991 resultados para rare earth elements (REEs)


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In the paper the kinetic effects of La3+ and Ce4+ on the growth of Microcystis and the accumulation kinetics of Microcystis in the single and combined systems of La3+ and Ce4+ were studied. The mechanism of the effects of La3+ and Ce4+ on the growth of Microcystis and their accumulation kinetics were also discussed. In the single system, La3+ stimulated the growth of Microcystis at initial concentrations below 2 mg / 1, but inhibited it above 2 mg / 1. Ce4+ accelerated the growth of Microcystis at initial concentrations below 0.2 mg / 1 and inhibited at above 0.2 mg /l. Furthermore, the stimulation weakened with the increase of initial concentrations of La3+ and Ce4+. In the combined system, the growth of Microcystis was accelerated in the over all cases. In the single system, the amount of La3+ and Ce4+ uptake was more at higher initial concentrations than at lower ones. At the same initial concentrations, La3+ and Ce4+ uptake in the combined system was less than that in the single system. The kinetic process of La3+ and Ce4+ adsorpted by Microcystis can be explained with the second order kinetics adsorption model.


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With the aim of elucidating the seasonal behaviour of rare earth elements (REEs), surface and groundwaters were collected under dry and wet conditions in different hydrological units of the Teviot Brook catchment (Southeast Queensland, Australia). Sampled waters showed a large degree of variability in both REE abundance and normalised patterns. Overall REE abundance ranged over nearly three orders of magnitude, and was consistently lower in the sedimentary bedrock aquifer (18ppt<∑REE<477ppt) than in the other hydrological systems studied. Abundance was greater in springs draining rhyolitic rocks (∑REE=300 and 2054ppt) than in springs draining basalt ranges (∑REE=25 and 83ppt), yet was highly variable in the shallow alluvial groundwater (16ppt<∑REE<5294ppt) and, to a lesser extent, in streamwater (85ppt<∑REE<2198ppt). Generally, waters that interacted with different rock types had different REE patterns. In order to obtain an unbiased characterisation of REE patterns, the ratios between light and middle REEs (R(M/L)) and the ratios between middle and heavy REEs (R(H/M)) were calculated for each sample. The sedimentary bedrock aquifer waters had highly evolved patterns depleted in light REEs and enriched in middle and heavy REEs (0.17REEs (median R(M/L)=0.35 and median R(H/M)=-0.04), and waters from the shallow alluvial aquifer had very diverse patterns with important spatial variations. Samples collected from the alluvium exhibited an increasing influence of the sedimentary bedrock from upgradient to downgradient; typically they showed flat patterns in the upstream section of the alluvium (median R(M/L)=0.21 and median R(H/M)=-0.06) gradually evolving towards patterns depleted in light REEs and enriched in middle and heavy REEs downgradient (median R(M/L)=0.48 and median R(H/M)=0.38). To document the seasonal variations in REE patterns, the difference in ratios between dry and wet sampling campaigns was determined for each repeated sampling location. Contributions from the sedimentary bedrock water to the alluvium during the wet season were identified at two locations (increase from R(H/M)=0.03 and 0.35 to R(H/M)=0.62 and 0.89). The effect of recharge through fractured igneous rocks was also observed in two boreholes intercepting the sedimentary bedrock, where the freshly recharged waters likely contributed to the deeper groundwater flow during the wet season (decrease from R(M/L)=0.81 and 0.56 to R(M/L)=0.46 and 0.17). Results from this study suggest that REEs may be usefully applied as indicators of recharge processes and inter-aquifer mixing. They also underline the importance of conducting seasonal sampling campaigns to capture possible short-term variations in REE patterns and abundance, which is essential to enable a better understanding of hydrological and hydrochemical processes in complex geological settings


