994 resultados para recreational activity


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Although overfishing is a concern for many fish stocks, it was for a long time only associated with commercial fishing exploitation, with less or no attention being given to the recreational fisheries. Recent research has shown however that the impact of recreational fishing on particular species can be considerable, and that the recreational harvest needs to be taken into account if fisheries are to be accurately assessed and effectively managed. In Portugal, the first recreational fishing regulations were only recently implemented. However, mirroring other European countries, regulations lacked scientific support, and specific knowledge of the activity was limited to a few studies with limited coverage. This thesis aimed to characterize the biological and socioeconomic aspects of the recreational shore angling activity in southern Portugal, to investigate whether the regulations in place were adequate and effective, and to provide recommendations for improved management and conservation of the inshore fisheries resources. A combined aerial-roving survey was conducted to gather data on fishing effort, catch, fishing trips and socioeconomic aspects (including anglers’ perceptions of regulations) of the recreational angling activity. The analysis of anglers’ catches suggested that compliance with daily bag limits was high, with less than 0.5% of creels exceeding the 10 kg angler-1 day-1 bag limit. Overall, 11.5% of the retained fishes were undersized, but non-compliance with minimum size limits was found to be high for some species (e.g. seabass, 73% undersized). In terms of the impact of recreational shore angling, the total estimated catches corresponded to less than 1% of the commercial landings for the same period (shared species). However, shore angling catches for white sea bream (Diplodus sargus) were found to be considerable, corresponding to 65% of the commercial landings (39.4% of total catch). In terms of anglers’ perceptions about the recreational fishing regulations in Portugal, the present study has shown that the majority of anglers accepted the existence of some kind of SRF regulations, but in general there was a partial or total disagreement with the recreational fishing restrictions recently put in place. Most anglers perceived themselves as not being involved in the decision-making process and claimed that some restrictions lacked a meaningful rationale (e.g. prohibition of fishing from piers/jetties). Fishers’ awareness with regard to specific aspects of the restrictions (such as the rationale for minimum size limits) was found to be very limited. During the same period, catches from sport fishing competitions were examined to test for differences with the recreational activity in terms of catches, and evaluate long term trends in catch and mean size of fish. Catches of the sport fishing competitions were found to be different from those observed for recreational fishing, being dominated by different species (e.g. garfish, mullets), and suggesting different fishing strategies of the the two types of anglers. High percentages of undersized fish were observed to be captured (and retained) during the competitions (in particular seabass, with 100% undersized), probably as a result of a single allowable minimum size (AMS) of 15 cm for all species in use in competitions. Lastly, catch and release fishing experiments were carried out to assess post-release mortality of three recreationally important species: two banded sea bream Diplodus vulgaris; black sea bream Spondyliosoma cantharus; and gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata. Post-release mortalities were found to be low (0-12%). The main predictor of mortality for Sparus aurata was anatomical hooking location, with 63% of the fishes that died being deeply hooked. The results support the release of fish, either from mandatory (e.g. minimum landing sizes) or voluntary practices. In summary, this thesis has demonstrated that the impact of recreational fishing for particular species is significant and needs to be taken into account for more effective management and stock assessment purposes. It has also highlighted several management issues that should be addressed in order to promote more adequate regulations in the future and prevent noncompliance issues. A periodic monitoring of the recreational fishing activity including all fishing modes (i.e. spear fishing, boat, and shore angling) would also be beneficial to ensure a timely knowledge on the global recreational fishing activity and support future management actions.


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The Iguape and Cananéia Lagoon-Estuarine Complex is a biodiversity hotspot in southeastern Brazil. In recent decades, the region has become an important destination for recreational fishing. The objective of this study was to analyze the socioeconomic characteristics of visiting anglers and fishing guides working in the Cananéia-Iguape-Peruíbe Environmental Protected Area and their views on fisheries management. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews conducted between January 2009 and January 2010. We interviewed 278 anglers, who were predominantly male (93%) with a mean age of 47 years and from the state of São Paulo. The targeted species were snooks (Centropomus undecimales and Centropomus parallelus) and weakfishes (Cynoscion leiarchus and Cynoscion acoupa). Only half the anglers had the mandatory fishing license, and many of them lacked knowledge about catch quotas and minimum size requirements for specific species. The fishing guides (n = 80) were all male, with a mean age of 39 years and extensive experience. Most of the guides believe that the study area is somewhat degraded due to the removal of riparian vegetation, siltation, pollution, and especially the depletion of fish stocks. The opinions of the stakeholders (anglers and guides) converge on the high priority needs of the fishery and possible management actions regarding recreational fishing, such as improved fisheries enforcement (first in order of importance), proper training of fishing guides, zoning of fishing areas, and the definition of a maximum size limit. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Thèse réalisée en cotutelle entre l'Université de Montréal et l'Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 06, Sorbonne Universités.


