5 resultados para rauduskoivu
The aim of this study was to explore soil microbial activities related to C and N cycling and the occurrence and concentrations of two important groups of plant secondary compounds, terpenes and phenolic compounds, under silver birch (Betula pendula Roth), Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) as well as to study the effects of volatile monoterpenes and tannins on soil microbial activities. The study site, located in Kivalo, northern Finland, included ca. 70-year-old adjacent stands dominated by silver birch, Norway spruce and Scots pine. Originally the soil was very probably similar in all three stands. All forest floor layers (litter (L), fermentation layer (F) and humified layer (H)) under birch and spruce showed higher rates of CO2 production, greater net mineralisation of nitrogen and higher amounts of carbon and nitrogen in microbial biomass than did the forest floor layers under pine. Concentrations of mono-, sesqui-, di- and triterpenes were higher under both conifers than under birch, while the concentration of total water-soluble phenolic compounds as well as the concentration of condensed tannins tended to be higher or at least as high under spruce as under birch or pine. In general, differences between tree species in soil microbial activities and in concentrations of secondary compounds were smaller in the H layer than in the upper layers. The rate of CO2 production and the amount of carbon in the microbial biomass correlated highly positively with the concentration of total water-soluble phenolic compounds and positively with the concentration of condensed tannins. Exposure of soil to volatile monoterpenes and tannins extracted and fractionated from spruce and pine needles affected carbon and nitrogen transformations in soil, but the effects were dependent on the compound and its molecular structure. Monoterpenes decreased net mineralisation of nitrogen and probably had a toxic effect on part of the microbial population in soil, while another part of the microbes seemed to be able to use monoterpenes as a carbon source. With tannins, low-molecular-weight compounds (also compounds other than tannins) increased soil CO2 production and nitrogen immobilisation by soil microbes while the higher-molecular-weight condensed tannins had inhibitory effects. In conclusion, plant secondary compounds may have a great potential in regulation of C and N transformations in forest soils, but the real magnitude of their significance in soil processes is impossible to estimate.
Kasvuston G-funktio kuvaa säteilyn vähenemistä tai ”sammumista” auringon eri korkeuskulmissa varjostavan lehtialan suhteen. Sen vuoksi sitä kutsutaan sammumiskertoimeksi. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää vaihteleeko G-funktion muoto eri puulajien metsiköissä, ja voidaanko puulajit erottaa toisistaan G-funktion muodon avulla. Arvioin lisäksi G-funktioiden muodossa kasvukaudenaikana tapahtuvia muutoksia. Muita tutkimuksen kannalta mielenkiintoisia tutkimuskysymyksiä olivat voidaanko ryhmittymistä tai latvusmuotoa arvioida G-funktion muodon avulla. Maastomittaukset suoritettiin 3.5.2010 -30.9.2010 välisenä aikana. Tutkimusalueena oli Hyytiälän metsäaseman (68?59`N, 35?72`E) ympäristö, jonka metsät edustavat tyypillistä boreaalista havu- ja lehtimetsää. Tutkimusta varten perustettiin kuusi yhden puulajin koealaa, kaksi kutakin puulajia kohden. Tutkittavat puulajit olivat mänty (Pinus sylvestris), kuusi (Picea abies) ja rauduskoivu (Betula pendula). Koealaparit valittiin niin, että kullekin puulajille muodostui varttuneesta metsästä ja taimikosta muodostuva pari tai vaihtoehtoisesti tiheämpi ja harvempi koeala. Koealoille perustettiin 81 mittauspistettä sisältävä mittaushila, jossa kunkin pisteen aukkoisuustiedot mitattiin kahden viikon välein. Mittaukset suoritettiin kahdella LAI-2000 Plant Canopy Analyzer -laitteella. Laitteiden tulosteista koealoille saatiin aukkoisuustiedot T(?) ja LAI, joiden avulla saatiin laskettua tarkasteltavat G-funktiot. Saman puulajin G-funktiota vertailtiin toisiinsa puulajityypillisten trendien havaitsemiseksi. Keskikesällä eri puulajien G-funktioita verrattiin toisiinsa. Teoreettisten simulointien avulla tutkittiin latvuksen dimensioiden (latvuksen pituus ja säde) ja sisäisen ryhmittäisyyden vaikutusta puulajikohtaiseen G-funktioon. Simuloinneissa käytettiin hyväksi tietoa koealojen puustotunnuksista, lehtialasta sekä runkoluvusta. Puulajikohtaiset G-funktiot ovat erotettavissa toisistaan funktion minimi- ja maksimiarvojen sijoittumisen sekä suhteellisen vaihteluvälin perusteella. Havupuualojen G-funktiot eivät juuri muuttuneet kasvukauden aikana. Koivualoilla G-funktion kasvukaudenaikaiset muutokset (pelkät oksat, hiirenkorvat ja täysikasvuiset lehdet) olivat sitä vastoin helposti