965 resultados para qualitative synthesis
Objective To explore people's experiences of starting antidepressant treatment. Design Qualitative interpretive approach combining thematic analysis with constant comparison. Relevant coding reports from the original studies (generated using NVivo) relating to initial experiences of antidepressants were explored in further detail, focusing on the ways in which participants discussed their experiences of taking or being prescribed an antidepressant for the first time. Participants 108 men and women aged 22–84 who had taken antidepressants for depression. Setting Respondents recruited throughout the UK during 2003–2004 and 2008 and 2012–2013 and in Australia during 2010–2011. Results People expressed a wide range of feelings about initiating antidepressant use. People's attitudes towards starting antidepressant use were shaped by stereotypes and stigmas related to perceived drug dependency and potentially extreme side effects. Anxieties were expressed about starting use, and about how long the antidepressant might begin to take effect, how much it might help or hinder them, and about what to expect in the initial weeks. People worried about the possibility of experiencing adverse effects and implications for their senses of self. Where people felt they had not been given sufficient time during their consultation information or support to take the medicines, the uncertainty could be particularly unsettling and impact on their ongoing views on and use of antidepressants as a viable treatment option. Conclusions Our paper is the first to explore in-depth patient existential concerns about start of antidepressant use using multicountry data. People need additional support when they make decisions about starting antidepressants. Health professionals can use our findings to better understand and explore with patients’ their concerns before their patients start antidepressants. These insights are key to supporting patients, many of whom feel intimidated by the prospect of taking antidepressants, especially during the uncertain first few weeks of treatment.
Prolonged mechanical ventilation is associated with a longer intensive care unit (ICU) length of stay and higher mortality. Consequently, methods to improve ventilator weaning processes have been sought. Two recent Cochrane systematic reviews in ICU adult and paediatric populations concluded that protocols can be effective in reducing the duration of mechanical ventilation, but there was significant heterogeneity in study findings. Growing awareness of the benefits of understanding the contextual factors impacting on effectiveness has encouraged the integration of qualitative evidence syntheses with effectiveness reviews, which has delivered important insights into the reasons underpinning (differential) effectiveness of healthcare interventions.
1. To locate, appraise and synthesize qualitative evidence concerning the barriers and facilitators of the use of protocols for weaning critically-ill adults and children from mechanical ventilation;
2. To integrate this synthesis with two Cochrane effectiveness reviews of protocolized weaning to help explain observed heterogeneity by identifying contextual factors that impact on the use of protocols for weaning critically-ill adults and children from mechanical ventilation;
3. To use the integrated body of evidence to suggest the circumstances in which weaning protocols are most likely to be used.
Search methods:
We used a range of search terms identified with the help of the SPICE (Setting, Perspective, Intervention, Comparison, Evaluation) mnemonic. Where available, we used appropriate methodological filters for specific databases. We searched the following databases: Ovid MEDLINE, Embase, OVID, PsycINFO, CINAHL Plus, EBSCOHost, Web of Science Core Collection, ASSIA, IBSS, Sociological Abstracts, ProQuest and LILACS on the 26th February 2015. In addition, we searched: the grey literature; the websites of professional associations for relevant publications; and the reference lists of all publications reviewed. We also contacted authors of the trials included in the effectiveness reviews as well as of studies (potentially) included in the qualitative synthesis, conducted citation searches of the publications reporting these studies, and contacted content experts.
We reran the search on 3rd July 2016 and found three studies, which are awaiting classification.
Selection criteria:
We included qualitative studies that described: the circumstances in which protocols are designed, implemented or used, or both, and the views and experiences of healthcare professionals either involved in the design, implementation or use of weaning protocols or involved in the weaning of critically-ill adults and children from mechanical ventilation not using protocols. We included studies that: reflected on any aspect of the use of protocols, explored contextual factors relevant to the development, implementation or use of weaning protocols, and reported contextual phenomena and outcomes identified as relevant to the effectiveness of protocolized weaning from mechanical ventilation.
Data collection and analysis:
At each stage, two review authors undertook designated tasks, with the results shared amongst the wider team for discussion and final development. We independently reviewed all retrieved titles, abstracts and full papers for inclusion, and independently extracted selected data from included studies. We used the findings of the included studies to develop a new set of analytic themes focused on the barriers and facilitators to the use of protocols, and further refined them to produce a set of summary statements. We used the Confidence in the Evidence from Reviews of Qualitative Research (CERQual) framework to arrive at a final assessment of the overall confidence of the evidence used in the synthesis. We included all studies but undertook two sensitivity analyses to determine how the removal of certain bodies of evidence impacted on the content and confidence of the synthesis. We deployed a logic model to integrate the findings of the qualitative evidence synthesis with those of the Cochrane effectiveness reviews.
Main results:
We included 11 studies in our synthesis, involving 267 participants (one study did not report the number of participants). Five more studies are awaiting classification and will be dealt with when we update the review.
