830 resultados para psychiatric symptom


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Multi-problem youth undergoing treatment for substance use problems are at high behavioral risk for exposure to sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Specific risk factors include childhood adversities such as maltreatment experiences and subsequent forms of psychopathology. The current study used a person-centered analytical approach to examine how childhood maltreatment experiences were related to patterns of psychiatric symptoms and HIV/STI risk behaviors in a sample of adolescents (N = 408) receiving treatment services. Data were collected in face-to-face interviews at two community-based facilities. Descriptive statistics and Latent Profile Analysis (LPA) were used to (a) classify adolescents into groups based on past year psychiatric symptoms, and (b) examine relations between class membership and forms of childhood maltreatment experiences, as well as past year sexual risk behavior (SRB). ^ LPA results indicated significant heterogeneity in psychiatric symptoms among the participants. The three classes generated via the optimal LPA solution included: (a) a low psychiatric symptoms class, (b) a high alcohol symptoms class and (c) a high internalizing symptoms class. Class membership was associated significantly with adolescents’ self-reported scores for childhood sexual abuse and emotional neglect. ANOVAs documented significant differences in mean scores for multiple indices of SRB indices by class membership, demonstrating differential risk for HIV/STI exposure across classes. The two classes characterized by elevated psychiatric symptom profiles and more severe maltreatment histories were at increased behavioral risk for HIV/STI exposure, compared to the low psychiatric symptoms class. The high internalizing symptoms class reported the highest scores for most of the indices of SRB assessed. The heterogeneity of psychiatric symptom patterns documented in the current study has important implications for HIV/STI prevention programs implemented with multi-problem youth. The results highlight complex relations between childhood maltreatment experiences, psychopathology and multiple forms of health risk behavior among adolescents. The results underscore the importance of further integration between substance abuse treatment and HIV/STI risk reduction efforts to improve morbidity and mortality among vulnerable youth. ^


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Multi-problem youth undergoing treatment for substance use problems are at high behavioral risk for exposure to sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Specific risk factors include childhood adversities such as maltreatment experiences and subsequent forms of psychopathology. The current study used a person-centered analytical approach to examine how childhood maltreatment experiences were related to patterns of psychiatric symptoms and HIV/STI risk behaviors in a sample of adolescents (N = 408) receiving treatment services. Data were collected in face-to-face interviews at two community-based facilities. Descriptive statistics and Latent Profile Analysis (LPA) were used to (a) classify adolescents into groups based on past year psychiatric symptoms, and (b) examine relations between class membership and forms of childhood maltreatment experiences, as well as past year sexual risk behavior (SRB). LPA results indicated significant heterogeneity in psychiatric symptoms among the participants. The three classes generated via the optimal LPA solution included: (a) a low psychiatric symptoms class, (b) a high alcohol symptoms class and (c) a high internalizing symptoms class. Class membership was associated significantly with adolescents’ self-reported scores for childhood sexual abuse and emotional neglect. ANOVAs documented significant differences in mean scores for multiple indices of SRB indices by class membership, demonstrating differential risk for HIV/STI exposure across classes. The two classes characterized by elevated psychiatric symptom profiles and more severe maltreatment histories were at increased behavioral risk for HIV/STI exposure, compared to the low psychiatric symptoms class. The high internalizing symptoms class reported the highest scores for most of the indices of SRB assessed. The heterogeneity of psychiatric symptom patterns documented in the current study has important implications for HIV/STI prevention programs implemented with multi-problem youth. The results highlight complex relations between childhood maltreatment experiences, psychopathology and multiple forms of health risk behavior among adolescents. The results underscore the importance of further integration between substance abuse treatment and HIV/STI risk reduction efforts to improve morbidity and mortality among vulnerable youth.