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Through leaching experiments and simulated rainfall experiments, characteristics of vertical leaching of exogenous rare earth elements (REEs) and phosphorus (P) and their losses with surface runoff during simulated rainfall in different types of soils (terra nera soil, cinnamon soil, red soil, loess soil, and purple soil) were investigated. Results of the leaching experiments showed that vertical transports of REEs and P were relatively low, with transport depths less than 6 cm. The vertical leaching rates of REEs and P in the different soils followed the order of purple soil > terra nera soil > red soil > cinnamon soil > loess soil. Results of the simulated rainfall experiments (83 mm h(-1)) revealed that more than 92% of REEs and P transported with soil particles in runoff. The loss rates of REEs and P in surface runoff in the different soil types were in the order of loess soil > terra nera soil > cinnamon soil > red soil > purple soil. The total amounts of losses of REEs and P in runoff were significantly correlated.


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Through leaching experiments and simulated rainfall experiments, characteristics of vertical leaching of exogenous rare earth elements (REEs) and phosphorus (P) and their losses with surface runoff during simulated rainfall in different types of soils (terra nera soil, cinnamon soil, red soil, loess soil, and purple soil) were investigated. Results of the leaching experiments showed that vertical transports of REEs and P were relatively low, with transport depths less than 6 cm. The vertical leaching rates of REEs and P in the different soils followed the order of purple soil > terra nera soil > red soil > cinnamon soil > loess soil. Results of the simulated rainfall experiments (83 mm h(-1)) revealed that more than 92% of REEs and P transported with soil particles in runoff. The loss rates of REEs and P in surface runoff in the different soil types were in the order of loess soil > terra nera soil > cinnamon soil > red soil > purple soil. The total amounts of losses of REEs and P in runoff were significantly correlated.


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Rare earth elements (REEs) of 91 fine-grained bottom sediment samples from five major rivers in Korea (the Han, Keum, and Yeongsan) and China (the Changjiang and Huanghe) were studied to investigate their potential as source indicator for Yellow Sea shelf sediments, this being the first synthetic report on REE trends for bottom sediments of these rivers. The results show distinct differences in REE contents and their upper continental crust (UCC)-normalized patterns: compared to heavy rare earth elements (HREEs), light rare earth elements (LREEs) are highly enriched in Korean river sediments, in contrast to Chinese river sediments that have a characteristic positive Eu anomaly. This phenomenon is observed also in primary source rocks within the river catchments. This suggests that source rock composition is the primary control on the REE signatures of these river sediments, due largely to variations in the levels of chlorite and monazite, which are more abundant in Korean bottom river sediments. Systematic variations in I LREE pound/I HREE pound ratios, and in (La/Yb)-(Gd/Yb)(UCC) but also (La/Lu)-(La/Y)(UCC) and (La/Y)-(Gd/Lu)(UCC) relations have the greatest discriminatory power. These findings are consistent with, but considerably expand on the limited datasets available to date for suspended sediments. Evidently, the REE fingerprints of these river sediments can serve as a useful diagnostic tool for tracing the provenance of sediments in the Yellow Sea, and for reconstructing their dispersal patterns and the circulation system of the modern shelf, as well as the paleoenvironmental record of this and adjoining marginal seas.


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Locating the quantitized natural sediment fingerprints is an important work for marine sediment dynamics study. The total of 146 sediment samples were collected from the Shelf of the East China Sea and five rivers, including Huanghe (Yellow), Changjiang (Yangtze), Qiantang, Ou and Min River. The sediment grain size and the contents of rare earth elements (REEs) were measured with laser particle size analyzer and ICP-MS technology. The results show that absolute REE content (Sigma REE) and the concentration ratio of light REEs to heavy REEs (L/HREE) are different in the sediments among those rivers. There are higher REE contents in being less than 2 m and 2-31 mu m fractions in the Changjiang Estuary surface sediments. The REE contents of bulk sediment are dominated by the corresponding values of those leading size-fractions. Sigma REE of sediment is higher close to the estuaries and declines seaward on the inner shelf of the East China Sea (ECS). The L/HREE ratio has a tendency of increase southward from 28 degrees N. Hydrodynamic conditions plays a predominate role on spacial distributions of the surficial sediment's REE parameters. In some situations, the currents tend to remove the coarser light grains from initial populations, as well as the deposit of the finer heavy mineral grains. In other situations, the currents will change the ratio of sediment constituents, such as ratio between silts and clays in the sediments. As a result, the various values of Sigma REE or L/HREE ratio in different bulk sediments are more affected by the change of size-fractions than source location. Under the long-term stable hydrodynamic environment, i.e., the East China Sea Shelf, new sediment transport model based on the size and density gradation concept may help to understand the spatial distribution patterns of REE parameters.


