927 resultados para proximal cytoplasmic droplets
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Descreve-se um caso de infertilidade de um jumento SRD confirmada por meio de microscopia eletrônica de transmissão (MET). O espermiograma, avaliado sob microscopia ótica, revelou baixa motilidade e alta concentração de anormalidades espermáticas do tipo gota citoplasmática proximal. O material foi avaliado por MET, observando-se um acúmulo desordenado de microtúbulos causando protusões irregulares na região do colo espermático. O último teste realizado correspondeu ao de fertilidade in vivo, utilizando-se quatro éguas portadoras de bom histórico reprodutivo, nas quais não foi possível confirmar nenhuma prenhez. Frente aos resultados obtidos, associados aos achados da MET, estabeleceu-se o diagnóstico de infertilidade associada a defeito microtubular dos espermatozóides.
Here we show that presenilin-1 (PS1), a protein involved in Alzheimer's disease, binds directly to epithelial cadherin (E-cadherin). This binding is mediated by the large cytoplasmic loop of PS1 and requires the membrane-proximal cytoplasmic sequence 604–615 of mature E-cadherin. This sequence is also required for E-cadherin binding of protein p120, a known regulator of cadherin-mediated cell adhesion. Using wild-type and PS1 knockout cells, we found that increasing PS1 levels suppresses p120/E-cadherin binding, and increasing p120 levels suppresses PS1/E-cadherin binding. Thus PS1 and p120 bind to and mutually compete for cellular E-cadherin. Furthermore, PS1 stimulates E-cadherin binding to β- and γ-catenin, promotes cytoskeletal association of the cadherin/catenin complexes, and increases Ca2+-dependent cell–cell aggregation. Remarkably, PS1 familial Alzheimer disease mutant ΔE9 increased neither the levels of cadherin/catenin complexes nor cell aggregation, suggesting that this familial Alzheimer disease mutation interferes with cadherin-based cell–cell adhesion. These data identify PS1 as an E-cadherin-binding protein and a regulator of E-cadherin function in vivo.
Light microscopic studies comparing sperm parameters show little association between diabetes and male fertility. However, with the introduction of new analytical techniques, evidence is now emerging of previously undetectable affects of diabetes on sperm function. Specifically, a recent study has found significantly higher sperm nuclear DNA (nDNA) fragmentation in diabetic men. As advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are important instigators of oxidative stress and cell dysfunction in numerous diabetic complications, we hypothesized that these compounds could also be present in the male reproductive tract. The presence and localization of the most prominent AGE, carboxymethyl-lysine (CML), in the human testis, epididymis and sperm was determined by immunohistochemistry. Parallel ELISA and Western blot analyses were performed to ascertain the amount of CML in seminal plasma and sperm from 13 diabetic and 9 non-diabetic subjects. CML immunoreactivity was found through out the seminiferous epithelium, the nuclei of spermatogonia and spermatocytes, in the basal and principle cells (cytoplasm and nuclei) of the caput epididymis and on most sperm tails, mid pieces and all cytoplasmic droplets. The acrosomal cap, especially the equatorial band, was prominently stained in diabetic samples only. The amount of CML was significantly higher (p = 0.004) in sperm from non diabetic men. Considering the known detrimental actions of AGEs in other organs, the presence, location and quantity of CML, particularly the increased expression found in diabetic men, suggests that these compounds may play a hitherto unrecognized role in male infertility.
