999 resultados para procedural modeling


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We modify a selection of interactive modeling tools for use in a procedural modeling environment. These tools are selection, extrusion, subdivision and curve shaping. We create human models to demonstrate that these tools are appropriate for use on hierarchical objects. Our tools support the main benefits of procedural modeling, which are: the use of parameterisation to control and very a model, varying levels of detail, increased model complexity, base shape independence and database amplification. We demonstrate scripts which provide each of these benefits.


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The formation of informal settlements in and around urban complexes has largely been ignored in the context of procedural city modeling. However, many cities in South Africa and globally can attest to the presence of such settlements. This paper analyses the phenomenon of informal settlements from a procedural modeling perspective. Aerial photography from two South African urban complexes, namely Johannesburg and Cape Town is used as a basis for the extraction of various features that distinguish different types of settlements. In particular, the road patterns which have formed within such settlements are analysed, and various procedural techniques proposed (including Voronoi diagrams, subdivision and L-systems) to replicate the identified features. A qualitative assessment of the procedural techniques is provided, and the most suitable combination of techniques identified for unstructured and structured settlements. In particular it is found that a combination of Voronoi diagrams and subdivision provides the closest match to unstructured informal settlements. A combination of L-systems, Voronoi diagrams and subdivision is found to produce the closest pattern to a structured informal settlement.


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A presente dissertação centrou-se no estudo técnico-económico de dois cenários futuros para a continuação de fornecimento de energia térmica a um complexo de piscinas existente na região do vale do Tâmega. Neste momento a central de cogeração existente excedeu a sua licença de utilização e necessita de ser substituída. Os dois cenários em estudo são a compra de uma nova caldeira, a gás natural, para suprir as necessidades térmicas da caldeira existente a fuelóleo, ou o uso de um sistema de cogeração compacto que poderá estar disponível numa empresa do grupo. No primeiro cenário o investimento envolvido é cerca de 456 640 € sem proveitos de outra ordem para além dos requisitos térmicos, mas no segundo cenário os resultados são bem diferentes, mesmo que tenha de ser realizado o investimento de 1 000 000 € na instalação. Para este cenário foi efetuado um levantamento da legislação nacional no que toca à cogeração, recolheram-se dados do edifício como: horas de funcionamento, número de utentes, consumos de energia elétrica, térmica, água, temperatura da água das piscinas, temperatura do ar da nave, assim como as principais características da instalação de cogeração compacta. Com esta informação realizou-se o balanço de massa e energia e criou-se um modelo da nova instalação em software de modelação processual (Aspen Plus® da AspenTech). Os rendimentos térmico e elétrico obtidos da nova central de cogeração compacta foram, respetivamente, de 38,1% e 39,8%, com uma percentagem de perdas de 12,5% o que determinou um rendimento global de 78%. A avaliação da poupança de energia primária para esta instalação de cogeração compacta foi de 19,6 % o que permitiu concluir que é de elevada eficiência. O modelo criado permitiu compreender as necessidades energéticas, determinar alguns custos associados ao processo e simular o funcionamento da unidade com diferentes temperaturas de ar ambiente (cenários de verão e inverno com temperaturas médias de 20ºC e 5ºC). Os resultados revelaram uma diminuição de 1,14 €/h no custo da electricidade e um aumento do consumo de gás natural de 62,47 €/h durante o período mais frio no inverno devido ao aumento das perdas provocadas pela diminuição da temperatura exterior. Com esta nova unidade de cogeração compacta a poupança total anual pode ser, em média, de 267 780 € admitindo um valor para a manutenção de 97 698 €/ano. Se assim for, o projeto apresenta um retorno do investimento ao fim de 5 anos, com um VAL de 1 030 430 € e uma taxa interna de rentabilidade (TIR) de 14% (positiva, se se considerar a taxa de atualização do investimento de 3% para 15 anos de vida). Apesar do custo inicial ser elevado, os parâmetros económicos mostram que o projeto tem viabilidade económica e dará lucro durante cerca de 9 anos.


