26 resultados para psicotrópicos
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB
Os objetivos do estudo foram identificar a prevalência e os fatores associados ao uso de psicotrópicos entre os idosos do Município de São Paulo. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, de base populacional, cujos dados foram obtidos do Estudo Saúde, Bem-estar e Envelhecimento. A amostra foi constituída de 1.115 idosos de 65 anos ou mais, os quais foram entrevistados por meio de instrumento padronizado. Na análise dos dados utilizou-se regressão logística univariada e múltipla stepwise forward e nível de significância de 5%. A prevalência de uso de psicotrópicos foi 12,2% e os fatores associados foram sexo feminino (OR=3,04 IC95%=1,76-5,23) e polifarmácia (OR=4,91 IC95%=2,74-8,79). O uso de psicotrópicos por idosos deve ter sua avaliação risco-benefício muito bem estabelecida. Mulheres idosas, especialmente as submetidas à polifarmácia merecem atenção diferenciada, no ajuste posológico e tempo de tratamento, visando à minimização dos desfechos adversos a que estão sujeitas.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia Animal, 2016.
353 págs.
O presente trabalho analisou como os estudantes universitários avaliam o uso de psicofármacos por pessoas que pretendem melhorar o rendimento cognitivo sem apresentar prejuízo nessa habilidade mental. Esse tipo de remédio só pode ser comercializado através de receita médica especial. Dessa forma, o uso não-médico desse tipo de droga, chamado também de aprimoramento neurocognitivo farmacológico, é ilegal. Com o crescimento no número de estudantes universitários americanos e canadenses que utilizam estimulantes para melhorar a performance acadêmica, o tema tornou-se uma preocupação para a Saúde Pública nos respectivos países. O aprimoramento neurocognitivo farmacológico vem sendo muito discutido no campo da Neuroética. Nos debates dessa a prática são avaliados os riscos e benefícios que essa prática pode trazer para o indivíduo e à sociedade. No Brasil, esse assunto é pouco discutido. Assim, a investigação sobre a compreensão e avaliação que estudantes universitários fazem sobre esse tema trouxe informações que podem ampliar o conhecimento sobre tema no Brasil. A investigação foi realizada através de três grupos focais com estudantes universitários. Os resultados indicaram que questões como pressão social (exigência de bons resultados), segurança do medicamento, risco de coerção social, possibilidade de essa prática aumentar a injustiça social foram as principais preocupações da população entrevistada. Alguns aspectos foram compreendidos de maneira bastantes polarizada. Não está claro para os participantes dos grupos focais, por exemplo, se esta é ou não uma prática desonesta e se a melhora no rendimento cognitivo pode ser entendida como sendo legítima da pessoa. Esses e outros dados mostram que a compreensão do tema aprimoramento neurocognitivo farmacológico é muito influenciada por dois aspectos. O primeiro aspecto se refere ao entendimento prévio que a pessoa tem sobre a relação entre cérebro e comportamento e sobre a relação entre indivíduo e grupo social. O segundo aspecto é a influência que os textos que informam sobre ciência exercem sobre os leitores. Nesse sentido, a aplicação dos grupos focais mostrou-se um importante meio para conhecer o entendimento dos estudantes universitários sobre o aprimoramento neurocognitivo farmacológico e, dessa forma, contribuir para a discussão desse tema no Brasil.
El tema del narcotráfico ha sido ampliamente tratado, así como el caso de las drogas en Colombia, pero la afectación de dicho problema no ha sido analizada desde la República Dominicana y mucho menos desde la relación bilateral entre esta y Colombia. Aunque el tema es de gran relevancia en la agenda internacional, así como en la agenda interna de cada uno de estos Estados, no es el tema principal en la relación bilateral, donde los asuntos comerciales tienen mayor importancia, aún cuando hay ciertos mecanismos que buscan eliminar el tráfico ilegal de estupefacientes. En esta investigación, se busca dar un diagnóstico de las relaciones bilaterales y de aquellos instrumentos existentes, específicamente aquellos implementados desde la acogida internacional del término responsabilidad compartida en el año 1998 hasta el año 2010, para determinar la efectividad de los mismos y de aquellos factores que no son precisamente resultantes de las relaciones bilaterales pero que sí afectan de una u otra manera el tráfico de drogas ilegales entre estos dos países. Así, se buscará encontrar las debilidades, en los instrumentos bilaterales entre Colombia y República Dominicana y hacer recomendaciones para hacerlos más efectivos.
En la presente investigación se da a conocer los aspectos mas relevantes de la Ley 108 ¨Sobre Sustancias Estupefacientes y Psicotrópicas¨ sus virtudes y falencias, especialmente en las áreas de Administración de Bienes en Depósito, Control y Fiscalización de los Químicos en el Ecuador. Así como también de la situación financiera entre 1991- 1996, y el nivel de cumplimiento de las metas y proyectos. Se hace un análisis de los ingresos y gastos realizados por el CONSEP. Se da a conocer el uso y control de los químicos en el Ecuador, la industrialización, la coordinación con otros organismos del Estado como son los Ministerios de Salud, Gobierno y Policía, Defensa Nacional, se da una visión general del control de los estupefacientes y psicotrópicos de los bienes aprehendidos, decomisados e incautados su uso y destino por infracción de la Ley entre 1991- 1996. Posteriormente se analizan las causas y efectos del inadecuado sistema de Administración de los bienes que se encuentran en depósito. Se estudia las normas y reglamentos vigentes, se cuantifica todos los bienes incautados. Se estudia los rendimientos de las monedas nacionales y extranjeras que se encuentran en las cuentas especiales del Banco Central, y finalmente se propone algunas alternativas para una adecuada administración de los dineros y bienes incautados.
