1000 resultados para pristine environment


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The antimicrobial peptides of amphibian skin secretions are proposed to aid survival in microbe-rich environments. While many amphibians inhabit such environments, other such as the Wuyi Mountain torrent frog, Amolops wuyiensis, live in pristine waters flowing from underground mountain springs. This species thus represents an interesting model in which to study antimicrobial peptides. “Shotgun” cloning of a skin-derived cDNA library from this species identified transcripts encoding a brevinin-1 and a ranatuerin-2. Peptides with coincident molecular masses to both predicted mature peptides were identified in HPLC fractions of skin secretion. Synthetic replicates of both peptides were generated by solid-phase peptide synthesis and tested for activity using Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Candida albicans. The brevinin was found to be broad-spectrum and potent with minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of 24 µM (Sa), 5 µM (Ec) and 20 µM (Ca). In contrast, the ranatuerin was less effective and of narrower spectrum with an MIC > 200 µM for Sa, 40 µM (Ec) and 120 µM (Ca). Thus this species of amphibian that lives in a pristine environment does indeed possess at least one potent and broad-spectrum antimicrobial peptide in its skin secretion arsenal. This phenomenon could be explained in several ways. Firstly, it may represent an ancestral peptide required when the stem species inhabited microbe-rich environments. However, there is mounting evidence for the second reason, that suggests the function of such peptides is not primarily in antimicrobial defence.


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Ornithochorous fruits make up an important part of the diet of birds and many studies have related the different morphological types of fruits with the choice by birds. We analyzed the intrinsic characteristics of plants and how human impact can affect this choice. Through analyses of covariance we related the degree of human pressure in each study site (high or low) and the morphological characteristics of 57 ornithochorous species with visiting rates and consumption of fruits by birds. We did not find any intrinsic plant characteristic (life form, size and type of diaspore) that explains the rates of consumption and visit by birds. On the other hand, the degree of human impact affected directly the mutualism between plants and birds. Plant species located in areas that suffer high human pressure had number of visits and consumption rates 3,3 and 3,5 lower than plants located in pristine areas, respectively. The negative consequences of the reduction of consumption of fruits in areas with high human pressures may directly affects the interactions between birds and plants and the regeneration of the ornithochorous species.


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The tourist use of Santana cave provides a row of environmental damages, compromising partially the pristine conditions. Among the measures adopted to avoid this situation, this issue presents a contribution for the physical limits to tourist visitation and the indications for speleotouristic management. It was used the Cifuentes Carrying Capacity method and some basic principles of Visitors Impact Management Framework - VIM. The results show a Real Carrying Capacity (CCR) about 120 visits daily on the cave. The discussions raise a few hypotheses about the alteration in the method used and the temporal frequency between visitors groups, suggesting a provisional CCR of 117 and 135 visitors daily, respectively, during the week and in the weekends and holidays. The conclusions appoint the necessity of a conceptual revision in the Carrying Capacity methods, mainly about its adaptation for tourist management in caves. In the case studied, it is suggested the immediate beginning of environmental monitoring of the cave, to verify the plausibility from proposed visitation limits and the possible contributions for to mitigate the environmental impacts from speleotourism.


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The present study reports the use of biomarkers analyzes in mangrove root crab Goniopsis cruentata tissues to assess the environmental quality of two tropical estuarine areas. Animals from Ceará River estuary presented inhibition of ChE and GST enzymatic activities and higher rates of DNA damage with respect to those sampled in a pristine environment. G. cruentata appears to represent a proper species to monitor the quality of tropical estuaries. Since Ceará River is a legally protected area, this survey highlight the needs to implement actions to control pollution loads and improve the protection of natural ecosystems and resources. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Antarctic is a pristine environment that contributes to the maintenance of the global climate equilibrium. The harsh conditions of this habitat are fundamental to selecting those organisms able to survive in such an extreme habitat and able to support the relatively simple ecosystems. The DNA of the microbial community associated with the rhizospheres of Deschampsia antarctica Desv (Poaceae) and Colobanthus quitensis (Kunth) BartI (Caryophyllaceae), the only two native vascular plants that are found in Antarctic ecosystems, was evaluated using a 16S rRNA multiplex 454 pyrosequencing approach. This analysis revealed similar patterns of bacterial diversity between the two plant species from different locations, arguing against the hypothesis that there would be differences between the rhizosphere communities of different plants. Furthermore, the phylum distribution presented a peculiar pattern, with a bacterial community structure different from those reported of many other soils. Firmicutes was the most abundant phylum in almost all the analyzed samples, and there were high levels of anaerobic representatives. Also, some phyla that are dominant in most temperate and tropical soils, such as Acidobacteria, were rarely found in the analyzed samples. Analyzing all the sample libraries together, the predominant genera found were Bifidobacterium (phylum Actinobacteria), Arcobacter (phylum Proteobacteria) and Faecalibacterium (phylum Firmicutes). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first major bacterial sequencing effort of this kind of soil, and it revealed more than expected diversity within these rhizospheres of both maritime Antarctica vascular plants in Admiralty Bay, King George Island, which is part of the South Shetlands archipelago. The ISME Journal (2010) 4, 989-1001; doi:10.1038/ismej.2010.35; published online 1 April 2010


