960 resultados para radiological contrast
Background. The radioguided localization of occult breast lesions (ROLL) technique often utilizes iodinated radiographic contrast to assure that the local injection of (99m)Tc-MAA corresponds to the location of the lesion under investigation. However, for this application, this contrast has several shortcomings. The objective of this study was to evaluate the safety, effectiveness and technical feasibility of the use of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) as radiological contrast and tissue marker in ROLL. Materials and methods. The safety assessment was performed by the acute toxicity study in Wistar rats (n = 50). The radiological analysis of breast tissue (n = 32) from patients undergoing reductive mammoplasty was used to verify the effectiveness of PDMS as contrast media. The technical feasibility was evaluated through the scintigraphic and histologic analysis. Results. We found no toxic effects of PDMS for this use during the observational period. It has been demonstrated in human breast tissue that the average diameter of the tissue marked by PDMS was lower than when marked by the contrast medium (p <0.001). PDMS did not interfere with the scintigraphic uptake (p = 0.528) and there was no injury in histological processing of samples. Conclusions. This study demonstrated not only the superiority of PDMS as radiological contrast in relation to the iodinated contrast, but also the technical feasibility for the same applicability in the ROLL.
By mid 2003, the Brazilian people accompanied astonished, in the press, the news about the death of more than 20 persons due to ingestion of a pharmaceutical product containing a suspension of barium sulfate (Celobar®) commonly used as a radiological contrast. Analysis of the product indicated the presence of barium carbonate (about 13% weight/weight) which reacts easily with the hydrochloric acid in the stomach liberating barium ions, a severe poison. In this article, we briefly discuss the possible economic, personal and technical causes that led to this disaster.
By mid 2003, the Brazilian people accompanied astonished, in the press, the news about the death of more than 20 persons due to ingestion of a pharmaceutical product containing a suspension of barium sulfate (Celobar®) commonly used as a radiological contrast. Analysis of the product indicated the presence of barium carbonate (about 13% weight/weight) which reacts easily with the hydrochloric acid in the stomach liberating barium ions, a severe poison. In this article, we briefly discuss the possible economic, personal and technical causes that led to this disaster.
Contexte: la survenue d’IRA chez les patients ayant subi un traumatisme est une problématique qui a été peu étudiée jusqu’à ce jour. La présence de cette atteinte rénale a été démontrée comme étant associée à un risque accru de morbidités et de mortalité chez les sujets atteints. Objectifs: identifier les facteurs prédictifs d’insuffisance rénale ou plus récemment appelée atteinte rénale dans cette population particulière et tenter de trouver des facteurs qui peuvent être mesurés dans les premières heures de la prise en charge du patient. Aussi, nous avons cherché à savoir si l’injection de produit de contraste est associée à un risque accru d’insuffisance rénale aiguë dans cette population. Méthodes et résultats: la recherche a eu lieu à l’Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur de Montréal, un centre de traumatologie tertiaire en milieu urbain. Nous avons utilisé le registre des patients hospitalisés en traumatologie dans notre centre hospitalier entre 2002 et mars 2007 de même que les banques de données de laboratoire et de radiologie pour obtenir les données sur la créatinine et les examens avec produits de contraste. Finalement, une revue de dossiers structurée fut conduite pour recueillir le reste de l’information requise. L’incidence d’IRA dans la population étudiée est estimée à environ 5 %. Une analyse cas témoins fut conduite pour identifier les facteurs prédictifs d’IRA. Quarante-neuf cas d’IRA diagnostiqués par le médecin traitant et 101 témoins sélectionnés au hasard ont été analysés. Les facteurs prédictifs suivants ont été identifiés à l’analyse univariée : la première valeur de créatinine obtenue (p<0,001), l’instabilité hémodynamique (p<0,001), les antécédents d’insuffisance rénale chronique tels que notés dans le dossier par le médecin traitant (p=0,009), une maladie cardiaque (p=0,007), une chirurgie dans les 48 premières heures suivant le traumatisme (p=0,053), le niveau de gravité du traumatisme (Injury Severity Score) (p=0,046) et l’injection de produit de contraste au cours des 48 heures suivant le trauma (p=0,077). Parmi ces facteurs, deux ont été identifiés comme prédicteurs indépendants d’IRA à l’analyse multivariée. Une des valeurs était la première valeur de créatinine obtenue RC = 6,17 (p<0,001, IC95 % 2,81 – 13,53) pour chaque augmentation de 0.5mg/dL de créatinine. L’autre facteur était la présence d’instabilité hémodynamique RC 11,61 (p<0,001, IC95 % 3,71 – 36,29). Conclusion: des informations obtenues tôt dans la prise en charge du patient permettent de prédire le risque d’IRA chez ces patients. L’administration de contraste (intraveineuse ou intra-artérielle) ne s’est pas avérée un facteur indépendant de prédiction d’insuffisance rénale aiguë dans cette population dans le modèle multivarié.
JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: O objetivo desta pesquisa foi estudar os efeitos agudos do contraste radiológico em situações de restrição de volume, avaliando-se os efeitos renais e cardiovasculares após a injeção intra-arterial de contraste radiológico de alta osmolaridade. MÉTODO: Participaram do estudo 16 cães anestesiados com tiopental sódico (15 mg.kg-1) e fentanil (15 µg.kg-1) em bolus, seguido de infusão contínua nas doses de 40 µg.kg-1.min-1 (tiopental sódico) e 0,1 µg.kg-1.min-1 (fentanil). Foi feita hidratação com solução de glicose a 5% (0,03 mL.kg-1.min-1) e a ventilação pulmonar foi controlada mecanicamente com ar comprimido. Foram verificados os seguintes atributos: freqüência cardíaca (FC); pressão arterial média (PAM); pressão da veia cava inferior (PVI); débito cardíaco (DC); hematócrito (Ht); fluxo plasmático efetivo renal (FPER); fluxo sangüíneo renal (FSR); ritmo de filtração glomerular (RFG); fração de filtração; resistência vascular renal (RVR); volume urinário (VU); osmolaridade plasmática e urinária; depuração osmolar, depuração de água livre e depuração de sódio e de potássio; sódio e potássio plasmáticos; excreção urinária e fracionária de sódio e potássio e temperatura retal. Estes atributos foram avaliados em quatro momentos: 30 (M1), 60 (M2), 90 (M3) e 120 (M4) minutos após o início da infusão de para-aminohipurato de sódio e creatinina (início da experiência). No momento 2, no grupo G1 foi feita injeção intra-arterial de solução fisiológica a 0,9% (1,24 mL.kg-1), e no grupo G2 foi injetado contraste radiológico (1,24 mL.kg-1) pela mesma via. RESULTADOS: O grupo G1 apresentou aumento da FC, do FPER, do FSR, da osmolaridade plasmática, da depuração de sódio e da excreção urinária de sódio; apresentou ainda diminuição da osmolaridade urinária, do potássio plasmático, da depuração de potássio e da temperatura retal. No grupo G2 ocorreu aumento da FC, da RVR, do VU, da depuração osmolar, da depuração de sódio e da excreção urinária e fracionária de sódio; ocorreu também redução do (a): hematócrito, ritmo de filtração glomerular, fração de filtração, osmolaridade urinária, depuração de água livre, sódio e potássio urinários, potássio plasmático e temperatura retal. CONCLUSÕES: Neste estudo, conclui-se que a injeção intra-arterial do contraste radiológico causou efeito bifásico na função renal. Inicialmente, provocou aumento da diurese e da excreção de sódio, mas, posteriormente, houve piora das condições hemodinâmicas e, conseqüentemente, da função renal, com aumento da resistência vascular renal e diminuição do ritmo de filtração glomerular.
