986 resultados para promoter regions


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Motivation: The number of bacterial genomes being sequenced is increasing very rapidly and hence, it is crucial to have procedures for rapid and reliable annotation of their functional elements such as promoter regions, which control the expression of each gene or each transcription unit of the genome. The present work addresses this requirement and presents a generic method applicable across organisms. Results: Relative stability of the DNA double helical sequences has been used to discriminate promoter regions from non-promoter regions. Based on the difference in stability between neighboring regions, an algorithm has been implemented to predict promoter regions on a large scale over 913 microbial genome sequences. The average free energy values for the promoter regions as well as their downstream regions are found to differ, depending on their GC content. Threshold values to identify promoter regions have been derived using sequences flanking a subset of translation start sites from all microbial genomes and then used to predict promoters over the complete genome sequences. An average recall value of 72% (which indicates the percentage of protein and RNA coding genes with predicted promoter regions assigned to them) and precision of 56% is achieved over the 913 microbial genome dataset.


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Gene expression is the most fundamental biological process, which is essential for phenotypic variation. It is regulated by various external (environment and evolution) and internal (genetic) factors. The level of gene expression depends on promoter architecture, along with other external factors. Presence of sequence motifs, such as transcription factor binding sites (TFBSs) and TATA-box, or DNA methylation in vertebrates has been implicated in the regulation of expression of some genes in eukaryotes, but a large number of genes lack these sequences. On the other hand, several experimental and computational studies have shown that promoter sequences possess some special structural properties, such as low stability, less bendability, low nucleosome occupancy, and more curvature, which are prevalent across all organisms. These structural features may play role in transcription initiation and regulation of gene expression. We have studied the relationship between the structural features of promoter DNA, promoter directionality and gene expression variability in S. cerevisiae. This relationship has been analyzed for seven different measures of gene expression variability, along with two different regulatory effect measures. We find that a few of the variability measures of gene expression are linked to DNA structural properties, nucleosome occupancy, TATA-box presence, and bidirectionality of promoter regions. Interestingly, gene responsiveness is most intimately correlated with DNA structural features and promoter architecture.


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Abstract Background Heterologous promoter analysis in Plasmodium has revealed the existence of conserved cis regulatory elements as promoters from different species can drive expression of reporter genes in heterologous transfection assays. Here, the functional characterization of different Plasmodium vivax promoters in Plasmodium falciparum using luciferase as the reporter gene is presented. Methods Luciferase reporter plasmids harboring the upstream regions of the msp1, dhfr, and vir3 genes as well as the full-length intergenic regions of the vir23/24 and ef-1α genes of P. vivax were constructed and transiently transfected in P. falciparum. Results Only the constructs with the full-length intergenic regions of the vir23/24 and ef-1α genes were recognized by the P. falciparum transcription machinery albeit to values approximately two orders of magnitude lower than those reported by luc plasmids harbouring promoter regions from P. falciparum and Plasmodium berghei. A bioinformatics approach allowed the identification of a motif (GCATAT) in the ef-1α intergenic region that is conserved in five Plasmodium species but is degenerate (GCANAN) in P. vivax. Mutations of this motif in the P. berghei ef-1α promoter region decreased reporter expression indicating it is active in gene expression in Plasmodium. Conclusion Together, this data indicates that promoter regions of P. vivax are poorly or not recognized by the P. falciparum transcription machinery suggesting the existence of P. vivax-specific transcription regulatory elements.


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Expression of mitogenic basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) in the central nervous system is inhibited by direct cell contact and is implicated in reactive and neoplastic transformation of astrocytes. The molecular mechanisms controlling expression of bFGF were examined in cultures of human astrocytes. Cell-density-dependent depletion of bFGF mRNA levels parallels changes in bFGF gene protein. Regulation of transcription of a bFGF luciferase reporter gene containing an upstream region (bp -1800 to +314) of the bFGF gene promoter mimicks the density-dependent regulation of the endogenous bFGF gene in transfected astrocytes. Deletion analysis has identified a fragment (bp -650 to -513) and sequences further downstream (bp -274 to +314) as the regions required for the regulation of bFGF gene activity by cell density. Unlike in astrocytes, changing the cell density of glioma cell cultures does not affect the levels of bFGF protein and mRNA. bFGF luciferase constructs were expressed at the same level in high- or low-density cultures of glioma cells, indicating altered regulation of the bFGF gene promoter. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays showed binding of nuclear proteins to a fragment of bFGF gene promoter from bp -650 to -453. This binding was abolished by a deletion of the upstream cell-density-responsive region (bp -650 to -512). Binding was observed with nuclear extracts from subconfluent astrocytes but was reduced in extracts from confluent astrocytes. Our results indicate that induction of bFGF in astrocytes upon reduction of cell density is mediated transcriptionally by positive trans-acting factors interacting with bFGF promoter. In contrast, nuclear proteins from glioma cells bind to the promoter region from bp -650 to -453 independent of cell density. Thus, the constitutive binding of trans-acting factor(s) to the region of the bFGF promoter from bp -650 to -453 may be responsible for the continuous expression of bFGF that leads to the uncontrolled growth of glioma cells.


