982 resultados para preparative HPLC


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Sparfloxacin, a third generation fluoroquinolone derivative, is a potent antibacterial agent active against a wide range of Gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms including Streptococcus pneuinoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, methicillin resistant S. aureus, Legionella spp., Mycoplasina spp., Chlamydia spp. and Mycobacterium spp. A drawback of fluoroquinolones is their photoreactivity. Sparfloxacin has been studied in terms of therapeutic activities. However, there are few published of analytical methods being applied to sparfloxacin. The aim in this study was to determine the photodegradation products of sparfloxacin, when submitted to UV light, and to characterize two of these products, designated SPAX-PDP1 and SPAX-PDP2. An accelerated study of stability in methanol solution was carried out by exposing a solution of sparfloxacin to UV light (peak wavelength 290 nm) for 36 hours at room temperature. The products were analyzed by NMR spectrophotometry, IR spectrometry and mass spectrophotometry. The results suggest that the products isolated here could be used to estimate the degradation of sparfloxacin in a stability study. However, the low activity exhibited by UV-irradiated sparfloxacin is a source of concern that demands further investigation of the mechanism of its photodegradation mechanism.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Plant phytochemicals are increasingly recognised as sources of bioactive molecules which may have potential benefit in many health conditions. In mangoes, peel extracts from different cultivars exhibit varying effects on adipogenesis in the 3T3-L1 adipocyte cell line. In this study, the effects of preparative HPLC fractions of methanol peel extracts from Irwin, Nam Doc Mai and Kensington Pride mangoes were evaluated. Fraction 1 contained the most hydrophilic components while subsequent fractions contained increasingly more hydrophobic components. High content imaging was used to assess mango peel fraction effects on lipid accumulation, nuclei count and nuclear area in differentiating 3T3-L1 cells. For all three mango cultivars, the more hydrophilic peel fractions 1-3 inhibited lipid accumulation with greater potency than the more hydrophobic peel fractions 4. For all three cultivars, the more lipophilic fraction 4 had concentrations that enhanced lipid accumulation greater than fractions 1-3 as assessed by lipid droplet integrated intensity. The potency of this fraction 4 varied significantly between cultivars. Using mass spectrometry, five long chain free fatty acids were detected in fraction 4; these were not present in any other peel extract fractions. Total levels varied between cultivars, with Irwin fraction 4 containing the highest levels of these free fatty acids. Lipophilic components appear to be responsible for the lipid accumulation promoting effects of some mango extracts and are the likely cause of the diverse effects of peel extracts from different mango cultivars on lipid accumulation.


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The literature review elucidates the mechanism of oxidation in proteins and amino acids and gives an overview of the detection and analysis of protein oxidation products as well as information about ?-lactoglobulin and studies carried out on modifications of this protein under certain conditions. The experimental research included the fractionation of the tryptic peptides of ?-lactoglobulin using preparative-HPLC-MS and monitoring the oxidation process of these peptides via reverse phase-HPLC-UV. Peptides chosen to be oxidized were selected with respect to their amino acid content which were susceptible to oxidation and fractionated according to their m/z values. These peptides were: IPAVFK (m/z 674), ALPMHIR (m/z 838), LIVTQTMK (m/z 934) and VLVLDTDYK (m/z 1066). Even though it was not possible to solely isolate the target peptides due to co-elution of various fractions, the percentages of target peptides in the samples were satisfactory to carry out the oxidation procedure. IPAVFK and VLVLDTDYK fractions were found to yield the oxidation products reviewed in literature, however, unoxidized peptides were still present in high amounts after 21 days of oxidation. The UV data at 260 and 280 nm enabled to monitor both the main peptides and the oxidation products due to the absorbance of aromatic side-chains these peptides possess. ALPMHIR and LIVTQTMK fractions were oxidatively consumed rapidly and oxidation products of these peptides were observed even on day 0. High rates of depletion of these peptides were acredited to the presence of His (H) and sulfur-containing side-chains of Met (M). In conclusion, selected peptides hold the potential to be utilized as marker peptides in ?-lactoglobulin oxidation.


