970 resultados para recycled aggregate


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For sustainability considerations, the use of recycled aggregate in concrete has attracted many interests in the research community. One of the main concerns for using such concrete in buildings is its spalling in fire. This may be alleviated by adding steel fibers to form steel fiber reinforced recycled aggregate concrete (SFRAC). This paper presents an experimental investigation into the compressive properties of SFRAC cylinders after exposure to elevated temperatures, including the compressive strength, Young's modulus (stiffness), stress-strain curve and energy absorption capacity (toughness). The effects of two parameters, namely steel fiber volume content (0%, 0.5%, 1%, 1.5%) and temperature (room temperature, 200 °C, 400 °C and 600 °C) on the compressive mechanical properties of concrete were investigated. The test results show that both compressive strength and stiffness of the concrete are significantly reduced after exposure to high temperatures. The addition of steel fibers is helpful in preventing spalling, and significantly improves the ductility and the cracking behavior of recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) after exposure to high temperatures, which is favorable for the application of RAC in building construction.


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The aim of this paper is to verify the influence of composition variability of recycled aggregates (RA) of construction and demolition wastes (CDW) on the performance of concretes. Performance was evaluated building mathematical models for compressive strength, modulus of elasticity and drying shrinkage. To obtain such models, an experimental program comprising 50 concrete mixtures was carried out. Specimens were casted, tested and results for compressive strength, modulus of elasticity and drying shrinkage were statistically analyzed. Models inputs are CDW composition observed at seven Brazilian cities. Results confirm that using RA from CDW for concrete building is quite feasible, independently of its composition, once compressive strength and modulus of elasticity still reached considerable values. We concluded the variability presented by recycled aggregates of CDW does not compromise their use for concrete building. However, this information must be used with caution, and experimental tests should always be performed to certify concrete properties.


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Concern for the environment has lately heightened awareness about the need for recycling in the construction industry. However, some standards, such as the Spanish standard, only accept the recycling of aggregates derived from concrete, which limits the extensive use of construction and demolition waste, which are produced in much bigger volumes. The aim of this work was to explore the possibility of using recycled mixed aggregates (RMA) in the preparation of precast non-structural concretes. To that end different percentages of natural aggregate were replaced by RMA in non-structural elements (25, 50, 75 and 100%). Contents of cement, water, and the dosages commonly used by companies were unchanged by the introduction of RMA. The characterization of the prepared elements has been done using the specific tests for each type of non-structural element (terrazzo for indoor use, hollow tiles, kerbstones and paving blocks): compression and flexural strength, water absorption, dimensional tolerances, abrasion and slipping resistance. The paving blocks, kerbstones, and hollow tiles prepared were tested for 360 days. The stability of the tested properties confirmed the possibility of using these wastes on an industrial scale satisfying the standard requirements. However, the surface of terrazzo with RMA is not as good as that prepared with natural aggregate.


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Geopolymeric recycled concrete (GRC) is a new construction material which takes environmentalsustainability into account, by using alkali solution and fly ash to completely substitute Portland cementas well as by replacing natural coarse aggregate with recycled coarse aggregate. GRC could be used togetherwith steel hollow sections to form composite section. There is very limited study on such GRC filledtubular sections. This paper presents an experimental study on GRC filled tubular stub columns. A total of 12specimens were tested. The main parameters varied in the tests are: (1) two section sizes of square hollow sections(B × t) with 200mm×6mm and 150mm×5mm; (2) different concrete types: GRC and recycled aggregateconcrete (RAC); (3) different recycled aggregate (RA) replacement ratios of 0%, 50% and 100%. The relationshipof load versus axial strain was recorded and analysed to compare the ultimate strength and failuremechanism. Meanwhile, the ductility of the columns was investigated by a ductility index (DI). The resultsshow that the ultimate strength decreased with increasing RA contents for both GRC and RAC filled columns.The influence of RA content on the strength was greater in GRC than that in RAC. The effect of RA contenton the ductility of the columns was further investigated. Simulation method for predicting load versus strainrelationship is discussed for RAC and GRC filled steel tubular columns with different RA replacement ratios.