The quality of the evidence was mixed; of the 35 summary statements, we assessed 17 as ‘low’, 13 as ‘moderate’ and five as ‘high’ confidence. Our synthesis produced nine analytical themes, which report potential barriers and facilitators to the use of protocols. The themes are: the need for continual staff training and development; clinical experience as this promotes felt and perceived competence and confidence to wean; the vulnerability of weaning to disparate interprofessional working; an understanding of protocols as militating against a necessary proactivity in clinical practice; perceived nursing scope of practice and professional risk; ICU structure and processes of care; the ability of protocols to act as a prompt for shared care and consistency in weaning practice; maximizing the use of protocols through visibility and ease of implementation; and the ability of protocols to act as a framework for communication with parents.
Authors' conclusions:
There is a clear need for weaning protocols to take account of the social and cultural environment in which they are to be implemented. Irrespective of its inherent strengths, a protocol will not be used if it does not accommodate these complexities. In terms of protocol development, comprehensive interprofessional input will help to ensure broad-based understanding and a sense of ‘ownership’. In terms of implementation, all relevant ICU staff will benefit from general weaning as well as protocol-specific training; not only will this help secure a relevant clinical knowledge base and operational understanding, but will also demonstrate to others that this knowledge and understanding is in place. In order to maximize relevance and acceptability, protocols should be designed with the patient profile and requirements of the target ICU in mind. Predictably, an under-resourced ICU will impact adversely on protocol implementation, as staff will prioritize management of acutely deteriorating and critically-ill patients.
Background Dementia is a global issue, with increasing prevalence rates impacting on health services internationally. People with dementia are frequently admitted to hospital, an environment that may not be suited to their needs. While many initiatives have been developed to improve their care in the acute setting, there is a lack of cohesive understanding of how staff experience and perceive the care they give to people with dementia in the acute setting. Objectives The aim of this qualitative synthesis was to explore health care staffs’ experiences and perceptions of caring for people with dementia in the acute setting. Qualitative synthesis can bring together isolated findings in a meaningful way that can inform policy development. Settings A screening process, using inclusion/exclusion criteria, identified qualitative studies that focused on health care staff caring for people with dementia in acute settings. Participants Twelve reports of nine studies were included for synthesis. Data extraction was conducted on each report by two researchers. Methods Framework synthesis was employed using VIPS framework, using Values, Individualised, Perspective and Social and psychological as concepts to guide synthesis. The VIPS framework has previously been used for exploring approaches to caring for people with dementia. Quality appraisal was conducted using Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) and NVivo facilitated sensitivity analysis to ensure confidence in the findings. Results Key themes, derived from VIPS, included a number of specific subthemes that examined: infrastructure and care pathways, person-centred approaches to care, how the person interacts with their environment and other patients, and family involvement in care decisions. The synthesis identified barriers to appropriate care for the person with dementia. These include ineffective pathways of care, unsuitable environments, inadequate resources and staffing levels and lack of emphasis on education and training for staff caring for people with dementia. Conclusions This review has identified key issues in the care of people with dementia in the acute setting: improving pathways of care, creating suitable environments, addressing resources and staffing levels and placing emphasis on the education for staff caring for people with dementia. Recommendations are made for practice consideration, policy development and future research. Leadership is required to instil the values needed to care for this client group in an effective and personcentred way. Qualitative evidence synthesis can inform policy and in this case, recommends VIPS as a suitable framework for guiding decisions around care for people with dementia in acute settings.
Background Nationally and internationally, advanced practice nurses are working under various titles and in different contexts to address gaps within healthcare systems. Analysis of advanced practice roles in different countries has been undertaken, but due to variations in cultural, geographical and professional factors, it is difficult and perhaps ineffectual to compare roles between countries. Contextual factors may also affect the actual experience of being an advanced practice nurse. A systematic review was therefore undertaken of qualitative evidence on the experience of being an advanced practice nurse in Australia, to provide deeper understanding of the role in the defined context. Methods The review followed the method for qualitative synthesis as per the Joanna Briggs Institute. An extensive search was undertaken of databases and online resources to find published and unpublished studies. Papers from 1990 to October 2011 which met specified inclusion criteria were appraised using the Joanna Briggs Institute Qualitative Assessment and Review Instrument. Results Three published studies and one unpublished dissertation were included in the review. From these studies, 216 findings were extracted and these were formed into 18 categories. Six meta-syntheses grouped under the headings of expert knowledge, confidence, education, relationships, negative experiences and patient-centred experience were created. Organisational factors impact greatly on the experience, professionally and personally. Conclusions Heterogeneity of role titles makes synthesis a difficult process, but contextualising the population provides a pragmatic approach to informing the status of the advanced practice nurse discourse. The review identifies positive and negative experiences of being an advanced practice nurse in Australian acute care settings with overlapping and intertwining findings that reinforce the complexity of the role.