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Le réalisme des images en infographie exige de créer des objets (ou des scènes) de plus en plus complexes, ce qui entraîne des coûts considérables. La modélisation procédurale peut aider à automatiser le processus de création, à simplifier le processus de modification ou à générer de multiples variantes d'une instance d'objet. Cependant même si plusieurs méthodes procédurales existent, aucune méthode unique permet de créer tous les types d'objets complexes, dont en particulier un édifice complet. Les travaux réalisés dans le cadre de cette thèse proposent deux solutions au problème de la modélisation procédurale: une solution au niveau de la géométrie de base, et l’autre sous forme d'un système général adapté à la modélisation des objets complexes. Premièrement, nous présentons le bloc, une nouvelle primitive de modélisation simple et générale, basée sur une forme cubique généralisée. Les blocs sont disposés et connectés entre eux pour constituer la forme de base des objets, à partir de laquelle est extrait un maillage de contrôle pouvant produire des arêtes lisses et vives. La nature volumétrique des blocs permet une spécification simple de la topologie, ainsi que le support des opérations de CSG entre les blocs. La paramétrisation de la surface, héritée des faces des blocs, fournit un soutien pour les textures et les fonctions de déplacements afin d'appliquer des détails de surface. Une variété d'exemples illustrent la généralité des blocs dans des contextes de modélisation à la fois interactive et procédurale. Deuxièmement, nous présentons un nouveau système de modélisation procédurale qui unifie diverses techniques dans un cadre commun. Notre système repose sur le concept de composants pour définir spatialement et sémantiquement divers éléments. À travers une série de déclarations successives exécutées sur un sous-ensemble de composants obtenus à l'aide de requêtes, nous créons un arbre de composants définissant ultimement un objet dont la géométrie est générée à l'aide des blocs. Nous avons appliqué notre concept de modélisation par composants à la génération d'édifices complets, avec intérieurs et extérieurs cohérents. Ce nouveau système s'avère général et bien adapté pour le partionnement des espaces, l'insertion d'ouvertures (portes et fenêtres), l'intégration d'escaliers, la décoration de façades et de murs, l'agencement de meubles, et diverses autres opérations nécessaires lors de la construction d'un édifice complet.


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Demonstration videos can be found on fr.linkedin.com/in/doriangomez/


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Réalisé en cotutelle avec l'Université de Grenoble.


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We create realistic autonomous fish for Virtual Reality systems. The fish are realistic in appearance, movement and behaviour: the swimming behaviour being non-scripted, within real time rendering.The form of the fish is procedurally created. The size and shape of the form are controlled by a number of variables which are stored in a simple ASCII file. This allows efficient creation of different fish at run time.The behaviour is obtained by implementing a flocking algorithm.


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Process modeling is an emergent area of Information Systems research that is characterized through an abundance of conceptual work with little empirical research. To fill this gap, this paper reports on the development and validation of an instrument to measure user acceptance of process modeling grammars. We advance an extended model for a multi-stage measurement instrument development procedure, which incorporates feedback from both expert and user panels. We identify two main contributions: First, we provide a validated measurement instrument for the study of user acceptance of process modeling grammars, which can be used to assist in further empirical studies that investigate phenomena associated with the business process modeling domain. Second, in doing so, we describe in detail a procedural model for developing measurement instruments that ensures high levels of reliability and validity, which may assist fellow scholars in executing their empirical research.


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We describe in some detail the process of development of a dynamic model of a three wheeled vehicle using ADAMS-CAR. We first describe the rigid body model, and then the modeling of structural flexibilities. The aim of this report is to document procedural details of such modeling, with a view to presenting more research and development oriented investigations in the future. The contents of this report may also be of interest to practicing engineers engaged in multi-body dynamics modeling of wheeled vehicles.


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This paper utilizes a methodological approach called Multi-Level Modeling (MLM) that addresses two major shortcomings in the two step analytic process that is traditionally adopted in the pertinent literature for modeling corporate collapse; thereby, enhancing procedural efficiency. The robustness of MLM vis-à-vis the traditional two-step procedure is ascertained using a data sample of Australian
publicly listed companies, equally split between collapsed and non collapsed, during the period 1989 to 2006. The results indicate that not only does MLM improve procedural efficiency, it does so while
enhancing the robustness of signaling corporate collapse; in particular, MLM signals collapse with an overall 6.6% increase in accuracy.