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We studied the diagenetic behavior of rare earth elements (REEs) in a highly productive passive margin setting of the Bering Sea Slope. Site U1345 was drilled during the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 323 at a water depth of 1008 m currently in the center of an oxygen minimum zone. Pore water concentrations of fourteen REEs were determined down to ~ 140 meters below the seafloor (mbsf). The REE concentrations were higher in the pore water than the deep seawater, indicating that there was significant liberation from the sediments during diagenesis. There was a major peak at ~ 10 mbsf that was more pronounced for the heavy REE (HREE); this peak occurred below the sulfate-methane transition zone (6.3 mbsf) and coincided with high concentrations of dissolved iron and manganese. At ~ 2 mbsf, there was a minor peak in REE and Mn contents. Below ~ 40 mbsf, the REE concentration profiles remained constant. The Ce anomaly was insignificant and relatively constant (PAAS-normalized Ce/Ce = 1.1 ± 0.2) throughout the depth profile, showing that the Ce depleted in seawater was restored in the pore water. HREE-enrichment was observed over the entire 140 m except for the upper ~ 1 m, where a middle REE (MREE)-bulge was apparent. REE release in shallow depths (2-4 mbsf) is attributed to the release of light REEs (LREEs) and MREEs during the organoclastic reduction of Mn oxides in anoxic sediments. The high HREE concentrations observed at ~ 10 mbsf can be attributed to the reduction of Fe and Mn minerals tied to anaerobic oxidation of methane or, less significantly, to ferromagnesian silicate mineral weathering. The upward diffusion flux across the sediment-water interface was between 3 (for Tm) and 290 (for Ce) pmol/m**2/y.


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A method for the determiantion of rare earth elements in biological sampels by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry was developed. Oxide ion yield of the rare earth elements (RFE) decreased with the increasing of RF power and the sampling depth, or with the decreasing of carrier gas flow rate. The spectral interference arising from (PrO)-Pr-141-O-16 on Gd-157 must be corrected. if the concentration of Ba was high enough, it was necessary to correct the spectral interference arising from (BO)-B-135-O-16 on Eu-151, and it was not necessary to correct spectral interference arising from (NdO)-Nd-143-O-16 on Tb-159 etc. in the biological samples under the selected operation parameters. In the biological sample, the major matrix elements, such as K, Na and Ca, result in the suppression of REEs signals and the suppression degree of the Ca is grezter than that of the K and Na. The mussel sample was digested by thd dry ashing, wet digestion with HNO3 + H2O2 and HNO3 + HClO4, respectively. The analytical results of REEs were consistent with each other. Detection limits for REEs are 0.001 similar to 0.013 mu g/L. Recoveries of standard addition are 91.7% similar to 125%. REEs in biological samples were determined directly without separation and preconcentration procedure.