RESUMO:As perturbações psicóticas são doenças mentais complexas sendo influenciadas na sua etiologia e prognóstico por factores biológicos e psicossociais. A interferência do ambiente familiar na evolução da doença espelha bem esta realidade. Quando em 1962 George Brown e colaboradores descobriram que ambientes familiares com elevada Emoção Expressa (EE) contribuíam para um aumento significativo do número de recaídas de pessoas com esquizofrenia (Brown et al., 1962), estava aberto o caminho para o desenvolvimento de novas intervenções familiares. A EE inclui cinco componentes: três componentes negativos, i.e. criticismo, hostilidade e envolvimento emocional excessivo; e dois componentes positivos, i.e. afectividade e apreço (Amaresha & Venkatasubramanian, 2012; Kuipers et al., 2002). No final dos anos 1970 surgiram os primeiros trabalhos na área das intervenções familiares nas psicoses (IFP). Dois grupos em países diferentes, no Reino Unido e nos Estados Unidos da América, desenvolveram quase em simultâneo duas abordagens distintas. Em Londres, a equipa liderada por Julian Leff desenhava uma intervenção combinando sessões unifamiliares em casa, incluindo o paciente, e sessões em grupo, apenas para os familiares (Leff et al., 1982). Por seu turno, em Pittsburgh, Gerard Hogarty e colaboradores desenvolviam uma abordagem que compreendia a dinamização de sessões educativas em grupo (Anderson e tal., 1980). Para designar este trabalho, Hogarty e colaboradores propuseram o termo “psicoeducação”. As IFP começaram a ser conhecidas por esta designação que se generalizou até aos dias de hoje. Neste contexto a educação era vista como a partilha de informação acerca da doença, dos profissionais para os familiares. Nas sessões os profissionais eram informados acerca das manifestações, etiologia, tratamento e evolução das psicoses, bem como de formas para lidar com as situações difíceis geradas pela doença, e.g. risco de recaída. Os trabalhos pioneiros das IFP foram rapidamente sucedidos pelo desenvolvimento de novos modelos e a proliferação de estudos de eficácia. Para além dos modelos de Leff e Hogarty, os modelos IFP que ficaram mais conhecidos foram: (1) a Terapia Familiar-Comportamental, desenvolvida por Ian Falloon e colaboradores (Falloon et al., 1984); e (2) a Terapia Multifamiliar em Grupo, desenvolvida por William McFarlane e colaboradores (McFarlane, 1991). O incremento de estudos de eficácia contribuiu rapidamente para as primeiras meta-análises. Estas, por sua vez, resultaram na inclusão das IFP nas normas de orientação clínica mais relevantes para o tratamento das psicoses, nomeadamente da esquizofrenia (e.g. PORT Recomendations e NICE Guidelines). No geral os estudos apontavam para uma diminuição do risco de recaída na esquizofrenia na ordem dos 20 a 50% em dois anos (Pitschel-Walz et al., 2001). No final dos anos 1990 as IFP atingiam assim o apogeu. Contudo, a sua aplicação prática tem ficado aquém do esperado e as barreiras à implementação das IFP passaram a ser o foco das atenções (Gonçalves-Pereira et al., 2006; Leff, 2000). Simultaneamente, alguns autores começaram a levantar a questão da incerteza sobre quais os elementos-chave da intervenção. O conhecimento sobre o processo das IFP era reduzido e começaram a surgir as primeiras publicações sobre o assunto (Lam, 1991). Em 1997 foi dinamizada uma reunião de consenso entre os três investigadores mais relevantes do momento, Falloon, Leff e McFarlane. Deste encontro promovido pela World Schizophrenia Fellowship for Schizophrenia and Allied Disorders surgiu um documento estabelecendo dois objectivos e quinze princípios para as IFP (WFSAD, 1997). Não obstante os contributos que foram feitos, continua a existir uma grande falta de evidência empírica acerca do processo das IFP e dos seus elementos-chave (Cohen et al., 2008; Dixon et al., 2001; Lam, 1991; Leff, 2000; McFarlane et al., 2003). Também em Portugal, apesar da reflexão teórica nesta área e do registo de ensaios de efectividade de grupos para familiares – estudo FAPS (Gonçalves-Pereira, 2010), os componentes fundamentais das IFP nunca foram analisados directamente. Assim, o projecto de investigação descrito nesta tese teve como objectivo identificar os elementos-chave das IFP com base em investigação qualitativa. Para tal, conduzimos três estudos que nos permitiriam alcançar dados empíricos sobre o tema. O primeiro estudo (descrito no Capítulo 2) consistiu na realização de uma revisão sistemática da literatura científica acerca das variáveis relacionadas com o processo das IFP. A nossa pesquisa esteve focada essencialmente em estudos qualitativos. Contudo, decidimos não restringir demasiado os critérios de inclusão tendo em conta as dificuldades em pesquisar sobre investigação qualitativa nas bases de dados electrónicas e também devido ao facto de ser possível obter informação sobre as variáveis relacionadas com o processo a partir de estudos quantitativos. O método para este estudo foi baseado no PRISMA Statement para revisões sistemáticas da literatura. Depois de definirmos os critérios de inclusão e exclusão, iniciámos várias pesquisas nas bases de dados electrónicas utilizando termos booleanos, truncações e marcadores de campo. Pesquisámos na PubMed/MEDLINE, Web of Science e nas bases de dados incluídas na EBSCO Host (Academic Search Complete; Education Research Complete; Education Source; ERIC; and PsycINFO). As pesquisas geraram 733 resultados. Depois de serem removidos os duplicados, 663 registos foram analisados e foram seleccionados 38 artigos em