11 resultados para rectenna


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Design of a rectangular spiral planar inverted-F antenna (PIFA) at 915 MHz for wireless power transmission applications is proposed. The antenna and rectifying circuitry form a rectenna, which can produce dc power from a distant radio frequency energy transmitter. The generated dc power is used to operate a low-power deep brain stimulation pulse generator. The proposed antenna has the dimensions of 10 mm × 12.5 mm × 1.5 mm and resonance frequency of 915 MHz with a measured bandwidth of 15 MHz at return loss of -10 dB. A dielectric substrate of FR-4 of εr = 4.8 and δ = 0.015 with thickness of 1.5 mm is used for both antenna and rectifier circuit simulation and fabrication because of its availability and low cost. An L-section impedance matching circuit is used between the PIFA and voltage doubler rectifier. The impedance matching circuit also works as a low-pass filter for elimination of higher order harmonics. Maximum dc voltage at the rectenna output is 7.5 V in free space and this rectenna can drive a deep brain stimulation pulse generator at a distance of 30 cm from a radio frequency energy transmitter, which transmits power of 26.77 dBm.


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 Development of an optimum rectenna for radio frequency energy harvesting in miniature head-mountable deep brain stimulation (DBS) devices. The designed miniature rectenna can operate a DBS device without battery for murine preclinical research. The battery-less operation of the device eliminates battery related difficulties.


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This paper presents design, implementation, and evaluation of a miniature rectenna for energy harvesting applications. The rectenna produces DC power from a distant microwave energy transmitter. The generated DC power is then utilized to operate a head-mountable deep brain stimulation device. The rectenna consists of a miniature three-layer planar inverted-F antenna and a Schottky-diode-based bridge rectifier. The antenna has a volume of π × 6 × 1.584 mm3, a resonance frequency of 915 MHz with a simulated bandwidth of 18 MHz (907-925 MHz), and a measured bandwidth of 18 MHz (910-928 MHz) at the return loss of -10 dB. A dielectric substrate of FR-4 of εr = 4.5 and δ = 0.02 is used for simulation and fabrication of the antenna and the rectifier due to its low cost. An L-section impedance matching circuit is employed between the antenna and the rectifier to reduce the mismatch loss. The impedance matching circuit operates as a low-pass filter eliminating higher order harmonics. A deep brain stimulation device is successfully operated by the rectenna at a distance of 20 cm away from a microwave energy transmitter of power 26.77 dBm. The motivation of this paper includes creation of a deep brain stimulation device that operates indefinitely without a battery. From the application standpoint, the developed energy harvesting rectenna facilitates long-term deep brain stimulation of laboratory animals for preclinical research investigating neurological disorders.


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This paper presents an analysis of optimum rectifier circuits for wireless energy harvesting in deep brain stimulation (DBS) devices. Since DBS demands compact and low power consumption devices, small, high conversion efficient, and high output voltage rectifiers need to be developed. The investigation that is presented in this paper is analytical and simulated based. Analysis on a variety of circuit configurations brings more evidence to improve the performance of rectifiers. Analytical parameters influencing the output DC voltage and the efficiency of the rectifiers are described. The operating frequency of the 915 MHz industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) radio band is used in this study. The maximum conversion efficiency of the LC matched half wave rectifier, the Greinacher voltage doubler, the Delon doubler, and the 2-stage voltage multiplier is obtained as 56.34%, 74.45%, 71.48%, and 31.44%, respectively, at the 30 dBm input power level. The corresponding maximum output DC voltages are 6.27 V, 16.83 V, 13.36 V, and 9.20 V. Thus the Greinacher voltage doubler is deemed as the best configuration according to the conversion efficiency and the output voltage measurements.


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A circular planar inverted-F antenna (PIFA) is designed and simulated at the industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) band of 915 MHz for energy harvesting in a head-mountable deep brain stimulation device. Moreover, a rectifier is designed, and also the interaction of the PIFA with a rat head model is investigated. In the proposed PIFA, the top radiating layer is meandered, and a substrate of FR-4 is used. The radius and the height of the antenna are 10 mm and 1.8 mm, respectively. The bottom conductive layer works as a ground plate, and a superstrate of polyethylene reduces the electromagnetic penetration into the rat head. The resonance frequency of the designed antenna is 915 MHz with a bandwidth of 18 MHz at the return loss of -10 dB in free space. The antenna parameters (e.g. reflection coefficient, gain, radiation efficiency), electric field distribution, and SAR value are evaluated within a seven-layer rat head model by using the finite difference time domain EM simulation software XFdtd. The interactions of the antenna and the rat head model are studied in both functional and biological aspects.


