998 resultados para prison conditions


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This article attempts an audit of changes in the NSW penal system over the last nearly 30 years. Taking the 1978 Nagle Royal Commission findings and analysis as the starting point a comparison is made between the Nagle era and the contemporary scene across a range of practices including imprisonment rates, violence, drug use, deaths in custody, prison conditions, prisoners rights, legal regulation, and others. It is suggested that developments since Nagle are mixed and cannot be attributed to a single logic or force. Major changes include a doubling of imprisonment rates, significant increases in Indigenous and women's imprisonment rates, the apparent ending of institutionalised bashings and the centrality of drug use to imprisonment and to the culture, health and security practices which characterise the current prison experience. The article may constitute a useful starting point for broader attempts to relate current penal practices to far wider changes in the conditions of life under late modernity.


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Les gangs de rue suscitent aujourd’hui l’intérêt de nombreux chercheurs en raison de la menace qu’ils semblent poser à la société et ses institutions. En effet, depuis quelques années, les Services Correctionnels du Québec connaissent une hausse du nombre de personnes incarcérées associées aux gangs de rue et plusieurs questionnements sont soulevés face à la recrudescence de ces groupes en prison. Peu de recherches se sont penchées sur la question des gangs de rue en prison, alors que ceux-ci semblent être à la source de plusieurs problèmes aigus dans les institutions carcérales. Ainsi, ces derniers sont souvent associés à la criminalité et à la violence, que ce soit dans les médias ou dans la littérature scientifique et semblent être la source de plusieurs inquiétudes de la part du grand public; considérés comme imprévisibles et violents, ils font peur. Groupes diversifiés et difficiles à saisir, leur étude se veut non seulement primordiale vu leur nature, mais nécessaire afin d’en saisir la complexité et pouvoir agir, que ce soit au niveau de la prévention, de la gestion ou encore de la répression. Ce mémoire vise donc la compréhension de l’expérience des membres de gangs de rue dans les prisons provinciales québécoises. Dans ce cadre, nous avons procédé par une approche qualitative au moyen d’entretiens de type qualitatif menés auprès de détenus considérés par les services correctionnels comme étant proches ou membres de gangs de rue. Les vingt-et-une entrevues menées nous ont permis d’approfondir et de saisir le vécu de ces derniers en détention. De ces entretiens, trois grandes dimensions sont ressorties, soit l’organisation sociale des gangs de rue en prison, les conditions de détention difficiles dans lesquelles évoluent ces groupes ainsi que leur fonctionnement en prison. Nos analyses nous ont permis de dégager certains constats. À leur arrivée en prison, les individus affiliés aux gangs de rue sont doublement étiquetés, et se retrouvent dans des secteurs de détention spécifiques où les conditions sont particulièrement difficiles à vivre. Dans ce contexte, les gangs de rue tendent à reproduire en prison certains attributs associés aux gangs de rue, notamment une certaine structure et hiérarchie organisationnelle et un esprit de cohésion. Il ressort ainsi de notre étude que cette solidarité semble permettre aux gangs de rue de s’adapter à l’environnement hostile que représente la prison. Toutefois, cette solidarité nous parait être un obstacle ou du moins une difficulté inhérente à la prise en charge et à la gestion des gangs de rue en prison.


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Imprisonment is the harshest sanction in our system of law. It is a sanction that isincreasingly imposed by the courts. The severity of imprisonment as a sanction stemsprincipally from the considerable restrictions it imposes on an individual’s liberty.However, the deprivation experienced by a prisoner can vary considerably, depending onthe strictness of the prison regime in which the prisoner is confined and his or her state ofhealth. Prisoners subjected to non-mainstream conditions almost invariably suffer morethan those in normal conditions. There is no settled approach regarding the extent towhich prison conditions should impact on the length of a prison term. The jurisprudencein this area is inconsistent. It is particularly unsettled when the additional burden stemsfrom subjective matters relating to an accused, such as ill health. In this article we makerecommendations regarding the manner in which prison conditions should impact on thelength of a prison term. The main recommendation is that prisoners who spend time inparticularly burdensome conditions should have their sentence reduced by a factor of0.5 days for each day spent in such conditions. In this article we also recommend thatAustralia should adopt a model similar to those which exist in some Scandinaviancountries, whereby the only deprivation stemming from imprisonment is the loss ofliberty. This would mean that few prisoners would ever be subjected to particularlyburdensome conditions. This would make many of the recommendations in this paperobsolete. However, there is no evidence that Australian prison conditions are about tofundamentally alter. Hence, the recommendations will remain pragmatically relevant inthe foreseeable future.