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Neste trabalho são apresentadas algumas características físicas, vantagens e viabilidade do uso do pó de tecido, proveniente do processamento de resíduos têxteis que são descartados em confecções em geral. A produção e utilização desse tipo de pó diminui o impacto ambiental e se mostra viável economicamente, pois é produzido facilmente a partir do processamento de resíduos, que seriam descartados na natureza. O presente trabalho mostra o estudo da produção do pó de tecido e a sua substituição parcial do agregado miúdo natural na produção de concretos de cimento Portland convencionais. Para comprovar a viabilidade técnica e econômica do uso do pó de tecido foram analisadas características do agregado como sua composição granulométrica, e seu comportamento nos ensaios de abatimento tronco de cone (Slump Test). Uma relação água-cimento também foi convencionada a um concreto usual com resistência esperada de 27MPa. Com estes dados foi definido um traço para o concreto utilizando 5% e 15% de agregado pó de tecido, substituindo a areia. A pesquisa apresenta os resultados de resistência à compressão simples dos corpos de prova cilíndricos de concreto aos 28 dias. Verificou-se que as amostras não apresentaram diferenças significativas de resistência entre si, tão pouco com relação às resistências de um concreto convencional produzido somente com agregado miúdo natural. Entretanto, houve uma melhora nos resultados dos ensaios à compressão, principalmente no concreto com 15% de pó de tecido.


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The construction industry is responsible for generating a lot of waste because of their activities. Consequently, it is noticeable the occurrence of environmental problems in terms of its disposal in inappropriate places. Faced with this problem, some studies have been conducted with the aim of developing technologies and alternatives for recycling construction and demolition waste (CDW), motivated by the scarcity of natural resources and reduction of environmental problems generated. The research aims to characterize the recycled aggregates derived from construction and demolition waste (CDW) produced in the Greater Natal-RN and analyze the performance of mortar coating produced with recycled aggregates. The study includes the chemical , physical and microstructural characterization of recycled aggregates , as well as conducting microscopic analysis and laboratory tests in the fresh state (consistency index , water retention , bulk density and content of entrained air ) and in the hardened state ( compressive strength , tensile strength in bending , water absorption by immersion and capillary , mass density and void ratio ) for mortars produced from different levels of substitution of aggregates ( 0, 20 %, 40 %, 60 %, 80 % and 100 %). The results were satisfactory, providing mortars produced with recycled aggregates, smaller mass density and dynamic modulus values as well as an increase in the rates of absorption and porosity. The tensile strength in bending and compression for TP1 (1:2:8) trait were lower for mortars produced with recycled aggregates and the best result was 20% for replacement. For the TP2 (1:8) mapping, there was an increase in resistance to traction and compression and the best result was for 100% replacement of natural aggregates by recycled. The experiments led to the conclusion that the technical and economic point of view that the mortars produced with recycled aggregates can be used in construction, only if there is an effective control in production processes of recycled aggregate and at the dosage of mortars


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A quantidade de resíduos gerados pelo setor da Construção Civil ultimamente vem chamando atenção devido à dimensão com a qual atua como impacto ambiental utilizando materiais de fontes naturais não renováveis e aumentando as quantidades de lixos produzidos pelo meio urbano. No Brasil, esta estimativa gira em torno de 90.000 toneladas geradas por dia. A proposta de utilizar o agregado proveniente de RCC (resíduo de construção civil) como parte integrante de concretos estruturais torna-se ainda mais interessante a partir do momento em que se busca uma diminuição nos custos para a produção do concreto, carregando consigo a mentalidade ambientalista quando poupa a utilização de recursos naturais os quais alguns já começam a se esgotar. Bancos de areia e fontes de seixo começam a se extinguir devido à larga utilização desses agregados nos concretos produzidos em Belém e cidades interiores do estado do Pará. Assim a necessidade de novas fontes de agregados nos faz buscar nos resíduos da construção civil prováveis fontes de agregados que respondam de forma similar aos naturais. Levando em consideração esta proposta, esta dissertação avaliou a durabilidade de concretos produzidos com o agregado de RCC cerâmico, através de ensaios de absorção de água por capilaridade, carbonatação, penetração de íons cloretos e resistividade elétrica. Para tanto, foi substituído o agregado graúdo natural pelo agregado graúdo cerâmico em 50%, onde esta porcentagem de agregado reciclado foi submetida às taxas de pré-saturação de 60%, 80% e 100%. Nos resultados obtidos pode-se observar que a presença do AGRC (agregado graúdo reciclado cerâmico), independentemente do grau de pré-saturação foi significativa em todos os resultados obtidos, fato que embora deixe os concretos mais suscetíveis à perda de durabilidade, apresentou uma mesma tendência de comportamento em relação às misturas referência. Os resultados mais próximos das misturas convencionais foram alcançados pelos concretos que continham agregados cerâmicos pré-saturados com água à uma taxa de 80%.