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Thèse réalisée en cotutelle entre l'Université de Montréal et l'Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 06, Sorbonne Universités.


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During the critical neurobiological and social developmental period of adolescence, binge drinking of alcohol increases the risk of mental health problems, school exclusion, convictions, fatal and non-fatal accidents. The present research utilizes a simple cluster randomized control trial design to evaluate a social marketing program, Game On: Know Alcohol (GOKA), employing innovative online edutainment games to target binge drinking. Pre and post data were collected for seven program (942 students, mean age: 14.6 years) and five control schools (578 students, mean age: 14.4 years). Significant improvements in alcohol knowledge and affective attitude toward binge drinking was observed for adolescents who participated in GOKA compared to the control group, with maintenance of desirable subjective norms, instrumental attitudes and intentions. Given considerable external competition from messages promoting the benefits of alcohol use, a one-off program that modifies incorrect knowledge and alters perceptions of binge drinking as a fun, recreational activity represents an important step. This research contributes to current understanding of social marketing’s capacity to change drivers and maintain inhibitors of binge drinking intentions of adolescents and provides an important basis for future research in the domain.


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Dancing was an important pastime in colonial society. People would dance to celebrate events such as weddings and harvests, but also as a general recreational activity. Dancing is a shared experience which forges and maintains a sense of community and cultural identity – a sense of belonging. This was significant in the new land, where many people had left their families and friends behind. Speed the Plough was a very popular English country dance which came from a play of the same name, first performed in London in 1798.


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Esta proposta de estudo aborda questões relativas a políticas públicas de cultura. Tem por referente o samba de coco nas comunidades afrodescendentes de Castainho e Atoleiros, situadas nos municípios de Garanhuns e Caetés, do agreste de Pernambuco, região que se constitui parcela de território do antigo quilombo dos Palmares, um dos principais focos de resistência dos escravos negros do Brasil colonial, que se manteve incólume durante quase um século. Na região atribuída à existência do antigo quilombo estão vários grupos autointitulados remanescentes, que fazem dos ideais de força e resistência quilombola sua própria vida. O título do estudo é Brincadeira e arte: patrimônio, formação cultural e samba de coco em Pernambuco. O objetivo geral é relacionar o processo de criação em manifestações artísticas populares com as políticas institucionais empreendidas, numa perspectiva intercultural e transdisciplinar, tomando como referencial empírico a brincadeira de samba de coco nos municípios de Garanhuns e Caetés, em Pernambuco, respectivamente nas comunidades Sítio Castainho e Sítio Atoleiros, através da Banda Folclore Verde do Castainho e do Samba de Coco Santa Luzia. A ideia é viabilizar um estudo que se reporta ao conceito de patrimônio cultural étnico brasileiro, percebendo cultura como uma construção histórica da humanidade e compreendendo a manifestação artística como patrimônio imaterial. Trata-se de uma análise sobre grupos brincantes do chamado samba de coco como manifestação plural, de características diversificadas, que ambiciona influenciar políticas públicas destinadas a artistas populares ligados à música, ao canto, à dança e à literatura popular, encarnada em letras de canções, cujo conteúdo é repassado às novas gerações através da oralidade ou por ações de formação cultural, como iniciativas do poder público. Políticas públicas de cultura, patrimônio e formação cultural para preservação são as palavras-chave para identificação das condições atuais da relação entre artistas e gestão pública, considerando a perspectiva de educação não formal, no sentido atribuído pela UNESCO, referenciando-se em depoimentos como principal fonte. Conhecer algumas dimensões do imaginário mítico-simbólico que envolve produtores e gestores, é fundamento para o estudo, que se constitui a partir do levantamento, caracterização e análise da relação entre artistas e instituições de cultura, em diversas instâncias, considerando ideais de modernidade, permanências e transformações observadas no exercício, difusão e gestão da brincadeira. Os produtores do Povoado Atoleiros são criadores do samba de coco, brincadeira de adultos que se traduz em espaço de confraternização e comunhão e recebe interferência do poder público municipal, em Caetés, um dos municípios do entorno de Garanhuns, na periferia do qual está também o Sítio Castainho. Este, a partir de formas diversas de articulação, é contemplado por ações das gestões públicas municipal, estadual e federal, especificamente dentro do Festival de Inverno de Garanhuns FIG. A abordagem contempla a situação das duas comunidades, mas não elimina o reconhecimento de outros locais para a brincadeira do samba de coco e ações de preservação a ela direcionadas, como partes de um processo cultural que é também e necessariamente educativo e, em suas possibilidades de rupturas e continuidades, forma gerações.


