992 resultados para public heath


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Depuis 2006, le Programme Hors Normes (PHN) dicte une nouvelle marche à suivre que doivent privilégier les équipes de santé au travail (SAT) lorsque des travailleurs sont exposés à des concentrations environnementales de produits chimiques supérieures aux valeurs d’exposition admissibles, c’est-à-dire à des « hors normes ». Le PHN encadre les activités de signalements des hors normes aux instances concernées et demande des suivis plus rigoureux en établissements. Ce faisant, il redéfinit les rôles des infirmières et des membres des équipes SAT. Dans le but de mieux comprendre l’implication des infirmières dans le cadre du PHN, sept entretiens individuels semi-dirigés ont été réalisés afin d’explorer et de décrire leurs représentations. L’analyse qualitative de ces représentations, par catégorisation et comparaisons constantes des discours, révèle que les infirmières se représentent de diverses façons leur pratique dans le cadre du PHN. En effet, les résultats de l’étude montrent qu’afin de comprendre l’implication des infirmières dans ce programme d’intervention, il importe de considérer les quatre éléments suivants : l’organisation du travail, les aspects relationnels (dynamique de relations), les cibles d’intervention et l’utilité du travail des infirmières (sens donné au travail). Afin de faciliter leur participation dans les programmes d’intervention et d’encourager la collaboration, tant intersectorielle qu’interprofessionnelle, il est suggéré en premier lieu de favoriser l’implication des infirmières dans les processus d’élaboration et d’implantation de programmes d’intervention. En second lieu, il est proposé de mettre en place une formation continue interprofessionnelle permettant une meilleure harmonisation des pratiques professionnelles.


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The point of departure for these reflections is life, since its protection is the central purpose encouraging the defense of human rights and of public health. Life in the Andes has an exceptional diversity. Particularly in Ecuador, my country, this diversity constitutes a characteristic sign that is expressed in two main forms: natural megadiversity and multiculturalism. Indeed, Ecuador’s small territory synthesizes practically all types of lifezones that exist on Earth, having received the gift of high average rates of solar energy and abundant nutritional sources, which have facilitated the natural reproduction of countless species that show their beautiful vitality in the variety of ecosystems that compose the Andean mountain range, the tropical plains, the Amazon humid forests, and the Galapagos Islands. But besides being a highly biodiverse country, it is also a plurinational and multi-cultural society, in which the activity of human beings, organized into social conglomerates of different historical and cultural backgrounds, have formed more than a dozen nations and peoples. Regrettably this natural and human wealth has not been able to bear its best fruits due to the violent operation of a deep social inequity – unfortunately also one of the highest in the Americas—which conspires against life and is reproduced in national and international inequitable relations. This structural inequity has changed its form throughout the centuries and currently has reached its highest and most perverse level of development.


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Background. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is an agency of the federal government that is responsible for monitoring and maintaining public health through the regulation of many industries, including food safety. Through the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990, the FDA was granted authority over the implementation and regulation of nutrition labeling on packaged foods. Many nutrients are printed on nutrition labels as well as their percent Daily Values. Research has been undertaken to examine the evidentiary basis the FDA relied upon in making its determinations regarding which nutrients to include on nutrition labels as well as their Daily Values. ^ Methods. Relevant legal policies, scientific studies, and other published literature (either in print or electronic form) were used to collect data. ^ Results. Results demonstrated that the FDA did not employ one single method in its determination of which nutrients to select for inclusion on food labels. The agency relied upon current public heath studies of that time as well as recommendations from the U.S. Surgeon General.^


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Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) causes a slow progressive degeneration of the immune system which eventually leads to a disease comparable to acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) in humans. FIV has extensive sequence variation, a typical feature of lentiviruses. Sequence analysis showed that diversity was not evenly distributed throughout the genome, but was greatest in the envelope gene, env. The virus enters host cells via a sequential interaction, initiated by the envelope glycoprotein (env) binding the primary receptor molecule CD134 and followed by a subsequent interaction with chemokine co-receptor CXCR4. The purpose of this study was to isolate and characterize isolates of FIV from an open shelter in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The separated PBMC from 11 positive cats were co-cultured with MYA-1 cells. Full-length viral env glycoprotein genes were amplified and determined. Chimeric feline x human CD134 receptors were used to investigate the receptor utilization of 17 clones from Brazilian isolates of Fly. Analyses of the sequence present of molecular clones showed that all clones grouped within subtype B. In contrast to the virulent primary isolate FIV-GL8, expression of the first cysteine-rich domain (CRD1) of feline CD134 in the context of human CD134 was sufficient for optimal receptor function for all Brazilian FIV isolates tested. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Employment and Health briefing is part of the South East Public Heath Group's Information Series of briefings. The Information Series is a set of briefings on a variety of public health topics. Their purpose is to inform partners about public health issues. In particular they can be used to inform the Local Area Agreement process. The series is evolving and comments and suggestions are welcome.


