983 resultados para quit date


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Background: The health action process approach (hapa) is a well-established model in predicting health behavior and assumes that volitional processes are important for effective behavioral change. however, only few studies have so far tested associations on the intraindividual level. thus, this study examined the inter- and intraindividual associations between volitional predictors and daily smoking around a quit attempt. method: overall, 105 smokers completed daily electronic questionnaires 10 days before and 21 days after a self-set quit date, including measures of intentions, self-efficacy, planning, action control and numbers of cigarettes smoked. multilevel analysis was applied. findings: at the interindividual level, higher mean levels of volitional predictors across the 32 days were associated with less numbers of cigarettes smoked. negative associations emerged also at the intraindividual level, indicating that on days with higher intentions, self-efficacy, planning and action control than usual, less cigarettes were smoked. moreover, these effects were stronger after the quit date than before the quit date. intentions and action control emerged as most powerful predictors at the intraindividual level. discussion: findings confirm assumptions of the hapa and emphasize the importance of volitional processes at the inter- and intraindividual level in the context of quitting smoking.


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The dual-effects model of social control proposes that social control leads to increased psychological distress but also to better health practices. However, findings are inconsistent, and recent research suggests that the most effective control is unnoticed by the receiver (i. e., invisible). Yet, investigations of the influence of invisible control on daily negative affect and smoking have been limited. Using daily diaries, we investigated how invisible social control was associated with negative affect and smoking. Overall, 100 smokers (72.0 % men, age M = 40.48, SD = 9.82) and their nonsmoking partners completed electronic diaries from a self-set quit date for 22 consecutive days, reporting received and provided social control, negative affect, and daily smoking. We found in multilevel analyses of the within-person process that on days with higher-than-average invisible control, smokers reported more negative affect and fewer cigarettes smoked. Findings are in line with the assumptions of the dual-effects model of social control: Invisible social control increased daily negative affect and simultaneously reduced smoking at the within-person level.


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Objectives: The dual-effects model of social control proposes that social control leads to better health practices, but also arouses psychological distress. However, findings are inconsistent in relation to health behavior and psychological distress. Recent research suggests that the most effective control is unnoticed by the receiver (i.e., invisible). There is some evidence that invisible social control is beneficial for positive and negative affective reactions. Yet, investigations of the influence of invisible social control on daily smoking and distress have been limited. In daily diaries, we investigated how invisible social control is associated with number of cigarettes smoked and negative affect on a daily basis. Methods: Overall, 99 smokers (72.0% men, mean age M = 40.48, SD = 9.82) and their non-smoking partners completed electronic diaries from a self-set quit date for 22 consecutive days within the hour before going to bed, reporting received and provided social control, daily number of cigarettes smoked, and negative affect. Results: Multilevel analyses indicated that between-person levels of invisible social control were associated with lower negative affect, whereas they were unrelated to number of cigarettes smoked. On days with higher-than-average invisible social control, smokers reported less cigarettes smoked and more negative affect. Conclusions: Between-person level findings indicate that invisible social control can be beneficial for negative affect. However, findings on the within-person level are in line with the assumptions of the dual-effects model of social control: Invisible social control reduced daily smoking and simultaneously increased daily negative affect within person.


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This study was funded by the Swiss National Foundation (100014_124516). We would like to thank all students who helped with data collection.


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Background: The Health Action Process Approach (HAPA) assumes that volitional processes are important for effective behavioral change. This study examined the associations of volitional predictors and daily smoking in quitters at the inter- and intraindividual level. Method: Overall, 105 smokers completed daily electronic questionnaires 10 days before and 21 days after a self-set quit date, assessing intentions, self-efficacy, planning, action control and numbers of cigarettes smoked. Findings: Multilevel analyses showed that mean levels of volitional predictors across the 32 days were negatively associated with numbers of cigarettes smoked. Moreover, on days with higher intentions, self-efficacy, planning and action control than usual, less cigarettes were smoked. These effects were stronger after the quit date than before the quit date. Intentions and action control emerged as most powerful predictors at the intraindividual level. Discussion: Findings emphasize the importance of volitional processes at the intraindividual level in the context of quitting smoking.


