978 resultados para reconstructive surgical procedures


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Background: The possibility of using stem cells for regenerative medicine has opened a new field of investigation. The search for sources to obtain multipotent stem cells from discarded tissues or through non-invasive procedures is of great interest. It has been shown that mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) obtained from umbilical cords, dental pulp and adipose tissue, which are all biological discards, are able to differentiate into muscle, fat, bone and cartilage cell lineages. The aim of this study was to isolate, expand, characterize and assess the differentiation potential of MSCs from human fallopian tubes (hFTs). Methods: Lineages of hFTs were expanded, had their karyotype analyzed, were characterized by flow cytometry and underwent in vitro adipogenic, chondrogenic, osteogenic, and myogenic differentiation. Results: Here we show for the first time that hFTs, which are discarded after some gynecological procedures, are a rich additional source of MSCs, which we designated as human tube MSCs (htMSCs). Conclusion: Human tube MSCs can be easily isolated, expanded in vitro, present a mesenchymal profile and are able to differentiate into muscle, fat, cartilage and bone in vitro.


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In some patients with refractory epilepsy, no resective surgery of the epileptogenic zone can be offered. This is the case when for instance the epileptogenic zone is located in an eloquent region (motor, language or visual) or when there are several epileptogenic zones. When disabling seizures persist despite the medical treatment, several surgical procedures can be proposed with the aim of decreasing the seizure frequency. Among these procedures, we review briefly here vagus nerve stimulation, the various brain stimulations procedures, multiples subpial transsections, and the corpus callosotomy. For each procedure, we will discuss its indication and outcome.


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It is debated whether chronic hypertension increases the risk of cardiovascular incidents during anaesthesia. We studied all elective surgical operations performed in adults under general or regional anaesthesia between 2000 and 2004, in 24 hospitals collecting computerised clinical data on all anaesthetics since 1996. The focus was on cardiovascular incidents, though other anaesthesia-related incidents were also evaluated. Among 124,939 interventions, 27,881 (22%) were performed in hypertensive patients. At least one cardiovascular incident occurred in 7549 interventions (6% (95% CI 5.9-6.2%)). The average adjusted odds ratio of cardiovascular risk for chronic hypertension was 1.38 (95% CI 1.27-1.49). However, across hospitals, adjusted odd ratios varied from 0.41 up to 2.25. Hypertension did not increase the risk of other incidents. Hypertensive patients are still at risk of intra-operative cardiovascular incidents, while risk heterogeneity across hospitals, despite taking account of casemix and hospital characteristics, suggests variations in anaesthetic practices.


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BACKGROUND: Partial excision of the nail matrix (matricectomy) is generally considered necessary in the surgical treatment of ingrown toenail. Recurrences may occur, however, and poor cosmetic results are frequently observed. OBJECTIVE: The objective is to present a new surgical procedure for ingrown toenail with complete preservation of the nail matrix. METHODS: Twenty-three patients with ingrown toenail were included in this study. The surgical excision was performed 1 week after the completion of treatment of the initial infection. A large volume of soft tissue surrounding the nail plate was removed under local anesthesia. No matrix excision was performed. RESULTS: Short-term results were excellent. No recurrences or severe complications were observed during the minimum 12-months follow-up period. Cosmetic results were remarkable. CONCLUSIONS: Ingrown toenail results from the compression of the lateral nail folds on the nail plate. This study shows that ingrown toenail can be surgically treated without matricectomy. A large volume of soft tissue surrounding the nail plate should be removed to decompress the nail and reduce inflammation. Cosmetic results are excellent and superior to the classical Emmert plasty. Postoperative nail dystrophies and spicule formation are not observed. The main advantage of this surgical approach is the complete preservation of the anatomy and function of the nail to improve both therapeutic and cosmetic results.