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Wydział Nauk Geograficznych i Geologicznych: Zakład Centrum Turystyki i Rekreacji


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An adaptation of bungee jumping, 'bungee running', involves participants attempting to run as far as they can whilst connected to an elastic rope which is anchored to a fixed point. Usually considered a safe recreational activity, we report a potentially life-threatening head injury following a bungee running accident.


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As sociedades contemporâneas testemunham os efeitos negativos do stress sobre a saúde, existindo evidências empíricas do relacionamento recíproco entre stress e doença (infeciosas, crónicas, cardiovasculares, cancro) (Iwasaki & Mannell, 2000). Por outro lado, Walden (2007) sublinha que o stress varia de acordo com as circunstâncias de vida e Rode et al. (2012) acrescentam que as pessoas com incapacidade apresentam taxas mais elevadas de problemas de saúde relacionados com o stress do que a população em geral. Neste contexto, surge o lazer como mecanismo de coping, como instrumento restaurador e benéfico para a saúde (Caldwell, 2005; Wijndaele et al., 2007). Assim, considerando o turismo como uma marcante atividade recreacional em tempo de lazer na vida das pessoas, e uma oportunidade de relaxamento e interação social (Richards, et al., 2010), pensou-se na possibilidade do turismo acessível ser um recurso de coping para gerir o stress na incapacidade. É com base na atualidade e pertinência destas reflexões que se estabeleceram duas metas para este trabalho: compreender o relacionamento entre turismo, stress e coping para os indivíduos com incapacidade, e desenvolver bases empíricas para fins terapêuticos e para o desenvolvimento de novos produtos turísticos, numa lógica biopsicossocial (biológica ou física, psicológica e social). Especificamente, pretende-se identificar fontes de stress para as pessoas com incapacidade e as suas respostas de coping, e explicar como o turismo atua nas dimensões biopsicossociais do stress-coping. Para atingir estes objetivos utilizou-se uma metodologia mista, suportada por uma revisão de literatura aprofundada, que consistiu na realização de um estudo qualitativo e outro quantitativo. No primeiro, recorreu-se à técnica de focus groups para cada tipo de incapacidade em análise, motora (N=6), auditiva (N=7) e visual (N=6), e no segundo, procedeu-se à aplicação de inquéritos por questionário a pessoas com incapacidade motora e sensorial (N=306), cujo questionário consistiu na adaptação e ajuste das ECL (Escalas de Coping através do Lazer) ao contexto do Turismo Acessível. Os resultados indicam que a principal fonte de stress dos indivíduos com incapacidade é a própria incapacidade em conjugação com a sociedade, demonstrando-se a prevalência de estratégias baseadas na interação social para a resolução de problemas, em detrimento de outras. Por sua vez, apuram-se os benefícios do turismo, cujas mais-valias no âmbito das dimensões biopsicossociais destes indivíduos em particular, são também discutidas. Conclui-se, portanto, que o turismo acessível é um novo formato de stress-coping para a população com incapacidade, suportando o reequilíbrio e harmonização dos seus recursos pessoais e sociais, contribuindo positivamente para a sua saúde e bem-estar global, servindo de base ao desenvolvimento de novos produtos turísticos adequados e direcionados para as necessidades específicas desta população e ao planeamento de intervenções terapêuticas alternativas no contexto da sua reabilitação.


