993 resultados para print quality


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PAPRO operates within the Forest Research company and their mission is to develop value-addingindustry solutions. At present there are no good ways for mills to easily test the printing quality on newsprintpaper. There is a great need for a fast way to do this on different paper qualities; with a laboratory-offset press this can be both a time and money saving method. At PAPRO Forest Research, NewZealand, a laboratory offset press has been developed and designed, during the past seven years, concerningthis issue. Earlier projects were made concerning the press, e.g. to establish the optimal settings.The mission with this project was to partly determine the present variability of the print quality andto evaluate if the fountain solution, distilled water and 2% Diol green concentrate, used at the momentmixed with different percentages of Isopropanol could decrease the variability and contribute to morestabile results. Throughout the whole project the print quality showed a high variation and was evenmore variable when the Isopropanol was added. All in all 50 print rounds times twelve printed paperstrips was carried out through the project divided into three parts. To analyse the print quality, amicroscope with an image capture camera has been used. Data from the taken images was analysedand inserted into charts to see the variations.The conclusions of the whole project are not satisfying because no final evaluations were possible tomake. Main conclusions are that the additive of Isopropanol to the ordinary fountain solution, used atpresent, only contributed to more unstable results of the print quality. And it seems to be difficult toget some stable results from the lab press as long as the room where it is placed is not fully conditionedas required for the process of offset printing. And the fact that the airbrush which applies theamount of fountain solution is also variable, as shown in earlier projects, which contributes to unstableresults as well. For further work more exact parameters as a conditioned room are required and thepossibility to further design the laboratory press to use waterless offset printing instead.


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A laboratory offset press has been developed over the last five years at PAPRO for testing print qualityon newsprint, as at present, there is no good way for the mills to test this issue. In this project a comparisonhas been made between a laboratory offset press and a commercial press to see if the laboratoryoffset press can be used as a reliable test method or if a further development is needed.To evaluate the method, similar papers have been printed in both presses and compared using imageanalysis techniques. All together eighteen samples were tested which is enough to give comparableresults. The print quality showed a high variation, the values from the laboratory offset press and thecommercial press were not following the same trends. At present time the laboratory offset press needsome further development before it can be used as a reliable test method for halftone prints. Even sosome conclusions were made.The newsprint that has been used came from Norske Skog Tasman Mill (Kawerau), since the otheraim of this project was to do a repeatability study of their three existing paper machines to distinguishpossible differences in the production. The paper samples were taken from each paper machine on sixdifferent dates to give a representative result. This also gave the opportunity to compare the machinesbetween themselves. Comparison between the machines shows that the wire side gives a better andmore even result than the topside on the prints from the laboratory offset press. According to the resultfrom the commercial press the wire side shows a higher degree of variability. Samples from papermachine 2 and 3 were less variable and had the lowest standard deviation of grey level for solid areas.This suggests that newsprints from PM 2 and PM 3 give a more even print quality with a better inkcoverage.


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Metal stencils are well known in electronics printing application such as for dispensing solder paste for surface mounting, printing embedded passive elements in multilayer structures, etc. For microprinting applications using stencils, the print quality depends on the smoothness of the stencil aperture and its dimensional accuracy, which in turn are invariably related to the method used to manufacture the stencils. In this paper, fabrication of metal stencils using a photo-defined electrically assisted etching method is described. Apertures in the stencil were made in neutral electrolyte using three different types of impressed current, namely, dc, pulsed dc, and periodic pulse reverse (PPR). Dimensional accuracy and wall smoothness of the etched apertures in each of the current waveforms were compared. Finally, paste transfer efficiency of the stencil obtained using PPR was calculated and compared with those of a laser-cut electropolished stencil. It is observed that the stencil fabricated using current in PPR waveform has better dimensional accuracy and aperture wall smoothness than those obtained with dc and pulsed dc. From the paste transfer efficiency experiment, it is concluded that photo-defined electrically assisted etching method can provide an alternate route for fabrication of metal stencils for future microelectronics printing applications.


