897 resultados para r-process
The exact physical conditions generating the abundances of r-elements in environments such as supernovae explosions are still under debate. We evaluated the characteristics expected for the neutrino wind in the proposed model of type-II supernova driven by conversion of nuclear matter to strange matter. Neutrinos will change the final abundance of elements after freeze out of r-process nucleosynthesis, specially those close to mass peaks.
Sterne mit einer Anfangsmasse zwischen etwa 8 und 25 Sonnenmassen enden ihre Existenz mit einer gewaltigen Explosion, einer Typ II Supernova. Die hierbei entstehende Hoch-Entropie-Blase ist ein Bereich am Rande des sich bildenden Neutronensterns und gilt als möglicher Ort für den r-Prozess. Wegen der hohen Temperatur T innerhalb der Blase ist die Materie dort vollkommen photodesintegriert. Das Verhältnis von Neutronen zu Protonen wird durch die Elektronenhäufigkeit Ye beschrieben. Die thermodynamische Entwicklung des Systems wird durch die Entropie S gegeben. Da die Expansion der Blase schnell vonstatten geht, kann sie als adiabatisch betrachtet werden. Die Entropie S ist dann proportional zu T^3/rho, wobei rho die Dichte darstellt. Die explizite Zeitentwicklung von T und rho sowie die Prozessdauer hängen von Vexp, der Expansionsgeschwindigkeit der Blase, ab. Der erste Teil dieser Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit dem Prozess der Reaktionen mit geladenen Teilchen, dem alpha-Prozess. Dieser Prozess endet bei Temperaturen von etwa 3 mal 10^9 K, dem sogenannten "alpha-reichen" Freezeout, wobei überwiegend alpha-Teilchen, freie Neutronen sowie ein kleiner Anteil von mittelschweren "Saat"-Kernen im Massenbereich um A=100 gebildet werden. Das Verhältnis von freien Neutronen zu Saatkernen Yn/Yseed ist entscheidend für den möglichen Ablauf eines r-Prozesses. Der zweite Teil dieser Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem eigentlichen r-Prozess, der bei Neutronenanzahldichten von bis zu 10^27 Neutronen pro cm^3 stattfindet, und innerhalb von maximal 400 ms sehr neutronenreiche "Progenitor"-Isotope von Elementen bis zum Thorium und Uran bildet. Bei dem sich anschliessendem Ausfrieren der Neutroneneinfangreaktionen bei 10^9 K und 10^20 Neutronen pro cm^3 erfolgt dann der beta-Rückzerfall der ursprünglichen r-Prozesskerne zum Tal der Stabilität. Diese Nicht-Gleichgewichts-Phase wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit in einer Parameterstudie eingehend untersucht. Abschliessend werden astrophysikalische Bedingungen definiert, unter denen die gesamte Verteilung der solaren r-Prozess-Isotopenhäufigkeiten reproduziert werden können.
We show that under gravity the effective masses for neutrino and antineutrino are different which opens a possible window of neutrino-antineutrino oscillation even if the rest masses of the corresponding eigenstates are same. This is due to CPT violation and possible to demonstrate if the neutrino mass eigenstates are expressed as a combination of neutrino and antineutrino eigenstates, as of the neutral kaon system, with the plausible breaking of lepton number conservation. In early universe, in presence of various lepton number violating processes, this oscillation might lead to neutrino-antineutrino asymmetry which resulted baryogenesis from the B-L symmetry by electro-weak sphaleron processes. On the other hand, for Majorana neutrinos, this oscillation is expected to affect the inner edge of neutrino dominated accretion disks around a compact object by influencing the neutrino sphere which controls the accretion dynamics, and then the related type-II supernova evolution and the r-process nucleosynthesis.
Isotope dilution thorium and uranium analyses of the Harleton chondrite show a larger scatter than previously observed in equilibrated ordinary chondrites (EOC). The linear correlation of Th/U with 1/U in Harleton (and all EOC data) is produced by variation in the chlorapatite to merrillite mixing ratio. Apatite variations control the U concentrations. Phosphorus variations are compensated by inverse variations in U to preserve the Th/U vs. 1/U correlation. Because the Th/U variations reflect phosphate ampling, a weighted Th/U average should converge to an improved solar system Th/U. We obtain Th/U=3.53 (1-mean=0.10), significantly lower and more precise than previous estimates.
