29 resultados para rCRS, aDNA Szakálhát, Esztár, Tiszadob


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This thesis was part of a multidisciplinary research project funded by the German Research Foundation (“Bevölkerungsgeschichte des Karpatenbeckens in der Jungsteinzeit und ihr Einfluss auf die Besiedlung Mitteleuropas”, grant no. Al 287/10-1) aimed at elucidating the population history of the Carpathian Basin during the Neolithic. The Carpathian Basin was an important waypoint on the spread of the Neolithic from southeastern to central Europe. On the Great Hungarian Plain (Alföld), the first farming communities appeared around 6000 cal BC. They belonged to the Körös culture, which derived from the Starčevo-Körös-Criş complex in the northern Balkans. Around 5600 cal BC the Alföld-Linearbandkeramik (ALBK), so called due to its stylistic similarities with the Transdanubian and central European LBK, emerged in the northwestern Alföld. Following a short “classical phase”, the ALBK split into several regional subgroups during its later stages, but did not expand beyond the Great Hungarian Plain. Marking the beginning of the late Neolithic period, the Tisza culture first appeared in the southern Alföld around 5000 cal BC and subsequently spread into the central and northern Alföld. Together with the Herpály and Csőszhalom groups it was an integral part of the late Neolithic cultural landscape of the Alföld. Up until now, the Neolithic cultural succession on the Alföld has been almost exclusively studied from an archaeological point of view, while very little is known about the population genetic processes during this time period. The aim of this thesis was to perform ancient DNA (aDNA) analyses on human samples from the Alföld Neolithic and analyse the resulting mitochondrial population data to address the following questions: is there population continuity between the Central European Mesolithic hunter-gatherer metapopulation and the first farming communities on the Alföld? Is there genetic continuity from the early to the late Neolithic? Are there genetic as well as cultural differences between the regional groups of the ALBK? Additionally, the relationships between the Alföld and the neighbouring Transdanubian Neolithic as well as other European early farming communities were evaluated to gain insights into the genetic affinities of the Alföld Neolithic in a larger geographic context. 320 individuals were analysed for this study; reproducible mitochondrial haplogroup information (HVS-I and/or SNP data) could be obtained from 242 Neolithic individuals. According to the analyses, population continuity between hunter-gatherers and the Neolithic cultures of the Alföld can be excluded at any stage of the Neolithic. In contrast, there is strong evidence for population continuity from the early to the late Neolithic. All cultural groups on the Alföld were heavily shaped by the genetic substrate introduced into the Carpathian Basin during the early Neolithic by the Körös and Starčevo cultures. Accordingly, genetic differentiation between regional groups of the ALBK is not very pronounced. The Alföld cultures are furthermore genetically highly similar to the Transdanubian Neolithic cultures, probably due to common ancestry. In the wider European context, the Alföld Neolithic cultures also highly similar to the central European LBK, while they differ markedly from contemporaneous populations of the Iberian Peninsula and the Ukraine. Thus, the Körös culture, the ALBK and the Tisza culture can be regarded as part of a “genetic continuum” that links the Neolithic Carpathian Basin to central Europe and likely has its roots in the Starčevo -Körös-Criş complex of the northern Balkans.