texto integral. No final, 22 artigos foram incluídos na síntese qualitativa tendo sido agrupados em quatro categorias: (1) estudos examinando de forma abrangente o processo; (2) estudos acerca da opinião dos participantes sobre a intervenção que receberam; (3) estudos comparativos que individualizaram variáveis sobre o processo; e (4) estudos acerca de variáveis mediadoras. Os resultados evidenciaram um considerável hiato na investigação em torno do processo das IFP. Identificámos apenas um estudo que abordava de forma abrangente o processo das IFP (Bloch, et al., 1995). Este artigo descrevia uma análise qualitativa de um estudo experimental de uma IFP. Contudo, as suas conclusões gerais revelaramse pobres e apenas se podia extrair com certeza de que as IFP devem ser baseadas nas necessidades dos participantes e que os terapeutas devem assumir diferentes papéis ao longo da intervenção. Da revisão foi possível perceber que os factores terapêuticos comuns como a aliança terapêutica, empatia, apreço e a “aceitação incondicional”, podiam ser eles próprios um elemento isolado para a eficácia das IFP. Outros estudos enfatizaram a educação como elemento chave da intervenção (e.g. Levy-Frank et al., 2011), ao passo que outros ainda colocavam a ênfase no treino de estratégias para lidar com a doença i.e. coping (e.g. Tarrier et al., 1988). Com base nesta diversidade de resultados e tendo em conta algumas propostas prévias de peritos (McFarlane, 1991; Liberman & Liberman, 2003), desenvolvemos a hipótese de concebermos as IFP como um processo por etapas, de acordo com as necessidades dos familiares. No primeiro nível estariam as estratégias relacionadas com os factores terapêuticos comuns e o suporte emocional,no segundo nível a educação acerca da doença, e num nível mais avançado, o foco seria o treino de estratégias para lidar com a doença e diminuir a EE. Neste estudo concluímos que nem todas as famílias iriam precisar de IFP complexas e que nesses casos seria possível obter resultados favoráveis com IFP pouco intensas. O Estudo 2 (descrito no Capítulo 3) consistiu numa análise qualitativa dos registos clínicos do primeiro ensaio clínico da IFP de Leff e colaboradores (Leff et al., 1982). Este ensaio clínico culminou numa das evidências mais substanciais alguma vez alcançada com uma IFP (Leff et al., 1982; Leff et al., 1985; Pitschel-Walz et al., 2001). Este estudo teve como objectivo modular a EE recorrendo a um modelo misto com que compreendia sessões familiares em grupo e algumas sessões unifamiliares em casa, incluindo o paciente. Os resultados mostraram uma diminuição das recaídas em nove meses de 50% no grupo de controlo para 8% no grupo experimental. Os registos analisados neste estudo datam do período de 1977 a 1982 e podem ser considerados como material histórico de alto valor, que surpreendentemente nunca tinha sido analisado. Eram compostos por descrições pormenorizadas dos terapeutas, incluindo excertos em discurso directo e estavam descritos segundo uma estrutura, contendo também os comentários dos terapeutas. No total os registos representavam 85 sessões em grupo para familiares durante os cinco anos do ensaio clínico e 25 sessões unifamiliares em casa incluindo o paciente. Para a análise qualitativa decidimos utilizar um método de análise dedutivo, com uma abordagem mecânica de codificação dos registos em categorias previamente definidas. Tomámos esta decisão com base na extensão apreciável dos registos e porque tínhamos disponível informação válida acerca das categorias que iríamos encontrar nos mesmos, nomeadamente a informação contida no manual da intervenção, publicado sob a forma de livro, e nos resultados da 140 nossa revisão sistemática da literatura (Estudo 1). Deste modo, foi construída uma grelha com a estrutura de codificação, que serviu de base para a análise, envolvendo 15 categorias. De modo a cumprir com critérios de validade e fidelidade rigorosos, optámos por executar uma dupla codificação independente. Deste modo dois observadores leram e codificaram independentemente os registos. As discrepâncias na codificação foram revistas até se obter um consenso. No caso de não ser possível chegar a acordo, um terceiro observador, mais experiente nos aspectos técnicos das IFP, tomaria a decisão sobre a codificação. A análise foi executada com recurso ao programa informático NVivo® versão 10 (QSR International). O número de vezes que cada estratégia foi utilizada foi contabilizado, especificando a sessão e o participante. Os dados foram depois exportados para uma base de dados e analisados recorrendo ao programa informático de análise estatística SPSS® versão 20 (IBM Corp.). Foram realizadas explorações estatísticas para descrever os dados e obter informação sobre possíveis relações entre as variáveis. De modo a perceber a significância das observações, recorremos a testes de hipóteses, utilizando as equações de estimação generalizadas. Os resultados da análise revelaram que as estratégias terapêuticas mais utilizadas na intervenção em grupo foram: (1) a criação de momentos para ouvir as necessidades dos participantes e para a partilha de preocupações entre eles – representando 21% de todas as estratégias utilizadas; (2) treino e aconselhamento acerca de formas para lidar com os aspectos mais difíceis da doença – 15%; (3) criar condições para que os participantes recebam suporte emocional – 12%; (4) lidar com o envolvimento emocional excessivo 10%; e (5) o reenquadramento das atribuições dos familiares acerca dos comportamentos dos pacientes – 10%. Nas