1000 resultados para professional advancement


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Background: Research on barriers to professional advancement for women in academic medicine has not adequately considered the role of environmental factors and how the structure of organizations affects professional advancement and work experiences. This article examines the impact of the hierarchy, including both the organization's hierarchical structure and professionals' perceptions of this structure, in medical school organization on faculty members' experience and advancement in academic medicine. Methods: As part of an inductive qualitative study of faculty in five disparate U.S. medical schools, we interviewed 96 medical faculty at different career stages and in diverse specialties, using in-depth semistructured interviews, about their perceptions about and experiences in academic medicine. Data were coded and analysis was conducted in the grounded theory tradition. Results: Our respondents saw the hierarchy of chairs, based on the indeterminate tenure of department chairs, as a central characteristic of the structure of academic medicine. Many faculty saw this hierarchy as affecting inclusion, reducing transparency in decision making, and impeding advancement. Indeterminate chair terms lessen turnover and may create a bottleneck for advancement. Both men and women faculty perceived this hierarchy, but women saw it as more consequential. Conclusions: The hierarchical structure of academic medicine has a significant impact on faculty work experiences, including advancement, especially for women. We suggest that medical schools consider alternative models of leadership and managerial styles, including fixed terms for chairs with a greater emphasis on inclusion. This is a structural reform that could increase opportunities for advancement especially for women in academic medicine. © 2010 Copyright Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.


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The aim of this study was to explore the experience of mental health nurses undertaking doctoral studies. The study was conducted in Victoria, Australia. A descriptive exploratory approach to inquiry was used for this study. Participants were mental health nurses who had successfully completed a doctoral qualification. Eligibility for inclusion required participants to be residing in Victoria (irrespective of where their doctoral studies were undertaken) and to have conducted their research within the domain of mental health and/or currently employed in the field of mental health nursing. Of the 20 potential participants invited, 16 accepted the invitation. Five emergent themes were explicated from narrative analyses. These themes were being a trail blazer, positioning for professional advancement, achieving a balance between competing priorities, maintaining a commitment to the development of the profession, and a point of affirmation. An understanding of the experience of undertaking doctoral studies can be used to influence the development of strategies to encourage more mental health nurses to consider undertaking a doctoral degree.


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O objeto desse estudo foi a análise dos processos de avaliação de desempenho e contratualização da gestão para profissionais de saúde na Atenção Primária à Saúde. Para tanto, após revisão de literatura nacional e internacional optou-se por um estudo de caso em Portugal, com a finalidade de conhecer a trajetória da reforma da atenção primária no país, sua estrutura organizacional e as ferramentas de gestão utilizadas para avaliação de desempenho nas Unidades de Saúde Familiar (USF). Esse estudo possibilitou o aprofundamento das discussões sobre os processos que vem sendo instituídos para atenção primária no Brasil, como o programa nacional de melhoria do acesso e qualidade na atenção básica (PMAQ- AB). Desta forma, os objetivos do estudo foram: analisar o contexto geral e as condicionalidades de implantação do sistema de avaliação profissional na APS, identificar os fatores facilitadores e limitantes da gestão, identificar as ferramentas de monitoramento e a percepção dos dirigentes sobre o processo. Trata-se de estudo com abordagem qualitativa, de natureza descritiva, com investigação narrativa, bibliográfica e documental. A pesquisa de campo em Portugal foi realizada através de entrevistas com aplicação de questionário semi-estruturado aos diretores executivos, coordenadores de USF, representantes do conselho clínico e unidade de apoio à gestão nos Agrupamentos de Centros de Saúde (ACES) selecionados. Como resultados, o trabalho aponta que uma nova estrutura de coordenação das unidades de saúde com a descentralização dos serviços, requerendo maior autonomia por parte dos gestores e profissionais de saúde, com enfoque no planejamento estratégico, aliados ao fortalecimento da capacidade de gestão dos dirigentes e regulamentação de um sistema de avaliação, tem contribuído para fortalecer o gerenciamento na APS. Aponta-se como fatores positivos do sistema de avaliação profissional, a redução na despesa pública com a utilização da gestão por objetivos, introdução da governança clínica, o trabalho em equipe, e uma maior responsabilização e motivação dos profissionais. Conclui-se que as experiências com sistemas de avaliação profissional e contratualização na APS apresentam um conjunto de recomendações que poderão beneficiar a evolução da reforma e melhoria do PMAQ no Brasil, considerando-se ainda sua fase inicial.


