978 resultados para process cycle
Supply Chain Simulation (SCS) is applied to acquire information to support outsourcing decisions but obtaining enough detail in key parameters can often be a barrier to making well informed decisions.
One aspect of SCS that has been relatively unexplored is the impact of inaccurate data around delays within the SC. The impact of the magnitude and variability of process cycle time on typical performance indicators in a SC context is studied.
System cycle time, WIP levels and throughput are more sensitive to the magnitude of deterministic deviations in process cycle time than variable deviations. Manufacturing costs are not very sensitive to these deviations.
Future opportunities include investigating the impact of process failure or product defects, including logistics and transportation between SC members and using alternative costing methodologies.
Deliberate fires appear to be borderless and timeless events creating a serious security problem. There have been many attempts to develop approaches to tackle this problem, but unfortunately acting effectively against deliberate fires has proven a complex challenge. This article reviews the current situation relating to deliberate fires: what do we know, how serious is the situation, how is it being dealt with, and what challenges are faced when developing a systematic and global methodology to tackle the issues? The repetitive nature of some types of deliberate fires will also be discussed. Finally, drawing on the reality of repetition within deliberate fires and encouraged by successes obtained in previous repetitive crimes (such as property crimes or drug trafficking), we will argue that the use of the intelligence process cycle as a framework to allow a follow-up and systematic analysis of fire events is a relevant approach. This is the first article of a series of three articles. This first part is introducing the context and discussing the background issues in order to provide a better underpinning knowledge to managers and policy makers planning on tackling this issue. The second part will present a methodology developed to detect and identify repetitive fire events from a set of data, and the third part will discuss the analyses of these data to produce intelligence.
The importance of Information Technology (IT) in the business environment is continuously growing. This stimulates the increase of size, complexity and number of IT projects and raises the need for IT Project Portfolio Management (IT PPM). While being actively discussed for the last few decades, IT PPM has a short history of practical implementation. This creates inconsistency in the views of different authors and provides an opportunity for additional research. As a first step, this research explores the existing studies and brings together the views of different authors on IT PPM. As a result, a high-level IT PPM Process Cycle and a set of Key Success Factors for IT PPM are proposed. IT PPM Process Cycle gives an overview of the main elements of IT PPM process, while the set of Key Success Factors provides a number of factors that should be considered during the implementation. As a second step, both theoretical deliverables are empirically tested by a case study and a survey conducted in a big multinational company. The case study is used to analyze process framework of the studied company towards the developed IT PPM Process Cycle. Subsequently, a survey was conducted among subject matter experts of the same company to evaluate the importance and relevance of the proposed Key Success Factors. Finally, this thesis concludes with findings made during the case study and provides an empirically tested selection of factors to be taken into account. These two deliverables can be used by both academics and practitioners to close the gaps in existing literature and assist in IT PPM implementation.
Glycogen-accumulating organisms (GAO) have the potential to directly compete with polyphosphate-accumulating organisms (PAO) in EBPR systems as both are able to take up VFA anaerobically and grow on the intracellular storage products aerobically. Under anaerobic conditions GAO hydrolyse glycogen to gain energy and reducing equivalents to take up VFA and to synthesise polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA). In the subsequent aerobic stage, PHA is being oxidised to gain energy for glycogen replenishment (from PHA) and for cell growth. This article describes a complete anaerobic and aerobic model for GAO based on the understanding of their metabolic pathways. The anaerobic model has been developed and reported previously, while the aerobic metabolic model was developed in this study. It is based on the assumption that acetyl-CoA and propionyl-CoA go through the catabolic and anabolic processes independently. Experimental validation shows that the integrated model can predict the anaerobic and aerobic results very well. It was found in this study that at pH 7 the maximum acetate uptake rate of GAO was slower than that reported for PAO in the anaerobic stage. On the other hand, the net biomass production per C-mol acetate added is about 9% higher for GAO than for PAO. This would indicate that PAO and GAO each have certain competitive advantages during different parts of the anaerobic/aerobic process cycle. (C) 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Diplomityön tavoitteena oli lyhentää hankinnallisin keinoin DD-pesurin toimituksen kokonaisläpimenoaikaa Savonlinna Works Oy:lla. Kirjallisuustutkimuksessa perehdytään tutkimaan hankinta- ja toimitusprosessia sekä läpimenoaikaa. Käsiteltäviä alueita ovat hankintastrategia, tuotekategoriat ja teknisen tieto. Empiirisen osan alussa kuvattiin Savonlinna Works Oy:nnykytilaa. Käsiteltäviä osa-alueita olivat kriittiset hankinnat, joiden pääongelmina havaittiin olevan toimittajaverkon ja teknisen tiedon hallinta. Empiirisenosan tiedot ovat kerätty haastattelujen ja intranetin avulla. Empiirinen osa perustuu kirjallisuuteen, joka on peräisin artikkeleista ja kirjoista. Työn tuloksena Savonlinna Works Oy:lle luotiin hankintastrategia ja tuotekategoriat, joiden avulla toimittajia hallitaan. Teknisen tiedon hallinnassa ratkaisuksi kehitettiin työkaluja, joiden avulla tieto on paremmin sitä tarvitsevien käytettävissä.