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This work deals with the continuation of Scientific Initiation research initiated by Tamura (2012), which draws up a mixture of soil and recycled aggregate analysis for paving of low traffic volume roads using local materials from the Vale do Paraíba region. The main steps of the process were the soil and recycled aggregate characterization, along with grading tests and California Bearing Ratio (CBR) applied to the soil, the recycled aggregate and the mixture of soil and recycled aggregate; aiming their use as base and sub-base in paving urban roads. The results are discussed, emphasizing the mechanical behavior. The current results are compared with the results of IC Tamura research, taking decisions over this job to the final product best result. For a greater understanding of the work in general were described paving, its structure, its components and its physical behavior. It has been intended to emphasize the importance of the mixture of soil and recycled aggregate to meet the quality requirements and compliance with the specifications of current technical standards, in the context of durability, natural materials economy, decreases volume in landfills and cost reduction


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Two of the major problems caused by construction activity are the production of construction and demolition waste (CDW) and the exploitation of mineral resources, causing big impacts on the environment. Therefore, the recycling has been shown as an alternative to mitigate the harmful effects of waste on the urban environment and prevent the exploitation of new raw materials. This course work aims to study the behavior of recycled aggregates from Vale do Paraíba in concrete and mortar. Initially, it presents the definitions of recycled aggregates according to CONAMA Resolution No. 307/2002, the aggregate settings for concrete and mortar (such as the grain size, its origin and density, and the characterization parameters according to ABNT), and the definition of ACI method of concrete mix design. Afterwards, it presents the characterization of materials separated by assays. After that, it shows the theoretical concrete proportioning applying the ACI method and experimental concrete proportioning. Then, the analysis of results is performed to finally conclude that the materials provided can't be used to replace natural aggregates because they cannot have the same performance. With the studies, it could be observed that the recycled aggregate presents a great complexity and diversity in origin, therefore the form how the material should be handled requires great care


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This work deals with the continuation of Scientific Initiation research initiated by Tamura (2012), which draws up a mixture of soil and recycled aggregate analysis for paving of low traffic volume roads using local materials from the Vale do Paraíba region. The main steps of the process were the soil and recycled aggregate characterization, along with grading tests and California Bearing Ratio (CBR) applied to the soil, the recycled aggregate and the mixture of soil and recycled aggregate; aiming their use as base and sub-base in paving urban roads. The results are discussed, emphasizing the mechanical behavior. The current results are compared with the results of IC Tamura research, taking decisions over this job to the final product best result. For a greater understanding of the work in general were described paving, its structure, its components and its physical behavior. It has been intended to emphasize the importance of the mixture of soil and recycled aggregate to meet the quality requirements and compliance with the specifications of current technical standards, in the context of durability, natural materials economy, decreases volume in landfills and cost reduction


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Two of the major problems caused by construction activity are the production of construction and demolition waste (CDW) and the exploitation of mineral resources, causing big impacts on the environment. Therefore, the recycling has been shown as an alternative to mitigate the harmful effects of waste on the urban environment and prevent the exploitation of new raw materials. This course work aims to study the behavior of recycled aggregates from Vale do Paraíba in concrete and mortar. Initially, it presents the definitions of recycled aggregates according to CONAMA Resolution No. 307/2002, the aggregate settings for concrete and mortar (such as the grain size, its origin and density, and the characterization parameters according to ABNT), and the definition of ACI method of concrete mix design. Afterwards, it presents the characterization of materials separated by assays. After that, it shows the theoretical concrete proportioning applying the ACI method and experimental concrete proportioning. Then, the analysis of results is performed to finally conclude that the materials provided can't be used to replace natural aggregates because they cannot have the same performance. With the studies, it could be observed that the recycled aggregate presents a great complexity and diversity in origin, therefore the form how the material should be handled requires great care