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The Tobacco Control briefing is part of the South East Public Heath Group's Information Series of briefings. The Information Series is a set of briefings on a variety of public health topics. Their purpose is to inform partners about public health issues. In particular they can be used to inform the Local Area Agreement process. The series is evolving and comments and suggestions are welcome.


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Hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome (HCPS) has been recognized as an important public heath problem. Five hantaviruses associated with HCPS are currently known in Brazil: Juquitiba, Araraquara, Laguna Negra-like, Castelo dos Sonhos, and Anajatuba viruses. The laboratory diagnosis of HCPS is routinely carried out by the detection of anti-hantavirus IgM and/or IgG antibodies. The present study describes the expression of the N protein of a hantavirus detected in the blood sample of an HCPS patient. The entire S segment of the virus was amplified and found to be 1858 nucleotides long, with an open reading frame of 1287 nucleotides that encodes a protein of 429 amino acids. The nucleotide sequence described here showed a high identity with the N protein gene of Araraquara virus. The entire N protein was expressed using the vector pET200D and the Escherichia coli BL21 strain. The expression of the recombinant protein was confirmed by the detection of a 52-kDa protein by Western blot using a pool of human sera obtained from HCPS patients, and by specific IgG detection in five serum samples of HCPS patients tested by ELISA. These results suggest that the recombinant N protein could be used as an antigen for the serological screening of hantavirus infection.


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L'absentéisme parmi le personnel soignant prend de plus en plus d'ampleur dans les institutions sanitaires publiques au Cameroun. Il représente à l'heure actuelle l'une des principales causes de l'effondrement du système de soins de santé. Ce phénomène se doit d'être réduit à des proportions raisonnables; cependant, les informations nationales sur les niveaux d’absentéisme parmi ce personnel, les coûts associés, ainsi que sur les facteurs qui le déterminent restent encore très faibles. Cette recherche avait pour objectifs de mesurer le niveau d’absentéisme parmi les prestataires de soins de santé des hôpitaux publics du Cameroun ; de déterminer l’influence des caractéristiques personnelles et des facteurs occupationnels sur le comportement d’absence parmi ces professionnels ; et d’évaluer les répercussions économiques de l’absentéisme en termes de coûts associés à la perte de productivité pour les employeurs. Elle portait sur du personnel soignant, notamment les médecins, les infirmiers et les aides-soignants exerçant dans les formations sanitaires publiques (hôpitaux) du Cameroun au mois d’octobre 2008. L’absentéisme était mesuré par le nombre d’heures et d’épisodes (fréquence) d’absences et concernait les retards et les absences de trois jours consécutifs et moins. Les facteurs personnels et occupationnels étudiés étaient l’âge, le sexe, le statut civil, les responsabilités familiales (nombre d’enfants), le niveau d’éducation, l’unité de soins, le type d’emploi, le régime d’emploi, l’horaire de travail, le temps supplémentaire, l’ancienneté dans l’hôpital, la taille de l’hôpital et le revenu de l’employé. Les données ont été recueillies dans 15 formations sanitaires publiques réparties dans six régions du Cameroun, sur la période allant du 1er au 31 octobre 2008, à partir des documents officiels émanant du gouvernement et des hôpitaux. Les analyses statistiques comportaient des analyses descriptives, des analyses bivariées et des analyses multivariées. Le taux de participation moyen des employés a été de 50,7%. Sur les 516 personnes qui composaient l’échantillon, 93,4% avaient eu au moins une absence au travail au mois d’octobre 2008. Le taux d’absentéisme global était de 7,2%, et variait entre 2% et 37% dans les hôpitaux. Chaque participant avait en moyenne 12 épisodes d’absences pendant cette période et la durée moyenne d’absences par participant était d’environ 13 heures et 21 minutes. La durée de l’horaire de travail, le fait de travailler dans un hôpital régional, de travailler selon un horaire fixe, d’être un personnel PPTE et de ne pas effectuer du temps supplémentaire, sont associés significativement à une plus grande fréquence des absences. La durée de l’horaire de travail, le fait d’être médecin, de travailler dans un service d’accueil et des urgences, de travailler selon un horaire fixe et d’être une femme, ont un lien significativement positif avec la durée des absences. Cet absentéisme a absorbé environ 8% de la masse salariale d’octobre 2008. On estime à environ 4 088 568 dollars US courants (2008), les dépenses consacrées par le secteur public de la santé du Cameroun à cet absentéisme en 2008, ce qui représentait approximativement 2,1% des dépenses publiques de santé. La réduction de l’absentéisme de courte durée parmi les professionnels de la santé du secteur public au Cameroun passe par l’amélioration du style de gestion des hôpitaux et l’approfondissement des recherches sur le comportement d’absence parmi ces professionnels.


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Under the format of this conference, to convey the possibilities for health impact assessment of Latin American Critical Epidemiology, sometimes referred to under the tautological designation of “social epidemiology”, I will try to sum up in the next few minutes some reflections based on them.