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As a part of the AMAZE-08 campaign during the wet season in the rainforest of central Amazonia, an ultraviolet aerodynamic particle sizer (UV-APS) was operated for continuous measurements of fluorescent biological aerosol particles (FBAP). In the coarse particle size range (> 1 mu m) the campaign median and quartiles of FBAP number and mass concentration were 7.3x10(4) m(-3) (4.0-13.2x10(4) m(-3)) and 0.72 mu g m(-3) (0.42-1.19 mu g m(-3)), respectively, accounting for 24% (11-41%) of total particle number and 47% (25-65%) of total particle mass. During the five-week campaign in February-March 2008 the concentration of coarse-mode Saharan dust particles was highly variable. In contrast, FBAP concentrations remained fairly constant over the course of weeks and had a consistent daily pattern, peaking several hours before sunrise, suggesting observed FBAP was dominated by nocturnal spore emission. This conclusion was supported by the consistent FBAP number size distribution peaking at 2.3 mu m, also attributed to fungal spores and mixed biological particles by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), light microscopy and biochemical staining. A second primary biological aerosol particle (PBAP) mode between 0.5 and 1.0 mu m was also observed by SEM, but exhibited little fluorescence and no true fungal staining. This mode may have consisted of single bacterial cells, brochosomes, various fragments of biological material, and small Chromalveolata (Chromista) spores. Particles liquid-coated with mixed organic-inorganic material constituted a large fraction of observations, and these coatings contained salts likely from primary biological origin. We provide key support for the suggestion that real-time laser-induce fluorescence (LIF) techniques using 355 nm excitation provide size-resolved concentrations of FBAP as a lower limit for the atmospheric abundance of biological particles in a pristine environment. We also show some limitations of using the instrument for ambient monitoring of weakly fluorescent particles < 2 mu m. Our measurements confirm that primary biological particles, fungal spores in particular, are an important fraction of supermicron aerosol in the Amazon and that may contribute significantly to hydrological cycling, especially when coated by mixed inorganic material.


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In this study, a new method was developed based on aqueous phenylation, purge-and-trap preconcentration, gas chromatography (GC) separation, and detection by atomic fluorescence spectrometry (AFS) or inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICPMS). This technique is suitable for simultaneous determination of trace or ultratrace levels of CH3Hg+ and CH3CH2Hg+ in environmental samples. Method detection limits were 0.03 ng/L for both CH3Hg+ and CH3CH2Hg+ when AFS was used as the detector and 0.02 and 0.01 ng/L for CH3Hg+ and CH 3CH2Hg+ with ICPMS, respectively. The new method has the additional benefits of being free from interference by Cl - and dissolved organic matter. Using the method developed, both CH3Hg+ and CH3CH2Hg+ were detected in a number of soil and sediment samples collected from the Florida Everglades. The identity of CH3CH2Hg+ was verified by purge-and-trap-GC/MS analysis. The possibility of analytical artifact was excluded by using stable isotope tracer technique in combination with ICPMS detection. CH3CH 2Hg+ in the soil samples analyzed was at ng/g level, similar to that of CH3Hg+. The prevalence of CH 3CH2Hg+ in the soil of the Florida Everglades suggests that ethylation plays an important role in the geochemistry of Hg in this wetland. Soil incubation and sawgrass culture experiments using stable isotope tracers revealed that CH3Hg+ was mainly produced by microbial activities under anaerobic conditions, agreeing well with the general understanding of methylation mechanisms of Hg in the environment. Ethylation of Hg was not confirmed in these experiments, indicating that ethylation of Hg most probably follows different mechanisms in comparison to methylation. Further experiments revealed that trace levels of ethyllead species were able to transfer ethyl group to Hg in both deionized water and freshwater matrixes, producing CH3CH2Hg+. This might partially account for the occurrence of CH3CH2Hg+ in the relatively pristine environment of the Florida Everglades.