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Objectifs: Évaluer l’association entre l’exposition récréative, professionnelle et globale au soleil et le risque de cancer de la prostate (CaP). Méthodes: Dans le contexte d’une étude cas-témoins sur le CaP menée à Montréal, Canada, des entrevues ont été complétées auprès de 1371 cas incidents de CaP diagnostiqués en 2005-2009, et 1479 témoins de la population générale. Des questionnaires détaillés ont permis d’obtenir de l’information sur la fréquence et la durée de participation à toute activité extérieure lors des loisirs durant l’âge adulte, ainsi qu’une description de chaque emploi tenu au cours de la vie. Une matrice emploi-exposition canadienne a été appliquée à chaque emploi afin d’assigner un niveau d’exposition professionnelle au soleil. Des indices cumulatifs de l’exposition au soleil basés sur le nombre d’événements récréatifs, la durée d’exposition professionnelle, ainsi qu’un indice d’exposition global ont été développés. La régression logistique a été utilisée pour estimer l’association entre chaque indice d’exposition et le CaP, en ajustant pour des variables de confusion potentielles. Résultats: Globalement, il n’y avait pas d’association entre chacun des indices d’exposition et le risque de CaP. Certaines tendances en accord avec un risque légèrement plus faible chez les hommes exposés au soleil ont été observées mais les résultats n’étaient pas statistiquement significatifs et il n’y avait pas de relation dose-réponse. Conclusion: Notre étude apporte peu de soutien à l’hypothèse d’une association entre l’exposition au soleil et le risque de développer un cancer de la prostate.


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Salt marshes constitute habitat islands for many endemic animal species, particularly along the California coast, where urban sprawl has fragmented this habitat. Recreational activities in salt marshes have increased recently, posing an interesting problem: how do endemic species lacking alternative habitat modify their tolerance to humans? We assessed seasonal and site variations in three tolerance parameters (distances at which animals became alert, fled, and moved after fleeing) of California's endangered Belding’s Savannah Sparrow ((Passerculus sandwichensis beldingi). We approached individuals on trails in three salt marshes with different levels of vehicle and pedestrian traffic. Belding’s Savannah Sparrows became aware and fled at shorter distances in the salt marsh coincident with greater levels of recreational activity as a result of habituation or visual obstruction effects. Seasonal effects in tolerance varied between sites. Alert and flight initiation distances were higher in the pre-nesting than in the non-breeding season in the site with the highest levels of recreational use likely due to greater exposure of breeding individuals; however, the opposite seasonal trend was found in each of the two sites with relatively lower human use, probably because individuals were less spatially attached in the non-breeding season when they foraged in aggregations. Distance fled was greater in the non-breeding than in the breeding season. Our findings call for dynamic management of recreational activities in different salt marshes depending on the degree of exposure to humans and seasonal variations in tolerance. We recommend a minimum approaching distance of 63 m and buffer areas of 1.3 ha around Belding's Savannah Sparrows.