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现代人起源和史前迁移问题的遗传学研究是一个受到广泛关注的研究领 域。首先,它可以解答人类所关心的关于自身的起源以及我们祖先的史前活动问 题;其次,现代人祖先分开并扩散到世界各地,由于受到不同的外界环境和不同 的历史事件的影响,遗传上发生相应的变化,形成现有人群之间不仅在外表上存 在差异,同时在对疾病的易感性方面也存在差异。近年来的研究还发现,不同人 群之间在对药物的反应上也存在差异。 因此,人群起源与史前迁移研究对生物 医学研究也至关重要。目前,世界各地人群的起源和史前迁移问题的研究已经取 得很多进展,东亚之外的其它各个地区现有人群的起源和迁移已经相当清楚,东 亚现代人的起源对完整回答现代人的起源问题至关重要。 东亚现代人史前早期迁移的问题还存在很大争议,对现有研究结果的解释 甚至存在冲突。通过对东亚地区现有人群展开系统采样,并对东亚特有的Y 单 倍型遗传标记进行扫描,以东亚现代人特有的单倍型组O3-M122 下的各个特征 位点为遗传标记,我们对来自东亚地区的2332 份男性样本进行了研究。结果发 现,O3-M122 单倍型组为东亚现代人群的主导单倍型,其平均频率是44.3%。 以SNPs 突变特征为背景,展开SNPs-STRs 相结合的研究,通过大量的分析和统 计检验,从STRs 数据上可以看出东亚现代人南部人群的O3-M122 单倍型组的 多样性比北方人群高。这一证据揭示出东亚现代人特有单倍型O3-M122 突变为 东亚南部起源,然后随着东亚现代人早期的由南向北迁移活动而扩散到北方。利 用SNPs-STRs 相结合的遗传学分析手段,推导出东亚特有单倍型组O3-M122 伴 随人群由南向北的早期迁移事件发生于距今约25000~30000 年以前,这一结论 与东亚现代人的化石证据推断的结论相一致。O3-M122 单倍型组的史前早期迁 移事件有助于从遗传学角度透视东亚现代人早期迁移的路线和起源问题。 东亚地区现代人史前迁移活动遗留下神秘的悬棺文化一直令人费解,考古学的推论存在很大争议。我们利用遗传学手段对现存悬棺文化的保留人群展开研 究,采用父系和母系遗传标记相结合的方法探讨悬棺文化的传播人群的族源。从 遗传上看,悬棺葬俗的拥有人群不论从母系还是父系遗传学证据都为典型的东亚 南方人群。 为最终解决东亚现代人起源和史前迁移问题,我们对考古发掘出来的东亚 地区现代人化石展开古DNA(ancient DNA, aDNA)研究。目前,aDNA 分析的 技术和手段已经建立并逐步成熟,并且积累了一定量的东亚现代人的aDNA 数 据,这一研究还在继续。aDNA 最终会为解答东亚现代人起源和史前迁移问题提 供强有力的遗传学证据。


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This paper describes our recent extraction of ancient DNA (aDNA) from Holocene pollen and discusses the potential of the technique for elucidating timescales of evolutionary change. We show that plastid DNA is recoverable and usable from pollen grains of Scots pine Pinus sylvestris from 10 ka and 100 years ago. Comparison of the ancient sequences with modern sequences, obtained from an extant population, establish a first genetic link between modern and fossil samples of Scots pine, providing a genetic continuity through time. One common haplotype is present in each of the three periods investigated, suggesting that it persisted near the lake throughout the postglacial. The retrieval of aDNA from pollen has major implications for palaeoecology by allowing (i) investigation of population level dynamics in time and space, and (ii) tracing ancestry of populations and developing phylogenetic trees that include extinct as well as extant taxa. The method should work over the last glacial oscillation, thus giving access to ancestry of populations over a crucial period of time for the understanding of the relationship between speciation and climate change.


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Ancient DNA (aDNA) research has long depended on the power of PCR to amplify trace amounts of surviving genetic material from preserved specimens. While PCR permits specific loci to be targeted and amplified, in many ways it can be intrinsically unsuited to damaged and degraded aDNA templates. PCR amplification of aDNA can produce highly-skewed distributions with significant contributions from miscoding lesion damage and non-authentic sequence artefacts. As traditional PCR-based approaches have been unable to fully resolve the molecular nature of aDNA damage over many years, we have developed a novel single primer extension (SPEX)-based approach to generate more accurate sequence information. SPEX targets selected template strands at defined loci and can generate a quantifiable redundancy of coverage; providing new insights into the molecular nature of aDNA damage and fragmentation. SPEX sequence data reveals inherent limitations in both traditional and metagenomic PCR-based approaches to aDNA, which can make current damage analyses and correct genotyping of ancient specimens problematic. In contrast to previous aDNA studies, SPEX provides strong quantitative evidence that C U-type base modifications are the sole cause of authentic endogenous damage-derived miscoding lesions. This new approach could allow ancient specimens to be genotyped with unprecedented accuracy.


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The availability of crop specimens archived in herbaria and old seed collections represent valuable resources for the analysis of plant genetic diversity and crop domestication. The ability to extract ancient DNA (aDNA) from such samples has recently allowed molecular genetic investigations to be undertaken in ancient materials. While analyses of aDNA initially focused on the use of markers which occur in multiple copies such as the internal transcribed spacer region (ITS) within ribosomal DNA and those requiring amplification of short DNA regions of variable length such as simple sequence repeats (SSRs), emphasis is now moving towards the genotyping of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), traditionally undertaken in aDNA by Sanger sequencing. Here, using a panel of barley aDNA samples previously surveyed by Sanger sequencing for putative causative SNPs within the flowering-time gene PPD-H1, we assess the utility of the Kompetitive Allele Specific PCR (KASP) genotyping platform for aDNA analysis. We find KASP to out-perform Sanger sequencing in the genotyping of aDNA samples (78% versus 61% success, respectively), as well as being robust to contamination. The small template size (≥46 bp) and one-step, closed-tube amplification/genotyping process make this platform ideally suited to the genotypic analysis of aDNA, a process which is often hampered by template DNA degradation and sample cross-contamination. Such attributes, as well as its flexibility of use and relatively low cost, make KASP particularly relevant to the genetic analysis of aDNA samples. Furthermore, KASP provides a common platform for the genotyping and analysis of corresponding SNPs in ancient, landrace and modern plant materials. The extended haplotype analysis of PPD-H1 undertaken here (allelic variation at which is thought to be important for the spread of domestication and local adaptation) provides further resolution to the previously identified geographic cline of flowering-time allele distribution, illustrating how KASP can be used to aid genetic analyses of aDNA from plant species. We further demonstrate the utility of KASP by genotyping ten additional genetic markers diagnostic for morphological traits in barley, shedding light on the phenotypic traits, alleles and allele combinations present in these unviable ancient specimens, as well as their geographic distributions.