sessões unifamiliares em casa, as estratégias mais utilizadas foram: (1) lidar com o envolvimento emocional excessivo – representando 33% de todas as estratégias utilizadas nas sessões unifamiliares em casa; (2) treino e aconselhamento acerca de formas para lidar com os aspectos desafiadores da doença – 22%; e (3) o reenquadramento das atribuições dos familiares acerca dos comportamentos dos pacientes, juntamente com o lidar com a zanga, o conflito e a rejeição – ambas com 10%. A análise longitudinal mostrou que a criação de momentos para ouvir as necessidades dos familiares tende a acontecer invariavelmente ao longo do programa. Sempre que isso acontece, são geralmente utilizadas estratégias para ajudar os familiares a lidarem melhor com os aspectos difíceis da doença e estratégias para fomentar o suporte emocional. Por sua vez, foi possível perceber que o trabalho para diminuir o envolvimento emocional excessivo pode acontecer logo nas primeiras sessões. O reenquadramento e o lidar com a zanga/ conflito/ rejeição tendem a acontecer a partir da fase intermédia até às últimas sessões. A análise das diferenças entre os familiares com baixa EE e os de elevada EE, mostrou que os familiares com elevada EE tendem a tornar-se o foco da intervenção grupal. Por sua vez, os familiares com baixa EE recebem mais estratégias relacionadas com aliança terapêutica, comparativamente com os familiares com elevada EE. São de realçar os dados relativamente às estratégias educativas. Foi possível observar que estas tendem a acontecer mais no início dos grupos, não estando associadas a outras estratégias. Contudo é de notar a sua baixa utilização, a rondar apenas os 5%.O Estudo 3 (descrito no Capítulo 4) surgiu como uma forma de completar a análise do Estudo 2, permitindo uma visão mais narrativa do processo e focando, adicionalmente, as mudanças que ocorrem nos participantes. Com base nos mesmos registos utilizados no Estudo 2, codificámos de forma secundária os registos em duas categorias i.e. marcadores de mudança e marcadores emocionais. Os marcadores de mudança foram cotados sempre que um participante exibia comportamentos ou pensamentos diferentes dos anteriores no sentido de uma eventual redução na EE. Os marcadores emocionais correspondiam à expressão intensa de sentimentos por parte dos participantes nas sessões e que estariam relacionados com assuntos-chave para essas pessoas. Os excertos que continham a informação destes marcadores foram posteriormente revistos e articulados com notas e comentários não estruturados que recolhemos durante a codificação do Estudo 2. Com base nesta informação os registos foram revistos e, utilizando um método indutivo, elaborámos uma narrativa acerca da intervenção. Os resultados da narrativa foram discutidos com dados de que dispúnhamos, referentes a reuniões com os terapeutas envolvidos na intervenção em análise (Elizabeth Kuipers, Ruth Berkowitz e Julian Leff; Londres, Novembro de 2011). Reconhecemos que, pela sua natureza não estruturada e indutiva, a avaliação narrativa está mais sujeita ao viés de observador. Não obstante, os resultados deste Estudo 3 parecem revestir uma consistência elevada. O mais relevante foi a evidência de que na intervenção em análise ocorreram mudanças emocionais significativas nos familiares ao longo das sessões em grupo. Numa fase inicial os familiares tenderam a expressar sentimentos de zanga. Seguidamente, os terapeutas iam nterrompendo o discurso de reminiscências, direccionavam o discurso para as suas preocupações actuais e os familiares pareciam ficar mais calmos. Contudo, à medida que os 143 participantes “mergulhavam” nos problemas com que se confrontavam na altura, os sentimentos de zanga davam lugar a sentimentos de perda e angústia. Nessa altura os terapeutas enfatizavam o suporte emocional e introduziam progressivamente técnicas de reenquadramento para ajudar os participantes a avaliar de forma mais positiva as situações. Este trabalho dava lugar a sentimentos mais positivos, como a aceitação, apreço e a sensação de controlo. O Estudo 3 evidenciou também o que designamos como o “Efeito de Passagem de Testemunho”. Este efeito aconteceu sempre que um membro novo se juntava ao grupo. Os membros antigos, que estavam a ser o alvo das atenções e naturalmente a receber mais intervenção, mudam de papel e passam eles próprios a focar as suas atenções nos membros mais recentes do grupo, contribuindo para a dinâmica do grupo com as mesmas intervenções que os ajudaram previamente. Por exemplo, alguns membros antigos que eram altamente críticos nos grupos em relação aos seus familiares passavam a fazer comentários de reenquadramento dirigidos para os novos membros. Por fim, o Capítulo 5 resume as conclusões gerais deste projecto de investigação. Os estudos apresentados permitiram um incremento no conhecimento acerca do processo das IFP. Anteriormente esta informação era baseada sobretudo na opinião de peritos. Com este projecto aumentámos o nível de evidência ao apresentar estudos com base em dados empíricos. A análise qualitativa do Estudo 2 permitiu pela primeira vez, tanto quanto é do nosso conhecimento, perceber de forma aprofundada o processo subjacente a uma IFP (no contexto de um ensaio clínico que se revelou como um dos mais eficazes de sempre). Identificámos as estratégias mais utilizadas, as relações entre elas e a sua diferente aplicação entre familiares com baixa EE e familiares com alta EE.O Estudo 3 completou a informação incluindo aspectos relacionados com as mudanças individuais durante o programa. No