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A presente dissertação tem por objetivo identificar as representações sociais da ressocialização, por meio da escola, de prisioneiros masculinos de presídios situados no Rio de Janeiro. A legislação brasileira tem, entre seus princípios organizadores, o conceito de ressocialização de prisioneiros, ao estabelecer limites de duração da pena e impedir a pena de morte. Entretanto, ao analisarmos as condições carcerárias existentes neste ideário de ressocialização, verificamos que este ideário não possui e nem produz eficácia. A oferta de educação, para presidiários, ocorreu no Brasil a partir de 1967 e atualmente está em vigor a Lei n 12.433, de 29 de junho de 2011, que estabelece uma correlação entre a educação formal e a remição de pena. A dissertação trata de um breve histórico da educação no sistema penal brasileiro, considerando seus limites e potencialidades. O referencial teórico utilizado foi o da Teoria das Representações Sociais como apresentada por Serge Moscovici (1978) em sua pesquisa original sobre as representações sociais da psicanálise. O referencial teórico adotado permitiu a identificação desta espécie de pensamento social em um grupo de presidiários que frequenta a escola no presídio, priorizando a relação entre escola e ressocialização. Foram entrevistados 80 sujeitos do sexo masculino, em presídios da capital do estado do Rio de Janeiro, com a devida autorização do presídio, da Secretaria de Estado da Educação e com o rigor no cumprimento das normas éticas estabelecidas para pesquisa com humanos, especialmente a garantia de anonimato. A representação de comportamento no presídio resume-se ao conceito de enquadramento, que significa uma série de atitudes e de pensamento que permitem a sobrevivência no interior do presídio. A escola foi compreendida, pelos sujeitos, como instituição também determinada pelo enquadramento. Mesmo a escola tendo sido bem avaliada e apresentando perspectivas de futuro para a ressocialização, os sujeitos consideraram que a família é o principal agente de ressocialização à frente da escola. Consideramos que, para os presidiários, a escola pode representar possibilidades de ressocialização, entretanto deve aprimorar suas atividades para o mundo do trabalho e para a constituição de redes sociais de afinidade, com a família lato sensu dos prisioneiros, para que sua eficácia seja real e potente.


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In recent years there has been a remarkable surge of interest in the concept of punitiveness in theoretical criminology. Accounts serve to emphasise rupture over continuity, drawing attention to the increased focus on managerialism, risk and expressive penal policies in countries such as England and the US. Criticisms of these accounts have drawn attention to the weak empirical base for such assertions and the continued relevance of local cultural, historical and political conditions in mediating the effect of more punitive trends. In light of the relative neglect of smaller jurisdictions in this literature it was decided to locate these debates in three small common law jurisdictions, namely, Ireland, Scotland and New Zealand over the period 1976-2006 with a view to assessing the empirical evidence for penal change. This was done using a broader definition of punitiveness than normally employed incorporating indices relating to the ‘front end’ (eg police powers) as well as the ‘back end’ (eg prison and probation) of the criminal justice system. Data were collected on the three case studies using a multi-method approach involving examination of extensive quantitative data, interviews with key criminal justice stakeholders and documentary analysis. The data provide some support for the ‘new punitiveness’ thesis in these countries through a pattern of increased legislative activity aimed at controlling violent and sexual offenders and significant increases in the lengths of sentences imposed. However, analysis of qualitative data and a larger number of variables reveals distinctly different patterns of punitiveness over the thirty year period in the three countries. It is argued that the study holds important lessons for comparative criminology into the ‘new punitiveness’. There is a need for qualitative as well as quantitative data; for multiple rather than singular indices across a wide range of areas (juvenile justice, prison conditions, etc); and for ‘front end’ as well as ‘back end’ indices.


