986 resultados para reading system
Mode of access: Internet.
We describe an RFID tag reading system for reading one or more RFID Tags, the system comprising an RF transmitter and an RF receiver, a plurality of transmit/receive antennas coupled to said RF transmitter and to said RF receiver, to provide spatial transmit/receive signal diversity, and a tag signal decoder coupled to at least said RF receiver, wherein said system is configured to combine received RF signals from said antennas to provide a combined received RF signal, wherein said RF receiver has said combined received RF signal as an input; wherein said antennas are spaced apart from one another sufficiently for one said antenna not to be within the near field of another said antenna, wherein said system is configured to perform a tag inventory cycle comprising a plurality of tag read rounds to read said tags, a said tag read round comprising transmission of one or more RF tag interrogation signals simultaneously from said plurality of antennas and receiving a signal from one or more of said tags, a said tag read round having a set of time slots during which a said tag is able to transmit tag data including a tag ID for reception by said antenna, and wherein said system is configured to perform, during a said tag inventory cycle, one or both of: a change in a frequency of said tag interrogation signals transmitted simultaneously from said plurality of antennas, and a change in a relative phase of a said RF tag interrogation signals transmitted from one of said antennas with respect to another of said antennas.
In this single group, pretest/posttest design study the literacy level and self-concept of nine moderately mentally handicapped adults was assessed. The participants in the study were involved in reading lessons using the Ball-Stick-Bird reading system, a brainbased program. No significant differences were found in either literacy level or reading level after intervention. However, there were changes in reading behaviour. These changes occurred in the subskills ofdirectionality, letter-sound correspondence, wordreading, and use of reading materials.
La lecture numérique prend de plus en plus de place dans l'espace global de la lecture des étudiants. Bien que les premiers systèmes de lecture numérique, communément appelés livres électroniques, datent déjà de plusieurs années, les opinions quant à leur potentiel divergent encore. Une variété de contenus universitaires numériques s’offre aujourd’hui aux étudiants, entraînant par le fait même une multiplication d'usages ainsi qu'une variété de modes de lecture. Les systèmes de lecture numérique font maintenant partie intégrante de l’environnement électronique auquel les étudiants ont accès et méritent d’être étudiés plus en profondeur. Maintes expérimentations ont été menées dans des bibliothèques publiques et dans des bibliothèques universitaires sur les livres électroniques. Des recherches ont été conduites sur leur utilisabilité et sur le degré de satisfaction des lecteurs dans le but d’en améliorer le design. Cependant, très peu d’études ont porté sur les pratiques de lecture proprement dites des universitaires (notamment les étudiants) et sur leurs perceptions de ces nouveaux systèmes de lecture. Notre recherche s’intéresse à ces aspects en étudiant deux systèmes de lecture numérique, une Tablet PC (dispositif nomade) et un système de livres-Web, NetLibrary (interface de lecture intégrée à un navigateur Web). Notre recherche étudie les pratiques de lecture des étudiants sur ces systèmes de lecture numérique. Elle est guidée par trois questions de recherche qui s’articulent autour (1) des stratégies de lecture employées par des étudiants (avant, pendant et après la lecture), (2) des éléments du système de lecture qui influencent (positivement ou négativement) le processus de lecture et (3) des perceptions des étudiants vis-à-vis la technologie du livre électronique et son apport à leur travail universitaire. Pour mener cette recherche, une approche méthodologique mixte a été retenue, utilisant trois modes de collecte de données : un questionnaire, des entrevues semi-structurées avec les étudiants