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Contexte Les troubles liés à l’utilisation de substances psychoactives (TUS) sont associés à une variété de troubles psychiatriques entre autre une instabilité comportementale et affective. Plusieurs études suggèrent que les antipsychotiques atypiques peuvent être utiles dans le traitement de la toxicomanie. L’objectif principal de la présente étude à devis ouvert est d’évaluer l’efficacité de la quétiapine sur les variables reliés à la toxicomanie chez des poly-toxicomanes sans psychose comorbide entrant en désintoxication. Méthodes Dans le cadre d’une étude pharmacologique à devis ouvert d’une durée de 12 semaines, trente-trois polytoxicomanes entrant en désintoxication et répondant à un ou plusieurs critères d’abus/dépendance à une substance du DSM-IV ont été recrutés. Les patients présentant un autre trouble comorbide à l’Axe I ont été exclus. Les envies de consommer, les quantités consommées, les jours de consommation ainsi que la sévérité de la toxicomanie ont été évalués au point de départ (semaine 0) et à la fin de l’étude (semaine 12). Les symptômes psychiatriques et dépressifs furent aussi évalués. Résultats 26 des 33 patients complétèrent plus de 9 semaines de traitement. Les résultats relatifs à la dernière observation reportée (LOCF) ont montré une amélioration significative des envies de consommer, des quantités consommées, des jours de consommation, de la sévérité de la toxicomanie et des symptômes psychiatriques et dépressifs. Conclusions Nos résultats ne peuvent être attribués en soi aux effets pharmacologiques de la quétiapine, et ce compte tenu d’abord du type d’étude à devis ouvert à laquelle nous avons procédée, ainsi que le petit nombre de sujets impliqués et enfin le fait que les participants étaient impliqués dans une thérapie intensive. Ceci dit, nos résultats suggèrent quand même que la quétiapine peut être bénéfique dans le traitement des toxicomanes entrant en désintoxication. Des études randomisées sont de mises pour déterminer la pertinence de ces résultats.


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Le facteur le plus important de pronostic de l'asthme professionnel (AP) est la durée des symptômes avant le retrait de lʼexposition à lʼagent causant lʼAP. La qualité de vie réduite, la détresse psychologique et les maladies psychiatriques sont des conditions souvent associées à l'AP. Notre objectif était d'identifier les facteurs, incluant le statut socioéconomique, qui ont une influence sur lʼintervalle de temps nécessaire pour présenter une requête à une agence médicolégale à la suite de lʼapparition de symptômes dʼasthme et de confirmer qu'un tel délai est associé à un moins bon pronostic respiratoire et à des coûts directs plus élevés. En outre, nous avons examiné la relation entre les variables cliniques et socio-économiques dʼune part et leur influence sur les facteurs psychologiques et économiques dʼautre part chez des travailleurs atteints d'AP. Ensuite, nous avons voulu évaluer si les individus souffrant de détresse psychologique (DP) et de morbidité psychiatrique pourraient être identifiés en utilisant un instrument mesurant la qualité de vie (QV). Lʼétude a été effectuée auprès dʼindividus ayant déposé des demandes d'indemnisation pourʼAP auprès du Commission de la sécurité et de la santé du travail du Québec (CSST). Les données ont été recueillies au moment de la réévaluation, soit environ deux ans et demi après le diagnostic. Outre la collecte des marqueurs cliniques de l'asthme, les individus ont été soumis à une évaluation générale de leur histoire sociodémographique et médicale, à une brève entrevue psychiatrique (évaluation des soins primaires des troubles mentaux, PRIME-MD) et à un ensemble de questionnaires, incluant le Questionnaire sur la qualité de vie - AQLQ(S), le Questionnaire respiratoire de St. George (SGRQ) et le Psychiatric Symptom Index (PSI).Soixante personnes ont été incluses dans l'étude. Etre plus âgé, avoir un revenu supérieur à 30 000$ CA etêtre atteint dʼAP dû à un allergène de haut poids moléculaire ont une association positive avec le nombre dʼannées dʼexposition avec symptômes avant le retrait. Au cours de la période de suivi, le nombre dʼannées dʼexposition avec symptômes était plus grand chez les individus ayant une hyperréactivité bronchique persistante. Par ailleurs, la présence de symptômes au poste de travail pendant moins d'un an est associée à une réduction des coûts directs. Les paramètres de QV et de DP avaient des corrélations modérées avec les marqueurs cliniques de lʼAP. Les plus fortes associations avec ces variables ont pu être observées dans les cas de la sévérité de l'asthme, des statuts dʼemploi et matrimonial, du revenu et de la durée de la période de travail avec l'employeur. Un seuil de 5,1 au niveau de la sous-échelle de la fonction émotionnelle de lʼAQLQ(S) sʼest avéré avoir la meilleure valeur discriminante pour distinguer les individus avec ou sans détresse psychiatrique cliniquement significative selon le PSI. Nous avons été en mesure d'identifier les variables socio-économiques associées à un intervalle plus long dʼexposition professionnelle en présence de symptômes dʼasthme. De même, une plus longue période d'exposition a été associée à un moins bon pronostic de la maladie et à des coûts de compensation plus élevés. Ces résultats s'avèrent utiles pour la surveillance de lʼAP qui pourrait cibler ces sous-groupes d'individus. La QV et la PS sont fréquemment réduites chez les individus atteints d'AP qui perçoivent une compensation. Elles sont associées à des marqueurs cliniques de lʼasthme et à des facteurs socio-économiques. En outre, nos résultats suggèrent que le questionnaire de lʼAQLQ(S) peut être utilisé pour identifier les individus avec un niveau de détresse psychologique potentiellement significatif.