final foi possível perceber que as IFP devem ser um programa por etapas. Nos Estudo 2 e 3, evidenciámos que numa fase inicial, os terapeutas dedicaram especial atenção para que os familiares tivessem espaço para partilharem as suas necessidades, disponibilizando logo de seguida estratégias para promover o suporte emocional e estratégias de coping. Num nível subsequente do programa, o trabalho terapêutico avançou para estratégias mais direccionadas para regular a EE, mantendo sempre as estratégias iniciais ao longo das sessões. Assim apesar de a educação ter sido um componente importante na IFP em análise, houve outras estratégias mais relevantes no processo. A evidência gerada pelos Estudos 2 e 3 baseou-se em registos históricos de elevado valor, sendo que os constructos subjacentes na época, nomeadamente a EE, continuam a ser a base da investigação e prática das IFP a nível mundial em diferentes culturas (Butzlaff & Hooley, 1998). Concluímos que as IFP são um processo complexo com diferentes níveis de intervenção, podendo gerar mudanças emocionais nos participantes durante as sessões. No futuro será importante replicar o nosso trabalho (nomeadamente o Estudo 2) com outras abordagens de IFP, de modo a obter informação acerca do seu processo. Esse conhecimento será fundamental para uma possível evolução do paradigma das IFP. ----------- ABSTRACT: Background: Psychotic-spectrum disorders are complex biopsychosocial conditions and family issues are important determinants of prognosis. The discovery of the influence of expressed emotion on the course of schizophrenia paved the road to the development of family interventions aiming to lower the “emotional temperature” in the family. These treatment approaches became widely recognised. Effectiveness studies showed remarkable and strong results in relapse prevention and these interventions were generalised to other psychotic disorders besides schizophrenia. Family interventions for psychosis (FIP) prospered and were included in the most important treatment guidelines. However, there was little knowledge about the process of FIP. Different FIP approaches all led to similar outcomes. This intriguing fact caught the attention of authors and attempts were made to identify the key-elements of FIP. Notwithstanding, these efforts were mainly based on experts’ opinions and the conclusions were scanty. Therefore, the knowledge about the process of FIP remains unclear. Aims: To find out which are the key-elements of FIP based on empirical data. Methods: Qualitative research. Three studies were conducted to explore the process of FIP and isolate variables that allowed the identification of the key-elements of FIP. Study 1 consisted of a systematic literature review of studies evaluating process-related variables of FIP. Study 2 subjected the intervention records of a formerly conducted effective clinical trial of FIP to a qualitative analysis. Records were analysed into categories and the emerging data were explored using descriptive statistics and generalised estimating equations. Study 3 consisted of a narrative evaluation using an inductive qualitative approach, examining the same data of Study 2. Emotional markers and markers of change were identified in the records and the content of these excerpts was synthesised and discussed. Results: On Study 1, searches revealed 733 results and 22 papers were included in the qualitative synthesis. We found a single study comprehensively exploring the process of FIP. All other studies focused on particular aspects of the process-related variables. The key-elements of FIP seemed to be the so-called “common therapeutic factors”, followed by education about the illness and coping skills training. Other elements were also identified, as the majority of studies evidenced a multiple array of components. Study 2,revealed as the most used strategies in the intervention programme we analysed: the addressing of needs; sharing; coping skills and advice; emotional support; dealing with overinvolvement; and reframing relatives’ views about patients’ behaviours. Patterns of the usefulness of the strategies throughout the intervention programme were identified and differences between high expressed emotion and low expressed emotion relatives were elucidated. Study 3 accumulated evidence that relatives experience different emotions during group sessions, ranging from anger to grief, and later on, to acceptance and positive feelings. Discussion: Study 1 suggested a stepped model of intervention according to the needs of the families. It also revealed a gap in qualitative research of FIP. Study 2 demonstrated that therapists of the trial under analysis often created opportunities for relatives to express and share their concerns throughout the entire treatment programme. The use of this strategy was immediately followed by coping skills enhancement, advice and emotional support. Strategies aiming to deal with overinvolvement may also occur early in the treatment programme. Reframing was the next most used strategy, followed by dealing with anger, conflict and rejection. This middle and later work seems to operate in lowering criticism and hostility, while the former seems to diminish overinvolvement. Single-family sessions may be used to augment the work developed in the relatives groups. Study 3 revealed a missing part of Study 2. It demonstrated that the process of FIP promotes emotional changes in the relatives and therapists must be sensitive to the emotional pathway of each participant in the group.
