é necessária. O paciente pode voltar a se enquadrar na categoria de obeso, havendo casos de peso pós-cirúrgico maior que o pré-cirúrgico.


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Introduction: Shoulder impingement is one of the most common presentations of shoulder joint problems 1. It appears to be caused by a reduction in the sub-acromial space as the humerus abducts between 60o -120o – the 'painful arc'. Structures between the humeral head and the acromion are thus pinched causing pain and further pathology 2. Shoulder muscle activity can influence this joint space but it is unclear whether this is a cause or effect in impingement patients. This study aimed to observe muscle activation patterns in normal and impingement shoulder patients and determine if there were any significant differences. Method: 19 adult subjects were asked to perform shoulder abduction in their symptomatic arm and non-symptomatic. 10 of these subjects (age 47.9 ± 11.2) were screened for shoulder impingement, and 9 subjects (age 38.9 ± 14.3) had no history of shoulder pathology. Surface EMG was used to collect data for 6 shoulder muscles (Upper, middle and lower trapezius, serratus anterior, infraspinatus, middle deltoids) which was then filtered and fully rectified. Subjects performed 3 smooth unilateral abduction movements at a cadence of 16 beats of a metronome set at 60bpm, and the mean of their results was recorded. T-tests were used to indicate any statistical significance in the data sets. Significance was set at P<0.05. Results: There was a significant difference in muscle activation with serratus anterior in particular showing a very low level of activation throughout the range when compared to normal shoulder activation patterns (<30%). Middle deltoid recruitment was significantly reduced between 60-90o in the impingement group (30:58%).Trends were noted in other muscles with upper trapezius and infraspinatus activating more rapidly and erratically (63:25%; 60:27% respectively), and lower trapezius with less recruitment (13:30%) in the patient group, although these did not quite reach significance. Conclusion: There appears to be some interesting alterations in muscle recruitment patterns in impingement shoulder patients when compared against their own unaffected shoulders and the control group. In particular changes in scapula control (serratus anterior and trapezius) and lateral rotation (infraspinatus), which have direct influence on the sub-acromial space, should be noted. It is still not clear whether these alterations are causative or reactionary, but this finding gives a clear indication to the importance of addressing muscle reeducation as part of a rehabilitation programme in shoulder impingement patients.


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Enquadramento: A aplicação de crioterapia utiliza-se como coadjuvante na reeducação neuromuscular e tem como objetivo atingir o mais rápido possível a capacidade funcional, devido aos seus efeitos analgésicos e anti- inflamatórios, contudo, o seu efeito negativo ao nível da propriocepção tem vindo a ser questionado. Objetivo: Verificar se a aplicação de crioterapia no tendão quadricipital tem influência na força máxima, na sensação de força produzida e na funcionalidade do membro inferior. Metodologia: Tratou-se de um estudo experimental, do tipo laboratorial e com um desenho cruzado. Quarenta sujeitos foram distribuídos inicialmente e de forma aleatória em um grupo experimental e um grupo controlo, sendo que, após uma semana os elementos que pertenceram ao grupo experimental passaram para grupo controlo e vice-versa. O grupo experimental foi submetido a um programa com gelo dinâmico durante 10 minutos, avaliando-se a força máxima, sensação de força produzida e funcionalidade do membro, enquanto grupo controlo esteve em repouso o mesmo período de tempo. Resultados: Verificaram-se que não houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas relativas a todas variáveis estudadas (p>0,05). Conclusão: O uso da crioterapia na região mio-tendinosa do quadrícipete não provoca défices significativos ao nível das respostas sensório-motoras do joelho, e que à luz destes resultados, esta pode ser utilizada antes da realização de outras técnicas terapêuticas, sem qualquer risco adicional a nível motor.


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Cette thèse a été réalisée en cotutelle entre l'Université de Montréal et l'École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales de Paris, sous la direction de Michel Duchesneau (UdeM) et Esteban Buch (EHESS). La version intégrale de cette thèse est disponible uniquement pour consultation individuelle à la Bibliothèque de musique de l'Université de Montréal (http://www.bib.umontreal.ca/MU).