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About 2% of all paragangliomas are located in the chest, and a few have been described to be found in the heart. Primary cardiac paragangliomas are extremely uncommon tumors and surgical experience with this neoplasm is limited. Treatment strategies described in the literature have included simple excision, excision with reconstruction, autotransplantation after excision of the tumor and even orthotopic cardiac transplantation, depending on the extent of disease. A primary retrocardiac paraganglioma catecholamine-productive was identified in an asymptomatic 49-year old female associated to familial pheochromocytoma-paraganglioma syndrome caused by germline mutation of the gen which codifies for the subunit B of succinate dehydrogenase enzyme (SDHB). The neoplasm was surgically excised from the posterior surface of the left atrium via median sternotomy using cardiopulmonary bypass. Direct ligation of feeding vessels of the tumor along with left atrial reinforcement using a pericardial patch was performed. The post-operative course was uneventful, with normalization of catecholamine secretion and no recurrence at three-month follow-up. We review the current literature about this exceptional cardiac tumor, pathophysiological conditions and options for surgical management.


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BACKGROUND Dermatologic surgeons routinely harvest pedicled flaps at distance with an axial or random pattern to repair facial defects. These types of skin flaps are time-consuming and have high economic, social and personal costs. These drawbacks could be avoided with the introduction of a single-step transfer of free flaps to the recipient site, with microvascular anastomosis. OBJECTIVE To demonstrate that better results are obtained with myocutaneous or fasciocutaneous free flaps and which one is more suitable in surgical dermatology. MATERIAL AND METHODS We selected two patients of opposite sexes and similar ages who had undergone Mohs surgery to remove recurrent malignant tumors that were located in the upper cheek bordering the zygomatic zone. The woman was treated with a fasciocutaneous radial free flap and the man with a rectus abdominis free flap. RESULTS Both patients had excellent immediate postoperative outcomes. Complications observed in the male patient were related to a previous pulmonary alteration. The fasciocutaneous radial free flap reconstruction was easier to perform than the rectus abdominis free flap; nevertheless, the radial free flap is very thin and, although the palmaris longus tendon is used, it does not yield enough volume, requiring later use of implants. In contrast, the rectus abdominis free flap transfers a wide flap with enough fat tissue to expand in the future. As for the cosmetic results regarding the donor site, the rectus abdominis free flap produces better-looking scars, since secondary defects of the palmar surface cannot be directly closed and usually require grafting - a situation that some patients do not accept. CONCLUSIONS In surgical dermatology, each case, once the tumor has been extirpated, requires its own reconstructive technique. The radial free flap is suitable for thin patients who are willing to cover their arm with a shirt. The rectus abdominis free flap is best suited for obese patients with deep and voluminous defects, although it is necessary to dislocate the navel from its original position.


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The aim of this work was to use the Urinary Distress Inventory (UDI-6) and Incontinence Impact Quality of Life (IIQ-7) questionnaires to compare 3 surgical techniques for stress urinary incontinence: the transvaginal tape (TVT) (105 women), the transobturator tape outside-in (TOT) (43 women), and the transvaginal tape-obturator inside-out (TVT-O) (54 women). There were no significant differences in frequent urination, urine leakage related to the feeling of urgency, urine leakage related to physical activity, or small amounts of urine leakage. TVT-operated women had a lower percentage of micturition difficulties compared with TOT women. TVT-O-operated women described slight discomfort in the genital area compared with the TVT technique, but this difference was not significant when compared with the TOT technique. When utilizing the UDI-6 and IIQ-7 scoring modifications before and after surgery, no difference among these 3 techniques is apparent.