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This study investigates the influences on participation in physical activity of thirty adolescent girls from a metropolitan secondary school in Victoria. It seeks to understand how they perceived, experienced and explained their involvement or non involvement in both competitive and non competitive physical activity during four years of their secondary schooling. Participants experienced physical education as both a single sex group in Years 7 and 9 and a coeducational group in Years 8 and 10. They were exposed to a predominantly competitive curriculum in Years 7 to 9 and a less structured, more social, recreational program in Year 10. These experiences enabled them to compare the differences between class structures and activity programs and identify the significant issues which impacted on their participation. Large Australian population studies have revealed that fewer girls participated in sport and regular physical activity than boys. An important consequence is that girls miss out on the health benefits associated with participating in physical activity. Other research has found adolescence is the time that girls drop out of competitive sport. However, an important issue is whether girls who drop out of competitive sport cease to be involved in any physical activity. There are some studies which have reported good participation rates by adolescent girls in non competitive, recreational forms of physical activity and the possibility exists that they may drop out of competitive and into non competitive physical activity. This study primarily utilises a qualitative approach in contrast to previous studies which have largely relied upon the use of surveys and questionnaires. Whilst quantitative research has provided useful information about the bigger picture, there are limitations caused by reliance on the researchers' own interpretations of the data. Additionally there is no opportunity for any clarification and explanation of findings and trends by the respondents themselves. The current study utilized qualitative individual and collective interviews in three stages. Questions were asked in the broad areas of coeducation and single sex classes, preferences for competitive or recreational activity and body image issues. Some quantitative information focusing on nature and extent of current activity patterns was also gathered in the first stage. Thirty Year 10 girls participated in individual first interviews. Nine selected girls then took part in the second (individual) and third (collective) interview stages. Results revealed three groups based on the nature of physical activity involvement: [1] competitive activity group, [2] social activity group and [3] transition group. The transition group represented those who were in the process of withdrawing from competitive sport to take up more non competitive, recreational activity. The most significant difference between groups was skill level. On the whole those entering adolescence with the highest skill levels, such as those in the competitive group, were the most confident and relished competing against others. The social group was low in skill and confidence and had predominantly negative experiences in physical education and sport because their deficiencies were plainly visible to all. Similarly, a lack of skill improvement relative to those of 'better performers' affected the interest and confidence levels of those in the transition group. Boys' domination in coeducational classes through verbal and physical intimidation of the less competent and confident girls and exclusion of very competent girls was a major issue. Social and transition group members demonstrated compliance with boys' power by hanging back and sitting out of competitive activities. Conversely, the competitive group resisted boy's attempts to dominate but had to work hard to demonstrate their athletic capabilities in order to do so. Body image issues such as the skimpy physical education and sport uniform along with body revealing activities such as swimming and gymnastics, heightened feelings of self-consciousness and embarrassment for most girls. When strategies were adopted by social and transition group members to avoid any body exposure or physical humiliation, participation levels were subsequently affected. However, where girls felt confident about their physical abilities and body image, they were able to ignore their unflattering uniforms and thus participation was unaffected. Specific teaching practices such as giving more attention to boys, for example by segregating the sexes in mixed classes to focus attention on boys, reinforced stereotypical notions of gender and contributed to the inequities for girls in physical education. The competitive group were frustrated with having to prove themselves as capable as boys in order to receive greater teacher attention. The transition group rejected teacher's attempts to coerce them into participating in the inter school sports program. The social group believed that teachers viewed and treated them less favourably than others because of their limited skills. Girls were not passive in the face of these obstacles. Rather than give up physical activity they disengaged from competitive sport and took up other forms of activity which they had the confidence to perform. These activity choices also reflected their expanding social interests such as spending time with male and female friends outside school and increased demands on their time by study and part time work commitments. This study not only highlighted the diversity and complexity of attitudes and behaviours of girls towards physical activity but also demonstrated that they display agency in making conscious, sensible decisions about their physical activity choices. Plain Language Summary of Thesis Adolescent girls in physical education and sport; An analysis of influences on participation by Julia Whitty Submitted for the degree of Master of Applied Science Deakin University Supervisor: Dr Judy Ann Jones This study investigates the influences on participation in physical activity of thirty adolescent girls from a metropolitan secondary school in Victoria in order to understand how girls' perceived, experienced and explained their involvement or non involvement in both competitive and non competitive physical activity. Qualitative individual and collective interviews were conducted. Questions focussed on attitudes about coeducation and single sex classes, preferences for competitive or recreational activity and feelings about body image. Some quantitative information about the nature and extent of current activity patterns was also gathered in the first stage. Thirty Year 10 girls participated in individual first interviews. Nine selected girls then took part in the second (individual) and third (collective) interview stages. Results revealed three clearly different groups based on the nature of physical activity involvement (1) Competitive, (2) Social and (3) Transition (those in the process of withdrawing from competitive sport to take up more non competitive, recreational activity). The major difference between groups was skill level. Those entering adolescence with the highest skill levels were more competent and confident in the coeducational and competitive sport setting. Other significant issues included boys' domination, body image and teaching behaviours and practices.


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Esta Dissertação tem o objetivo de problematizar algumas campanhas de saúde realizadas na escola, discutindo o caráter curativo/terapêutico da Pedagogia. O estudo aqui apresentado, baseado numa perspectiva pós-estruturalista, incorpora algumas contribuições de Michel Foucault, entre outros autores, possibilitando pensar algumas práticas de controle dos sujeitos na escola através do disciplinamento e do biopoder como formas de governamento que asseguram a normalização, a disciplinarização e a regulação da população (escolar). Os materiais de pesquisa se constituem em fitas VHS, cartilhas e manuais para professores e alunos, cadernos recreativos, histórias e fichas médicas produzidos pelo Ministério da Saúde e pelo Ministério da Educação, em parceria com entidades não-governamentais. Esses materiais foram elaborados para as escolas públicas brasileiras e estão inseridos no Programa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar. Nesse sentido, analiso algumas campanhas de saúde e os modos como elas operam para regular e produzir nos sujeitos modos de ser com relação à prevenção de doenças e à regulação da saúde. Discuto os modos pelos quais essas campanhas participam na produção de uma criança considerada saudável, com ênfase em algumas práticas (de higiene, cuidado e cura) que se articulam com os fazeres escolares e que posicionam a escola como uma das principais responsáveis pela educação em saúde.