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A passive deep brain stimulation (DBS) device can be equipped with a rectenna, consisting of an antenna and a rectifier, to harvest energy from electromagnetic fields for its operation. This paper presents optimization of radio frequency rectifier circuits for wireless energy harvesting in a passive head-mountable DBS device. The aim is to achieve a compact size, high conversion efficiency, and high output voltage rectifier. Four different rectifiers based on the Delon doubler, Greinacher voltage tripler, Delon voltage quadrupler, and 2-stage charge pumped architectures are designed, simulated, fabricated, and evaluated. The design and simulation are conducted using Agilent Genesys at operating frequency of 915 MHz. A dielectric substrate of FR-4 with thickness of 1.6 mm, and surface mount devices (SMD) components are used to fabricate the designed rectifiers. The performance of the fabricated rectifiers is evaluated using a 915 MHz radio frequency (RF) energy source. The maximum measured conversion efficiency of the Delon doubler, Greinacher tripler, Delon quadrupler, and 2-stage charge pumped rectifiers are 78, 75, 73, and 76 % at -5 dBm input power and for load resistances of 5-15 kΩ. The conversion efficiency of the rectifiers decreases significantly with the increase in the input power level. The Delon doubler rectifier provides the highest efficiency at both -5 and 5 dBm input power levels, whereas the Delon quadrupler rectifier gives the lowest efficiency for the same inputs. By considering both efficiency and DC output voltage, the charge pump rectifier outperforms the other three rectifiers. Accordingly, the optimised 2-stage charge pumped rectifier is used together with an antenna to harvest energy in our DBS device.


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This paper presents the development of an energy harvesting circuit for use with a head-mountable deep brain stimulation (DBS) device. It consists of a circular planar inverted-F antenna (PIFA) and a Schottky diode-based Cockcroft-Walton 4-voltage rectifier. The PIFA has the volume of π × 10(2) × 1.5 mm(3), resonance frequency of 915 MHz, and bandwidth of 16 MHz (909-925 MHz) at a return loss of -10 dB. The rectifier offers maximum efficiency of 78% for the input power of -5 dBm at a 5 kΩ load resistance. The developed rectenna operates efficiently at 915 MHz for the input power within -15 dBm to +5 dBm. For operating a DBS device, the DC voltage of 2 V is recorded from the rectenna terminal at a distance of 55 cm away from a 26.77 dBm transmitter in free space. An in-vitro test of the DBS device is presented.


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Nel presente elaborato è trattato l'innesco di un sistema di recupero ambientale di energia da sorgenti a radiofrequenza, captate tramite rectenna, nell'ambito di un sistema completamente autonomo dal punto di vista energetico, quindi non dotato di batteria ricaricabile interna. Dopo un'analisi dei problemi da affrontare e delle possibili soluzioni tecniche per gestire le micropotenze restituite dalla rectenna, ci si concentra in modo preferenziale sul ruolo del condensatore posto sulla porta d'ingresso dell'oscillatore di Meissner, che è utilizzato come elevatore di tensione per attivare gli stadi successivi. Sfruttando le esperienze con lo stesso oscillatore pilotato da altri sensori di energy harvesting, è possibile determinare approssimativamente se il circuito si presta o meno all'utilizzo con le rectenne nei campi RF, suggerendo eventuali migliorie da apportare per facilitarne il funzionamento.


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Questo lavoro si è occupato della ricerca e progettazione di un'antenna UWB per la realizzazione di un tag RFID e si colloca all'interno del progetto GRETA (GREen TAgs), finanziato dal MIUR. Le principali caratteristiche richieste al green tag sono: dimensioni complessive di massimo 4-5 cm, assenza di batterie e compatibilità con l'ambiente. L'eco-compatibilità viene garantita tramite la realizzazione dell'antenna al di sopra di un substrato di carta; i limiti derivanti dall'assenza di batterie vengono invece sopperiti tramite realizzazione di energy harvesting, al fine di raggiungere una completa autonomia energetica. Viene sfruttata la tecnica UWB per la comunicazione nella banda (3.1-4.8 GHz); l'energy harvesting si effettua invece a 868 MHz. Sono infine stati ricavati alcuni primi risultati relativi alla potenza rettificabile con la soluzione proposta, tramite realizzazione di un opportuno circuito rettificatore.