Light microscopic studies comparing sperm parameters show little association between diabetes and male fertility. However, with the introduction of new analytical techniques, evidence is now emerging of previously undetectable effects of diabetes on sperm function. Specifically, a recent study has found a significantly higher sperm nuclear DNA fragmentation in diabetic men. As advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are important instigators of oxidative stress and cell dysfunction in numerous diabetic complications, we hypothesized that these compounds could also be present in the male reproductive tract. The presence and localization of the most prominent AGE, carboxymethyl-lysine (CML), in the human testis, epididymis and sperm was determined by immunohistochemistry. Parallel ELISA and Western blot analyses were performed to ascertain the amount of CML in seminal plasma and sperm from 13 diabetic and nine non-diabetic subjects. CML immunoreactivity was found throughout the seminiferous epithelium, the nuclei of spermatogonia and spermatocytes, in the basal and principle cells cytoplasm and nuclei of the caput epididymis and on most sperm tails, mid pieces and all cytoplasmic droplets. The acrosomal cap, especially the equatorial band, was prominently stained in diabetic samples only. The amount of CML was significantly higher (p = 0.004) in sperm from non-diabetic men. Considering the known detrimental actions of AGEs in other organs, the presence, location and quantity of CML, particularly the increased expression found in diabetic men, suggest that these compounds may play a hitherto unrecognized role in male infertility.
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) has been found to have subtle yet profound effects on the metabolic status of the testis, the expression of numerous spermatogenic genes and is associated with increased numbers of sperm with nuclear DNA damage. The precise mechanism causing these detrimental effects remains unknown. The presence of increased levels of the most prominent member (carboxymethyllysine - CML) of the advanced glycation end product adducts and their receptor (RAGE) in the reproductive tract of DM men has provided a new avenue for research. As there are suspicions that the antibiotic (streptozotocin - STZ) employed to induce DM is also capable of causing oxidative stress and DNA damage, we compared CML and RAGE levels in the reproductive tract and sperm nDNA status of STZ mice with the levels in the Ins(2Akita) mouse to determine which more closely mimics the situation described in the human diabetic. CML was observed in the testes, epididymes and sperm of all animals. Sperm from DM mice showed particularly strong CML immunolocalization in the acrosomal cap, the equatorial region and whenever present, cytoplasmic droplets. Although increased, the level of CML on the sperm of the STZ and Ins(2Akita) DM mice did not reach statistical significance. RAGE was present on the developing acrosome and epididymal sperm of all animals and in discrete regions of the epididymes of the DM models. Only the epididymal sperm of the Ins(2Akita) mice were found to have significantly increased (p < 0.0001) nDNA damage. The Ins(2Akita) mouse therefore appears to more accurately reflect the conditions found in the human and, as such, is a more representative model for the study of diabetes and glycation's influence on male fertility.
El present treball analitza la morfologia espermàtica de l'ejaculat de Sus domesticus, la histologia del conducte epididimari i la qualitat de l'esperma epididimari. El material d'estudi prové de mascles reproductors porcins de les races Landrace i Pietrain, sans i sexualment madurs. La metodologia emprada es basa en l'examen al microscopi òptic (camp dar, contrast de fases i contrast interferencial) i al microscopi electrònic (de rastreig i de transmissió). Per a l'anàlisi estadística de les dades s'ha utilitzat el test de la X2 de Pearson (p<0,01). L'estudi de la morfologia espermàtica de l'ejaculat permet distingir diversos tipus de gàmetes que s'han classificat en tres grups: espermatozoides madurs, espermatozoides immadurs i espermatozoides aberrants, així com algunes cèI.lules somàtiques. L'espermatozoide madur de Sus domesticus és un gàmeta típic de mamífer (format per tres parts: cap, peça de connexió i cua) en que destaquen: la forma oval i plana del cap, el desenvolupament d'una protuberància acrosòmica apical en una de les cares del cap i la presencia dels cossos laminars en la peça de connexió. L'espermatozoide immadur es caracteritza per la presencia de la gota citoplasmàtica, el major desenvolupament de la protuberància acrosòmica apical i per la flexibilitat