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The effects of varying corona surface treatment on ink drop impact and spreading on a polymer substrate have been investigated. The surface energy of substrates treated with different levels of corona was determined from static contact angle measurement by the Owens and Wendt method. A drop-on-demand print-head was used to eject 38 μm diameter drops of UV-curable graphics ink travelling at 2.7 m/s on to a flat polymer substrate. The kinematic impact phase was imaged with a high speed camera at 500k frames per second, while the spreading phase was imaged at 20k frames per secoiui. The resultant images were analyzed to track the changes in the drop diameter during the different phases of drop spreading. Further experiments were carried out with white-light intetferometry to accurately measure the final diameter of drops which had been printed on different corona treated substrates and UV cured. The results are correlated to characterize the effects of corona treatment on drop impact behavior and final print quality.


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The airflow between the fast-moving substrate and stationary print heads in a web print press may cause print quality issues in high-speed, roll-to-roll printing applications. We have studied the interactions between ink drops and the airflow in the gap between the printhead and substrate, by using an experimental flow channel and high-speed imaging. The results show: 1) the gap airflow is well approximated by a standard Couette flow profile; 2) the effect of gap airflow on the flight paths of main drops and satellites is negligible; and 3) the interaction between the gap airflow and the wakes from the printed ink drops should be investigated as the primary source of aerodynamically- related print quality issues. ©2012 Society for Imaging Science and Technology.


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This paper describes the application of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to simulate the macroscopic bulk motion of solder paste ahead of a moving squeegee blade in the stencil printing process during the manufacture of electronic components. The successful outcome of the stencil printing process is dependent on the interaction of numerous process parameters. A better understanding of these parameters is required to determine their relation to print quality and improve guidelines for process optimization. Various modelling techniques have arisen to analyse the flow behaviour of solder paste, including macroscopic studies of the whole mass of paste as well as microstructural analyses of the motion of individual solder particles suspended in the carrier fluid. This work builds on the knowledge gained to date from earlier analytical models and CFD investigations by considering the important non-Newtonian rheological properties of solder pastes which have been neglected in previous macroscopic studies. Pressure and velocity distributions are obtained from both Newtonian and non-Newtonian CFD simulations and evaluated against each other as well as existing established analytical models. Significant differences between the results are observed, which demonstrate the importance of modelling non-Newtonian properties for realistic representation of the flow behaviour of solder paste.


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Soldering technologies continue to evolve to meet the demands of the continuous miniaturisation of electronic products, particularly in the area of solder paste formulations used in the reflow soldering of surface mount devices. Stencil printing continues to be a leading process used for the deposition of solder paste onto printed circuit boards (PCBs) in the volume production of electronic assemblies, despite problems in achieving a consistent print quality at an ultra-fine pitch. In order to eliminate these defects a good understanding of the processes involved in printing is important. Computational simulations may complement experimental print trials and paste characterisation studies, and provide an extra dimension to the understanding of the process. The characteristics and flow properties of solder pastes depend primarily on their chemical and physical composition and good material property data is essential for meaningful results to be obtained by computational simulation.This paper describes paste characterisation and computational simulation studies that have been undertaken through the collaboration of the School of Aeronautical, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at Salford University and the Centre for Numerical Modelling and Process Analysis at the University of Greenwich. The rheological profile of two different paste formulations (lead and lead-free) for sub 100 micron flip-chip devices are tested and applied to computational simulations of their flow behaviour during the printing process.