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Resumo não disponível.
The present work shows an inquiry about the conceptions and practical work of the nursing professionals on the accompaniment of mental sick patients in the Family s Health Strategy, under the approach of the completeness in health. The justification of this research is given by bringing an special attention concerning the subjet to these professionals of health: the gradual abandonment of the traditional manicomial model leads to the insertion of mental patients in the community . The nursing professionals must be prepared to receive these patients in the basic net of health and contribute to help their adaptation and insertion in the social environment as citizen. In this context, considering the entire attention to the mental health, it is important to detach that the assistance to the patient must search his reinsertion in the community by providing programs that develops his sociability. This analytical study was developed using a qualitative approach and a thematic verbal history. Ten nurses of Nova Natal s Health of the Family Unit, of Felipe Camarão Mista s Unit and of Cidade da Esperança s Health Unit contributed for its development . The information was acquired through an instrument research that made possible the accomplishment of the interviews. These ones were set previously and counted on the assent of the participants. The interviews were recorded and analyzed in accordance with the pertinent literature concerning the subject. The aggregation of the information was then discussed. At this moment three thematic axles were defined dividing the categories of analysis. According to the results of the interviews, the practical procedure given to the patients with mental upheaval is resumed by the prescription of psicotroprics medicaments. It doesn t provide an accompaniment by the professionals of health, specifically, nurses, to the patients and their families. The lack of qualification and a multi-professional team emerged as one of the challenges for the implementation of practical procedures towards the patients with mental upheaval. Therefore, the results of this research show the necessity of transformations in the current scene of the mental health in the Family s Health Strategy. These changes can be reached by politics investments on the mental health area, not only financially but by providing human resources that should allow the professionals to exert the completeness procedures
The Primary Health Care and one of its main strategies, the Family Health Strategy (ESF), are framed as the gateway to the Public Health System (SUS). Thus, most of the incident and prevalent health problems in the population attended should be solved at this level of care, including psychological suffering, and the so-called complaint of nerves. Nerves and nervous denote a complexity that is not always well comprehended by health workers, in such a way that the care to this kind of problem is usually inadequate. In this line of thought, the general objective of this study is to analyze the network of discourses and the care to the psychological suffering, expressed as nerves, in SUS daily Primary Health Care. Besides and more specifically, it aims at identifying the principles and guidelines of the Primary Health Care in mental health; to investigate health workers positioning before psychological suffering and complaints of nerves, and also analyze different actions and practices of care carried out in different Health Units towards complaints like nerves. Institutional Ethnography was the theoreticalmethodological perspective adopted for the work. This approach seeks to understand and analyze the institutional relationships in a particular context considering sociostructural influences and power relations, as well as daily discourses and practices. Based on interviews with health professionals, informal conversations and observations in six Health Units with ESF teams from different sanitary districts in Natal/RN, it was possible to check that the index of complaint of nerves is high. The referral to psychologists and psychiatrists, as well as the prescription of psychotropic drugs appear as the most common intervention at this level of care. In general, the participants complain that they have poor specialized knowledge about the theme of mental health. They face the problem of bad work conditions and the lack of institutional support, which make actions of illnesses prevention and health promotion even more difficult. Besides, there are different ongoing practices such as meetings for hypertensive and aged people, walk, visit, round-table discussions and community therapy. However, not all of these actions are aimed at the care of psychological suffering. It is observed that the Matrix Support, which is a methodological strategy of supervision and follow up forcases of mental health, hasn t been totally implemented in the municipal system, although it is a tool that has been used by psychologists in some Health Units in the city. It was also verified that the health care practices to the problem of nerves strongly depend on the professional s commitment with the PSF guidelines and on mental health policies, in addition to continued support, when available, from other professional who works as matrix supporter
The harm reduction HR is the official policy of Ministry of Public Health to deal with problem derived from alcohol consumption and other drugs AD. The HR refers to policies and support programs whose purpose is to reduce the risks related to the use of AD, without necessarily decrease individual consumption. This research aim was to analyze the HR conceptions and practices at two specialized institutions for AD users: 1) Psychosocial Care Center Alcohol and Drugs III (CAPSad III); 2) Therapeutic Community Fazenda da Esperança (FE) Dom Bosco. This is a qualitative research that used the following methodological tools: semi-structured interview with 21 professionals; socio demographic file and rounds of conversation with 63 participants users; participant observation and field journal. The interviews with professionals have characterized HR as a less complex and cheap treatment. At FE the HR proposal does not make part of their actions, being considered ―against the human being dignity‖. At CAPSad III is understood as an ―inevitable‖ guideline to service, once users do not remain abstinent. The users understand RD as an improvement in healthy conditions, social relations and work that occurs with the decreasing consumption of AD. They use the HR when they avoid situations that facilitate AD consumption, share relapse prevention strategies and, exclusively at CAPSad III, decrease psychotropic consumption. Stands out as an analyzer the HR comprehension as a less efficient treatment that opposes to the objective of both institutions, which is abstinence. The HR is not operationalize in daily routine by professionals and users as a healthy promotion strategy, however, the users are more affected to HR and produce strategies to face the difficulties arising from the AD consumption