To test whether apatite also produces Th/U variation in CI and CM chondrites, we performed P analyses on the solutions from leaching experiments of Orgueil and Murchison meteorites.
A linear Th/U vs. 1/U correlation in CI can be explained by redistribution of hexavalent U by aqueous fluids into carbonates and sulfates.
Unlike CI and EOC, whole rock Th/U variations in CMs are mostly due to Th variations. A Th/U vs. 1/U linear correlation suggested by previous data for CMs is not real. We distinguish 4 components responsible for the whole rock Th/U variations: (1) P and actinide-depleted matrix containing small amounts of U-rich carbonate/sulfate phases (similar to CIs); (2) CAIs and (3) chondrules are major reservoirs for actinides, (4) an easily leachable phase of high Th/U. likely carbonate produced by CAI alteration. Phosphates play a minor role as actinide and P carrier phases in CM chondrites.
Using our Th/U and minimum galactic ages from halo globular clusters, we calculate relative supernovae production rates for 232Th/238U and 235U/238U for different models of r-process nucleosynthesis. For uniform galactic production, the beginning of the r-process nucleosynthesis must be less than 13 Gyr. Exponentially decreasing production is also consistent with a 13 Gyr age, but very slow decay times are required (less than 35 Gyr), approaching the uniform production. The 15 Gyr Galaxy requires either a fast initial production growth (infall time constant less than 0.5 Gyr) followed by very low decrease (decay time constant greater than 100 Gyr), or the fastest possible decrease (≈8 Gyr) preceded by slow in fall (≈7.5 Gyr).
Elements with even atomic number (Z) in the interval 50 ≤ Z ≤ 58 have been resolved in the cosmic radiation using the Heavy Nuclei Experiment on the HEAO-3 satellite. Their relative abundances have been compared with the results expected from pure r-process material, pure s-process material, and solar system material, both with and without a modification due to possible first ionization potential effects. Such effects may be the result of the preferential acceleration, and hence enhancement in the cosmic rays, or those elements having low first ionization potentials. We find that our measurements are inconsistent with pure r-process material at the greater than 98% confidence level whether or not the first ionization potential adjustments are made.
In addition, we have compared our results with mixtures having varying ratios of pure r-process material to pure s-process material. We find that, if no first ionization potential effects are included,
(r/s)CRS/(r/s)SS = 0.20+0.18-0.14
where CRS refers to the cosmic ray source and SS refers to the solar system, consistent with having an almost pure s-process source. If the first ionization potential adjustments are applied
(r/s)CRS/(r/s)SS = 1.5+1.1-0.7
consistent with a solar system mixture.
Analysis of the data from the Heavy Nuclei Experiment on the HEAO-3 spacecraft has yielded the cosmic ray abundances of odd-even element pairs with atomic number, Z, in the range 33 ≤ Z ≤60, and the abundances of broad element groups in the range 62 ≤ Z ≤83, relative to iron. These data show that the cosmic ray source composition in this charge range is quite similar to that of the solar system provided an allowance is made for a source fractionation based on first ionization potential. The observations are inconsistent with a source composition which is dominated by either r-process or s-process material, whether or not an allowance is made for first ionization potential. Although the observations do not exclude a source containing the same mixture of r- and s-process material as in the solar system. the data are best fit by a source having an r- to s-process ratio of 1.22^(+0.25)_(0.21), relative to the solar system The abundances of secondary elements are consistent with the leaky box model of galactic propagation, implying a pathlength distribution similar to that which explains the abundances of nuclei with Z<29.
The energy spectra of the even elements in the range 38 ≤ Z ≤ 60 are found to have a deficiency of particles in the range ~1.5 to 3 GeV/amu, compared to iron. This deficiency may result from ionization energy loss in the interstellar medium, and is not predicted by propagation models which ignore such losses. ln addition, the energy spectra of secondary elements are found to be different to those of the primary elements. Such effects are consistent with observations of lighter nuclei, and are in qualitative agreement with galactic propagation models using a rigidity dependent escape length. The energy spectra of secondaries arising from the platinum group are found to be much steeper than those of lower Z. This effect may result from energy dependent fragmentation cross sections.