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O presente trabalho tem como principal objectivo o desenvolvimento de novos materiais baseados em quitosano, seus derivados e celulose, na forma de nanofibras ou de papel. Em primeiro lugar procedeu-se à purificação das amostras comerciais de quitosano e à sua caracterização exaustiva em termos morfológicos e físicoquímicos. Devido a valores contraditórios encontrados na literatura relativamente à energia de superfície do quitosano, e tendo em conta a sua utilização como precursor de modificações químicas e a sua aplicação em misturas com outros materiais, realizou-se também um estudo sistemático da determinação da energia de superfície do quitosano, da quitina e seus respectivos homólogos monoméricos, por medição de ângulos de contacto Em todas as amostras comerciais destes polímeros identificaram-se impurezas não polares que estão associadas a erros na determinação da componente polar da energia de superfície. Após a remoção destas impurezas, o valor da energia total de superfície (gs), e em particular da sua componente polar, aumentou consideravelmente. Depois de purificadas e caracterizadas, algumas das amostras de quitosano foram então usadas na preparação de filmes nanocompósitos, nomeadamente dois quitosanos com diferentes graus de polimerização, correspondentes derivados solúveis em água (cloreto de N-(3-(N,N,N-trimetilamónio)-2- hidroxipropilo) de quitosano) e nanofibras de celulose como reforço (celulose nanofibrilada (NFC) e celulose bacteriana (BC). Estes filmes transparentes foram preparados através de um processo simples e com conotação ‘verde’ pela dispersão homogénea de diferentes teores de NFC (até 60%) e BC (até 40%) nas soluções de quitosano (1.5% w/v) seguida da evaporação do solvente. Os filmes obtidos foram depois caracterizados por diversas técnicas, tais como SEM, AFM, difracção de raio-X, TGA, DMA, ensaios de tracção e espectroscopia no visível. Estes filmes são altamente transparentes e apresentam melhores propriedades mecânicas e maior estabilidade térmica do que os correspondentes filmes sem reforço. Outra abordagem deste trabalho envolveu o revestimento de folhas de papel de E. globulus com quitosano e dois derivados, um derivado fluorescente e um derivado solúvel em água, numa máquina de revestimentos (‘máquina de colagem’) à escala piloto. Este estudo envolveu inicialmente a deposição de 1 a 5 camadas do derivado de quitosano fluorescente sobre as folhas de papel de forma a estudar a sua distribuição nas folhas em termos de espalhamento e penetração, através de medições de reflectância e luminescência. Os resultados mostraram que, por um lado, a distribuição do quitosano na superfície era homogénea e que, por outro lado, a sua penetração através dos poros do papel cessou após três deposições. Depois da terceira camada verificou-se a formação de um filme contínuo de quitosano sobre a superfície do papel. Estes resultados mostram que este derivado de quitosano fluorescente pode ser utilizado como marcador na optimização e compreensão de mecanismos de deposição de quitosano em papel e outros substratos. Depois de conhecida a distribuição do quitosano nas folhas de papel, estudou-se o efeito do revestimento de quitosano e do seu derivado solúvel em água nas propriedades finais do papel. As propriedades morfológicas, mecânicas, superficiais, ópticas, assim como a permeabilidade ao ar e ao vapor de água, a aptidão à impressão e o envelhecimento do papel, foram exaustivamente avaliadas. De uma forma geral, os revestimentos com quitosano e com o seu derivado solúvel em água tiveram um impacto positivo nas propriedades finais do papel, que se mostrou ser dependente do número de camadas depositadas. Os resultados também mostraram que os papéis revestidos com o derivado solúvel em água apresentaram melhores propriedades ópticas, aptidão à impressão e melhores resultados em relação ao envelhecimento do que os papéis revestidos com quitosano. Assim, o uso de derivados de quitosano solúveis em água em processos de revestimento de papel representa uma estratégia bastante interessante e sustentável para o desenvolvimento de novos materiais funcionais ou na melhoria das propriedades finais dos papéis. Por fim, tendo como objectivo valorizar os resíduos e fracções menos nobres da quitina e do quitosano provenientes da indústria transformadora, estes polímeros foram convertidos em polióis viscosos através de uma reacção simples de oxipropilação. Este processo tem também conotação "verde" uma vez que não requer solvente, não origina subprodutos e não exige nenhuma operação específica (separação, purificação, etc) para isolar o produto da reacção. As amostras de quitina e quitosano foram pré-activadas com KOH e depois modificadas com um excesso de óxido de propileno (PO) num reactor apropriado. Em todos os casos, o produto da reacção foi um líquido viscoso composto por quitina ou quitosano oxipropilados e homopolímero de PO. Estas duas fracções foram separadas e caracterizadas.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate and compare the print performance of some of the new most promising, cost effective absorbent pigments specialised for inkjet coatings on the market in a continuous drive to find an alternative to silica. The target was a lower production cost for ArjoWiggins inkjet products, OMD 01 and OMD 02. Five absorbent pigments are being evaluated through measuring the qualities of the coating mix itself, visual evaluations of print performance and physical testing of the coated paper. Pigments 1,2 and 3, which all are said to be tailored for inkjet coatings, did not reach the print performance needed for an OMD 01 and OMD 02 equal, due to severe bleed and feathering identified especially on the Epson 950 printer. They are therefore currently not seen as viable formulations. A blend of 50% pigment 5 and 50% silica had excellent print performance as OMD 01 and OMD 02 equivalents and is therefore recommended as a potential alternative to 100% silica. It is of the company’s interest to find a more cost effective solution to their inkjet coatings, and a 50/50 blend of Pigment 5 will save the company more than 35 000 euro per year.