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The Health Action Process Approach (HAPA) assumes that volitional processes are important for effective behavioral change. However, intraindividual associations have not yet been tested in the context of smoking cessation. This study examined the inter- and intraindividual associations between volitional HAPA variables and daily smoking before and after a quit attempt. Overall, 100 smokers completed daily surveys on mobile phones from 10 days before until 21 days after a self-set quit date, including self-efficacy, action planning, action control, and numbers of cigarettes smoked. Negative associations between volitional variables and daily numbers of cigarettes smoked emerged at the inter- and intraindividual level. Except for interindividual action planning, associations were stronger after the quit date than before the quit date. Self-efficacy, planning and action control were identified as critical inter- and intraindividual processes in smoking cessation, particularly after a self-set quit attempt when actual behavior change is performed.


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Objectives Social support receipt from one's partner is assumed to be beneficial for successful smoking cessation. However, support receipt can have costs. Recent research suggests that the most effective support is unnoticed by the receiver (i.e., invisible). Therefore, this study examined the association between everyday levels of dyadic invisible emotional and instrumental support, daily negative affect, and daily smoking after a self-set quit attempt in smoker–non-smoker couples. Methods Overall, 100 smokers (72.0% men, mean age M = 40.48, SD = 9.82) and their non-smoking partners completed electronic diaries from a self-set quit date on for 22 consecutive days, reporting daily invisible emotional and instrumental social support, daily negative affect, and daily smoking. Results Same-day multilevel analyses showed that at the between-person level, higher individual mean levels of invisible emotional and instrumental support were associated with less daily negative affect. In contrast to our assumption, more receipt of invisible emotional and instrumental support was related to more daily cigarettes smoked. Conclusions The findings are in line with previous results, indicating invisible support to have beneficial relations with affect. However, results emphasize the need for further prospective daily diary approaches for understanding the dynamics of invisible support on smoking cessation.


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Contexte : Jusqu’à 90% des fumeurs qui tentent d’arrêter de fumer vont rechuter dans l’année suivant la date d’arrêt. L’impulsivité, au même titre que le « craving », a démontré être un bon facteur de prédiction de la rechute tabagique. Ainsi, la présente étude visait à évaluer, à l’aide de la neuroimagerie fonctionnelle, l’influence de l’impulsivité sur les mécanismes neuronaux du « craving » de la cigarette. Parmi les régions cérébrales impliquées dans le « craving » de la nicotine, les cortex préfrontal dorsolatéral, orbitofrontal et cingulaire sont d’importantes structures dans les processus de contrôle de soi. Méthodes : 31 fumeurs chroniques ont passé une session de neuroimagerie durant laquelle ils devaient regarder des images appétitives de cigarettes et des images neutres. Ils ont ensuite dû inscrire le « craving » ressenti à la vue des images et répondre à un questionnaire portant sur les traits de personnalité de l’impulsivité (BIS-11). Résultats : Tel qu’attendu, le score d’impulsivité était positivement corrélé au « craving » rapporté par les participants à la vue d’images de cigarettes. Au niveau cérébral, plus les fumeurs présentaient de forts traits d’impulsivité, moins grande était l’activité du cortex cingulaire postérieur (CCP) durant le « craving ». Enfin, l’activité du CCP présentait une connectivité fonctionnelle négative avec l’insula, le cortex préfrontal dorsolatéral et le cortex cingulaire antérieur. Conclusions : Comme le CCP est le siège des processus de mentalisation et de référence à soi, nous suggérons que plus les fumeurs étaient impulsifs, moins ils prenaient conscience de leur état et moins ils en exerçaient un contrôle, donc plus ils ressentaient de forts « cravings ». En poussant plus loin, nos résultats mettent l’accent sur l’aspect identitaire (le soi, les mémoires autobiographiques) et l’aspect d’introspection en toxicomanie : deux avenues à explorer.


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There is an association between smoking and depression, yet the herbal antidepressant St John's wort (Hypericum perforatum L.: SJW) herb extract has not previously been investigated as an aid in smoking cessation. In this open, uncontrolled, pilot study, 28 smokers of 10 or more cigarettes per day for at least one year were randomised to receive SJW herb extract (LI-160) 300mg once or twice daily taken for one week before and continued for 3 months after a target quit date. In addition, all participants received motivational/behavioural support from a trained pharmacist. At 3 months, the point prevalence and continuous abstinence rates were both 18%, and at 12 months were 0%. Fifteen participants (54%) reported 23 adverse events up to the end of the 3-month follow-up period. There was no statistically significant difference in the frequency of adverse events for participants taking SJW once or twice daily (p > 0.05). Most adverse events were mild, transient and non-serious. This preliminary study has not provided convincing evidence that a SJW herb extract plus individual motivational/behavioural support is likely to be effective as an aid in smoking cessation. However, it may be premature to rule out a possible effect on the basis of a single, uncontrolled pilot study, and other approaches involving SJW extract may warrant investigation.