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Rapport de synthèse : Bien que les complications sévères de l'anesthésie soient actuellement rares, des informations contradictoires existent à propos du rôle et de l'importance de l'hypertension artérielle chronique sur la survenue de complications en cours d'anesthésie. En raison de la prévalence élevée de l'hypertension artérielle dans la population et du grand nombre d'anesthésies effectuées, il est important de clarifier cette relation. Le but de l'étude était d'évaluer si les personnes hypertendues étaient à risque accru de présenter des complications lors d'anesthésies à partir de données collectées de routine lors d'anesthésies usuelles réalisées en Suisse. Nous avons utilisé les données figurant dans le registre ADS (Anesthésie Données Suisse) correspondant à des anesthésies, générales ou locorégionales, réalisées pour chirurgie élective chez des adultes, entre 2000 et 2004 dans 24 hôpitaux suisses. L'attention était portée principalement sur les incidents cardio-vasculaires, mais les autres incidents relevés de routine ont aussi été évalués. La présence d'une hypertension artérielle chronique était définie par la présence d'un traitement antihypertenseur ou par l'anamnèse d'une hypertension artérielle, combinée à la mesure d'une pression artérielle élevée (systolique >160 mm Hg ou diastolique >100 mm Hg) lors de l'examen préopératoire de l'anesthésiste. Les incidents relevés en cours d'anesthésie ont été définis a priori et sont enregistrés de routine sur la feuille d'anesthésie et reportés dans une base de données centralisée. En raison de la structure des données, des analyses hiérarchiques ont été effectuées incluant des variables individuelles (niveau 1), liées aux groupes d'interventions chirurgicales (niveau 2) et à l'hôpital (niveau 3). Parmi les 124 939 interventions, 27 881 (22%) concernaient des patients connus pour une hypertension artérielle chronique. Au moins un incident est survenu dans 16,8% des interventions (95% Cl 16,6 -17,0%). Chez 7 549 patients, au moins un incident cardio- vasculaire est survenu, soit dans 6% des anesthésies (95% Cl 5.9-6.2%). Le rapport des cotes (odds ratio) moyen ajusté pour les incidents cardio-vasculaires chez les patients hypertendus était de 1.38 (95% Cl 1.27-1.49), indiquant une augmentation du risque chez les patients hypertendus. Cependant, l'hypertension n'était pas liée à un risque augmenté de survenue d'un autre incident. Les rapports de cotes ajustés de la survenue d'une complication cardiovasculaire en présence d'une hypertension artérielle variaient selon les hôpitaux entre 0.41 et 2.25. Ainsi, cette étude confirme la présence d'un risque accru de survenue d'une complication cardiovasculaire chez un patient hypertendu lors d'une anesthésie pour chirurgie élective. Il s'agissait le plus souvent d'une arythmie ou d'une perturbation hémodynamique. Cette augmentation du risque proche de 40% a aussi été trouvée dans une revue systématique avec méta-analyse. L'hétérogénéité des institutions -qui persiste même en tenant compte des ajustements pour le type d'intervention chirurgicale et des variables individuelles (case-mix) - suggère des différences de pratique de l'anesthésie selon l'hôpital.


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Dr. Narakas intended to study a series of 61 cases of shoulder sequelae of obstetric palsy. His vast experience would have enriched our clinical knowledge of this ailment. The authors carry on with that study to clarify his therapeutic approach and share the benefit of his experience.