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In offset printing, dampening solution is used to create a good balance in the process. If too much water is transferred to the paper, the sheet can change its size between the printing units, due to water absorption, and cause a problem with the colour register. This phenomenon is usually referred to as fanout. In this degree project, an investigation was made to see if the paper dimensions changed through its way in the sheet-fed printing process. The instrument Luchs Register Measuring Systems (Lynx) was used, and a method for measuring if the paper changed its dimensions with this instrument, was developed. Paper qualities with three different grammages were used, 90, 130 and 250 gsm. This investigation showed that all paper qualities changed their size with widening in the gripper edge in the range of 10 - 70 µm and in the trailing edge the increase was 10 - 130 µm. The elongations of the papers were in the range of 10- 300 µm. The papers with lowest grammage changed more than the heavier. To see if the print had been affected of the widening and elongation, print quality parameters like relative contrast, dot gain and mottle were correlated with the Lynx data from the sheets. The group of papers that gave correlations were in 130 gsm. The sheets had visual doubling and the combined standard deviation from the Lynx marks K3, K5 and K21 correlated with dot gain. When the variations increased so did the dot gain and this indicates that the doubling was due to the widening. There was also a correlation between the standard deviation from K3 and Mottle. The sheets widened with an average of 30 µm in the gripper edge and since there probably were doubling due to widening it also affected the Mottle values. What the widening depends on is hard to tell. Since widening was so small, it could be due to water absorption, papers being ironed out or maybe the sheets have been flattened out. It probably needs a more detailed investigation to find out what causes the widening. Further investigations about how print quality is affected by the register accuracy of a printing machine should include a print form with measuring areas close to the Lynx marks. The measuring areas should contain fine hairlines, negative text printed with at least two colours and some pictures to evaluate together with standard measuring should give a good knowledge about the subject.


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To get an optimal print result with rotogravure on improved newsprint, MF-paper, knowledge aboutwhat adjustment that should be done through the whole production is needed. This degree project investigatesthe reproduction’s effect on the final print result.A test print is done at Quebecor World Nordic Interprint´s regular print unit. The evaluation of theprint shows how important the use of a unit adjusted ICC-profile is for the print quality. A comparisonbetween the two separation methods GCR and UCR shows that Interprint´s present ICC-profile, usingUCR as separation method, gives less missing dots. When the cylinder that prints the black ink isengraving whit a slower speed than normal the result shows that the colour becomes a little darker, thedetails becomes clear but the difference is very small.