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Coastal environments can be highly susceptible to environmental changes caused by anthropogenic pressures and natural events. Both anthropogenic and natural perturbations may directly affect the amount and the quality of water flowing through the ecosystem, both in the surface and subsurface and can subsequently, alter ecological communities and functions. The Florida Everglades and the Sian Ka'an Biosphere Reserve (Mexico) are two large ecosystems with an extensive coastal mangrove ecotone that represent a historically altered and pristine environment, respectively. Rising sea levels, climate change, increased water demand, and salt water intrusion are growing concerns in these regions and underlies the need for a better understanding of the present conditions. The goal of my research was to better understand various ecohydrological, environmental, and hydrogeochemical interactions and relationships in carbonate mangrove wetlands. A combination of aqueous geochemical analyses and visible and near-infrared reflectance data were employed to explore relationships between surface and subsurface water chemistry and spectral biophysical stress in mangroves. Optical satellite imagery and field collected meteorological data were used to estimate surface energy and evapotranspiration and measure variability associated with hurricanes and restoration efforts. Furthermore, major ionic and nutrient concentrations, and stable isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen were used to distinguish water sources and infer coastal groundwater discharge by applying the data to a combined principal component analysis-end member mixing model. Spectral reflectance measured at the field and satellite scales were successfully used to estimate surface and subsurface water chemistry and model chloride concentrations along the southern Everglades. Satellite imagery indicated that mangrove sites that have less tidal flushing and hydrogeomorphic heterogeneity tend to have more variable evapotranspiration and soil heat flux in response to storms and restoration. Lastly, water chemistry and multivariate analyses indicated two distinct fresh groundwater sources that discharge to the phosphorus-limited estuaries and bays of the Sian Ka'an Biopshere Reserve; and that coastal groundwater discharge was an important source for phosphorus. The results of the study give us a better understanding of the ecohydrological and hydrogeological processes in carbonate mangrove environments that can be then be extrapolated to similar coastal ecosystems in the Caribbean.


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The Bay of Bengal (BoB), a small oceanic region surrounded by landmasses with distinct natural and anthropogenic activities and under the influence of seasonally changing airmass types, is characterized by a rather complex and highly heterogeneous aerosol environment. Concurrent measurements of the physical, optical, and chemical (offline analysis) properties of BoB aerosols, made onboard extensive ship-cruises and aircraft sorties during Integrated Campaign for Aerosols, gases and Radiation Budget of March-April 2006, and satellite-retrieved aerosol optical depths and derived parameters, were synthesized following a synergistic approach to delineate the anthropogenic fraction to the composite aerosol parameters and its spatial variation. Quite interestingly and contrary to the general belief, our studies revealed that, despite of the very high aerosol loading (in the marine atmospheric boundary layer as well as in the vertical column) over the northern BoB and a steep decreasing gradient toward the southern latitudes, the anthropogenic fraction showed a steady increase from North to South (where no obvious anthropogenic source regions exist). Consequently, the direct radiative forcing at the top of the atmosphere due to anthropogenic aerosols remained nearly constant over the entire BoB with values in the range from -3.3 to -3.6 Wm(-2). This interesting finding, beyond doubts calls for a better understanding of the complex aerosol system over the BoB through more focused field campaigns.


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We report exceptional preservation of fossil wood buried deeply in a kimberlite pipe that intruded northwestern Canada's Slave Province 53.3±0.6 million years ago (Ma), revealed during excavation of diamond source rock. The wood originated from forest surrounding the eruption zone and collapsed into the diatreme before resettling in volcaniclastic kimberlite to depths >300 m, where it was mummified in a sterile environment. Anatomy of the unpermineralized wood permits conclusive identification to the genus Metasequoia (Cupressaceae). The wood yields genuine cellulose and occluded amber, both of which have been characterized spectroscopically and isotopically. From cellulose d O and d H measurements, we infer that Early Eocene paleoclimates in the western Canadian subarctic were 12-17°C warmer and four times wetter than present. Canadian kimberlites offer Lagerstätte-quality preservation of wood from a region with limited alternate sources of paleobotanical information. © 2012 Wolfe et al.