Idioms of distress communicate suffering via reference to shared ethnopsychologies, and better understanding of idioms of distress can contribute to effective clinical and public health communication. This systematic review is a qualitative synthesis of "thinking too much" idioms globally, to determine their applicability and variability across cultures. We searched eight databases and retained publications if they included empirical quantitative, qualitative, or mixed-methods research regarding a "thinking too much" idiom and were in English. In total, 138 publications from 1979 to 2014 met inclusion criteria. We examined the descriptive epidemiology, phenomenology, etiology, and course of "thinking too much" idioms and compared them to psychiatric constructs. "Thinking too much" idioms typically reference ruminative, intrusive, and anxious thoughts and result in a range of perceived complications, physical and mental illnesses, or even death. These idioms appear to have variable overlap with common psychiatric constructs, including depression, anxiety, and PTSD. However, "thinking too much" idioms reflect aspects of experience, distress, and social positioning not captured by psychiatric diagnoses and often show wide within-cultural variation, in addition to between-cultural differences. Taken together, these findings suggest that "thinking too much" should not be interpreted as a gloss for psychiatric disorder nor assumed to be a unitary symptom or syndrome within a culture. We suggest five key ways in which engagement with "thinking too much" idioms can improve global mental health research and interventions: it (1) incorporates a key idiom of distress into measurement and screening to improve validity of efforts at identifying those in need of services and tracking treatment outcomes; (2) facilitates exploration of ethnopsychology in order to bolster cultural appropriateness of interventions; (3) strengthens public health communication to encourage engagement in treatment; (4) reduces stigma by enhancing understanding, promoting treatment-seeking, and avoiding unintentionally contributing to stigmatization; and (5) identifies a key locally salient treatment target.
Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB
INTRODUCTION The objective of this systematic review was to assess the short- and long-term release of components of orthodontic adhesives and polycarbonate brackets in the oral environment. METHODS Electronic database searches of published and unpublished literature were performed. The following electronic databases with no language and publication date restrictions were searched: MEDLINE (via Ovid and PubMed), EMBASE (via Ovid), Cochrane Oral Health Group's Trials Register, and CENTRAL. Unpublished literature was searched on ClinicalTrials.gov, the National Research Register, and Pro-Quest Dissertation Abstracts and Thesis database. The reference lists of all eligible studies were checked for additional studies. Two review authors performed data extraction independently and in duplicate using data collection forms. Disagreements were resolved by discussion or the involvement of an arbiter. RESULTS No randomized controlled trial was identified. In the absence of randomized controlled trials, observational studies were included. Eleven studies met the inclusion criteria. All were observational studies conducted in vivo or in vitro. The bisphenol-A release from orthodontic bonding resins was found to be between 0.85 and 20.88 ng per milliliter in vivo, and from traces to 65.67 ppm in vitro. Polycarbonate brackets released amounts of 22.24 μg per gram in ethanol solution and 697 μg per gram after 40 months in water. Bis-GMA and TEGDMA leaching in vitro reached levels of 64 and 174 mg per 10 μL, respectively. Because of the heterogeneity in methodologies and reporting, only qualitative synthesis was performed. CONCLUSIONS The available evidence on this topic derived from observational in-vivo and in-vitro studies that represent a moderate level of evidence. The variety of setups and the different units allied to the diversity of reporting among studies did not allow calculation of pooled estimates.
BACKGROUND Anthelmintic drugs have been widely used in sheep as a cost-effective means for gastro-intestinal nematode (GIN) control. However, growing anthelmintic resistance (AHR) has created a compelling need to identify evidence-based management recommendations that reduce the risk of further development and impact of AHR. OBJECTIVE To identify, critically assess, and synthesize available data from primary research on factors associated with AHR in sheep. METHODS Publications reporting original observational or experimental research on selected factors associated with AHR in sheep GINs and published after 1974, were identified through two processes. Three electronic databases (PubMed, Agricola, CAB) and Web of Science (a collection of databases) were searched for potentially relevant publications. Additional publications were identified through consultation with experts, manual search of references of included publications and conference proceedings, and information solicited from small ruminant practitioner list-serves. Two independent investigators screened abstracts for relevance. Relevant publications were assessed for risk of systematic bias. Where sufficient data were available, random-effects Meta-Analyses (MAs) were performed to estimate the pooled Odds Ratio (OR) and 95% Confidence Intervals (CIs) of AHR for factors reported in ≥2 publications. RESULTS Of the 1712 abstracts screened for eligibility, 131 were deemed relevant for full publication review. Thirty publications describing 25 individual studies (15 observational studies, 7 challenge trials, and 3 controlled trials) were included in the qualitative synthesis and assessed for systematic bias. Unclear (i.e. not reported, or unable to assess) or high risk of selection bias and confounding bias was found in 93% (14/15) and 60% (9/15) of the observational studies, respectively, while unclear risk of selection bias was identified in all of the trials. Ten independent studies were included in the quantitative synthesis, and MAs were performed for five factors. Only high frequency of treatment was a significant risk factor (OR=4.39; 95% CI=1.59, 12.14), while the remaining 4 variables were marginally significant: mixed-species grazing (OR=1.63; 95% CI=0.66, 4.07); flock size (OR=1.02; 95% CI=0.97, 1.07); use of long-acting drug formulations (OR=2.85; 95% CI=0.79, 10.24); and drench-and-shift pasture management (OR=4.08; 95% CI=0.75, 22.16). CONCLUSIONS While there is abundant literature on the topic of AHR in sheep GINs, few studies have explicitly investigated the association between putative risk or protective factors and AHR. Consequently, several of the current recommendations on parasite management are not evidence-based. Moreover, many of the studies included in this review had a high or unclear risk of systematic bias, highlighting the need to improve study design and/or reporting of future research carried out in this field.