Contrastes radiológicos iodados – CI são causa de lesão renal aguda – LRA. Avaliar o efeito renoprotetor do bicarbonato de sódio (Bic) sobre a função renal (clearance de creatinina, Jaff é, Clcr-ml/min/100g) e o perfi l oxidativo (excreção de peróxidos, PU e de malondealdeído urinários, FOX-2 e TBARs, nmol/mgCr ) em ratos com CI. Ratos machos adultos Wistar, 250-300g, tratados 1x/dia, por 5 dias, foram divididos nos grupos: Salina (solução salina 0,9%, 3ml/kg/dia, intraperitoneal-i.p.); CI (ioxitalamato de meglumina e sódio, 3ml/kg, i.p); Bic+Salina (Bic 3ml/kg, i.p, 1 hora antes e 1 hora depois da Salina); Bic+CI (Bic 3ml/ kg, i.p, 1 hora antes e 1 hora depois do CI). CI induziu LRA e o Bic confi rmou seu efeito renoprotetor antioxidante (Clcr/TBARs/PU Salina: 0,59±0,03/0,11±0,02/1,29±0,24 vs Bic+Salina 0,58±0,03/0,13±0,02/1,32±0,64 vs CI 0,22±0,02A/0,19±0,02A/4,77±0, 24A vs Bic+CI 0,51±0,04B/0,13±0,3B/1,80± 0,04B, A/B p<0,05). O Bic confi rmou efeito protetor na LRA por CI, podendo ser considerado como possibilidade terapêutica para pacientes submetidos a CI.
El cáncer de próstata es el tipo de cáncer con mayor prevalencia entre los hombres del mundo occidental y, pese a tener una alta tasa de supervivencia relativa, es la segunda mayor causa de muerte por cáncer en este sector de la población. El tratamiento de elección frente al cáncer de próstata es, en la mayoría de los casos, la radioterapia externa. Las técnicas más modernas de radioterapia externa, como la radioterapia modulada en intensidad, permiten incrementar la dosis en el tumor mientras se reduce la dosis en el tejido sano. Sin embargo, la localización del volumen objetivo varía con el día de tratamiento, y se requieren movimientos muy pequeños de los órganos para sacar partes del volumen objetivo fuera de la región terapéutica, o para introducir tejidos sanos críticos dentro. Para evitar esto se han desarrollado técnicas más avanzadas, como la radioterapia guiada por imagen, que se define por un manejo más preciso de los movimientos internos mediante una adaptación de la planificación del tratamiento basada en la información anatómica obtenida de imágenes de tomografía computarizada (TC) previas a la sesión terapéutica. Además, la radioterapia adaptativa añade la información dosimétrica de las fracciones previas a la información anatómica. Uno de los fundamentos de la radioterapia adaptativa es el registro deformable de imágenes, de gran utilidad a la hora de modelar los desplazamientos y deformaciones de los órganos internos. Sin embargo, su utilización conlleva nuevos retos científico-tecnológicos en el procesamiento de imágenes, principalmente asociados a la variabilidad de los órganos, tanto en localización como en apariencia. El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es mejorar los procesos clínicos de delineación automática de contornos y de cálculo de dosis acumulada para la planificación y monitorización de tratamientos con radioterapia adaptativa, a partir de nuevos métodos de procesamiento de imágenes de TC (1) en presencia de contrastes variables, y (2) cambios de apariencia del recto. Además, se pretende (3) proveer de herramientas para la evaluación de la calidad de los contornos obtenidos en el caso del gross tumor volumen (GTV). Las principales contribuciones de esta tesis doctoral son las siguientes: _ 1. La adaptación, implementación y evaluación de un algoritmo de registro basado en el flujo óptico de la fase de la imagen como herramienta para el cálculo de transformaciones no-rígidas en presencia de cambios de intensidad, y su aplicabilidad a tratamientos de radioterapia adaptativa en cáncer de próstata con uso de agentes de contraste radiológico. Los resultados demuestran que el algoritmo seleccionado presenta mejores resultados cualitativos en presencia de contraste radiológico en la vejiga, y no distorsiona la imagen forzando deformaciones poco realistas. 2. La definición, desarrollo y validación de un nuevo método de enmascaramiento de los contenidos del recto (MER), y la evaluación de su influencia en el procedimiento de radioterapia adaptativa en cáncer de próstata. Las segmentaciones obtenidas mediante el MER para la creación de máscaras homogéneas en las imágenes de sesión permiten mejorar sensiblemente los resultados de los algoritmos de registro en la región rectal. Así, el uso de la metodología propuesta incrementa el índice de volumen solapado entre los contornos manuales y automáticos del recto hasta un valor del 89%, cercano a los resultados obtenidos usando máscaras manuales para el registro de las dos imágenes. De esta manera se pueden corregir tanto el cálculo de los nuevos contornos como el cálculo de la dosis acumulada. 