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Surveying 1,700 journalists from seventeen countries, this study investigates perceived influences on news work. Analysis reveals a dimensional structure of six distinct domains—political, economic, organizational, professional, and procedural influences, as well as reference groups. Across countries, these six dimensions build up a hierarchical structure where organizational, professional, and procedural influences are perceived as more powerful limits to journalists' work than political and economic influences.


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This article examines occupant behavior exhibited during evacuation conditions. This is based on a review of a wide range of published literature concerned with evacuation. Factors influencing evacuation performance can be categorized into four broad areas, namely, configurational, environmental, procedural, and, most importantly, behavioral. The contributory factors associated with each of the four influencing categories are examined in detail and it is suggested that these factors should be represented within evacuation models.


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Objective: Preterm infants are exposed to multiple painful procedures in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) during a period of rapid brain development. Our aim was to examine relationships between procedural pain in the NICU and early brain development in very preterm infants.

Methods: Infants born very preterm (N ¼ 86; 24–32 weeks gestational age) were followed prospectively from birth, and studied with magnetic resonance imaging, 3-dimensional magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging, and diffusion tensor imaging: scan 1 early in life (median, 32.1 weeks) and scan 2 at term-equivalent age (median, 40 weeks). We calculated N-acetylaspartate to choline ratios (NAA/choline), lactate to choline ratios, average diffusivity, and white matter fractional anisotropy (FA) from up to 7 white and 4 subcortical gray matter regions of interest. Procedural pain was quantified as the number of skin-breaking events from birth to term or scan 2. Data were
analyzed using generalized estimating equation modeling adjusting for clinical confounders such as illness severity, morphine exposure, brain injury, and surgery.

Results: After comprehensively adjusting for multiple clinical factors, greater neonatal procedural pain was associated with reduced white matter FA (b ¼ 0.0002, p ¼ 0.028) and reduced subcortical gray matter NAA/choline (b ¼ 0.0006, p ¼ 0.004). Reduced FA was predicted by early pain (before scan 1), whereas lower NAA/choline was predicted by pain exposure throughout the neonatal course, suggesting a primary and early effect on subcortical structures with secondary white matter changes.

Interpretation: Early procedural pain in very preterm infants may contribute to impaired brain development.


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Dimensionality of the Colquitt justice measures was investigated across a wide range of service occupations. Structural equation modeling of data from 410 survey respondents found support for the 4-factor model of justice (procedural, distributive, interpersonal, and informational), although significant improvement of model fit was obtained by including a new latent variable, “procedural voice,” which taps employees’ desire to express their views and feelings and influence results. The model was confirmed in a second sample (N = 505) in the same organization six months later.


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Objective: To ascertain incidence and predictors of new permanent pacemaker (PPM) following transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) with the self-expanding aortic bioprosthesis. Background: TAVI with the Medtronic Corevalve (MCV) Revalving System (Medtronic, Minneapolis, MN) has been associated with important post-procedural conduction abnormalities and frequent need for PPM. Methods: Overall, 73 consecutive patients with severe symptomatic AS underwent TAVI with the MCV at two institutions; 10 patients with previous pacemaker and 3 patients with previous aortic valve replacement were excluded for this analysis. Clinical, echocardiographic, and procedural data were collected prospectively in a dedicated database. A standard 12-lead ECG was recorded in all patients at baseline, after the procedure and predischarge. Decision to implant PPM was taken according to current guidelines. Logistic multivariable modeling was applied to identify independent predictors of PPM at discharge. Results: Patients exhibited high-risk features as evidenced by advanced age (mean = 82.1 +/- 6.2 years) and high surgical scores (logistic EuroSCORE 23.0 +/- 12.8%, STS score 9.4 +/- 6.9%). The incidence of new PPM was 28.3%. Interventricular septum thickness and logistic Euroscore were the baseline independent predictors of PPM. When procedural variables were included, the independent predictors of PPM were interventricular septum thickness (OR 0.52; 95% CI 0.320.85) and the distance between noncoronary cusp and the distal edge of the prosthesis (OR 1.37; 95% CI 1.031.83). Conclusions: Conduction abnormalities are frequently observed after TAVI with self-expandable bioprosthesis and definitive pacing is required in about a third of the patients, with a clear association with depth of implant and small interventricular septum thickness. (c) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.