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The human chromosome 21 AML1 gene is expressed predominantly in the hematopoietic system. In several leukemia-associated translocations AML1 is fused to other genes and transcription of the fused regions is mediated by upstream sequences that normally regulate the expression of AML1. The 5' genomic region of AML1 was cloned and sequenced. The two 5' untranslated regions (UTRs) previously identified in AML1 cDNAs were located in this region and the distance between them was established. The distal 5' UTR maps over 7 kb upstream of the proximal one. Using primer extension with mRNA, transcription start sites were identified at two distinct sites above these 5' uTRs. Sequence analysis revealed the absence of a TATA motif and the presence of Sp1, PU.1, Oct, CRE, Myb, Ets, and Ets-like binding sites in both upstream regions. Several initiator elements (Inr) that overlap the transcription start sites were also identified. These proximal and distal upstream regions and their deletion mutants were cloned in front of a luciferase reporter gene and used in transfection assays. We demonstrate that both upstream regions function as promoters in hematopoietic (Jurkat) and nonhematopoietic (HEK) cell lines. The activity of both promoters was orientation dependent and was enhanced, in a cell-type specific manner, by a heterologous enhancer sequence. These results indicate that additional control elements, either negative or positive, regulate the tissue-specific expression of AML1.


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CpG island is a GC-rich motif occurred in gene promoter region, which can play important roles in gene silencing and imprinting. Here, we present a set of discriminant functions that can recognize the structural and compositional features of CpG islands in the putative promoter regions (PPRs) of human and mouse immunoglobulin (Ig) genes. We showed that the PPRs of both human and mouse Ig genes irrespective of gene chromosomal localization are apparently CpG island poor, with a low percentage of the CpG islands overlapped with the transcription start site (TSS). The human Ig genes that have CpG islands in the PPRs show a very narrow range of CpG densities. 47% of the Ig genes fall in the range of 3.5-4 CpGs/100 bp. In contrast, the non-Ig genes examined have a wide range of the density of CpG island, with 10.5% having the density of 8.1-15 CpGs/100 bp. Meantime, five patterns of the CpG distributions within the CpG islands have been classified: Pat A, B, C, D, and E. 21.6% and 10.8% of the Ig genes fall into the Pat B and Pat D groups, respectively, which were significantly higher than the non-Ig genes examined (8.2% and 3.8%). Moreover, the length of CpG islands is shorter in human Ig genes than in non-Ig genes but is much longer than in mouse orthologues. These findings provide a clear picture of non-neutral and nonrandom occurrence of the CpG islands in the PPRs of human and mouse Ig genes, which facilitate rational recommendations regarding their nomenclature. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) is present in multiple tissues, including kidney, liver, lung, spleen, and bone. Recent study of (TRAP) gene expression has provided evidence for distinct promoters within the (TRAP) gene, suggesting that the gene has alternative, tissue-preferred mRNA transcripts. Examination of endogenous (TRAP) exon 1B and 1C mRNA transcripts revealed tissue-preferred transcript abundance with increased exon 1B transcripts detected in liver and kidney and increased exon 1C transcripts detected in bone and spleen. In this investigation, we have made transgenic mice that express a marker gene driven by two candidate promoters, designated BC and C, within the (TRAP) gene. The BC and C promoters are 2.2 and 1.6 kb, respectively, measured from the translation initiation site. Evaluation of BC transgenic lines demonstrated robust expression in multiple tissues. In contrast, significant transgene expression was not detected in C transgenic lines. Evaluation of transgene mRNAs in BC transgenic lines revealed that virtually all expression was in the form of B transcripts, suggesting that the tissue-preferred pattern of endogenous (TRAP) was not replicated in the BC transgenic line. Likewise, osteoclastogenic cultures from BC, but not C, transgenic bone marrow cells expressed the transgene following receptor activator of NFkappaB ligand/macrophage colony-stimulating factor stimulation. In conclusion, when compared with the 2.2-kb BC portion of the (TRAP) promoter region, the 1.6-kb C portion does not account for significant gene expression in vivo or in vitro; production of the bone- and spleen-preferred (TRAP) C transcript must depend on regulatory elements outside of the 2.2-kb promoter. As the majority of currently investigated transcription factors that influence transcriptional regulation of osteoclast gene expression bind within the 1.6-kb C portion of the (TRAP) promoter, it is likely that transcription binding sites outside of the 2.2-kb region will have profound effects on regulation of the gene in vivo and in vitro.