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Cette étude vise à étoffer la base conceptuelle du phénomène de sens au travail permettant ainsi de mieux le comprendre et le saisir et cherche à proposer un modèle théorique pouvant expliquer le processus de construction d’un sens au travail par des infirmières libanaises. Le sens au travail se présente à la fois en tant qu’un processus qui émerge suite aux interactions dynamiques qui s’établissent entre un individu et son contexte de travail et en tant que produit qui s’exprime chez un individu au niveau de la satisfaction, la motivation, l’engagement organisationnel, la performance et la santé au travail. L’étude de ce phénomène constitue une nouvelle voie permettant d’apporter un nouvel éclairage à un contexte de travail, tel que le contexte libanais, qui souffre depuis des années d’un problème de pénurie du personnel infirmier. L’interactionnisme symbolique a constitué le cadre épistémologique et méthodologique de cette étude qui a adopté une approche qualitative par théorisation ancrée. L’étude s’est déroulée dans une région libanaise auprès de neuf infirmières hospitalières exerçant la profession dans des contextes de travail variés. La collecte des données a été faite par le recours à des entrevues individuelles enregistrées sur un support numérique ; les données ont été par la suite transcrites et analysées suivant la méthode constructiviste de Charmaz (2006). Les résultats ont permis de proposer un modèle théorique qui explique le processus de construction d’un sens au travail qui découle des interactions des infirmières libanaises avec les divers éléments du contexte de travail. Ces infirmières ont développé une représentation du contexte de travail marquée par une surcharge de travail, un salaire inadéquat, des opportunités de développement et d’avancement professionnel réduites, un comportement inéquitable des supérieurs et un image publique dévalorisée de l’infirmière. Ce contexte porte atteinte à la satisfaction de trois objectifs recherchés par ces infirmières à travers leur travail et qui sont : 1) prendre soin des patients ; 2) subvenir à ses propres besoins ; et 3) être reconnue en tant que professionnelle. Afin de construire un sens au travail et composer avec ce contexte contraignant, les infirmières se basent sur leurs ressources intrinsèques. La valorisation de l’infirmière et du travail infirmier, la satisfaction de l’effort fourni, l’actualisation de soi et l’avancement professionnel permettent à ces infirmières de protéger et de maintenir un sens au travail. Finalement, il était possible de conceptualiser le sens au travail en tant qu’un phénomène subjectif et multidimensionnel, nourri par l’amour de la profession et se traduisant par un travail qui répond aux attentes des infirmières. Les connaissances qui ont émergé de cette étude pourront aider à mettre en place des stratégies personnelles et contextuelles permettant de favoriser le processus de construction de sens au travail chez les infirmières libanaises afin de réduire le problème de pénurie du personnel infirmier. Des pistes de recherches sont encore avancées et des recommandations pour la formation sont proposées.


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When editing the last newsletter of 1982 the Library Unit of the Faculty of Arts, is pleased to pay a farewell tribute to our coordinator Mr., Deyanira Sequeira, who is the founder of the School of Library Science at the University.She has been a tireless fighter for the professional advancement of members of the unit and the improvement of academic quality that exists in each and every one of the courses and teaching programs.We express our sincere appreciation for the work he did in the Unit Library for the benefit of the career of students, those who work with her, at the National University and the country in general.


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It is generally accepted that to live and work in the remote regions of Australia requires specific skills and expertise to accommodate the shifting demands of outback life. For professionals assigned to such areas by employing bodies, this is particularly the case, and teachers are no exception. In addition to such personal attributes, professionals such as teachers must maintain currency in their professional practice both to serve their students appropriately and to ensure that they become eligible for future promotions and transfers possibilities. This study investigated whether teachers in rural and remote regions are disadvantaged in ways that could potentially affect their teaching careers in negative ways, in particular in terms of professional development and career advancement opportunities. Such opportunities are crucial if teachers are to provide an education of high relevance to rural and remote children who are already considered to be significantly disadvantaged in terms of educational provision. The data are presented in the form of a single teacher narrative, a composite tale aimed at telling the story of rural and remote teachers, professional development provision and career advancement opportunities. It was apparent that teachers in these contexts face serious challenges in terms of their professional and career development.