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The purpose of this dissertation was to examine the form of the consumer satisfaction/dissatisfaction (CS/D) response to disconfirmation. In addition, the cognitive and affective processes underlying the response were also explored. ^ Respondents were provided with information from a prior market research study about a new brand of printer that was being tested. This market research information helped set prior expectations regarding the print quality. Subjects were randomly assigned to an experimental condition that manipulated prior expectations to be either positive or negative. Respondents were then provided with printouts that had performance quality that was either worse (negative disconfirmation) or better (positive disconfirmation) than the prior expectations. In other words, for each level of expectation, respondents were assigned to either positive or negative disconfirmation condition. Subjects were also randomly assigned to a condition of either a high or low level of outcome involvement. ^ Analyses of variance indicated that positive disconfirmation led to a more intense CS/D response than negative disconfirmation, even though there was no significant difference in the intensity for positive and negative disconfirmation. Intensity of CS/D was measured by the distance of the CS/D rating from the midpoint of the scale. The study also found that although outcome involvement did not influence the polarity of the CS/D response, the more direct measures of processing involvement such as the subjects' concentration, attention and care in evaluating the printout did have a significant positive effect on CS/D intensity. ^ Analyses of covariance also indicated that the relationship between the intensity of the CS/D response and the intensity of the disconfirmation was mediated by the intensity of affective responses. Positive disconfirmation led to more intense affective responses than negative disconfirmation. ^


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The print substrate influences the print result in dry toner electrophotography, which is a widely used digital printing method. The influence of the substrate can be seen more easily in color printing, as that is a more complex process compared to monochrome printing. However, the print quality is also affected by the print substrate in grayscale printing. It is thus in the interests of both substrate producers and printing equipment manufacturers to understand the substrate properties that influence the quality of printed images in more detail. In dry toner electrophotography, the image is printed by transferring charged toner particles to the print substrate in the toner transfer nip, utilizing an electric field, in addition to the forces linked to the contact between toner particles and substrate in the nip. The toner transfer and the resulting image quality are thus influenced by the surface texture and the electrical and dielectric properties of the print substrate. In the investigation of the electrical and dielectric properties of the papers and the effects of substrate roughness, in addition to commercial papers, controlled sample sets were made on pilot paper machines and coating machines to exclude uncontrolled variables from the experiments. The electrical and dielectric properties of the papers investigated were electrical resistivity and conductivity, charge acceptance, charge decay, and the dielectric permittivity and losses at different frequencies, including the effect of temperature. The objective was to gain an understanding of how the electrical and dielectric properties are affected by normal variables in papermaking, including basis weight, material density, filler content, ion and moisture contents, and coating. In addition, the dependency of substrate resistivity on the electric field applied was investigated. Local discharging did not inhibit transfer with the paper roughness levels that are normal in electrophotographic color printing. The potential decay of paper revealed that the charge decay cannot be accurately described with a single exponential function, since in charge decay there are overlapping mechanisms of conduction and depolarization of paper. The resistivity of the paper depends on the NaCl content and exponentially on moisture content although it is also strongly dependent on the electric field applied. This dependency is influenced by the thickness, density, and filler contents of the paper. Furthermore, the Poole-Frenkel model can be applied to the resistivity of uncoated paper. The real part of the dielectric constant ε’ increases with NaCl content and relative humidity, but when these materials cannot polarize freely, the increase cannot be explained by summing the effects of their dielectric constants. Dependencies between the dielectric constant and dielectric loss factor and NaCl content, temperature, and frequency show that in the presence of a sufficient amount of moisture and NaCl, new structures with a relaxation time of the order of 10-3 s are formed in paper. The ε’ of coated papers is influenced by the addition of pigments and other coating additives with polarizable groups and due to the increase in density. The charging potential decreases and the electrical conductivity, potential decay rate, and dielectric constant of paper increase with increasing temperature. The dependencies are exponential and the temperature dependencies and their activation energies are altered by the ion content. The results have been utilized in manufacturing substrates for electrophotographic color printing.


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The current study extends our earlier investigation on the real-time dynamics of print gap airflow around a single jetted drop over a moving substrate. In the present work, simulated web press printing was performed using a stationary grey-scale commercial inkjet print head to print full-width block of solid colour images onto a paper substrate with extended print gaps. The resultant printed images exhibit patterns or 'wood-graining' effects which become more prevalent as the relevant Reynolds number (Re) increases. The high-resolution scans of the printed images revealed that the patterns are created by oscillation and coalescence of neighboring printed tracks across the web. The phenomenon could be a result of drop stream perturbations caused by unsteady print gap airflow of the type similar to that observed in the previous study. ©2013; Society for Imaging Science and Technology.