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This information release, produced by the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety’s Information and Analysis Directorate, provides information on smoking cessation services. Data are included on the monitoring of smoking cessation services in Northern Ireland during the period 1st April 2014 to 31st March 2015. This report also provides an analysis of data collected in 2014/15 in respect of clients who set a quit date during 2013/14 (52 week follow-up). Information contained within this report was downloaded from a web based recording system. Figures here are correct as of 1st September 2015. The Ten Year Tobacco Control Strategy for Northern Ireland aims to see fewer people starting to smoke, more smokers quitting and protecting people from tobacco smoke. It is aimed at the entire population of Northern Ireland as smoking and its harmful effects cut across all barriers of class, race and gender. There is a strong relationship between smoking and inequalities, with more people dying of smoking-related illnesses in disadvantaged areas of Northern Ireland than in its more affluent areas. In order to ensure that more focused action is directed to where it is needed the most, three priority groups have been identified. They are: · Children and young people; · Disadvantaged people who smoke; and · Pregnant women, and their partners, who smoke. The Public Health Agency (PHA) is responsible for implementing the strategy and the development of cessation services is a key element of the overall aim to tackle smoking. The 2013/14 Health Survey Northern Ireland reported that 22% of adults currently smoke (23% of males and 21% of females). In addition, in 2013, the Young Persons’ Behaviour and Attitude Survey (YPBAS) found that 6% of pupils aged between and 11 and 16 smoked (7% of males and 5% of females).      


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BACKGROUND: Advances in technology allowed the development of a novel smoking cessation program delivered by video messages sent to mobile phones. This social cognitive theory-based intervention (called "STUB IT") used observational learning via short video diary messages from role models going through the quitting process to teach behavioral change techniques.

OBJECTIVE: The objective of our study was to assess the effectiveness of a multimedia mobile phone intervention for smoking cessation.

METHODS: A randomized controlled trial was conducted with 6-month follow-up. Participants had to be 16 years of age or over, be current daily smokers, be ready to quit, and have a video message-capable phone. Recruitment targeted younger adults predominantly through radio and online advertising. Registration and data collection were completed online, prompted by text messages. The intervention group received an automated package of video and text messages over 6 months that was tailored to self-selected quit date, role model, and timing of messages. Extra messages were available on demand to beat cravings and address lapses. The control group also set a quit date and received a general health video message sent to their phone every 2 weeks.

RESULTS: The target sample size was not achieved due to difficulty recruiting young adult quitters. Of the 226 randomized participants, 47% (107/226) were female and 24% (54/226) were Maori (indigenous population of New Zealand). Their mean age was 27 years (SD 8.7), and there was a high level of nicotine addiction. Continuous abstinence at 6 months was 26.4% (29/110) in the intervention group and 27.6% (32/116) in the control group (P = .8). Feedback from participants indicated that the support provided by the video role models was important and appreciated.

CONCLUSIONS: This study was not able to demonstrate a statistically significant effect of the complex video messaging mobile phone intervention compared with simple general health video messages via mobile phone. However, there was sufficient positive feedback about the ease of use of this novel intervention, and the support obtained by observing the role model video messages, to warrant further investigation.


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General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.


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Examined findings (e.g., A. J. Yates and J. Thain [see PA, Vol 73:28269]) that suggest that perceived social support for attempts to quit smoking is a determinant of self-efficacy (SE). 102 adults (aged 18–71 yrs) who participated in a trial of 4 smoking interventions were studied over a 10-mo follow-up period. The study attested to the validity of SE as a predictor of sustained success from an attempt to stop smoking. The tendency for SE theory to be more strongly supported in the longer term was highly consistent with the proposed mechanism for SE effects. The absence of a relationship with perceived social support might be an advantage for SE, since support was a poor predictor of outcomes during follow-up. Results suggest that perceived social influences had less utility than personal skills and SE in predicting sustained non-smoking outcomes.