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School of Management Studies, Cochin University of Science and Technology


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With a significant investment in digital technologies in Australian schools, the effective integration of such technology into teaching and learning is paramount. A growing body of evidence indicates that ICT professional learning is integral to the transformation of pedagogy that will improve student learning outcomes. The question arises as to how professional learning is planned and delivered within schools to ensure that all needs are being met. The purpose of this paper is to report on the research findings of a study into professional learning and ICT integration. The TPACK conceptual framework underpins the analyses of the data and brings forth the importance of technological and pedagogical knowledge. Six key categories will be discussed and the implication for practice will be considered.


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This paper examines the intellectual and professional contribution of comparative and international studies to the field of education. It explores the nature of the challenges that are currently being faced, and assesses its potential for the advancement of future teaching, research and professional development. Attention is paid to the place of comparative and international education (CIE)-past and present-in teacher education, in postgraduate studies, and in the realms of policy and practice, theory and research. Consideration is first given to the nature and history of CIE, to its initial contributions to the field of education in the UK, and to its chief mechanisms and sites of production. Influential methodological and theoretical developments are examined, followed by an exploration of emergent questions, controversies and dilemmas that could benefit from sustained comparative analysis in the future. Conclusions consider implications for the place of CIE in the future of educational studies as a whole; for relations between and beyond the 'disciplines of education'; and for the development of sustainable research capacity in this field.


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The United Kingdom’s pharmacy regulator contemplated using continuing professional development (CPD) in pharmacy revalidation in 2009, simultaneously asking pharmacy professionals to demonstrate the value of their CPD by showing its relevance and impact. The idea of linking new CPD requirements with revalidation was yet to be explored. Our aim was to develop and validate a framework to guide pharmacy professionals to select CPD activities that are relevant to their work and to produce a score sheet that would make it possible to quantify the impact and relevance of CPD. METHODS: We adapted an existing risk matrix, producing a CPD framework consisting of relevance and impact matrices. Concepts underpinning the framework were refined through feedback from five pharmacist teacher-practitioners. We then asked seven pharmacists to rate the relevance of the framework’s individual elements on a 4-point scale to determine content validity. We explored views about the framework through focus groups with six and interviews with 17 participants who had used it formally in a study. RESULTS: The framework’s content validity index was 0.91. Feedback about the framework related to three themes of penetrability of the framework, usefulness to completion of CPD, and advancement of CPD records for the purpose of revalidation. DISCUSSION: The framework can help professionals better select CPD activities prospectively, and makes assessment of CPD more objective by allowing quantification, which could be helpful for revalidation. We believe the framework could potentially help other health professionals with better management of their CPD irrespective of their field of practice.


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Educational research suggests that Problem-Based Learning (PBL) is a pedagogy that fosters a deeper understanding of the curriculum and provides students with processes and skills for lifelong learning. According to the literature this pedagogy appears to be a suitable one for teaching undergraduate information technology, yet adoption of PBL in information technology tertiary education appears to be slow. This paper discusses characteristics and processes of PBL and describes how the approach will be used in teaching information technology professional practice. The course described will be offered to information technology students in their final year of study and will be delivered wholly online. The course will not only provide best practice aspects of PBL but it will also provide students with the opportunity of undertaking authentic tasks using multimedia resources that simulate the real world.


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National and organsational imperatives in Australian higher education are demanding systematic and cost-effective approaches to the professional development of staff in their teaching in order to enhance the quality of student learning. Many universities are geographically distributed, multi- campus, multi-city and multi-modal in nature, and highly dependent for their effective operation on information and communications technologies (ICT). Deakin University is one such university operating in Australian higher education. Consistent with the progressive principles and practices of the learning organisation, new approaches and environments are required to support the professional development of staff for enhanced teaching and learning in higher education. These environments now require substantial use of e-learning for both learning about teaching online and the development of teaching capacities in the world of the modern-day, technologically-supported physical classroom. This article outlines the imperatives to establish and operate cost-effective e-supported environments for professional development for excellence in teaching and learning. The key principles underlying these emergent environments are outlined, along with the major tools, resources and features of such environments. A contemporary online teaching case site is highlighted as indicative of new approaches to supporting professional development of staff for excellence in online teaching and learning.