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Rare earth elements (RFEs) and major elements of 25 cobalt-rich crusts obtained from different depths of Mid-Pacific M seamount were analyzed using inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometer and gravimetric method. The results showed that they were hydrogenous crusts with average Sigma REE content of 2084.69 mu g/g and the light REE (LREE)/heavy REE (HREE) ratio of 4.84. The shale-normalized PEE patterns showed positive Ce anomalies. The total content of strictly trivalent REEs increased with water depth. The Ce content and LREE/HREE ratios in Fe-Mn crusts above 2000 in were lower than those below 2000 m. The change in RE E with water depth could be explained by two processes: adsorptive scavenging by setting matters and behaviors of REE in seawater. However, the Ce abundance took no obvious correlation with water depth reflects the constant Ce flux. The Cc in crusts existed mainly as Ce(IV), implying that the oxidative-enriching process was controlled by kinetic factors.


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Mixtures of Rare Earth Elements (REE) have been used as animal growth-promoters on a large scale in China during the last 20 years. Numerous studies carried out in China claim it produces quite sensational growth-promoting effects in all categories of farm animals. To explore the question of whether REE's might prove suitable as a growth-promoter under western keeping conditions, feeding experiments were performed on pigs and poultry. The animals received a typical diet, supplemented with REE salts in concentrations between 75 and 300 mg/kg feed. Weight-gain, feed-intake, feed-conversion and (where applicable) laying parameters were observed. It was shown that in pigs receiving feed supplemented with REEs, an increase in daily weight gain of up to 19% and an improvement in feed-conversion of up to 11% can be achieved, whereas, for poultry, no positive effects on growth or productivity of the animals could be observed. Testing of important organs via Neutron Activating Analysis (NAA) showed a minute accumulation of REE, principally in liver and bones. Analysis of the poultry gut-flora, using selective media, showed that the main microorganism populations of the alimentary canal were unaffected by feed-supplementation with REE.


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Authigenic carbonates forming at an active methane-seep on the Makran accretionary prism mainly consist of aragonite in the form of microcrystalline, cryptocrystalline, and botryoidal phases. The d13Ccarbonate values are very negative (-49.0 to -44.0 per mill V-PDB), agreeing with microbial methane as dominant carbon source. The d18Ocarbonate values are exclusively positive (+ 3.0 to + 4.5 per mill V-PDB) and indicate precipitation in equilibrium with seawater at bottom water temperatures. The content of rare earth elements and yttrium (REE + Y) determined by laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) and solution ICP-MS varies for each aragonite variety, with early microcrystalline aragonite yielding the highest, cryptocrystalline aragonite intermediate, and later botryoidal aragonite the lowest REE + Y concentrations. Shale-normalised REE + Y patterns of different types of authigenic carbonate reflect distinct pore fluid compositions during precipitation: Microcrystalline aragonite shows high contents of middle rare earth elements (MREE), reflecting REE patterns ascribed to anoxic pore water. Cryptocrystalline aragonite exhibits a seawater-like REE + Y pattern at elevated total REE + Y concentrations, indicating higher concentrations of REEs in pore waters, which were influenced by seawater. Botryoidal aragonite is characterised by seawater-like REE + Y patterns at initial growth stages followed by an increase of light rare earth elements (LREE) with advancing crystal growth, reflecting changing pore fluid composition during precipitation of this cement. Conventional sample preparation involving micro-drilling of carbonate phases and subsequent solution ICP-MS does not allow to recognise such subtle changes in the REE + Y composition of individual carbonate phases. To be able to reconstruct the evolution of pore water composition during early diagenesis, an analytical approach is required that allows to track the changing elemental composition in a paragenetic sequence as well as in individual phases. High-resolution analysis of seep carbonates from the Makran accretionary prism by LA-ICP-MS reveals that pore fluid composition not only evolved in the course of the formation of different phases, but also changed during the precipitation of individual phases.