ayant utilisé l’un ou l’autre des systèmes étudiés, et le prélèvement des traces de lecture laissées par les étudiants dans les systèmes, après usage. Les répondants (n=46) étaient des étudiants de l’Université de Montréal, provenant de trois départements (Bibliothéconomie & sciences de l’information, Communication et Linguistique & traduction). Près de la moitié d’entre eux (n=21) ont été interviewés. Parallèlement, les traces de lecture laissées dans les systèmes de lecture par les étudiants (annotations, surlignages, etc.) ont été prélevées et analysées. Les données des entrevues et des réponses aux questions ouvertes du questionnaire ont fait l'objet d'une analyse de contenu et un traitement statistique a été réservé aux données des questions fermées du questionnaire et des traces de lecture. Les résultats obtenus montrent que, d’une façon générale, l’objectif de lecture, la nouveauté du contenu, les habitudes de lecture de l’étudiant de même que les possibilités du système de lecture sont les éléments qui orientent le choix et l’application des stratégies de lecture. Des aides et des obstacles à la lecture ont été identifiés pour chacun des systèmes de lecture étudiés. Les aides consistent en la présence de certains éléments de la métaphore du livre papier dans le système de lecture numérique (notion de page délimitée, pagination, etc.), le dictionnaire intégré au système, et le fait que les systèmes de lecture étudiés facilitent la lecture en diagonale. Pour les obstacles, l’instrumentation de la lecture a rendu l’appropriation du texte par le lecteur difficile. De plus, la lecture numérique (donc « sur écran ») a entraîné un manque de concentration et une fatigue visuelle notamment avec NetLibrary. La Tablet PC, tout comme NetLibrary, a été perçue comme facile à utiliser mais pas toujours confortable, l’inconfort étant davantage manifeste dans NetLibrary. Les étudiants considèrent les deux systèmes de lecture comme des outils pratiques pour le travail universitaire, mais pour des raisons différentes, spécifiques à chaque système. L’évaluation globale de l’expérience de lecture numérique des répondants s’est avérée, dans l’ensemble, positive pour la Tablet PC et plutôt mitigée pour NetLibrary. Cette recherche contribue à enrichir les connaissances sur (1) la lecture numérique, notamment celle du lectorat universitaire étudiant, et (2) l’impact d’un système de lecture sur l’efficacité de la lecture, sur les lecteurs, sur l’atteinte de l’objectif de lecture, et sur les stratégies de lecture utilisées. Outre les limites de l’étude, des pistes pour des recherches futures sont présentées.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Muscle activity has been studied indirectly through analyses of temperature variation in skin surface temperature on the masticatory muscles. These procedure may be an important tool for clinical evaluation and assessment of the evolution of temporomandibular disorders, as well as monitoring the adopted protocol. Thus, its utilization for identified pathological alterations on blood circulation and/or on metabolic activity in subcutaneous tissues, such as the masticatory muscles, is justified. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of occlusal splints’ thickness on the variation of surface temperature of the anterior temporal and masseter muscles during rest and clenching. It were analyzed 20 symptomatic subjects (10 males and 10 females) selected through the Research Diagnostic Criteria (RDC) questionnaire. Temperature expressed in degrees Celsius (ºC) was measured on the surface of both muscles measured with the aid of a digital thermometer with an infrared radiation reading system. The surface temperature of the anterior temporal and masseter muscles presented significant reduction during teeth clenching in relation to the mandibular rest position. However, there were no significant differences between conditions with and without occlusal splint or between the different thicknesses of splints analyzed. Masticatory muscles showed a considerable similar behavior for both sides, and no significant distinctions were observed between male and female patients.