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Esta dissertação tem como objetivo identificar, através de um estudo transversal, associações entre as características demográficas, comportamentos de risco sexual e por drogas, sintomatologia psiquiátrica e autoconceito em uma amostra de adolescentes, comparando-os pela soropositividade HIV. Foram entrevistados 388 adolescentes entre 13 e 20 anos que procuraram espontaneamente o Centro de Triagem e Avaliação (CTA) Paulo César Bonfim para realizar o teste anti-HIV. Foram utilizados os questionários CRA (Comportamentos de Risco para AIDS), SCL-90-R (The Symptom Check-List-90-R) e EFA (Escala Fatorial de Autoconceito). A média da idade foi de 17,7 anos (±2,0). A maioria da amostra era do sexo feminino, solteiro ou sem companheiro/a fixo/a, sem trabalho, com baixas escolaridade e renda familiar. Em relação ao teste sorológico, 73% estavam realizandoo pela primeira vez, e a soropositividade geral da amostra foi de 6,2%. A escolaridade foi significativamente mais baixa em soropositivos (OR= 7,8) e não houve diferença estatística entre os grupos nas demais variáveis demográficas. Houve associação direta entre soropositividade e precocidade de início da vida sexual (OR= 3,6), história de gravidez (OR=4,7), prática de aborto prévio (OR= 5,9) e relação sexual com parceiro sem preservativo (OR=3,2). Do total da amostra, 8% dos adolescentes recebeu dinheiro em troca de relação sexual, e isto foi associado à soropositividade (OR=4,5). O mesmo ocorreu nos 13,2% que tiveram relação sexual com paceiro/a possivelmente soropositivo (OR=8,3). Apenas 18,9% da amostra afirmaram usar preservativos nos 6 meses prévios à coleta e 81,4% da amostra não haviam usado preservativo nas relações sexuais ao longo da vida. A prevalência geral de uso de drogas no mês anterior à coleta foi alta, com relato freqüente de uso de múltiplas drogas, sendo as mais freqüentes o álcool (71,6 %), maconha (24,7%), cocaína intranasal (12,4%) e solventes (9,3 %). A soropositividade foi mais alta nos usuários recentes de maconha (OR= 2,8), estimulantes (OR=2,9) e solventes (OR= 7,5). A freqüência a local específico para uso de drogas ocorreu em 22,5% do total da amostra e foi estatisticamente maior nos soropositivos (OR=2,6). Os adolescentes soropositivos apresentaram siginficativamente mais sintomatologia psiquiátrica em todas as dimensões avaliadas. Não houve diferença nas dimensões de autoconceito. O Tamanho de Efeito Padronizado foi maior nas variáveis da sintomatologia psiquiátrica do que nas do autoconceito. Os resultados indicam que os adolescentes estudados ainda não possuem cuidados preventivos suficientes para diminuir o contágio pelo vírus da AIDS. São indivíduos sob risco constante por apresentarem maior freqüência de exposição ao HIV associada à baixa escolaridade, comportamento sexual, uso de drogas e sintomatologia psiquiátrica. A falta de diferenças no autoconceito dos adolescentes soropositivos e soronegativos pode estar associada ao senso de invulnerabilidade próprio da faixa etária. Os achados apontam para a necessidade de programas específicos de prevenção para adolescentes. Medidas de intervenção futuras deverão levar em conta a interação de fatores individuais, ambientais, comportamentais e psicológicos, com o objetivo de implementar mudanças efetivas no comportamento de risco para que se detenha o avanço da epidemia nessa faixa etária.