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The base composition pattern (BCP) in the putative promoter region (PPRs) up to 5 Kb lengths of 682 human genes on Chromosome 22 (Chr22) was examined. Two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) functions were designed to delineate the DNA base composition, with four major patterns identified. It is found that 17.6% genes include TATA box, 28.0% GC box, 18.9% CAAT box and 38.4% CpG islands, and approximately 10% genes have one of four putative initiator (Inr) motifs. The occurrence of the promoter elements is tightly associated with the base composition features in the promoter regions, and the associations of the base composition features with occurrence of the promoter elements in the promoter regions mediate tissue-wide expression of the genes in human. The occurrence of two or more promoter elements in the promoter regions is required for the medium- and wide-range expression profiles of the human genes on Chr22. Thus, the reported data shed light on the characteristics of the PPRs of the human genes on Chr22, which may improve our understanding of regulatory roles of the PPRs with occurrence of the promoter elements in gene expression.


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Approximately 50% of all melanoma families worldwide show linkage to 9p21-22, but only about half of these have been shown to contain germ line CDKN2A mutations. It has been hypothesized that a proportion of these families carry mutations in the noncoding regions of CDKN2A. Several Canadian families have been reported to carry a mutation in the 5' UTR, at position -34 relative to the start site, which gives rise to a novel AUG translation initiation codon that markedly decreases translation from the wild-type AUG (Liu et al., 1999). Haplotype sharing in these Canadian families suggested that this mutation is of British origin. We sequenced 1,327 base pairs (bp) of CDKN2A, making up 1,116 bp of the 5' UTR and promoter, all of exon 1, and 61 bp of intron 1, in at least one melanoma case from 110 Australian families with three or more affected members known not to carry mutations within the p16 coding region. In addition, 431 bp upstream of the start codon was sequenced in an additional 253 affected probands from two-case melanoma families for which the CDKN2A mutation status was unknown. Several known polymorphisms at positions -33, -191, -493, and -735 were detected, in addition to four novel variants at positions 120, -252, -347, and -981 relative to the start codon. One of the probands from a two-case family was found to have the previously reported Q50R mutation. No family member was found to carry the mutation at position -34 or any other disease-associated mutation. For further investigation of noncoding CDKN2A mutations that may affect transcription, allele-specific expression analysis was carried out in 31 of the families with at least three affected members who showed either complete or "indeterminate" 9p haplotype sharing without CDKN2A exonic mutations. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and automated sequencing showed expression of both CDKN2A alleles in all family members tested. The lack of CDKN2A promoter mutations and the absence of transcriptional silencing in the germ line of this cohort of families suggest that mutations in the promoter and 5' UTR play a very limited role in melanoma predisposition.


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RNA polymerase III (Pol III) as well as Pol II (35S) promoters are able to drive hairpin RNA (hpRNA) expression and induce target gene silencing in plants. siRNAs of 21 nt are the predominant species in a 35S Pol II line, whereas 24- and/or 22-nucleotide (nt) siRNAs are produced by a Pol III line. The 35S line accumulated the loop of the hpRNA, in contrast to full-length hpRNA in the Pol III line. These suggest that Pol II and Pol III-transcribed hpRNAs are processed by different pathways. One Pol III transgene produced only 24-nt siRNAs but silenced the target gene efficiently, indicating that the 24-nt siRNAs can direct mRNA degradation; specific cleavage was confirmed by 59 rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE). Both Pol II- and Pol III-directed hpRNA transgenes induced cytosine methylation in the target DNA. The extent of methylation is not correlated with the level of 21-nt siRNAs, suggesting that they are not effective inducers of DNA methylation. The promoter of a U6 transgene was significantly methylated, whereas the promoter of the endogenous U6 gene was almost free of cytosine methylation, suggesting that endogenous sequences are more resistant to de novo DNA methylation than are transgene constructs. Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. Copyright © 2008 RNA Society.