Radium was radiochemically separated from natural thorium. Thin Ra-228 ->beta Ac-228 sources were prepared and exposed to mica fission track detectors, and measured by an HPGe gamma-ray detector. The beta-delayed fission events of Ac-228 were observed and its beta-delayed fission probability was found to be (5 +/- 2)x10(-12).
O objetivo deste estudo é comparar as características de dois grupos de crianças com diagnóstico de Perturbação dos Sons da Fala (PSF), falantes de português europeu (PE) e falantes de português brasileiro (PB), considerando um conjunto de medidas fonológicas que incluem Percentagem de Consoantes Corretas (PCC), Percentagem de Consoantes Corretas Revista (PCC-R), Process Density Index (PDI), Índices Absolutos (IA) e Índices Relativos (IR) de Substituição, Omissão e Distorção, tipos de Processos Fonológicos e Percentagem de Acerto por Fonema (PAF). Método: Neste estudo participaram dezoito crianças com diagnóstico de Perturbação dos Sons da Fala (PSF), com idades compreendidas entre os cinco anos e dois meses e os sete anos e 11 meses, sendo doze do sexo masculino e seis do sexo feminino, divididas em dois grupos - falantes de português europeu (GPE) e falantes de português brasileiro (GPB) - emparelhadas por idade, sexo e valor de PCC. A partir da análise das transcrições fonéticas constantes nas folhas de registo de cada subteste de nomeação de cada sujeito - Teste Fonético-Fonológico - Avaliação de Linguagem Pré-Escolar (TFF - ALPE) (Mendes et al., 2009) para o português europeu, e provas de fonologia do Teste de Linguagem Infantil ABFW (Andrade et al., 2004) para o português brasileiro,- foram calculadas e comparadas as medidas fonológicas referidas, recorrendo a testes estatísticos (paramétricos e não paramétricos). Resultados: O emparelhamento do GPE com o GPB foi bem sucedido. Não existiram diferenças estatísticamente significativas nas medidas fonológicas em estudo entre o GPE e o GPB. No Estudo 1, não existiram diferenças nos tipos de erros à exceção do erro de omissão. No Estudo 2, no GPE verificamos um menor número de erros de distorção e um maior número de erros de omissão. Existem algumas particularidades devido à variante da língua, nomeadamente no processo fonológico de PAL e de DESV. Conclusão: Esta investigação permitiu realizar a comparação do GPE e do GPB com a utilização de dois instrumentos recolha de dados diferentes. Os resultados foram de encontro ao que é descrito por outros estudos nesta área de investigação. As poucas diferenças que se observaram podem ser explicadas pelas diferenças existentes entre os sistemas fonético-fonológicos das duas variedades linguísticas. É extremamente importante a metodologia de recolha de dados para a avaliação das PSF. A mais valia desta pesquisa é o contributo de indicadores clínicos para diagnóstico, prognóstico e intervenção terapêutica nas PSF.
Understanding and managing the knowledge transfer process in sport organizations is an essential component to enhance organizational capacity. Very little research on either capacity or knowledge transfer within a sport organization exists. Consequently, the purpos e of this qualitative case study was to, examine the transfer of knowledge process within a major games host society. Specifically, two research goals guided the study: 1) To develop a model to explain a knowledge t r ans f e r process in a non-profit ma jor games hos t organization and 2) To examine the relevance of the model to a Canada Games Hos t Society. Data we r e collected from interviews with middle and senior level volunteers as well as senior s t a f f members (n= 27), document s and observations. The findings indicated three barriers to knowledge transfer: structural, systemic, and cultural. As a result of the findings a revised model for knowledge transfer wa s proposed that included modifications related to the direction of knowledge flow, timing of the knowledge transfer process, and group inter-relations. Implications identified the importance of intuition managers, time and organizational levels for successful knowledge transfer. Recommendations for future host societies and the Canada Games Council are presented.