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El trabajo presentado en este documento se centra en la temática de la transferencia inalámbrica de energía, concretamente en aplicaciones de campo lejano, para llevar a cabo dicho trabajo nos centraremos en el diseño, implementación y medición de una rectenna operando en la banda ISM concretamente a una frecuencia de 2.45GHz, el objetivo primordial de este trabajo será analizar que parámetros intervienen en la eficiencia de conversión en la etapa de RF-DC a fin de lograr la máxima eficiencia de conversión posible. Para llevar a cabo dicho análisis se emplearán herramientas informáticas, concretamente se hará uso del software AWR Microwave Office, a través del cual se realizarán simulaciones SourcePull a fin de determinar la impedancia óptima de entrada que se le debe presentar a la etapa rectificadora RF-DC para conseguir la máxima eficiencia de conversión, una vez realizadas dichas pruebas se implementará físicamente un circuito rectenna a través del cual realizar medidas de SourcePull mediante un Wide Matching Range Slide Screw Tuner de MAURY MICROWAVE para cotejar las posibles diferencias con los resultados obtenidos en las simulaciones. Tras la fase de pruebas SourcePull se extrapolará una red de entrada en base a los datos obtenidos en las mediciones anteriores y se diseñará y fabricará un circuito rectenna con máxima eficiencia de conversión para un conjunto de valores de potencia de entrada de RF y carga de DC, tras lo cual se analizará la eficiencia del circuito diseñado para diferentes valores de potencia de RF de entrada y carga de DC. Como elemento rectificador emplearemos en nuestro trabajo el diodo Schottky HSMS-2820, los diodos Schottky se caracterizan por tener tiempos de conmutación relativamente bajos y pérdidas en directa reducidas los cual será fundamental a la hora de trabajar con niveles reducidos de potencia de RF de entrada, para implementar el circuito se empleará un substrato FR4 con espesor de 0.8mm para disminuir en la mayor medida posible las pérdidas introducidas por el dieléctrico, se analizarán diferentes posibilidades a la hora de implementar el filtro de RF a la salida del diodo rectificador y finalmente se optará por el empleo de un stub radial ya que será este el que mejor ancho de banda nos proporcione. Los resultados simulados se compararán con los resultados medidos sobre el circuito rectenna para determinar la similitud entre ambos. ABSTRACT. The work presented in this paper focuses on the issue of wireless transfer of energy, particularly applied to far-field applications, to carry out this work we focus on the design, implementation and measurement of a rectenna operating in the ISM band specifically at a frequency of 2.45GHz, the primary objective of this study is to analyze any parameter involved in the RF-DC conversion efficiency in order to achieve the maximum conversion efficiency as possible. Computer analysis tools will be used, particularly AWR Microwave Office software, in order to carry out SourcePull simulations to determine the optimal input impedance which must be presented to the rectifier stage for maximum conversion efficiency, once obtained, a rectenna circuit will be implemented to compute SourcePull measurements, and finally simulated results will be compared to measured results. Once obtained the result, an input network impedance is extrapolated based on data from previous measurements to design and implement a rectenna circuit with high conversion efficiency for a set of RF input power and DC load values , after that, the designed circuit efficiency will be analyzed for different values of RF input power and DC load. In this work a HSMS-2820 Schottky diode will be used as the rectifier , Schottky diodes are characterized by relatively low switching times and reduced direct losses, that properties will be essential when working with low RF input power levels , to implement the circuit a FR4 substrate with 0.8mm thickness is used to reduce as much as possible the dielectric losses, different possibilities to implement the RF filter to the output of the rectifier diode will be analyzed, finally we will opt for the use of a radial stub as this will provide the best bandwidth possible. The simulated results are compared with the results measured on the rectenna circuit to determine the similarity between them.


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We investigate the application of time-reversed electromagnetic wave propagation to transmit energy in a wireless power transmission system. “Time reversal” is a signal focusing method that exploits the time reversal invariance of the lossless wave equation to direct signals onto a single point inside a complex scattering environment. In this work, we explore the properties of time reversed microwave pulses in a low-loss ray-chaotic chamber. We measure the spatial profile of the collapsing wavefront around the target antenna, and demonstrate that time reversal can be used to transfer energy to a receiver in motion. We demonstrate how nonlinear elements can be controlled to selectively focus on one target out of a group. Finally, we discuss the design of a rectenna for use in a time reversal system. We explore the implication of these results, and how they may be applied in future technologies.