Diplomityössä on tutkittu kuparin, koboltin, nikkelin ja kadmiumin poistamista sinkkisulfaattiliuoksista käyttäen uusia silikarunkoisia kelatoivia erotusmateriaaleja. Vertailukohteena on käytetty perinteisiä kaupallisia polymeerirunkoisia kelatoivia ioninvaihtohartseja. Laboratoriokokeissa selvitettiin erotusmateriaalien adsorptio- ja ioninvaihto-ominaisuuksia tasapaino- ja kolonnikokeilla. Silikarunkoisten erotusmateriaalien kemiallista kestävyyttä tutkittiin olosuhteissa, jotka vastaavat prosessisyklin eri vaiheita. Metallien adsorptiomekanismien selvittämiseksi erotusmateriaaleille tehtiin happo-emäs ja sulfaattititraukset. Tasapainokokeet osoittivat, että silikarunkoisilla erotusmateriaaleilla saatiin kupari erotettua väkevistä sinkkisulfaattiliuoksista polymeerirunkoisia kelatoivia ioninvaihtohartseja paremmin. Tutkituilla erotusmateriaaleilla ja ioninvaihtohartseilla ei havaittu merkittävää selektiivisyyttä koboltille, nikkelille tai kadmiumille sinkin ja kuparin läsnä ollessa. Kolonnikokeilla yritettiin löytää paras esikäsittely-lataus-eluointisykli kuparin talteenottoon väkevistä sinkkisulfaattiliuoksista silikarunkoisilla erotusmateriaaleilla. Kolonnikokeissa esikäsittely tehtiin laimealla NaOH:lla, jonka jälkeen petiin syötettiin hapanta sinkkisulfaattiliuosta. Eluointi onnistui hyvin laimealla rikkihapolla. Kolonnikokeiden tulokset osoittivat, että kupari on mahdollista erottaa väkevistä sinkkisulfaattiliuoksista. Silikarunkoisten erotusmateriaalien kemiallista kestävyyttä tutkittaessa havaittiin materiaalien kestävän hyvin happoja ja 60 oC:en lämpötilaa. Sitä vastoin alkaalisissa olosuhteissa tapahtui silikan liukenemista. Tutkituilla erotusmateriaaleilla havaittiin kuparin sitoutumista sekä ioninvaihtomekanismin avulla että sitoutuneena neutraalina suolana.
Tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää, kuinka internet-palvelu kehitetään. Palveluiden kehitysprosessia tutkitaan erityisesti palveluiden kehityksen prosessisyklimallin mukaan ja empiirisessä osiossa sovelletaan teoriaosiossa käytyjä asioita musiikkialan yritykseen. Tutkielman pääongelma on, kuinka musiikkialan internet-palvelu kehitetään. Työn analysointimenetelmä on kvalitatiivinen ja aineisto kerätään sähköpostitse teemahaastatteluina. Palveluiden prosessisykli soveltuu hyvin internet-palveluiden kehityksen kuvaamiseen internetin nopeatempoisen muutostahdin takia. Prosessisyklin vaiheisiin kuuluu suunnittelu-, analyysi-, kehitys- ja lanseerausvaiheet. Internetissä kuluttajien ottaminen mukaan kehitysprosessiin on oleellista. Yritysten tulee myös huomioida, että lanseerausprosessiin tulee varata riittävästi resursseja. Jatkossa tutkimuksissa kannattaa keskittyä erityisesti internetin tuomiin erityispiirteisiin palveluiden kehityksen kannalta.