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Seed germination and seedling establishment are critical processes for commercial plantation and depend directly on reserve mobilization as a source of cellular fuels and biosynthetic precursors. In this way, we investigated the coordination among reserve mobilization, metabolite partitioning, and mobilizing enzyme activities in Moringa oleifera Lam (moringa) an oil-seeded species employed in biofuel production. Seeds were germinated under controlled conditions and seedlings were grown hydroponically at a greenhouse. Samples were harvested at 0, 4, 8, 10, 12, 16, and 20 days after imbibition (DAI). The contents of dry mass (DM), neutral lipids (NL), soluble proteins (SP), starch, total soluble sugars (TSS), non-reducing sugars (NRS), and total free amino acids (TFAA) as the activity of isocitrate lyase (ICL), acid proteases, and amylases were determined. The mobilization of storage proteins was initiated during seed germination whereas the mobilization of storage lipids and starch was triggered throughout seedling establishment although all reserves have been depleted until 20 DAI. The partitioning of DM and metabolites to the roots and the shoots was uneven during seedling establishment. Low shoot/root ratio on the basis of DM could be related to the natural occurrence of moringa in drought climates. In the roots, TSS, NRS, and TFAA were accumulated from 12 to 16 DAI and then were consumed until the end of the experiment. In the shoots, TSS and TFAA were consumed in parallel with NRS accumulation from 12 to 20 DAI. The activity of ICL, acid proteases, and amylases was coordinated with the mobilization of lipids, proteins and starch respectively. Thus, we propose that the patterns of reserve mobilization and metabolite partitioning verified in moringa seem distinct from those found to other tree species and may be involved in metabolic strategies to enable environment colonization


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Public services with an emphasis on rehabilitation treatment of disabled people, as established law, have aimed to ensure quality and equity assistance in a rehabilitation way to the segment highlighted. As for people with physical disabilities, the Unified Health System (hereby SUS) through the directive GM/ MS No. 818 of 2001, requires the creation of hierarchical and regionalized services networks at different levels of complexity to ensure appropriate assistance. This study whose title is Evaluation of effectiveness of the Adult Rehabilitation Center in Rn: elements for a discussion aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of rehabilitation services that institution, reference in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, has directed its patients, more specifically those who have had a stroke and therefore are disabled ones. From the standpoint of methodological conduction, it was prioritized a qualitative and empirical theoretical research which was carried out from the following courses: literature references with authors who are the themes pertaining to rehabilitation, inclusion, public policy evaluation, health policy and disability; documentary research through Regulation of Technical Procedures, files, records, informative booklets that were of great importance to the knowledge of the institution, as well as its functioning and dynamics of field research that was materialized with the managers, rehabilitation staff and Center s users, through the application of semi-structured interviews as a tool for data collection. The information obtained was analyzed from the critical analysis of discourse. As a result, it was identified some technical, administrative and financial difficulties which have obliterated the effectiveness of services provided, such as: lack of many professionals to meet existing demand, poor quality of equipment and the physical structure, limits on autonomy management as a result of dependence along with the SESAP/RN; besides the excessive bureaucratization in the administrative processes compromising Center s problem-solving needs. However, in the narratives of managers, rehabilitation staff of patients, despite the difficulties, treatment made by Centre has effectiveness to the extent that has been contributing even in a limited way to improve their quality of life