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Ischaemic cerebral accidents are frequent following extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), especially after fixing the reinjection cannula in the right primitive carotid artery, which leads to an interruption in downstream flow. We describe a rare and unusual symptom of cerebral ischaemic accident that is known as Capgras syndrome. This feature is interesting because it may be documented by computed tomography (CT) scan and particular electroencephalography signals. It appears that our observation represents the first documented case of Capgras syndrome complicating ECMO. This incident emphasizes the potential hazards associated with right common artery ligature for venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VAECMO). In addition, it shows that this psychiatric symptom (that has been interpreted psychodynamically for many years) can have an organic basis, which should be studied.


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Au Canada, la Fondation Sur la pointe des pieds, un organisme québécois situé à Chicoutimi, offre des expéditions thérapeutiques aux adolescents atteints de cancer depuis 1996 en se donnant comme mission de favoriser le bien-être des participants et de changer l’image de la maladie (Fondation Sur la pointe des pieds, 2015a, 2015b). La présente thèse vise à évaluer l’impact de la participation à une expédition thérapeutique offerte par la Fondation Sur la pointe des pieds sur l’estime de soi et la détresse psychologique d’adolescents atteints de cancer. L’échantillon retenu est composé de 20 participants (10 filles et 10 garçons) âgés entre 14 et 20 ans (M = 16,65; ÉT = 1,79) provenant de trois expéditions différentes. Deux questionnaires sont utilisés, dans leurs versions anglaise ou française : le Rosenberg’s Self-Esteem Scale (RSE) (Rosenberg, 1965) ou l’Échelle d’estime de soi de Rosenberg (EES) (Vallières & Vallerand, 1990) et la version brève du Psychiatric Symptom Index (PSI) (Ilfeld, 1976) ou l’Indice de détresse psychologique – Enquête Santé Québec (IDPSQ) (Préville, Boyer, Potvin, Perreault, & Légaré, 1992). Ils sont administrés à trois moments distincts, c’est-à-dire durant les deux semaines précédant l’expédition, les deux semaines suivant l’expédition et quatre mois après l’expédition. Les résultats d’analyses paramétriques et non paramétriques pour mesures répétées révèlent une augmentation significative du niveau d’estime de soi des adolescents à la suite de leur participation à une expédition thérapeutique ainsi qu’un maintien des gains quatre mois plus tard. Aucun changement significatif n’est obtenu relativement à la détresse psychologique. Des pistes explicatives en lien avec la modalité d’intervention groupale, la programmation d’aventure, les enjeux développementaux de l’adolescence, les impacts du cancer et d’autres recherches réalisées auprès de la Fondation Sur la pointe des pieds sont proposées, de même que des pistes explicatives en lien avec la méthode de recherche utilisée. L’impact positif sur le plan de l’estime de soi obtenu dans cette thèse appuie la portée scientifique des expéditions thérapeutiques offertes par la Fondation Sur la pointe des pieds.


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Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and its sulphate form (DHEA) are neuroactive steroids with antiglucocorticoid properties. An imbalance in the ratio of cortisol to DHEA(S) has been implicated in the pathophysiology of stress-related psychiatric disorders. This study prospectively investigated circulating cortisol, DHEAS and their ratio in first-episode psychosis (FEP) patients compared to healthy controls, and their relationship to perceived stress, psychotic, negative and mood symptoms. METHODS: Blood cortisol and DHEAS levels were obtained in 39 neuroleptic-naïve or minimally-treated FEP patients and 25 controls. Twenty-three patients and 15 controls received repeat assessments after 12 weeks. Perceived stress was assessed using the Perceived Stress Scale and symptoms were assessed in patients using standard rating scales. RESULTS: At baseline, no differences were observed in cortisol, DHEAS or the cortisol/DHEAS ratio between patients and controls. There were also no group differences in the change in these biological variables during the study period. Within FEP patients, decreases in cortisol and the cortisol/DHEAS ratio over time were directly related to the improvement in depression (r = 0.45; p = 0.031, r = 0.52; p = 0.01), negative (r = 0.51; p = 0.006, r = 0.55; p = 0.008) and psychotic symptoms (cortisol only, r = 0.53; p = 0.01). Perceived stress significantly correlated with DHEAS (r = 0.51; p = 0.019) and the cortisol/DHEAS ratio (r = -0.49; p = 0.024) in controls, but not patients, possibly reflecting an impaired hormonal response to stress in FEP patients. CONCLUSIONS: These findings further support the involvement of the stress system in the pathophysiology of psychotic disorders, with implications for treatment strategies that modulate these neurosteroids.