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A tuberculose (TB) é um grande problema de saúde pública, intimamente ligada aos fatores sócio-econômicos, e tem como principal agente etiológico o Mycobacterium tuberculosis. O Spoligotyping é uma técnica baseada em PCR-hibridização reversa que permite detectar e diferenciar simultaneamente membros do Complexo M. tuberculosis diretamente de amostras clínicas, como em amostras obtidas de lâminas de Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN), evitando problemas associados ao lento crescimento destes microrganismos, tornando-se assim uma importante ferramenta para o monitoramento de cepas em diferentes contextos epidemiológicos, sendo capaz de revelar o caráter biogeográfico destas. A possibilidade de caracterizar genética, demográfica e geograficamente estes microrganismos pode contribuir para o entendimento de como a doença é transmitida e para a implementação das ações para seu controle e combate. Desta forma, foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo que avaliou amostras obtidas a partir de lâminas coradas pela técnica de ZN, confeccionadas por laboratórios da rede pública dos municípios paraenses de Belém e Ananindeua entre outubro de 2007 e março de 2008. A maioria (61,3%) dos 163 casos incluídos no estudo pertencia ao gênero masculino e 68,0% dos casos tinham entre 20 e 49 anos, com média de idade de 38 anos. A aplicação do Spoligotyping neste tipo de amostras apresentou bom rendimento, com 146 (89,6%) padrões de hibridização completos e concordantes entre si após as duplicatas. Destes, 142 foram considerados para comparação com o banco de dados internacional de Spoligotyping (SpolDB4), dentre os quais foram observados 67 espoligotipos ou genótipos distintos, compreendendo 95 (67%) casos com padrões compartilhados por duas a 20 amostras e 47 (33%) casos com padrões únicos. Quarenta e oito (71,6%) genótipos eram conhecidos e 19 (28,4%) ainda não haviam sido relatados no SpolDB4. As famílias LAM e T foram as mais frequentes, concentrando 56 (39,4%) e 35 (24,6%) casos, respectivamente, e as famílias Haarlem e EAI compreenderam 12 (8,45%) amostras cada. A geolocalização dos casos permitiu visualizar a distribuição dos espoligotipos nos municípios estudados, evidenciando alguns agrupamentos com mesmo genótipo, mostrando-se útil para direcionar e auxiliar investigações futuras.


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Considering the importance of food and nutritional surveillance as part of a community's basic health care, our objective was to expose and discuss the educational experience of eleven municipalities of the state of São Paulo geared to build an attitude of nutritional security. The accounts were made in the form of workshops with the contribution of basic health care workers of each municipality, based on daily field worksheets and followed by an evaluation process, which used a semi-structured questionnaire. The results were classified into four categories. The methodology, based on the actual participation in the workshops was considered adequate, although some exposure and removal of personal inhibitions were necessary. These barriers were left behind with the aid of group dynamic exercises. Among the themes treated, anthropometry was highlighted because of insufficient technical know-how and standardization. An attitude towards nutritional surveillance was recognized by the health-care professionals as an important basis for the nutritional practice in order to attain food and nutritional security.


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A olivicultura possui uma grande importância no cenário económico mundial, devido ao facto de a azeitona e o azeite fazerem parte da dieta alimentar de muitos países, especificamente os da região Mediterrânea. A “Cobrançosa” é uma cultivar Portuguesa com muita importância na região de Trás-os-Montes encontrando-se atualmente disseminada por seis regiões de Denominação de Origem Protegida. Os contaminantes emitidos para a atmosfera atingem as oliveiras e as azeitonas através da água, do ar, das plantas e do solo. Embora a ingestão de metais pesados através da azeitona e do azeite seja reduzida, a sua bioacumulação no organismo pode resultar em toxicidade e pôr em causa a saúde pública. É deste ponto de vista, que se centra o objetivo geral deste trabalho. Assim sendo, tentou-se quantificar o conteúdo de metais (de segurança e de qualidade), tais como o alumínio, arsénio, cádmio, chumbo, cálcio, cobalto, cobre, ferro, magnésio, manganês, sódio, níquel, e zinco nas azeitonas e azeites da cv “Cobrançosa” de seis clones em dois estados de maturação, com diferentes rendimentos de produção e diferentes atividades antioxidantes. Verificou-se que todos os metais analisados se encontram de acordo com o legislado e publicado por outros autores, verificando-se neste estudo particular que a componente genética que diferencia as amostras em estudo, não está significativamente relacionada com o conteúdo em metais.


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OBJECTIVEDescribing how Kaingang seniors and their primary caregivers experience access to public health services.METHODA qualitative study guided by ethnography, conducted with 28 elderly and 19 caregivers. Data were collected between November 2010 and February 2013 through interviews and participative observation analyzed by ethnography.RESULTSThe study revealed the benefits and difficulties of the elderly access to health services, the facility to obtain health care resources such as appointments, medications and routine procedures, and the difficulties such as special assistance service problems and delays in the dispatching process between reference services.CONCLUSIONThe importance of knowing and understanding the cultural specificities of the group in order to offer greater opportunities for the elderly access to health services was reinforced.