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The answer to creating a fictional world? Repulsion or form of reaction to an outside world? Mental illness, whose brand can be symbolic simulation or depersonalization? Hard to take a stand when the deed is a poet Fernando Pessoa as what is at stake. Notes Schlafman Léo (1998) who, at the age of 20 years, Fernando Pessoa wrote in English, in his diary, "One of my mental complications is the fear of madness, which in itself already is crazy." What rid of madness, notes Robert Bréchon (1986), was the taste of the game and was playing it for your writing. Even though it has rid the madness, the poet does not quit seeking explanations - or provide it - for the phenomena much bother him, or defined.'s where we come across the alignment of Fernando Pessoa within philosophical as occultism and reading about psychological and mental disorders treated. paths were pursued by him to explain the existence of his heteronyms and its entry process. This work therefore presents main objective: to analyze the personal papers of Fernando Pessoa, whose outstanding feature is the presence of occult and alleged mediumship demonstrations held in response to non-literary and heteronímicas. Therefore, I focused on specific goals, which are: a) to study the speech of Fernando Pessoa on his mediumship / occult b) analyzing specific texts that are, for the poet, psychic demonstrations, c) study of a series of excerpts personal letters in which Fernando Pessoa suggested to be a medium. Admittedly, this essay will touch many arguments already made by scholars and experts of Fernando Pessoa, but consider the possibility of developing issues and contribute to the critical fortune of the poet. We assume that announces the Portuguese scholar Jerome Pizarro (2006), one of the greatest scholars of the work Pessoan: those interested in Fernando Pessoa be lost in the maze created by him. It is the image of a person-Minotaur, devouring all but, holding us in its labyrinthine tessitura, as marked by mystery. Will draw on our analysis, a theory aligned themselves to objects of research, whose main authors are Sigmund Freud (1908) Carl Jung (1991.1996). Gaston Bachelard (1996), Helena Blavatsky (2008), among others


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Hoplosternum littorale (Hancock, 1828) (Siluriformes, Callichthyidae) é um peixe de médio porte, conhecido na Amazônia brasileira como tamoatá, sendo o principal recurso pesqueiro da ilha de Marajó. A pesca do tamoatá é realizada de forma artesanal, principalmente na região do lago Arari, Município de Santa Cruz do Arari, sendo que sua comercialização nos centros urbanos é feita por intermédio de barcos conhecidos como geleiras. O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever os aspectos da pesca do tamoatá na ilha de Marajó e relacionar a abundância desta espécie com os dias gastos pelas geleiras para completar a sua carga e com a quantidade de chuva. A pesca artesanal comercial do tamoatá é aqui descrita com base em observações de campo e entrevistas com pescadores, sendo realizada basicamente por redes de arrasto e no período de estiagem, quando o nível da água do rio e do lago Arari está baixo. A estimativa de abundância do tamoatá na ilha de Marajó foi baseada na relação entre o total desembarcado no porto do Ver-O-Peso, em Belém, e o número de dias que os barcos geleira esperam para encher suas urnas. A precipitação foi medida pela estação meteorológica de Soure, situada na porção leste da ilha de Marajó. A análise de covariância (ANCOVA) dos dados mensais referentes aos anos 1994 a 2004 apontou uma relação significativa entre estas variáveis, sendo o total desembarcado apresentando-se diretamente proporcional ao número de dias-geleiras e inversamente proporcional à chuva mensal. Por outro lado, observou-se ainda uma relação significativa entre o volume de chuva anual e o peso total de pescado capturado. Esta relação parece explicar a diminuição do desembarque do tamoatá nos dois períodos amostrados.


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Performance, carcass, non-carcass and commercial cuts and components of Texel × Santa Inês crossbred lambs, managed in confinement and fed diets based on soybean oil, soybeans and a conventional diet, with or without the use of monensin (78 ppm dry matter basis) were evaluated. Thirty-six Texel × Santa Inês lambs (18 males and 18 females) were managed in intensive systems. Animals were slaughtered after 87 days of confinement, and performance, carcass characteristics, weight and percentages of carcass and non-carcass components were evaluated. The animals fed the control diet had heavier carcass and parts than animals fed soybean, while the oil diet did not differ from the controls in most parameters. The animals fed soybean showed lower intake kg dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and metabolizable energy (ME) compared with animals fed the control diet, increased ether extract (EE) intake in kg, % body weight (BW) and metabolic weight (MW) and did not differ from the soybean oil diet. Animals receiving monensin had lower DM intake, OM, CP, EE, NDF, gross energy (GE) regardless of the expression, % kg BW, or % PM, than the animals that did not receive the additive. Males produced better and had heavier cuts than the females; the latter deposited subcutaneous fat earlier. Animals that received oil or soybean showed greater body weight and small intestine percentage. Soybean oil intake did not improve performance, carcass weights or parts of Santa Ines × Texel lambs in confinement. Soybeans at 15% dry matter reduced energy intake and lamb performance. The use of monensin at 78 ppm on a dry matter basis is not recommended for lambs in confinement, especially if associated with oil or soybeans that may harm animal performance.