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BACKGROUND: Acute kidney injury (AKI) is common in patients undergoing cardiac surgery among whom it is associated with poor outcomes, prolonged hospital stays and increased mortality. Statin drugs can produce more than one effect independent of their lipid lowering effect, and may improve kidney injury through inhibition of postoperative inflammatory responses. OBJECTIVES: This review aimed to look at the evidence supporting the benefits of perioperative statins for AKI prevention in hospitalised adults after surgery who require cardiac bypass. The main objectives were to 1) determine whether use of statins was associated with preventing AKI development; 2) determine whether use of statins was associated with reductions in in-hospital mortality; 3) determine whether use of statins was associated with reduced need for RRT; and 4) determine any adverse effects associated with the use of statins. SEARCH METHODS: We searched the Cochrane Renal Group's Specialised Register to 13 January 2015 through contact with the Trials' Search Co-ordinator using search terms relevant to this review. SELECTION CRITERIA: Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) that compared administration of statin therapy with placebo or standard clinical care in adult patients undergoing surgery requiring cardiopulmonary bypass and reporting AKI, serum creatinine (SCr) or need for renal replacement therapy (RRT) as an outcome were eligible for inclusion. All forms and dosages of statins in conjunction with any duration of pre-operative therapy were considered for inclusion in this review. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: All authors extracted data independently and assessments were cross-checked by a second author. Likewise, assessment of study risk of bias was initially conducted by one author and then by a second author to ensure accuracy. Disagreements were arbitrated among authors until consensus was reached. Authors from two of the included studies provided additional data surrounding post-operative SCr as well as need for RRT. Meta-analyses were used to assess the outcomes of AKI, SCr and mortality rate. Data for the outcomes of RRT and adverse effects were not pooled. Adverse effects taken into account were those reported by the authors of included studies. MAIN RESULTS: We included seven studies (662 participants) in this review. All except one study was assessed as being at high risk of bias. Three studies assessed atorvastatin, three assessed simvastatin and one investigated rosuvastatin. All studies collected data during the immediate perioperative period only; data collection to hospital discharge and postoperative biochemical data collection ranged from 24 hours to 7 days. Overall, pre-operative statin treatment was not associated with a reduction in postoperative AKI, need for RRT, or mortality. Only two studies (195 participants) reported postoperative SCr level. In those studies, patients allocated to receive statins had lower postoperative SCr concentrations compared with those allocated to no drug treatment/placebo (MD 21.2 µmol/L, 95% CI -31.1 to -11.1). Adverse effects were adequately reported in only one study; no difference was found between the statin group compared to placebo. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: Analysis of currently available data did not suggest that preoperative statin use is associated with decreased incidence of AKI in adults after surgery who required cardiac bypass. Although a significant reduction in SCr was seen postoperatively in people treated with statins, this result was driven by results from a single study, where SCr was considered as a secondary outcome. The results of the meta-analysis should be interpreted with caution; few studies were included in subgroup analyses, and significant differences in methodology exist among the included studies. Large high quality RCTs are required to establish the safety and efficacy of statins to prevent AKI after cardiac surgery.


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Background: It is debated whether chronic hypertension increases the risk of cardiovascular incidents during anaesthesia. Methods: We studied all elective surgical operations performed in adults under general or regional anaesthesia between 2000 and 2004, in 24 hospitals collecting computerised clinical data on all anaesthetia since 1996. The focus was on cardiovascular incidents, though other anaesthesia-related incidents were also evaluated. Results: Among 124 939 interventions, 27 881 (22%) were performed in hypertensive patients. At least one cardiovascular incident occurred in 7549 interventions (6% [95% CI 5.9-6.2%]). The average adjusted odds ratio of cardiovascular risk in patients with chronic hypertension was 1.38 (95% CI 1.27-1.49). However, across hospitals, adjusted odd ratios varied from 0.41 up to 2.25. Hypertension did not increase the risk of other incidents. Conclusions: Hypertensive patients are still at risk of intra-operative cardiovascular incidents. The heterogeneity of the risk to develop cardiovascular incidents varied across hospitals, despite taking into account casemix and hospital characteristics. These variations suggest that anaesthetic practices differ across anesthesia services


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Objective: this study aims to explore the experience of Brazilian surgeons on Unintentionally Retained Foreign Bodies (RFB) after surgical procedures. Methods: A questionnaire was sent to surgeons by electronic mail, between March and July 2012. The questions analyzed their experience with foreign bodies (FB), foreign bodies' types, clinical manifestations, diagnoses, risk factors and legal implications. Results: in the 2872 eligible questionnaires, 43% of the surgeons asserted that they had already left FB and 73% had removed FB in one or more occasions, totalizing 4547. Of these foreign bodies, 90% were textiles, 78% were discovered in the first year and 14% remained asymptomatic. Among doctors with less than five years after graduation, 36% had already left a FB. The most frequently surgical procedures mentioned were the elective (57%) and routine (85%) ones. Emergency (26%), lack of counting (25%) and inadequate conditions of work contributed (12.5%) to the occurrence. In 46% of the cases patients were alerted about the FB, and 26% of them sued the doctors or the institution. Conclusions: challenging medical situations, omission of security protocols and inadequate work conditions contributed to RFB. However, RFB occurs mostly in routine procedures such as cesarean or cholecystectomy, and at the beginning of the professional career, highlighting, particularly in poorest countries, the need for primary prevention. Textiles predominated causing clinical repercussions and they were diagnosed in the first postoperative months. Surgeons were sued in 11.3% of the RFB cases.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)