Purpose of this research is to deepen the study on the section in architecture. The survey aims as important elements in the project Teatro Domestico by Aldo Rossi built for the XVII Triennale di Milano in 1986 and, through the implementation on several topics of architecture, verify the timeliness and fertility in the new compositional exercises. Through the study of certain areas of the Rossi’s theory we tried to find a common thread for the reading of the theater project. The theater is the place of the ephemeral and the artificial, which is why his destiny is the end and the fatal loss. The design and construction of theater setting has always had a double meaning between the value of civil architecture and testing of new technologies available. Rossi's experience in this area are clear examples of the inseparable relationship between the representation of architecture as art and design of architecture as a model of reality. In the Teatro Domestico, the distinction between representation and the real world is constantly canceled and returned through the reversal of the meaning and through the skip of scale. At present, studies conducted on the work of Rossi concern the report that the architectural composition is the theory of form, focusing compositional development of a manufacturing process between the typological analysis and form invention. The research, through the analysis of some projects few designs, will try to analyze this issue through the rules of composition both graphical and concrete construction, hoping to decipher the mechanism underlying the invention. The almost total lack of published material on the project Teatro Domestico and the opportunity to visit the archives that preserve the drawings, has allowed the author of this study to deepen the internal issues in the project, thus placing this search as a first step toward possible further analysis on the works of Rossi linked to performance world. The final aim is therefore to produce material that can best describe the work of Rossi. Through the reading of the material published by the same author and the vision of unpublished material preserved in the archives, it was possible to develop new material and increasing knowledge about the work, otherwise difficult to analyze. The research is divided into two groups. The first, taking into account the close relationship most frequently mentioned by Rossi himself between archeology and architectural composition, stresses the importance of tipo such as urban composition reading system as well as open tool of invention. Resuming Ezio Bonfanti’s essay on the work of the architect we wanted to investigate how the paratactic method is applied to the early work conceived and, subsequently as the process reaches a complexity accentuated, while keeping stable the basic terms. Following a brief introduction related to the concept of the section and the different interpretations that over time the term had, we tried to identify with this facility a methodology for reading Rossi’s projects. The result is a constant typological interpretation of the term, not only related to the composition in plant but also through the elevation plans. The section is therefore intended as the overturning of such elevation is marked on the same plane of the terms used, there is a different approach, but a similarity of characters. The identification of architectural phonemes allows comparison with other arts. The research goes in the direction of language trying to identify the relationship between representation and construction, between the ephemeral and the real world. In this sense it will highlight the similarities between the graphic material produced by Ross and some important examples of contemporary author. The comparison between the composition system with the surrealist world of painting and literature will facilitate the understanding and identification of possible rules applied by Rossi. The second part of the research is characterized by a focus on the intent of the project chosen. Teatro Domestico embodies a number of elements that seem to conclude (assuming an end point but also to start) a curriculum author. With it, the experiments carried out on the theater started with the project for the Teatrino Scientifico (1978) through the project for the Teatro del Mondo (1979), into a Laic Tabernacle representative collective and private memory of the city. Starting from a reading of the draft, through the collection of published material, we’ve made an analysis on the explicit themes of the work, finding the conceptual references. Following the taking view of the original materials not published kept at Aldo Rossi's Archive Collection of the Canadian Center for Architecture in Montréal, will be implemented through the existing techniques for digital representation, a virtual reconstruction of the project, adding little to the material, a new element for future studies. The reconstruction is part of a larger research studies where the current technologies of composition and representation in architecture stand side by side with research on the method of composition of this architect. The results achieved are in addition to experiences in the past dealt with the reconstruction of some of the lost works of Aldo Rossi. A partial objective is to reactivate a discourse around this work is considered non-principal, among others born in the prolific activities. Reassessment of development projects which would bring the level of ephemeral works most frequented by giving them the value earned. In conclusion, the research aims to open a new field of interest on the part not only as a technical instrument of representation of an idea but as an actual mechanism through which composition is formed and the idea is developed.