The purpose of this systematic review was to compare the effectiveness of topical treatments to minimize post-radiotherapy xerostomia. PubMed, Cochrane Library (CENTRAL) and LILACS databases were searched without restriction on date or language until the 6thAugust, 2015. Key-wordsused for searching were radiotherapy, xerostomia and saliva. Two independent reviewers screened titles and abstracts, carried out data extraction and assessed risk of bias. The first search identified 429 articles. From these, 117 studies were selected for full-text reading, from which 18 were included in the qualitative synthesis. From the eighteen articles included, seven were non- controlled clinical trial, one article was controlled clinical trial and ten studies were randomized clinical trials (three clinical trials were placebo controlled and seven were crossover). By the assessment of the quality of the studies included, ten showed high risk of bias, four showed moderate risk of bias and four presented low risk of bias. All interventions were considered effective in treating xerostomia (mucin, polysaccharides, aloe vera, rape oil, linseed oil, carboxymethylcellulose, polyethylene oxide, pilocarpine and systems of care for xerostomia - gel, paste and mouthwash). Meta-analysis could not be performed due to heterogeneity between thestudiesand interventions. This systematic review showed that a single and general protocol for topical treatment of xerostomia post-radiotherapy does not exist and that follow-up visits should be performed to validate the individualized treatment plan.
INTRODUCCIÓN: El Edema Macular (EM) es la principal causa de perdida de agudeza visual en pacientes con Oclusión Venosa Retiniana (OVR); luego del tratamiento, algunos pacientes persisten con mala agudeza visual. OBJETIVO: Realizar una Revisión Sistemática de la Literatura (RSL), para identificar la evidencia existente sobre factores tomográficos que predicen el resultado visual en pacientes con EM secundario a OVR. FUENTE DE LA INFORMACIÓN: PUBMED, MEDLINE, EMBASE, LILACS, COCHRANE, literatura gris. SELECCIÓN DE LOS ESTUDIOS: Ensayos Clínicos Controlados (ECC) y estudios observacionales analíticos. EXTRACCIÓN Y SÍNTESIS DE LOS DATOS: Dos investigadores seleccionaron los artículos de forma independiente. Se realizó una síntesis cualitativa de la información siguiendo las recomendaciones de la declaración PRISMA 2009. MEDIDAS Y DESENLACE PRINCIPAL: Grosor Retiniano Central (GRC), integridad de Banda Elipsoide e Integridad de Membrana Limitante Externa (MLE), determinados por SD OCT. El desenlace principal es la Agudeza Visual Mejor Corregida (AVMC) a los 6, 12,18 y/o 24 meses. RESULTADOS: Se identificaron 872 abstract y se incluyeron 8 artículos en el análisis cualitativo. Seis estudios evaluaron el GRC sin encontrar asociación con resultado visual final. Solo 2 estudios evaluaron y encontraron asociación estadísticamente significativa de la integridad de la MLE con el desenlace visual, Kang, H 2012 (r2 0,51 p 0,000), Rodriguez, F 2014 (p< 0,001). La integridad de la BE fue asociada a pronostico visual en 4 de 5 estudios que evaluaron esta variable, con resultados estadísticamente significativos. La AVMC de base también se asocio con desenlace visual en 4 de 5 estudios que la evaluaron. El mejor modelo que predice el resultado funcional según el estudio de Kang, H 2012 fue: Integridad de MLE, integridad de BE y AVMC de base (R2 0,671 p 0,000), a los 12 meses de seguimiento. CONCLUSION: La evidencia actual sugiere que la integridad de la BE y la MLE son predictores del resultados funcional en pacientes con EM secundario a OVR después de 6 o mas meses de seguimiento. Es necesario la realización de estudios controlados para llegar a resultados mas concluyentes.
ABSTRACT Objective of this study was to determine sensitive outcomes to nursing care in relation to the functional deficit of people aged 65 and older. It is a Systematic Literature Review with qualitative synthesis and meta-analysis. From the qualitative synthesis, it was found that sensitive outcomes to nursing care, observed from structured intervention, were described as improvement of: functional status, self-care, symptom control, safety/adverse events, customer satisfaction, psychological support, decreased healthcare costs, therapeutic system management and quality of life. In meta-analysis we found that there is an improvement of effect on the level of sensitive outcomes to the nursing care between the experimental and control groups. It is noticed that it is necessary to rouse more guided study in clinical practice, to understand the importance of interventions sensitive to nursing care and health outcomes.
Purpose: To review perceived emotional well-being in older people with visual impairment and perceived factors that inhibit/facilitate psychosocial adjustment to vision loss. Method: The databases of MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO and CINAHL were searched for studies published from January 1980 to December 2010, which recruited older people with irreversible vision loss, and used qualitative methods for both data collection and analysis. Results sections of the papers were synthesised using a thematic-style analysis to identify the emergent and dominant themes. Results: Seventeen qualitative papers were included in the review, and five main themes emerged from the synthesis: 1) the trauma of an ophthalmic diagnosis, 2) impact of vision loss on daily life, 3) negative impact of visual impairment on psychosocial well-being, 4) factors that inhibit social well-being, and 5) factors that facilitate psychological well-being. We found the response shift model useful for explaining our synthesis. Conclusions: Acquired visual impairment can have a significant impact on older people's well-being and make psychosocial adjustment to the condition a major challenge. Acceptance of the condition and a positive attitude facilitate successful psychosocial adjustment to vision loss as well as social support from family, friends and peers who have successfully adjusted to the condition. [Box: see text].
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)