992 resultados para reaction cross sections


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We use a new technique to investigate the systematic behavior of near barrier complete fusion, total fusion and total reaction cross sections of weakly bound systems. A dimensionless fusion excitation function is used as a benchmark to which renormalized fusion data are compared and dynamic breakup effects can be disentangled from static effects. The same reduction procedure is used to study the effect of the direct reaction mechanisms on the total reaction cross section.


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Heavy-ion total reaction cross-section measurements for more than 1100 reaction cases covering 61 target nuclei in the range (6)Li-(238)U and 158 projectile nuclei from (2)H to (84)Kr (mostly exotic ones) have been analyzed in a systematic way by using an empirical, three-parameter formula that is applicable to the cases of projectile kinetic energies above the Coulomb barrier. The analysis has shown that the average total nuclear binding energy per nucleon of the interacting nuclei and their radii are the chief quantities that describe the cross-section patterns. A great amount of cross-section data (87%) has been quite satisfactorily reproduced by the proposed formula; therefore, the total reaction cross-section predictions for new, not yet experimentally investigated reaction cases can be obtained within 25% (or much less) uncertainty.


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We have measured the elastic scattering cross-section for (8)Li + (9)Be and (8)Li + (51)V systems at 19.6 MeV and 18.5 MeV, respectively. We have also extracted total reaction cross sections from the elastic scattering analysis for several light weakly bound systems using the optical model with Woods-Saxon and double-folding-type potentials. Different reduction methods for the total reaction cross-sections have been applied to analyze and compare simultaneously all the systems.


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"Contract No. AT(30-1)-2897."


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The neutron-rich nucleus Li-11 is separated by the radioactive ion beam line RIBLL at HIRFL from the breakup of 50MeV/u C-13 on Be target. The total reaction cross sections for Li-11 at energies range from 25 to 45MeV/u on Si target have been measured by using the transmission method. The experimental data at high and low energies can be fitted well by Glauber model using two Gauss density distribution. The matter radius of Li-11 was also deduced.


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The mirror nuclei N-12 and B-12 are separated by the Radioactive Ion Beam Line in Lanzhou (RIBLL) at HIRFL from the breakup of 78.6 MeV/u N-14 on a Be target. The total reaction cross-sections of N-12 at 34.9 MeV/u and B-12 at 54.4 MeV/u on a Si target have been measured by using the transmission method. Assuming N-12 consists of a C-11 core plus one halo proton, the excitation function of N-12 and B-12 on a Si target and a C target were calculated with the Glauber model. It can fit the experimental data very well. The characteristic halo structure for N-12 was found with a large diffusion of the protons density distribution.


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The differential cross sections of the dissipative products B, Q N, O, F, Ne, Na and Mg induced from the reactions of F-19+Al-27 at two incident energies have been measured at the HI-13 tandem accelerator, Beijing. In the case of a fixed beam incident energy 114MeV or 118.75MeV respectively, identical reaction system and the same detection system, 20 target points in steps of 2mm on(.)a 10mmx50mm rectangular Al foil have been bombarded. The experimental results indicate that the probability distribution of the cross sections is much wider than a standard Gaussian distribution. This non-reproducibility of the cross sections can't be interpreted by the statistical property of a finite count rate.


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In a study using UV photoelectron spectroscopy (PES) of the atmospherically relevant reaction CH3SCH3 + Cl2 → CH3SCH2Cl + HCl bands associated with a reaction intermediate have been observed. These have been assigned to ionization of the covalently bound molecule (CH3)2SCl2 on the basis of the intensity of the observed bands as a function of reaction time, molecular orbital calculations of vertical ionization energies and evidence from infrared spectroscopy. A method has also been developed, with the flow-tube/PE spectrometer combination used, to measure photoionization cross-sections of the reagents and products at the photon energy utilized and this has allowed the photoionization cross-section of the intermediate to be estimated. This work augments an earlier study in which the rate constant of the reaction between CH3SCH3 (DMS) and Cl2 has been measured at room temperature.


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Cross sections for charge transfer reactions of organic ions containing oxygen have been obtained using time-of-flight techniques. Charge transfer cross sections have been determined for reactions of 2.0 to 3.4 keV ions produced by electron impact ionization of oxygen containing molecules such as methanol, ethanal and ethanol. Experimental cross section magnitudes have been correlated with reaction energy defects computed from ion recombination energies and target ionization energies. Large cross sections are observed for reacting systems with small energy defects.


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Coupled Monte Carlo depletion systems provide a versatile and an accurate tool for analyzing advanced thermal and fast reactor designs for a variety of fuel compositions and geometries. The main drawback of Monte Carlo-based systems is a long calculation time imposing significant restrictions on the complexity and amount of design-oriented calculations. This paper presents an alternative approach to interfacing the Monte Carlo and depletion modules aimed at addressing this problem. The main idea is to calculate the one-group cross sections for all relevant isotopes required by the depletion module in a separate module external to Monte Carlo calculations. Thus, the Monte Carlo module will produce the criticality and neutron spectrum only, without tallying of the individual isotope reaction rates. The onegroup cross section for all isotopes will be generated in a separate module by collapsing a universal multigroup (MG) cross-section library using the Monte Carlo calculated flux. Here, the term "universal" means that a single MG cross-section set will be applicable for all reactor systems and is independent of reactor characteristics such as a neutron spectrum; fuel composition; and fuel cell, assembly, and core geometries. This approach was originally proposed by Haeck et al. and implemented in the ALEPH code. Implementation of the proposed approach to Monte Carlo burnup interfacing was carried out through the BGCORE system. One-group cross sections generated by the BGCORE system were compared with those tallied directly by the MCNP code. Analysis of this comparison was carried out and led to the conclusion that in order to achieve the accuracy required for a reliable core and fuel cycle analysis, accounting for the background cross section (σ0) in the unresolved resonance energy region is essential. An extension of the one-group cross-section generation model was implemented and tested by tabulating and interpolating by a simplified σ0 model. A significant improvement of the one-group cross-section accuracy was demonstrated.