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Aerosol physical and chemical properties were measured in a forest site in central Amazonia (Cuieiras reservation, 2.61S; 60.21W) during the dry season of 2004 (Aug-Oct). Aerosol light scattering and absorption, mass concentration, elemental composition and size distributions were measured at three tower levels (Ground: 2 m; Canopy: 28 m, and Top: 40 m). For the first time, simultaneous eddy covariance fluxes of fine mode particles and volatile organic compounds (VOC) were measured above the Amazonian forest canopy. Aerosol fluxes were measured by eddy covariance using a Condensation Particle Counter (CPC) and a sonic anemometer. VOC fluxes were measured by disjunct eddy covariance using a Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometer (PTR-MS). At nighttime, a strong vertical gradient of phosphorus and potassium in the aerosol coarse mode was observed, with higher concentrations at Ground level. This suggests a source of primary biogenic particles below the canopy. Equivalent black carbon measurements indicate the presence of light-absorbing aerosols from biogenic origin. Aerosol number size distributions typically consisted of superimposed Aitken (76 nm) and accumulation modes (144 nm), without clear events of new particle formation. Isoprene and monoterpene fluxes reached respectively 7.4 and 0.82 mg m(-2) s(-1) around noon. An average fine particle flux of 0.05 +/- 0.10 10(6) m(-2) s(-1) was calculated, denoting an equilibrium between emission and deposition fluxes of fine mode particles at daytime. No significant correlations were found between VOC and fine mode aerosol concentrations or fluxes. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The distribution, activity, diet, and reproduction of an undescribed catfish species of the genus Trichomycterus (Trichomycteridae) were studied in the Morro do Diabo State Park, an important conservation area in the Rio Paranapanema basin, State of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. Trichomycterus sp. is a rheophilic species occurring solely in the riffle areas of the streams and hunts mostly immature aquatic insects during the day by picking them from the substrate. The population has a balanced sex ratio, but females were uncommon in the smallest and largest size classes suggesting that females demonstrate a more accelerated growth pattern. Presence of mature individuals throughout the year represents an opportunistic reproductive tactic for fishes living in fast flowing waters, where the clutches could be shifted by the current, but the high incidence of mature individuals in the wet season may be related to optimal environmental conditions for juveniles during that period. Because of the restriction of Trichomycterus sp. to riffle environments, the conservation of this species depends on the maintenance of the original characteristics of these headwaters. That demands protecting the riparian vegetation and consequently the stream from excessive siltation resulting from runoff and erosion.


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Foi realizado um estudo sobre a estrutura das comunidades planctônicas ao longo das praias de Casa Caiada e Rio Doce (Pernanbuco, Brasil). A área de estudo sofre grande influência antrópica onde as condições ambientais são controladas pela presença de estruturas costeiras, reduzindo a intensidade da circulação neste ambiente; e pelos efluentes clandestinos de esgoto que aportam águas poluídas para dentro do sistema protegido. Os resultados obtidos indicam que nas zonas protegidas as águas apresentam alta turbidez, temperaturas elevadas, salinidades reduzidas e altas concentrações de nutrientes e oxigênio. Estas condições são responsáveis pela redução da diversidade do plâncton e pelo aumento da biomassa das espécies mais resistentes. As diferenças registradas com respeito a áreas similares, porém não impactadas, parecem indicar que a estrutura planctônica pode ser usada como um indicador da qualidade ambiental, sugerindo uma baixa qualidade das praias em estudo.


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This paper reports on the experiences of an extracurricular program in English language learning (ELL) that was implemented in an institute of technology in the hinterland of the People's Republic of China (PRC). Following the guidelines set out in an impact study of the reform of curriculum change in Hong Kong (Adamson & Morris, 2000), this study takes account of the context of the particular socio-cultural and political environment in which the research program takes place. Three distinct phases emerged in the career of the extracurricular program - the establishment of the program; successful implementation; and the decline. The study identifies three key factors that shaped these phases: teacher motivation; student motivation and its various influences; and available resources (including collegial and administrative support). The findings suggest that of the key factors impacting on the ELL extracurriculum, student motivation was the most influential.