3. La definición de una metodología de evaluación de la calidad de los contornos del GTV, que permite la representación de la distribución espacial del error, adaptándola a volúmenes no-convexos como el formado por la próstata y las vesículas seminales. Dicha metodología de evaluación, basada en un nuevo algoritmo de reconstrucción tridimensional y una nueva métrica de cuantificación, presenta resultados precisos con una gran resolución espacial en un tiempo despreciable frente al tiempo de registro. Esta nueva metodología puede ser una herramienta útil para la comparación de distintos algoritmos de registro deformable orientados a la radioterapia adaptativa en cáncer de próstata. En conclusión, el trabajo realizado en esta tesis doctoral corrobora las hipótesis de investigación postuladas, y pretende servir como cimiento de futuros avances en el procesamiento de imagen médica en los tratamientos de radioterapia adaptativa en cáncer de próstata. Asimismo, se siguen abriendo nuevas líneas de aplicación futura de métodos de procesamiento de imágenes médicas con el fin de mejorar los procesos de radioterapia adaptativa en presencia de cambios de apariencia de los órganos, e incrementar la seguridad del paciente. I.2 Inglés Prostate cancer is the most prevalent cancer amongst men in the Western world and, despite having a relatively high survival rate, is the second leading cause of cancer death in this sector of the population. The treatment of choice against prostate cancer is, in most cases, external beam radiation therapy. The most modern techniques of external radiotherapy, as intensity modulated radiotherapy, allow increasing the dose to the tumor whilst reducing the dose to healthy tissue. However, the location of the target volume varies with the day of treatment, and very small movements of the organs are required to pull out parts of the target volume outside the therapeutic region, or to introduce critical healthy tissues inside. Advanced techniques, such as the image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT), have been developed to avoid this. IGRT is defined by more precise handling of internal movements by adapting treatment planning based on the anatomical information obtained from computed tomography (CT) images prior to the therapy session. Moreover, the adaptive radiotherapy adds dosimetric information of previous fractions to the anatomical information. One of the fundamentals of adaptive radiotherapy is deformable image registration, very useful when modeling the displacements and deformations of the internal organs. However, its use brings new scientific and technological challenges in image processing, mainly associated to the variability of the organs, both in location and appearance. The aim of this thesis is to improve clinical processes of automatic contour delineation and cumulative dose calculation for planning and monitoring of adaptive radiotherapy treatments, based on new methods of CT image processing (1) in the presence of varying contrasts, and (2) rectum appearance changes. It also aims (3) to provide tools for assessing the quality of contours obtained in the case of gross tumor volume (GTV). The main contributions of this PhD thesis are as follows: 1. The adaptation, implementation and evaluation of a registration algorithm based on the optical flow of the image phase as a tool for the calculation of non-rigid transformations in the presence of intensity changes, and its applicability to adaptive radiotherapy treatment in prostate cancer with use of radiological contrast agents. The results demonstrate that the selected algorithm shows better qualitative results in the presence of radiological contrast agents in the urinary bladder, and does not distort the image forcing unrealistic deformations. 2. The definition, development and validation of a new method for masking the contents of the rectum (MER, Spanish acronym), and assessing their impact on the process of adaptive radiotherapy in prostate cancer. The segmentations obtained by the MER for the creation of homogenous masks in the session CT images can improve significantly the results of registration algorithms in the rectal region. Thus, the use of the proposed methodology increases the volume overlap index between manual and automatic contours of the rectum to a value of 89%, close to the results obtained using manual masks for both images. In this way, both the calculation of new contours and the calculation of the accumulated dose can be corrected. 3. The definition of a methodology for assessing the quality of the contours of the GTV, which allows the representation of the spatial distribution of the error, adapting it to non-convex volumes such as that formed by the prostate and seminal vesicles. Said evaluation methodology, based on a new three-dimensional reconstruction algorithm and a new quantification metric, presents accurate results with high spatial resolution in a time negligible compared to the registration time. This new approach may be a useful tool to compare different deformable registration algorithms oriented to adaptive radiotherapy in prostate cancer In conclusion, this PhD thesis corroborates the postulated research hypotheses, and is intended to serve as a foundation for future advances in medical image processing in adaptive radiotherapy treatment in prostate cancer. In addition, it opens new future applications for medical image processing methods aimed at improving the adaptive radiotherapy processes in the presence of organ’s appearance changes, and increase the patient safety.