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We have analyzed the major, trace, and rare earth element composition of surface sediments collected from a transect across the Equator at 135°W longitude in the Pacific Ocean. Comparing the behavior of this suite of elements to the CaCO3, opal, and Corg fluxes (which record sharp maxima at the Equator, previously documented at the same sampling stations) enables us to assess the relative significance of the various pathways by which trace elements are transported to the equatorial Pacific seafloor. The 1. (1) high biogenic source at the Equator, associated with equatorial divergence of surface water and upwelling of nutrient-rich water, and 2. (2) high aluminosilicate flux at 4°N, associated with increased terrigenous input from elevated rainfall at the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) of the tradewinds, are the two most important fluxes with which elemental transport is affiliated. The biogenic flux at the Equator transports Ca and Sr structurally bound to carbonate tests and Mn primarily as an adsorbed component. Trace elements such as Cr, As, Pb, and the REEs are also influenced by the biogenic flux at the Equator, although this affiliation is not regionally dominant. Normative calculations suggest that extremely large fluxes of Ba and P at the Equator are carried by only small proportions of barite and apatite phases. The high terrigenous flux at the ITCZ has a profound effect on chemical transport to the seafloor, with elemental fluxes increasing tremendously and in parallel with Ti. Normative calculations, however, indicate that these fluxes are far in excess of what can be supplied by lattice-bound terrigenous phases. The accumulation of Ba is greater than is affiliated with biogenic transport at the Equator, while the P flux at the ITCZ is only 10% less than at the Equator. This challenges the common view that Ba and P are essentially exclusively associated with biogenic fluxes. Many other elements (including Mn, Pb, As, and REEs) also record greater accumulation beneath the ITCZ than at the Equator. Thus, adsorptive scavenging by terrigenous paniculate matter, or phases intimately associated with them, appears to be an extremely important process regulating elemental transport to the equatorial Pacific seafloor. These findings emphasize the role of vertical transport to the sediment, and provide additional constraints on the paleochemical use of trace elements to track biogenic and terrigenous fluxes.


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Webb et al. (2009) described a late Pleistocenecoral sample wherein the diagenetic stabilization of original coral aragonite to meteoric calcite was halted more or less mid-way through the process, allowing direct comparison of pre-diagenetic and post-diagenetic microstructure and trace element distributions. Those authors found that the rare earth elements (REEs) were relatively stable during meteoric diagenesis, unlike divalent cations such as Sr,and it was thus concluded that original, in this case marine, REE distributions potentially could be preserved through the meteoric carbonate stabilization process that must have affected many, if not most, ancient limestones. Although this was not the case in the analysed sample, they noted that where such diagenesis took place in laterally transported groundwater, trace elements derived from that groundwater could be incorporated into diagenetic calcite, thus altering the initial REE distribution (Banner et al., 1988). Hence, the paper was concerned with the diagenetic behaviour of REEs in a groundwater-dominated karst system. The comment offered by Johannesson (2011) does not question those research results, but rather, seeks to clarify an interpretation made by Webb et al. (2009) of an earlier paper, Johannesson et al. (2006).


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A straightforward procedure for the acid digestion of geological samples with SiO2 concentrations ranging between about 40 to 80%, is described. A powdered sample (200 mesh) of 500 mg was used and fused with 1000 mg spectroflux at about 1000 degreesC in a platinum crucible. The molten was subsequently digested in an aqueous solution of HNO3 at 100 degreesC. Several systematic digestion procedures were followed using various concentrations of HNO3. It was found that a relationship could be established between the dissolution-time and acid concentration. For an acid concentration of 15% an optimum dissolution-time of under 4 min was recorded. To verify that the dissolutions were complete, they were subjected to rigorous quality control tests. The turbidity and viscosity were examined at different intervals and the results were compared with that of deionised water. No significant change in either parameter was observed. The shelf-life of each solution lasted for several months, after which time polymeric silicic acid formed in some solutions, resulting in the presence of a gelatinous solid. The method is cost effective and is clearly well suited for routine applications on a small scale, especially in laboratories in developing countries. ICP-MS was applied to the determination of 13 Rare Earth Elements and Hf in a set of 107 archaeological samples subjected to the above digestion procedure. The distribution of these elements was examined and the possibility of using the REE's for provenance studies is discussed.