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Essa dissertação apresenta uma pesquisa da política pedagógica dirigida para o "menor desassistido", desenvolvida numa unidade oficial - o Centro de Reeducação Feminino (CRF) - integrante do Sistema Nacional de Atendi mento ao Menor, através do órgão estadual correspondente: Instituto Espírito-Santense do Bem-Estar do Menor(~}. Este Centro abriga menores do sexo feminino na faixa etária dos 13 aos 18 anos incompletos, alí internas, segundo proposta oficial, por apresentarem conduta anti-social acentuada. O presente trabalho estendeu-se de maio de 1980 a novembro de 1981 e, durante esse tempo, foi-nos possivel a coleta dos dados necessários através de: leitura e análise dos textos oficiais, entrevistas a que foram submetidos todos os membros da Unidade (menores e agentes institucionais, das observações e participações nas ativi dades diárias). Através dos dados coletados houve a intenção de constatar: a} se a "pedagogia prometida" é a praticada a nível de umà unidade oficial do Sistema FUNABEM - Fundação Nacional do Bem-Estar do Menor - de atendimento; b) se aquela "prática pedagógica" concorre para o "reeducar e "ressocializar termos que expressam os objetivos mais amplos da proposta nacional. A julgar pelo que constatamos, no CRF, o processo de insti tucionalização é impotente· para resolver, de forma reeducativa, um problema de tamanho peso social, qual seja o da menor carente ou infratora. A infração cometida ou a conduta anti-social apresentada são o resultado ou estratégias de sobrevivência encontradas pela menor para si própria e para o seu grupo social, do qual é um participante ativo. o "reeducar" e o "ressocializar" por melhores que sejam, como propostas, camuflam uma tentativa do sistema sócio-econômico-político, em manter defendidos os in teresses dominantes da sociedade. Através do "reeducar", "ressocializar", esta sociedade espera poder conviver com menores refeitas e como diz Foucault "dóceis" e "úteis" assim que ela as deseja.


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The Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) is a chronic inflammatory disease that primarily affects the axial skeleton, leading to limitation of spine mobility and functional disability. Physical therapy, especially exercise, is an important part in your treatment. The Global Postural Reeducation(GPR),a method that uses stretching based on evaluation of muscular chains, with significant interference in postural changes may be a complementary alternative for the treatment of this disease. The aim was to evaluate the effects of Global Postural Reeducation (GPR) in patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) and compare GPR with group conventional segmental self-stretching and breathing exercises. This is a controlled interventional study of 38 patients divided into 2 groups: a GPR group (n = 22) and a control group (n = 16). Both groups were treated over four months. With the GPR group patients, positions that stretched the shortened muscle chains were used. With the control group patients, conventional segmental self-stretching and breathing exercises were performed. The variables analyzed were: pain intensity, morning stiffness, spine mobility, chest expansion, functional capacity (Health Assessment Questionnaire - Spondyloarthropathies - HAQ-S), quality of life (Medical Outcome Study Short Form 36 Healthy Survey-SF-36), and disease activity (Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index - BASDAI). Statistical analysis was used with a significance level of p < 0.05. There was a statistically significant difference for all the parameters analyzed between pre and post-treatment in both groups. In the inter-group comparison the GPR group showed a statistically significant improvement in morning stiffness (p = 0.01), spine mobility parameters, except finger-floor distance (p = 0.11), in chest expansion (p = 0.02), and in the physical aspect component of the SF-36 (p = 0.00).Finally, we observed that this sample of patients with AS ,treatment with RPG 60 seems to have a better response in some clinical measures, than the conventional self stretching performed in groups. Further studies are needed to further evaluate this therapeutic alternative in the EA


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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Os professores, no exercício de sua ação docente, reelaboram,adaptam, retraduzem os conhecimentos diversos recebidos ao longo de sua formação inicial e ambiental por meio do pensar sobre suas próprias experiências. Esta gama de saberes gerados a partir da ação de ensinar, em nosso caso específico, matemática, são edificadores das bases de sua identidade profissional. Para o ensino de matemática na Educação de Jovens e Adultos - EJA, os saberes dos professores adquirem certa especificidade, devido às peculiaridades do público. Tais peculiaridades exigem que o mesmo passe por uma reeducação que se dá, em grande parte dos casos, na prática, mediante a reflexão. A pesquisa de tema Saberes produzidos na ação de ensinar matemática na EJA: contribuições para o debate sobre a formação inicial de professores de matemática na UFPA, objetivou de modo geral, a partir das falas dos professores e estagiários de matemática da EJA, evidenciar os saberes produzidos na dinâmica do ensinar matemática pra este público, nas relações entre professores e alunos, professores e conteúdos de sua formação inicial e entre professores e professores. È o professor em ação e o estagiário concluinte lançando um olhar crítico sobre suas próprias formações e práticas, promovendo um diálogo entre ambas e apontando diretrizes para uma formação inicial que contemple estas especificidades. Para a coleta de dados utilizamoas como instrumento as entrevistas semi-estruturadas com professores e estagiários. Evidenciamos saberes práticos quanto ao currículo de matemática da EJA, quanto aos estudantes da EJA, quanto à especificidades da vida adulta, quanto à contextualização dos conteúdos matemáticos, entre outros. O caráter formativo das rflexões, expresso pelas falas elaboradas pelos professores e estagiários ao responderem as perguntas da entrevista, demonstra que estes saberes são latentes, potenciais, e que precisam ser evidenciados, trazidos à discussão e valorizados.