This study presents the results of a research on the use of financial and non-financial performance indicators used by medium and large hotels. The research was conducted in Rio Grande do Norte, a Brazilian State. The objective is to identify the usage of performance measures by these companies. Hotel industry is one of the most important sectors in the Rio Grande do Norte economy. The research takes the Balanced Scorecard as a conceptual framework, since it represents an original contribution to the literature of managerial accounting, for rethinking old issues, pointing out themes that were forgotten or badly interpreted, to discuss the requirements imposed by the economy environment, dominated by competitive companies, and increasing the understanding of the relationship between strategy and operation. The objective of the research is to investigate if the hotel managers make use of a managerial information system or not, when evaluating the performance of their business unit. The research reveals the usage of performance evaluation using a large variety of measures. Among them is worth mention: the usage of accounting profit altogether with the EVA/MVA, the process cycle time, total quality management, process transformation, strategic mission, vision, strategic measures, measures related to feedback, risk, costs, productivity, incomes, customers retention, customer satisfaction and profitability, measures using time as a component, quality of the process, cost of the processes, employees capabilities, information systems, motivation, empowerment and alignment. The research leads to the conclusion that the usage of the deriving concepts of Balanced Scorecard can improve the performance measurement systems used by hotels
Na região norte do Brasil são encontradas grandes reservas minerais, as quais tem sido exploradas nas últimas décadas gerando normalmente grande volume de rejeito para o meio ambiente. No caso específico do caulim, o principal produto exportado é para cobertura de papel (commodity) que apresenta baixo valor agregado. Sua produção, também gera um rejeito volumoso composto essencialmente de caulinita, de elevada pureza, porem fora de especificação para cobertura de papel que é descartado e ou utilizado em outras aplicações menos nobre. Como as zeólitas são materiais mais nobres e apresentam na sua estrutura cristalina sílica e alumina este trabalho teve como um dos objetivos o desenvolvimento de processo de produção da zeólita analcima a partir de um rejeito de caulim menos nobre, diatomito e solução de hidróxido de sódio. Por outro lado, os métodos descritos na literatura para obtenção de zeólitas são desenvolvidos em meio alcalino e utilizam normalmente um excesso de hidróxido de sódio no meio reacional ocasionado problema econômico e ambiental. Assim este trabalho descreve o processo de síntese da zeólita analcima semi-contínuo, no qual o excesso de hidróxido utilizado foi recuperado e reutilizado em um novo ciclo de processo. O processo foi desenvolvido em cinco ciclos consecutivos em autoclave através da reação de caulim calcinado, diatomito como fonte de sílica adicional, solução aquosa de hidróxido de sódio fresco e solução de hidróxido de sódio reciclada. A reação do processo foi desenvolvida a 210 °C por 24 h. O produto obtido no final de cada ciclo foi a zeólita analcima caracterizada por fluorescência de raios X, difração de raios, análise termogravimétrica-térmica diferencial, e microscopia eletrônica de varredura. O processo de produção de analcima apresentou elevado rendimento e o reaproveitamento do hidróxido de sódio por meio de reciclo mostrou-se tecnicamente viável.
Relatório EPE - Relatório de estágio em Educação Pré-Escolar: O presente relatório de estágio emerge da prática pedagógica supervisionada na educação de infância inserida no curso de mestrado de educação pré-escolar e ensino do primeiro ciclo do ensino básico. Esta foi desenvolvida no jardim de infância da Escola Básica de Monte Aventino que integra o Agrupamento de Escolas António Nobre. O estágio formativo efetuado teve como principal intenção o desenvolvimento de competências profissionais associadas à capacidade de reflexão sistemática antes, durante e pós-ação tendo em vista o desenvolvimento de uma ação educativa baseada na investigação de práticas e na co-construção de saberes profissionais. No sentido de alcançar as competências estabelecidas e de direcionar a prática educativa para os interesses e necessidades das crianças foram exercidas várias etapas cíclicas do processo educativo como a observação, planificação, reflexão e avaliação. Deste modo a metodologia eleita para o exercício deste ciclo espiral assentou na investigação-ação uma vez que esta permite indagar sobre as práticas desenvolvidas tendo em vista a sua reestruturação voltada para as carências demonstradas. Como estratégia de formação, esta metodologia também possui grandes potencialidades sendo que foram igualmente utilizados procedimentos como reflexões individuais, narrativas colaborativas e guiões de observação orientados para o favorecimento da investigação individual e colaborativa das práticas exercidas em díade e tríade de formação. O desenvolvimento das diversas ações referidas conduziu ao alcance das competências enunciadas que confluíram na formação do perfil profissional da mestranda capaz de criar um integrado do currículo, recorrer ao exercício das etapas do processo educativo assim como à organização do ambiente educativo.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo, 2015.
This study uses the process simulator ASPEN Plus and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to compare three process design alternatives for biodiesel production from waste vegetable oils that are: the conventional alkali-catalyzed process including a free fatty acids (FFAs) pre-treatment, the acid-catalyzed process, and the supercritical methanol process using propane as co-solvent. Results show that the supercritical methanol process using propane as co-solvent is the most environmentally favorable alternative. Its smaller steam consumption in comparison with the other process design alternatives leads to a lower contribution to the potential environmental impacts (PEI’s). The acid-catalyzed process generally shows the highest PEI’s, in particular due to the high energy requirements associated with methanol recovery operations.