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Il calcestruzzo è uno dei materiali più utilizzati nell’edilizia, ma il meno sostenibile. Per la sua produzione vengono sfruttate elevate quantità di risorse naturali non rinnovabili con un impatto ambientale non trascurabile, sia per le sostanze emesse in atmosfera, sia per le macerie derivate post utilizzo. L’ingresso nel XXI secolo ha segnato definitivamente l’affermazione del concetto di sviluppo sostenibile nei riguardi di tutti i processi produttivi dei beni, che devono essere necessariamente strutturati secondo una logica di risparmio energetico e di controllo della produzione di scorie e rifiuti, prevedendone un loro riutilizzo in altri settori, o un loro smaltimento senza provocare danni all’ambiente. Anche l’industria del cemento e del calcestruzzo è chiamata a svolgere il proprio ruolo per contribuire ad un miglior bilancio ecologico globale, indirizzando la ricerca verso possibilità d’impiego di materiali “innovativi”, che siano in grado di sostituire parzialmente o totalmente l’uso di materie prime non rinnovabili, tenendo conto dell’enorme richiesta futura di infrastrutture, soprattutto nei paesi in via di sviluppo. Negli ultimi anni si sta sempre più affermando il potenziale del riciclo dei materiali ottenuti dalla demolizione di edifici (C&DW – Construction and Demolition Waste), questo dovuto anche a politiche di gestione dei rifiuti che incentivano il risparmio, il riutilizzo, il riciclo e la valorizzazione dei beni. I calcestruzzi con aggregati di riciclo sono generalmente suddivisi in due macrogruppi: quelli ottenuti da aggregati di riciclo di solo calcestruzzo (RCA – Recycled Coarse Aggregate) e quelli da aggregati da demolizione totale (MRA – Mixed Recycled Aggregate) che però contengono molte impurità. Come anche uno può subito pensare gli aggregati riciclati hanno delle proprietà diverse da quelli naturali, questi contengono oltre l’aggregato naturale anche il legante coeso, polveri di laterizio, vetro, ceramica, plastica eccet., i quali offrono una miscela ricca di cloruri, solfati, silice amorfa ed altri componenti dannosi per la nuova miscela di calcestruzzo. In presenza di questi prodotti, gli aggregati non solo non soddisfano i requisiti chimici, ma influiscono negativamente anche sulle proprietà fisico-meccaniche del calcestruzzo. Per questo vedremmo in questa tesi tramite un accurata analisi degli aggregati, e del loro “contributo” per il corretto comportamento del calcestruzzo, leggendo criticamente come le normative regolano i requisiti che gli aggregati debbono soddisfare, vedendo le varie possibilità di riutilizzo dei materiali di riciclo da demolizione. La tesi mira all'incentivo dei materiali da riciclo, come scelta sostenibile per il futuro dell'edilizia. E' stato calcolato che la produzione totale di macerie da demolizione nel mondo, non supera il 20% in massa degli aggregati che vengono utilizzati per la produzione del calcestruzzo nei paesi sviluppati. Dai vari studi è stato valutato in media che col solo 20% di riciclato sostituito, le caratteristiche del calcestruzzo indurito cambiano di poco dal normale miscelato con aggregati naturali; ovviamente se gli aggregati da riciclo sono stati selezionati e sottoposti ai vari test delle norme europee standardizzate. Quindi uno può subito pensare in linea teorica, tralasciando i costi di gestione, trasporto eccet. , che basta utilizzare per ogni metro cubo di calcestruzzo 20% di riciclato, per rispondere allo smaltimento dei rifiuti da C&D; abbassando cosi i costi degli inerti naturali, sempre parlando di economie di scala. Questo è in linea teorica, ma riflette un dato rilevante. Nel presente lavoro si partirà da una veloce lettura sul comportamento del calcestruzzo, su i suoi principali costituenti, concentrandoci sugli aggregati, analizzandone le sue proprietà fisico-meccaniche, quali la granulometria, la resistenza meccanica e la rigidezza, valutando l’importanza dei legami coesivi tra aggregato alla pasta cementizia. Verranno inoltre analizzate le azioni deleterie che possono instaurarsi tra aggregato di riciclo e pasta cementizia. Dopo aver visto le varie politiche sulla gestione dei rifiuti, la legislazione passata e presente sull’uso dei materiali riciclati, si analizzeranno vari studi sulle proprietà fisico-meccaniche dei calcestruzzi con aggregati di riciclo seguiti da università e poli di ricerca internazionali. Se gli aggregati di riciclo sono selezionati con metodo, in presenza di piani di gestione regionale e/o nazionale, è possibile soddisfare le prestazioni richieste del calcestruzzo, nel rispetto delle politiche di sostenibilità economico-ambientali. Può essere il calcestruzzo riciclato una scelta non solo sostenibile, ma anche economica per il settore edile? Si può avere un calcestruzzo riciclato ad alte prestazioni? Quali sono le politiche da mettere in atto per un mercato di produzione sostenibile del riciclato? Questo e molto altro verrà approfondito nelle pagine seguenti di questa tesi.