The abundance of heavy r-elements may provide a better understanding of the r-process, and the determination of several reference r-elements should allow a better determination of a star`s age. The space UV region (lambda < 3000 angstrom) presents a large number of lines of the heavy elements, and in the case of some elements, such as Bi, Pt, Au, detectable lines are not available elsewhere. The extreme ""r-process star"" CS 31082-001 ([Fe/H] = -2.9) was observed in the space UV to determine abundances of the heaviest stable elements, using STIS on board Hubble Space Telescope.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
We present a direct measurement of the low-energy Li-8(p, alpha)He-5 cross section, using a radioactive Li-8 beam impinging on a thick target. With four beam energies, we cover the energy range between E-c.m. = 0.2 and 2.1 MeV. An R-matrix analysis of the data is performed and suggests the existence of two broad overlapping resonances (5/2(+) at E-c.m. = 1.69 MeV and 7/2(+) at E-c.m. = 1.76 MeV). At low energies our data are sensitive to the properties of a subthreshold state (E-x = 16.67 MeV) and of two resonances above threshold. These resonances were observed in previous experiments. The R-matrix fit confirms spin assignments, and provides partial widths. We propose a new Li-8(p, alpha)He-5 reaction rate and briefly discuss its influence in nuclear astrophysics. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.86.064321
We present a detailed study of carbon-enhanced metal-poor (CEMP) stars, based on high-resolution spectroscopic observations of a sample of 18 stars. The stellar spectra for this sample were obtained at the 4.2 m William Herschel Telescope in 2001 and 2002, using the Utrecht Echelle Spectrograph, at a resolving power R similar to 52 000 and S/N similar to 40, covering the wavelength range lambda lambda 3700-5700 angstrom. The atmospheric parameters determined for this sample indicate temperatures ranging from 4750 K to 7100 K, log g from 1.5 to 4.3, and metallicities -3.0 <= [Fe/H]<=-1.7. Elemental abundances for C, Na, Mg, Sc, Ti, Cr, Cu, Zn, Sr, Y, Zr, Ba, La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Dy are determined. Abundances for an additional 109 stars were taken from the literature and combined with the data of our sample. The literature sample reveals a lack of reliable abundance estimates for species that might be associated with the r-process elements for about 67% of CEMP stars, preventing a complete understanding of this class of stars, since [Ba/Eu] ratios are used to classify them. Although eight stars in our observed sample are also found in the literature sample, Eu abundances or limits are determined for four of these stars for the first time. From the observed correlations between C, Ba, and Eu, we argue that the CEMP-r/s class has the same astronomical origin as CEMP-s stars, highlighting the need for a more complete understanding of Eu production.
Context. HD 140283 is a nearby (V = 7.7) subgiant metal-poor star, extensively analysed in the literature. Although many spectra have been obtained for this star, none showed a signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio high enough to enable a very accurate derivation of abundances from weak lines. Aims. The detection of europium proves that the neutron-capture elements in this star originate in the r-process, and not in the s-process, as recently claimed in the literature. Methods. Based on the OSMARCS 1D LTE atmospheric model and with a consistent approach based on the spectrum synthesis code Turbospectrum, we measured the europium lines at 4129 angstrom and 4205 angstrom, taking into account the hyperfine structure of the transitions. The spectrum, obtained with a long exposure time of seven hours at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT), has a resolving power of 81 000 and a S/N ratio of 800 at 4100 angstrom. Results. We were able to determine the abundance A(Eu) = -2.35 +/- 0.07 dex, compatible with the value predicted for the europium from the r-process. The abundance ratio [Eu/Ba] = +0.58 +/- 0.15 dex agrees with the trend observed in metal-poor stars and is also compatible with a strong r-process contribution to the origin of the neutron-capture elements in HD 140283.
Neutron-rich isotopes around lead, beyond N = 126, have been studied exploiting the fragmentation of an uranium primary beam at the FRS-RISING setup at GSI. For the first time beta-decay half-lives of Bi-219 and Tl-211,Tl-212,Tl-213 isotopes have been derived. The half-lives have been extracted using a numerical simulation developed for experiments in high-background conditions. Comparison with state of the art models used in r-process calculations is given, showing a systematic underestimation of the experimental values, at variance from close-lying nuclei. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.