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Objective: The aim of the present pilot study was to examine the effectiveness of a relaxation massage therapy programme in reducing stress, anxiety and aggression on a young adult psychiatric inpatient unit. Method: This was a prospective, non-randomized intervention study comparing treatment as usual (TAU) with TAU plus massage therapy intervention (MT) over consecutive 7 week blocks (May–August 2006). MT consisted of a 20 min massage therapy session offered daily to patients during their period of hospitalization. The Kennedy Nurses’ Observational Scale for Inpatient Evaluation (NOSIE), the Symptom Checklist-90–Revised (SCL-90-R), the State–Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) and stress hormone (saliva cortisol) levels were used to measure patient outcomes at admission and discharge from the unit. The Staff Observation Aggression Scale–Revised (SOAS-R) was used to monitor the frequency and severity of aggressive incidents on the unit. Results: There was a significant reduction in self-reported anxiety (p < 0.001), resting heart rate (p < 0.05) and cortisol levels (p < 0.05) immediately following the initial and final massage therapy sessions. Significant improvements in hostility (p = 0.007) and depression scores (p < 0.001) on the SCL-90-R were observed in both treatment groups. There was no group×time interaction on any of the measures. Poor reliability of staff-reported incidents on the SOAS-R limited the validity of results in this domain. Conclusions: Massage therapy had immediate beneficial effects on anxiety-related measures and may be a useful de-escalating tool for reducing stress and anxiety in acutely hospitalized psychiatric patients. Study limitations preclude any definite conclusions on the effect of massage therapy on aggressive incidents in an acute psychiatric setting. Randomized controlled trials are warranted.


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Background Methamphetamine use can produce symptoms almost indistinguishable from schizophrenia. Distinguishing between the two conditions has been hampered by the lack of a validated symptom profile for methamphetamine-induced psychiatric symptoms. We use data from a longitudinal cohort study to examine the profile of psychiatric symptoms that are acutely exacerbated by methamphetamine use. Methods 164 methamphetamine users, who did not meet DSM-IV criteria for a lifetime primary psychotic disorder, were followed monthly for one year to assess the relationship between days of methamphetamine use and symptom severity on the 24-item Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale. Exacerbation of psychiatric symptoms with methamphetamine use was quantified using random coefficient models. The dimensions of symptom exacerbation were examined using principal axis factoring and a latent profile analysis. Results Symptoms exacerbated by methamphetamine loaded on three factors: positive psychotic symptoms (suspiciousness, unusual thought content, hallucinations, bizarre behavior); affective symptoms (depression, suicidality, guilt, hostility, somatic concern, self-neglect); and psychomotor symptoms (tension, excitement, distractibility, motor hyperactivity). Methamphetamine use did not significantly increase negative symptoms. Vulnerability to positive psychotic and affective symptom exacerbation was shared by 28% of participants, and this vulnerability aligned with a past year DSM-IV diagnosis of substance-induced psychosis (38% vs. 22%, _2 (df1) = 3.66, p = 0.056). Conclusion Methamphetamine use produced a symptom profile comprised of positive psychotic and affective symptoms, which aligned with a diagnosis of substance-induced psychosis, with no evidence of a negative syndrome.