Background: Metformin is commonly prescribed to treat type 2 diabetes mellitus, however it is associated with the potentially lethal condition of lactic acidosis. Prescribing guidelines have been developed to minimize the risk of lactic acidosis development, although some suggest they are inappropriate and have created confusion amongst prescribers. The aim of this study was to investigate whether metformin dose was influenced by the presence of risk factors for lactic acidosis. Methods: The study was prospective, and retrieved information from patients admitted to hospital who were prescribed metformin at their time of admission. Results: Eighty-three patients were included in the study, 60 of whom had a least one risk factor for lactic acidosis. Of those 60 patients, 78.3% had a dose adjustment, with renal impairment, hepatic impairment, surgery and use of radiological contrast media - the risk factors most likely to result in a dose adjustment. When dose adjustments did occur, metformin was withheld on 88.7% of occasions. Conclusion: Metformin dose was influenced by the presence of risk factors for lactic acidosis, although it was dependent upon the number and particular risk factor/s present.
The radiological depiction of stab wounds in soft-tissues using multislice computed tomography is difficult and the hereby obtained images often lack contrast. To overcome these shortcomings we tried a new method. We gently instilled the contrast medium Lipiodol((R)) Ultra-fluide into five experimentally induced stab wounds on a pork haunch. Subsequent MSCT reconstructions of the wounds delivered clear, for medical laymen easily appreciable images regarding the stab direction and the stab depth. We believe that this easy and rapid technique can be useful in the examination of stab wounds in living and dead victims of sharp trauma.
BACKGROUND Instillation of contrast medium into stab wounds has shown promising results regarding visibility and assessment of general stab direction with computed tomography. However, the accuracy of this method--and, incidentally also probing of stab wounds--has to our knowledge not previously been examined. Also the effect of bluntness of different stabbing objects on the examination of stab wounds was not considered before this study. METHODS Using a pocket-knife, a steak-knife, and a Phillips screwdriver, nine stab wounds each were inflicted to three pork haunches. The depths of the stab wounds were determined by probing and multislice computed tomography (MSCT) after instillation of a contrast medium (CM) and then compared to those observed by dissection, our internal "gold standard". RESULTS In stab wounds inflicted by knives, MSCT-CM and probing provided results which differed by roughly 10-11% from the dissection results. In screwdriver stabs MSCT-CM showed a deviation of almost 30%, probing over 33%. DISCUSSION MSCT-CM is a possible alternative to layer-by-layer dissection in autopsy cases of knife stab wounds. Probing, although obsolete in post-mortem examinations, is sufficiently accurate in determining the length of a stab wound of a living person. In cases of stab wounds with blunt objects such as screwdrivers, neither MSCT-CM nor probing proved to be sufficiently accurate. CONCLUSION MSCT-CM is a possible alternative to layer-by-layer dissection in autopsy cases of knife stab wounds. Probing, although obsolete in post-mortem examinations, is sufficiently accurate in determining the length of a stab wound of a living person. In cases of stab wounds with blunt objects such as screwdrivers, neither MSCT-CM nor probing proved to be sufficiently accurate.
The transient dysphagia after fundoplication is common and most often disappears until six weeks postoperatively. Analyze a group of patients who presented late and persistent dysphagia postoperatively. Forty-one patients after Nissen fundoplication, 14 male and 27 female, mean age 48 year, were evaluated based on medical history, esophagogastroduodenoscopy, contrast radiographic examination and esophageal manometry. The results were compared with another 19 asymptomatic individuals. Contrast radiographic examination of the esophagus revealed in six cases delayed emptying, characterizing that four patients had achalasia and two diffuse spasm of the esophagus. Esophageal manometry showed that maximal expiratory pressure of the lower sphincter ranged from 10 to 38 mmHg and mean respiratory pressure from 14 to 47 mmHg, values similar to controls. Residual pressure ranged from 5 to 31 mmHg, and 17 patients had the same values as the control group. The residual pressure of the lower sphincter was higher and statistically significant in patients with dysphagia compared with those operated without dysphagia. Future studies individualizing and categorizing each motility disorder, employing other techniques of manometry, and the analysis of the residual pressure may contribute to understand of persistent dysphagia in the postoperative fundoplication.