L’attività di ricerca contenuta in questa tesi si è concentrata nello sviluppo e nell’implementazione di tecniche per la co-simulazione e il co-progetto non lineare/elettromagnetico di sistemi wireless non convenzionali. Questo lavoro presenta un metodo rigoroso per considerare le interazioni tra due sistemi posti sia in condizioni di campo vicino che in condizioni di campo lontano. In sostanza, gli effetti del sistema trasmittente sono rappresentati da un generatore equivalente di Norton posto in parallelo all’antenna del sistema ricevente, calcolato per mezzo del teorema di reciprocità e del teorema di equivalenza. La correttezza del metodo è stata verificata per mezzo di simulazioni e misure, concordi tra loro. La stessa teoria, ampliata con l’introduzione degli effetti di scattering, è stata usata per valutare una condizione analoga, dove l’elemento trasmittente coincide con quello ricevente (DIE) contenuto all’interno di una struttura metallica (package). I risultati sono stati confrontati con i medesimi ottenibili tramite tecniche FEM e FDTD/FIT, che richiedono tempi di simulazione maggiori di un ordine di grandezza. Grazie ai metodi di co-simulazione non lineari/EM sopra esposti, è stato progettato e verificato un sistema di localizzazione e identificazione di oggetti taggati posti in ambiente indoor. Questo è stato ottenuto dotando il sistema di lettura, denominato RID (Remotely Identify and Detect), di funzioni di scansione angolare e della tecnica di RADAR mono-pulse. Il sistema sperimentale, creato con dispositivi low cost, opera a 2.5 GHz ed ha le dimensioni paragonabili ad un normale PDA. E’ stato sperimentata la capacità del RID di localizzare, in scenari indoor, oggetti statici e in movimento.
The object of this work is Hegel's Logic, which comprises the first third of his philosophical System that also includes the Philosophy of Nature and the Philosophy of Spirit. The work is divided into two parts, where the first part investigates Hegel s Logic in itself or without an explicit reference to rest of Hegel's System. It is argued in the first part that Hegel's Logic contains a methodology for constructing examples of basic ontological categories. The starting point on which this construction is based is a structure Hegel calls Nothing, which I argue to be identical with an empty situation, that is, a situation with no objects in it. Examples of further categories are constructed, firstly, by making previous structures objects of new situations. This rule makes it possible for Hegel to introduce examples of ontological structures that contain objects as constituents. Secondly, Hegel takes also the very constructions he uses as constituents of further structures: thus, he is able to exemplify ontological categories involving causal relations. The final result of Hegel's Logic should then be a model of Hegel s Logic itself, or at least of its basic methods. The second part of the work focuses on the relation of Hegel's Logic to the other parts of Hegel's System. My interpretation tries to avoid, firstly, the extreme of taking Hegel's System as a grand metaphysical attempt to deduce what exists through abstract thinking, and secondly, the extreme of seeing Hegel's System as mere diluted Kantianism or a second-order investigation of theories concerning objects instead of actual objects. I suggest a third manner of reading Hegel's System, based on extending the constructivism of Hegel's Logic to the whole of his philosophical System. According to this interpretation, transitions between parts of Hegel's System should not be understood as proofs of any sort, but as constructions of one structure or its model from another structure. Hence, these transitions involve at least, and especially within the Philosophy of Nature, modelling of one type of object or phenomenon through characteristics of an object or phenomenon of another type, and in the best case, and especially within the Philosophy of Spirit, transformations of an object or phenomenon of one type into an object or phenomenon of another type. Thus, the transitions and descriptions within Hegel's System concern actual objects and not mere theories, but they still involve no fallacious deductions.
VIDA is a new virus database that organizes open reading frames (ORFs) from partial and complete genomic sequences from animal viruses. Currently VIDA includes all sequences from GenBank for Herpesviridae, Coronaviridae and Arteriviridae. The ORFs are organized into homologous protein families, which are identified on the basis of sequence similarity relationships. Conserved sequence regions of potential functional importance are identified and can be retrieved as sequence alignments. We use a controlled taxonomical and functional classification for all the proteins and protein families in the database. When available, protein structures that are related to the families have also been included. The database is available for online search and sequence information retrieval at http://www.biochem.ucl.ac.uk/bsm/virus_database/VIDA.html.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Contains mounted specimens of needlework.
"In the compilation of this work...the manual published in 1816, by the British and foreign school society...was carefully examined; such parts thereof adopted as were thought suitable, and alterations and additions made, calculated to render it a clear statement of the system as practised in New-York."--Pref.