del cap. Els espermatozoides aberrants es descriuen i classifiquen segons la morfologia externa i la morfologia interna, distingint-se una amplia gama de malformacions que afecten les diverses parts de l'espermatozoide. Les cèl·lules somàtiques presents en l'ejaculat ofereixen les característiques pròpies d'un macròfag i se les ha observat englobant espermatozoides immadurs. L'estudi de l'estructura i la ultraestructura de les tres regions anatòmiques de l'epidídim (caput, corpus i cauda) revela que: a) l'epiteli epididimari és pseudoestratificat amb esterocilis, b) cada regió epididimària presenta uns valors característics en relació al diàmetre intern del conducte, a l'alçada de l'epiteli, a la longitud dels esterocilis i al nombre de cèl·lules somàtiques luminals, i c) l'epiteli epididimari esta format per cinc tipus cel·lulars: les cèl·lules principals, les cèl·lules basals, les cèl·lules dares, les cèl·lules estretes i les cèl·lules basòfiles. Dels resultats obtinguts es pot deduir que: a) aquests cinc tipus cel·lulars es distribueixen al llarg del conducte epididimari de forma no homogènia, b) les cèl·lules basals, les cèl·lules principals, les cèI.Iules dares i les cèl·lules estretes són diversos estadis del desenvolupament d'un mateix tipus cel·lular especialitzat en la secreció i reabsorció cel·lular, i c) les cèl·lules basòfiles són les precursores de les cèl·lules somàtiques luminals. La qualitat de l'esperma procedent de les tres regions de l'epidídim ha estat analitzada a partir dels següents paràmetres espermàtics: vitalitat, resistència osmòtica dels acrosomes, estabilitat cefàlica, morfologia, malformacions i aglutinació. La vitalitat espermàtica disminueix progressivament al llarg del conducte epididimari. La resistència osmòtica dels acrosomes s'assoleix en la regió corporal de l'epidídim. L'estabilitat cefàlica dels espermatozoides és més elevada en les dues primeres regions de l'epidídim que en la regió caudal. Cada regió de l'epidídim es caracteritza per una morfologia espermàtica específica: a) el caput es caracteritza per l'elevat percentatge d'espermatozoides immadurs amb gota citoplasmàtica proximal, b) el corpus es caracteritza per l'elevat percentatge d'espermatozoides immadurs amb gota citoplasmàtica distal, i c) el cauda es caracteritza per l'elevat percentatge d'espermatozoides madurs. S'han estudiat les següents malformacions d'origen epididimari: espermatozoides de cua doblegada per l'anell de Jensen (origen en el cauda), espermatozoides de cua enrotllada i espermatozoides de cues fusionades (origen en el corpus). Els espermatozoides perden la capacitat de doblegar la cua per la peça intermèdia a mesura que avancen pel conducte epididimari. L'aglutinació espermàtica tendeix a augmentar progressivament al llarg del conducte epididimari, si bé, no s'han observat variacions significatives en els diversos tipus d'aglutinació. La maduració epididimaria dels espermatozoides de Sus domesticus és un procés lent i complex, i la qualitat de l'ejaculat depèn de que aquesta maduració hagi estat completa. La presencia en l'esperma ejaculat de formes gamètiques pròpies de l'esperma epididimari és un signe d'una incompleta maduració dels espermatozoides; i, pot considerar-se com un paràmetre indicador d'estrés del mascle reproductor, tant més quant més s'assembli a la morfologia espermàtica de la regió cefàlica de l'epidídim.
Cells expressing the NG2 proteoglycan can attach, spread, and migrate on surfaces coated with NG2 mAbs, demonstrating that engagement of NG2 can trigger the cytoskeletal rearrangements necessary for changes in cell morphology and motility. Engagement of different epitopes of the proteoglycan results in distinct forms of actin reorganization. On mAb D120, the cells contain radial actin spikes characteristic of filopodial extension, whereas on mAb N143, the cells contain cortical actin bundles characteristic of lamellipodia. Cells that express NG2 variants lacking the transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains are unable to spread or migrate on NG2 mAb-coated surfaces, indicating that these portions of the molecule are essential for NG2-mediated signal transduction. Cells expressing an NG2 variant lacking the C-terminal half of the cytoplasmic domain can still spread normally on mAbs D120 and N143, suggesting that the membrane-proximal cytoplasmic segment is responsible for this process. In contrast, this variant migrates poorly on mAb D120 and exhibits abnormal arrays of radial actin filaments decorated with fascin during spreading on this mAb. The C-terminal portion of the NG2 cytoplasmic domain, therefore, may be involved in regulating molecular events that are crucial for cell motility.