Radiological investigations using gadolinium or intravenous iodinated contrast products are used cautiously in patients suffering from chronic kidney disease because of their risk of acute kidney injury and systemic nephrogenic fibrosis. In this article, we review several radiological alternatives that can be useful to obtain renal anatomical and/or functional information in this patient population. The basic principles, indications, and advantages and limitations of Doppler ultrasound with measurement of the resistance index, contrast-enhanced ultrasound, and a technique called BOLD-MRI (blood-oxygenation level dependent-MRI) are discussed.
Introduction: Smuggling dissolved drugs, especially cocaine, in bottled liquids is a problem at borders nowadays. Common fluoroscopy of packages at the border cannot detect contaminated liquids. To find a dissolved drug, an immunological test using a drug-test panel has to be performed. This means that a control sample of the cargo must be opened to perform the test. As it is not possible to open all boxes, and as smugglers hide the drugcontaining boxes between regularly filled boxes, contaminated cargos can be overlooked. Investigators sometimes cannot perform the drug-test panel because they try not to arouse the smugglers' suspicion in order to follow the cargo and to find the recipient. Aims: The objective of our studies was to define non-invasive examination techniques to investigate cargos that are suspicions to contain dissolved cocaine without leaving traces on the samples. We examined vessels containing cocaine by radiological cross-section techniques such as multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) and magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS). Methods: In a previous study, we examined bottles of wine containing dissolved cocaine in different quantities using an MDCT unit. To distinguish between bottles containing red wine and those where cocaine was solved in the wine, cross sectional 2D-images have been reconstructed and the absorption of X-rays was quantified by measuring the mean density of the liquid inside the bottles. In our new study, we investigated phantoms containing cocaine dissolved in water with or without ethanol as well as cocaine dissolved in different sorts of commercially available wine by the use of a clinical magnetic resonance unit (3 tesla). To find out if dissolved cocaine could be detected, magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H MRS) was performed. Results: By using a MDCT-unit and measuring the mean attenuation of X-rays, it is possible to distinguish weather substances are dissolved in a liquid or not, if a comparative liquid without any solutions is available. The increase of the mean density indicates the presence of dissolved substances without the possibility to identify the substance. By using magnetic resonance spectroscopy, dissolved cocaine can be clearly identified because it produces distinctive resonances in the spectrum. In contrast to MDCT, this technique shows a high sensitivity (detection of 1 mM cocaine in wine). Conclusions: Cross-sectional imaging techniques such as MDCT and MRS appropriated to examine cargos that are suspicious to contain dissolved cocaine. They allow to perform non-invasive investigations without leaving any trace on the cargo. While an MDCT scan can detect dissolved substances in liquids, identification of cocaine can be obtained by MR-spectroscopy. Acknowledgment: This work was supported by the Centre d'Imagerie BioMédicale (CIBM) of the University of Lausanne (UNIL), the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), the University of Geneva (UniGe), the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV), the Hôpitaux Universitaire de Genève (HUG) and the Leenaards and the Jeantet Foundations.
In forensic pathology routine, fatal cases of contrast agent exposure can be occasionally encountered. In such situations, beyond the difficulties inherent in establishing the cause of death due to nonspecific or absent autopsy and histology findings as well as limited laboratory investigations, pathologists may face other problems in formulating exhaustive, complete reports, and conclusions that are scientifically accurate. Indeed, terminology concerning adverse drug reactions and allergy nomenclature is confusing. Some terms, still utilized in forensic and radiological reports, are outdated and should be avoided. Additionally, not all forensic pathologists master contrast material classification and pathogenesis of contrast agent reactions. We present a review of the literature covering allergic reactions to contrast material exposure in order to update used terminology, explain the pathophysiology, and list currently available laboratory investigations for diagnosis in the forensic setting.