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Sentencing in Australia provides an up-to-date explanation of sentencing law and practice in all nine Australian jurisdictions.

Sentencing is the area of law which consumes most court of appeal work and this title satisfies the need for a thorough and coherent treatment of this complex subject, which involves a wide range of complex and interacting factors.

In this new work, lawyer and academic Mirko Bagaric and barrister Richard Edney consider the law across Australia. They examine existing practice and provide extensive analysis of the objectives of sentencing, in the form of incapacitation, deterrence, rehabilitation and proportionality.

The work systematically and comprehensively covers key mitigating and aggravating factors and the considerations which strongly influence sentencing determinations.


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This researcher enhances understandings about the psychological and surrounding circumstances, contributing towards older prisoners' treatment by others. Participants completed a questionnaire, interviews, and mention that older prisoners, and themselves as professionals, could be at risk of harm. This is linked to such conditions as budget constraints and other prison conditions.


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A Saúde do trabalhador pode ser entendida como uma condição concreta e dinâmica da qual o trabalhador dispõe para traçar e perseguir seus objetivos em direção ao bem-estar físico, psíquico e social, sendo influenciada pelas condições e organização do trabalho no contexto ao qual está inserido. Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar e analisar o processo de trabalho no sistema Prisional e de que forma podem estar influenciando nos modos de subjetivação dos trabalhadores prisionais do Pará, possibilitando a ocorrência de sofrimento psíquico. Constitui-se em um estudo de caso com abordagem qualitativa que teve como instrumento de pesquisa a observação participante ou direta com entrevistas semi-estruturadas com os servidores prisionais selecionados. A análise do processo de trabalho e as formas que podem influenciar nos modos de subjetivação do servidor prisional para que este se mantenha saudável ou doente, foram baseados na interpretação dos resultados, que foram consubstanciados nos dados coletados na entrevista e na observação participante, na escuta e na interpretação das falas dos trabalhadores do Centro de Recuperação de Castanhal de acordo com a abordagem da Psicodinâmica do Trabalho, por ser uma clínica que busca desenvolver o campo da saúde mental e trabalho. Os principais resultados foram: (I) que o estabelecimento penal apresentou condições de infra-estrutura inadequadas e precárias, necessitando de reformas constantes, falta de equipamentos para desenvolver o trabalho, o número insuficiente de recursos humanos e a convivência com a superlotação prisional, que não difere do restante das prisões brasileiras. (II) o processo de trabalho observado é exaustivo, pelo número insuficiente de recursos humanos, carga horária exaustiva e cobrança para desenvolver um bom trabalho mesmo diante das condições encontradas. (III) servidores penitenciários vulneráveis e expostos ao sofrimento psíquico pela condição do trabalho; pelo tipo de vínculo trabalhista temporário que a grande maioria se encontra; pelo estigma e desvalorização neste tipo de trabalho. Onde estes para manterem-se saudáveis diante das ameaças do meio utilizam-se de estratégias defensivas, como o afastamento subjetivo, em que o servidor deixa de pensar e falar sobre o trabalho. (IV) Diante do exposto sobre a condição e dinâmica do trabalho vejo um otimismo por parte dos servidores, quanto à possibilidade de construir-se um processo de saúde do trabalhador no sistema carcerário brasileiro, acreditando na implementação de políticas públicas viáveis, para o sistema penitenciário, proporcionando ao trabalhador melhores condições de saúde.