havaittavissa. G-funktion muodon avulla voidaan myös arvioida latvusmuotoa ja ryhmittymistä. Mäntyjen latvusmuoto on approksimoitavissa parhaiten ympyräkartion avulla. Kuusien ja koivujen latvusmuodon approksimointiin parhaana vaihtoehtona voidaan pitää ellipsoidia. Teoreettisten simulointien perusteella nuori kuusikko on muita havupuualoja ryhmittyneempi. Tutkimuksen mukaan säteily sammuu satelliittien yleisimmässä kuvaussuunnassa tehokkaammin kuin kaikkien suuntien yli laskettu keskiarvo (0,5) antaa olettaa. Puulajikohtaisten G-funktioiden avulla voidaan epäsuorasti arvioida sekä metsästä tapahtuvaa heijastusta että metsikön sisäisiä säteilyolosuhteita, sillä puulaji yhdessä metsikön rakenteen kanssa vaikuttaa metsästä heijastuvaan säteilyyn. Puulajikohtainen G-funktio on parametri, jonka avulla voidaan kalibroida malleja, joissa tarvitaan tietoa säteilyn kulusta erilaisissa kasvustoissa.
The effective heating values of the above and below ground biomass components of mature Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), Norway spruce (Picea abies), downy birch (Betula pubescens), silver birch (Betula pendula), grey alder (Alnus incana), black alder (Alnus glutinosa) and trembling aspen (Populus tremula) were studied. Each sample tree was divided into wood, bark and foliage components. Bomb calorimetry was used to determine the calorimetric heating values. The species is a significant factor in the heating value of individual tree components. The heating value of the wood proper is highest in conifers. Broad-leaved species have a higher heating value of bark than conifers. The species factor diminishes when the weighted heating value of crown, whole stems or stump-root-system are considered. The crown material has a higher heating value per unit weight in comparison with fuelwood from small-sized stems or wholetrees. The additional advantages of coniferous crown material are that it is a non-industrial biomass resource and is readily available. The variability of both the chemical composition and the heating value is small in any given tree component of any species. However, lignin, carbohydrate and extractive content were found to vary from one part of the tree to another and to correlate with the heating value.
Male flowering was studied at the canopy level in 10 silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) stands from 8 localities and in 14 downy birch (B. pubescens Ehrh.) stands from 10 localities in Finland from 1963 to 1973. Distributions of cumulative pollen catches were compared to the normal Gaussian distribution. The basis for the timing of flowering was the 50 per cent point of the anthesis-fitted normal distribution. To eliminate effects of background pollen, only the central, normally distributed part of the cumulative distribution was used. Development up to the median point of the distribution was measured and tested in calendar days, in degree days (> 5 °C) and in period units. The count of each parameter began on and included March 19. Male flowering in silver birch occurred from late April to late June depending on latitude, and flowering in downy birch took place from early May to early July. The heat sums needed for male flowering varied in downy birch stands latitudinally but there was practically no latitudinal variation in heat sums needed for silver birch flowering. The amount of male flowering in stands of both birch species were found to have a large annual variation but without any clear periodicity. The between years pollen catch variation in stands of either birch species did not show any significant latitudinal correlation in contrast to Norway spruce stands. The period unit heat sum gave the most accurate forecast of the timing of flowering for 60 per cent of the silver birch stands and for 78.6 per cent of the for downy birch stands. Calendar days, however, gave the best forecast for silver birch in 25 per cent of the cases, while degree days gave the best forecast for downy birch in 21.4 per cent of the cases. Silver birch seems to have a local inclination for a more fixed flowering date compared to downy birch, which could mean a considerable photoperiodic influence on flowering time of silver birch. Silver birch and downy birch had different geographical correlations. Frequent hybridization of birch species occurs more often in northern Finland in than in more southern latitudes. The different timing in flowering caused increasing scatter in flowering times in the north, especially in the case of downy birch. The chance of simultaneous flowering of silver birch and downy birch so increased northwards due to a more variable climate and also higher altitudinal variations. Compared with conifers, the reproduction cycles of both birch species were found to be well protected from damage by frost.