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Empirically derived phenotypic measurements have the potential to enhance gene-finding efforts in schizophrenia. Previous research based on factor analyses of symptoms has typically included schizoaffective cases. Deriving factor loadings from analysis of only narrowly defined schizophrenia cases could yield more sensitive factor scores for gene pathway and gene ontology analyses. Using an Irish family sample, this study 1) factor analyzed clinician-rated Operational Criteria Checklist items in cases with schizophrenia only, 2) scored the full sample based on these factor loadings, and 3) implemented genome-wide association, gene-based, and gene-pathway analysis of these SCZ-based symptom factors (final N= 507). Three factors emerged from the analysis of the schizophrenia cases: a manic, a depressive, and a positive symptom factor. In gene-based analyses of these factors, multiple genes had q<. 0.01. Of particular interest are findings for PTPRG and WBP1L, both of which were previously implicated by the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium study of SCZ; results from this study suggest that variants in these genes might also act as modifiers of SCZ symptoms. Gene pathway analyses of the first factor indicated over-representation of glutamatergic transmission, GABA-A receptor, and cyclic GMP pathways. Results suggest that these pathways may have differential influence on affective symptom presentation in schizophrenia.


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Background: Motive-oriented therapeutic relationship (MOTR) was postulated to be a particularly helpful therapeutic ingredient in the early treatment phase of patients with personality disorders, in particular with borderline personality disorder (BPD). The present randomized controlled study using an add-on design is the first study to test this assumption in a 10-session general psychiatric treatment with patients presenting with BPD on symptom reduction and therapeutic alliance. Methods: A total of 85 patients were randomized. They were either allocated to a manual-based short variant of the general psychiatric management (GPM) treatment (in 10 sessions) or to the same treatment where MOTR was deliberately added to the treatment. Treatment attrition and integrity analyses yielded satisfactory results. Results: The results of the intent-to-treat analyses suggested a global efficacy of MOTR, in the sense of an additional reduction of general problems, i.e. symptoms, interpersonal and social problems (F1, 73 = 7.25, p < 0.05). However, they also showed that MOTR did not yield an additional reduction of specific borderline symptoms. It was also shown that a stronger therapeutic alliance, as assessed by the therapist, developed in MOTR treatments compared to GPM (Z55 = 0.99, p < 0.04). Conclusions: These results suggest that adding MOTR to psychiatric and psychotherapeutic treatments of BPD is promising. Moreover, the findings shed additional light on the perspective of shortening treatments for patients presenting with BPD. © 2014 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Background: Clinical and sociodemographic findings have supported that OCD is heterogeneous and composed of multiple potentially overlapping and stable symptom dimensions. Previous neuroimaging investigations have correlated different patterns of OCD dimension scores and gray matter (GM) volumes. Despite their relevant contribution, some methodological limitations, such as patient's previous medication intake, may have contributed to inconsistent findings. Method: Voxel-based morphometry was used to investigate correlations between regional GM volumes and symptom dimensions severity scores in a sample of 38 treatment-naive OCD patients. Several standardized instruments were applied, including an interview exclusively developed for assessing symptom dimensions severity (DY-BOCS). Results: Scores on the "aggression" dimension were positively correlated with GM volumes in lateral parietal cortex in both hemispheres and negatively correlated with bilateral insula, left putamen and left inferior OFC. Scores on the "sexual/religious" dimension were positively correlated with GM volumes within the right middle lateral OFC and right DLPFC and negatively correlated with bilateral ACC. Scores on the "hoarding" dimension were positively correlated with GM volumes in the left superior lateral OFC and negatively correlated in the right parahippocampal gyrus. No significant correlations between GM volumes and the "contamination" or "symmetry" dimensions were found. Conclusions: Building upon preexisting findings, our data with treatment-naive OCD patients have demonstrated distinct GM substrates implicated in both cognitive and emotion processing across different OCS dimensions. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fourteen non-terrorist attackers of public figures in Germany between 1968 and 2004 were intensively studied, with a particular focus on warning behaviors, attack behaviors, and the relationship between psychiatric diagnosis, symptoms, and motivations for the assault. A large proportion of the attackers were severely mentally ill, and most likely to be in the potentially lethal rather than the non-lethal group. A new typology of seven warning behaviors was applied to the data, and all were present, most frequently fixation and pathway warning behavior, and least frequently a direct threat. Psychiatric diagnosis could be closely linked to motivation when analyzed at the level of symptom and content of thought, often delusional. Most of the attacks were directed at political figures, and the majority occurred after 1995.