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While studies exist on the gambling habits of the correctional population prior to incarceration, little information exists on gambling habits during imprisonment. This article aims to describe gambling practices in Quebec prisons. The impact of prison life on these activities and their meaning will be analyzed, relying on semistructured interviews with 51 men currently detained in three federal penitentiaries in Quebec. Contrary to our expectations, the regulations prohibiting gambling in Correctional Service of Canada institutions do not present a central obstacle to this practice. In fact, participation in gambling is limited more by elements connected to the detention institution and the sentence. The availability of certain games, more particularly card games such as poker, as well as the pleasure resulting from those games seem considerably limited in comparison with group bets like sports pools.


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A number of recent developments in the United State (US), United Kingdom (UK) and Australia suggest that conditions may be ripe for a political shift in the reliance on escalating rates of imprisonment as a default criminal justice strategy for responding to crime. The default position is illustrated by the Yabsleyite response of former New South Wales (NSW) Premier Nathan Rees’s to questioning over the cost of prison building and NSW’s high recidivism rate: ‘[t]he advice to me is we have still got 500 cells empty, I don't mind if we fill them up, and if we fill them up and have to build another jail, we'll build another jail’ (Knox and Tadros 2008)...


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Background: A growing body of epidemiological research suggests high rates of traumatic brain injury (TBI) in prisoners. The aim of this review is to systematically explore the literature surrounding the rates of TBI and their co-occurrences in a prison population.
Methods: Six electronic databases were systematically searched for articles published between 1980 and 2014. Studies were screened for inclusion based on predetermined criteria by two researchers who independently performed data extraction. Study quality was appraised based on a modified quality assessment tool.
Results: Twenty six studies were included in this review. Quality assessment ranged from 20% (poor) to 80% (good) with an overall average of 60%. Twenty four papers included TBI prevalence rates, which ranged from 5.69%-88%. Seventeen studies explored co-occurring factors including rates of aggression (n=7), substance abuse (n=9), anxiety and depression (n=5), neurocognitive deficits (n=4), and psychiatric conditions (n=3).
Conclusions: The high degree of variation in TBI rates may be attributed to the inconsistent way in which TBI was measured with only seven studies using valid and reliable screening tools. Additionally, gaps in the literature surrounding personality outcomes in prisoners with TBI, female prisoners with TBI, and qualitative outcomes were found.


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The thermal behaviour of halloysite fully expanded with hydrazine-hydrate has been investigated in nitrogen atmosphere under dynamic heating and at a constant, pre-set decomposition rate of 0.15 mg min-1. Under controlled-rate thermal analysis (CRTA) conditions it was possible to resolve the closely overlapping decomposition stages and to distinguish between adsorbed and bonded reagent. Three types of bonded reagent could be identified. The loosely bonded reagent amounting to 0.20 mol hydrazine-hydrate per mol inner surface hydroxyl is connected to the internal and external surfaces of the expanded mineral and is present as a space filler between the sheets of the delaminated mineral. The strongly bonded (intercalated) hydrazine-hydrate is connected to the kaolinite inner surface OH groups by the formation of hydrogen bonds. Based on the thermoanalytical results two different types of bonded reagent could be distinguished in the complex. Type 1 reagent (approx. 0.06 mol hydrazine-hydrate/mol inner surface OH) is liberated between 77 and 103°C. Type 2 reagent is lost between 103 and 227°C, corresponding to a quantity of 0.36 mol hydrazine/mol inner surface OH. When heating the complex to 77°C under CRTA conditions a new reflection appears in the XRD pattern with a d-value of 9.6 Å, in addition to the 10.2 Ĺ reflection. This new reflection disappears in contact with moist air and the complex re-expands to the original d-value of 10.2 Å in a few h. The appearance of the 9.6 Å reflection is interpreted as the expansion of kaolinite with hydrazine alone, while the 10.2 Å one is due to expansion with hydrazine-hydrate. FTIR (DRIFT) spectroscopic results showed that the treated mineral after intercalation/deintercalation and heat treatment to 300°C is slightly more ordered than the original (untreated) clay.