Using a freeze-etch technique the cytoplasmic and plasma membrane ultrastructure of Paracoccidiodies brasiliensis yeast-phase cells was studied. The multinucleate yeast-phase cells which grow by simultaneous multiple budding, like those of Mucor sp. contain several nuclei, mitochondria, well-developed ER, small vacuoles and lipid droplets. Complex structures with no apparent connexion to the plasma membrane of P. brasiliensis usually lack inveginations, but invaginations which do occur are always rod-shaped which indicates P. brasiliensis to be of either ascomycetous or basidiomycetous origin.
The β1-integrin cytoplasmic domain consists of a membrane proximal subdomain common to the four known isoforms (“common” region) and a distal subdomain specific for each isoform (“variable” region). To investigate in detail the role of these subdomains in integrin-dependent cellular functions, we used β1A and β1B isoforms as well as four mutants lacking the entire cytoplasmic domain (β1TR), the variable region (β1COM), or the common region (β1ΔCOM-B and β1ΔCOM-A). By expressing these constructs in Chinese hamster ovary and β1 integrin-deficient GD25 cells (Wennerberg et al., J Cell Biol 132, 227–238, 1996), we show that β1B, β1COM, β1ΔCOM-B, and β1ΔCOM-A molecules are unable to support efficient cell adhesion to matrix proteins. On exposure to Mn++ ions, however, β1B, but none of the mutants, can mediate cell adhesion, indicating specific functional properties of this isoform. Analysis of adhesive functions of transfected cells shows that β1B interferes in a dominant negative manner with β1A and β3/β5 integrins in cell spreading, focal adhesion formation, focal adhesion kinase tyrosine phosphorylation, and fibronectin matrix assembly. None of the β1 mutants tested shows this property, indicating that the dominant negative effect depends on the specific combination of common and B subdomains, rather than from the absence of the A subdomain in the β1B isoform.
A key step in the activation of heterodimeric integrin adhesion receptors is the transmission of an agonist-induced cellular signal from the short α- and/or β-cytoplasmic tails to the extracellular domains of the receptor. The structural details of how the cytoplasmic tails mediate such an inside-out signaling process remain unclear. We report herein the NMR structures of a membrane-anchored cytoplasmic tail of the αIIb-subunit and of a mutant αIIb-cytoplasmic tail that renders platelet integrin αIIbβ3 constitutively active. The structure of the wild-type αIIb-cytoplasmic tail reveals a “closed” conformation where the highly conserved N-terminal membrane-proximal region forms an α-helix followed by a turn, and the acidic C-terminal loop interacts with the N-terminal helix. The structure of the active mutant is significantly different, having an “open” conformation where the interactions between the N-terminal helix and C-terminal region are abolished. Consistent with these structural differences, the two peptides differ in function: the wild-type peptide suppressed αIIbβ3 activation, whereas the mutant peptide did not. These results provide an atomic explanation for extensive biochemical/mutational data and support a conformation-based “on/off switch” model for integrin activation.
The common cytokine receptor γ chain (γc), a shared component of the receptors for IL-2, IL-4, IL-7, IL-9, and IL-15, is critical for the development and function of lymphocytes. The cytoplasmic domain of γc consists of 85 aa, in which the carboxyl-terminal 48 aa are essential for its interaction with and activation of the Janus kinase, Jak3. Evidence has been provided that Jak3-independent signals might be transmitted via the residual membrane-proximal region; however, its role in vivo remains totally unknown. In the present study, we expressed mutant forms of γc, which lack either most of the cytoplasmic domain or only the membrane-distal Jak3-binding region, on a γc null background. We demonstrate that, unlike γc or Jak3 null mice, expression of the latter, but not the former mutant, restores T lymphopoiesis in vivo, accompanied by strong expression of Bcl-2. On the other hand, the in vitro functions of the restored T cells still remained impaired. These results not only reveal the hitherto unknown role of the γc membrane-proximal region, but also suggest the differential requirement of the cytoplasmic subregions of γc in T cell development and function.