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Purpose: The cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter is one of the most commonly used promoters for expression of transgenes in mammalian cells. The aim of our study was to evaluate the role of methylation and upregulation of the CMV promoter by irradiation and the chemotherapeutic agent cisplatin in vivo using non-invasive fluorescence in vivo imaging. Procedures: Murine fibrosarcoma LPB and mammary carcinoma TS/A cells were stably transfected with plasmids encoding CMV and p21 promoter-driven green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene. Solid TS/A tumors were induced by subcutaneous injection of fluorescent tumor cells, while leg muscles were transiently transfected with plasmid encoding GFP under the control of the CMV promoter. Cells, tumors, and legs were treated either by DNA methylation inhibitor 5-azacytidine, irradiation, or cisplatin. GFP expression was determined using a fluorescence microplate reader in vitro and by non-invasive fluorescence imaging in vivo. Results: Treatment of cells, tumors, and legs with 5-azacytidine (re)activated the CMV promoter. Furthermore, treatment with irradiation or cisplatin resulted in significant upregulation of GFP expression both in vitro and in vivo. Conclusions: Observed alterations in the activity of the CMV promoter limit the usefulness of this widely used promoter as a constitutive promoter. On the other hand, inducibility of CMV promoters can be beneficially used in gene therapy when combined with standard cancer treatment, such as radiotherapy and chemotherapy. © 2010 The Author(s).


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Cushing's syndrome, which is characterized by excessive circulating glucocorticoid concentrations, maybe due to ACTH-dependent or -independent causes that include anterior pituitary and adrenal cortical tumors, respectively. ACTH secretion is stimulated by CRH, and we report a mouse model for Cushing's syndrome due to an N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU) induced Crh mutation at -120 bp of the promoter region, which significantly increased luciferase reporter activity and was thus a gain-of-function mutation. Crh -120/+ mice, when compared with wild-type littermates, had obesity, muscle wasting, thin skin, hair loss, and elevated plasma and urinary concentrations of corticosterone. In addition, Crh-120/+ mice had hyperglycemia, hyperfructosaminemia, hyperinsulinemia, hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, and hyperleptinemia but normal adiponectin. Crh -120/+ mice also had low bone mineral density, hypercalcemia, hypercalciuria, and decreased concentrations of plasma PTH and osteocalcin. Bone histomorphometry revealed Crh-120/+ mice to have significant reductions in mineralizing surface area, mineral apposition, bone formation rates, osteoblast number, and the percentage of corticoendosteal bone covered by osteoblasts, which was accompanied by an increase in adipocytes in the bone marrow. Thus, a mouse model for Cushing's syndrome has been established, and this will help in further elucidating the pathophysiological effects of glucocorticoid excess and in evaluating treatments for corticosteroid-induced osteoporosis.


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In a study towards elucidating the role of aromatases during puberty in female grey mullet, the cDNAs of the brain (muCyp19b) and ovarian (muCyp19a) aromatase were isolated by RT-PCR and their relative expression levels were determined by quantitative real-time RT-PCR. The muCyp19a ORF of 1515 bp encoded 505 predicted amino acid residues, while that of muCyp19b was 1485 bp and encoded 495 predicted amino acid residues. The expression level of muCyp19b significantly increased in the brain as puberty advanced; however, its expression level in the pituitary increased only slightly with pubertal development. In the ovary, the muCyp19a expression level markedly increased as puberty progressed. The promoter regions of the two genes were also isolated and their functionality evaluated in vitro using luciferase as the reporter gene. The muCyp19a promoter sequence (650 bp) contained a consensus TATA box and putative transcription factor binding sites, including two half EREs, an SF-1, an AhR/Arnt, a PR and two GATA-3s. The muCyp19b promoter sequence (2500 bp) showed consensus TATA and CCAAT boxes and putative transcription binding sites, namely: a PR, an ERE, a half ERE, a SP-1, two GATA-binding factor, one half GATA-1, two C/EBPs, a GRE, a NFkappaB, three STATs, a PPAR/RXR, an Ahr/Arnt and a CRE. Basal activity of serially deleted promoter constructs transiently transfected into COS-7, [alpha]T3 and TE671 cells demonstrated the enhancing and silencing roles of the putative transcription factor binding sites. Quinpirole, a dopamine agonist, significantly reduced the promoter activity of muCyp19b in TE671. The results suggest tissue-specific regulation of the muCyp19 genes and a putative alternative promoter for muCyp19b.


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Regulated transcription controls the diversity, developmental pathways and spatial organization of the hundreds of cell types that make up a mammal. Using single-molecule cDNA sequencing, we mapped transcription start sites (TSSs) and their usage in human and mouse primary cells, cell lines and tissues to produce a comprehensive overview of mammalian gene expression across the human body. We find that few genes are truly 'housekeeping', whereas many mammalian promoters are composite entities composed of several closely separated TSSs, with independent cell-type-specific expression profiles. TSSs specific to different cell types evolve at different rates, whereas promoters of broadly expressed genes are the most conserved. Promoter-based expression analysis reveals key transcription factors defining cell states and links them to binding-site motifs. The functions of identified novel transcripts can be predicted by coexpression and sample ontology enrichment analyses. The functional annotation of the mammalian genome 5 (FANTOM5) project provides comprehensive expression profiles and functional annotation of mammalian cell-type-specific transcriptomes with wide applications in biomedical research.