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海洋生物具有产生丰富多样的次生代谢产物的能力,其中红藻门松节藻科海藻卤代次生代谢产物以其结构新颖、生物活性独特引起了天然产物化学家的重视。 本论文对海洋红藻多管藻和松节藻进行了化学成分研究,综合利用各种色谱学方法 (硅胶柱层析、反相硅胶柱层析、凝胶Sephadex LH-20柱层析、半制备高效液相色谱以及重结晶等) 和现代波谱学技术 (IR、UV、EI-MS、FAB-MS、HR-ESI-MS、CD、1H-NMR、13C-NMR、DEPT、1H-1H COSY、HSQC、HMBC等),共分离鉴定了100个化合物,发现25个新化合物。 从多管藻中分离鉴定38个化合物 (24个溴酚化合物),其中7个新化合物 (均为溴酚化合物),包括1个菲并呋喃结构溴酚 (P1), 2个二氢菲结构溴酚 (P2, P3),1个含 5,7-dihydrodibenzo[c,e]oxepine 结构溴酚 (P4)和3个简单溴酚 (P5, P6, P7)。P1 (urceolatin) 属首例报道的具有菲并呋喃结构的天然产物,从该种中分离的化合物P12 和 P13 可能是其生源合成的前体。P2和P3为第二例报道的具有二氢菲结构的溴酚化合物。 从松节藻中分离并鉴定了62 个化合物,其中18 个为溴酚类新化合物,44 个为已知化合物。化合物具有多变的取代基团,包括2 个脲基吡咯烷酮溴酚化合物 (R1, R2), 4 个γ-脲基丁酸溴酚化合物 (R3-R6),5 个酰胺溴酚化合物 (R7, R8, R9, R13, R14),1 个溴酚砜化合物 (R12), 1 个Xanthene 溴酚化合物 (R10)和5 个简单溴酚化合物 (R11, R15, R16, R17, R18)。R1、R2 是首例报道的含有脲基吡咯烷酮片段的天然产物,R10 为首次报道的溴代Xanthene 类天然产物。 对分离到的化合物进行了清除DPPH 和ABTS两种自由基活性的筛选。结果发现溴酚类天然产物具有显著的DPPH自由基清除活性,其中R3 的IC50 仅为3.3 μM, 其活性强度约为阳性对照BHT (IC50 为82.1 μM) 的24倍。另外,溴酚类天然产物对ABTS自由基有较强的清除活性,R2 的TEAC(Trolox efficency activity capacity)值为5.2 mM,约为阳性对照 (ascorbic acid, 1.02 mM) 的 5 倍。初步的构效关系研究发现,稠环分子、多羟基和邻位甲氧基等结构特点能有效增强DPPH 自由基清除活性;特殊取代基如脲基、吡咯烷酮等含有氮原子的基团,能有效增强ABTS 自由基清除活性,多羟基、溴代等结构特点也使其活性有所增强。 本研究结果丰富了海藻卤代化合物的结构类型,为多管藻和松节藻的合理利用提供了一定的科学依据。


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海洋微生物拥有丰富多样的次生代谢途径,其中海洋生物内生真菌次生代谢产物研究日益受到天然产物化学界的重视。本论文以菌丝体生物量、发酵产物重量、抗菌与细胞毒活性、薄层色谱分析结果以及高效液相色谱分析结果等为评价依据对采自青岛沿海的13株海藻内生真菌在四种液体培养基上的静置发酵产物进行了综合评价,并从中选择了黑曲霉Aspergillus niger EN-13(分离自褐藻囊藻Colpomenia sinuosa)和杂色曲霉A. versicolor EN-7(分离自褐藻鼠尾藻Sargassum thunbergii)两株真菌进行了30升规模发酵(分别采用GPYM培养基和PDB培养)和化学成分的研究,对分离得到的大部分化合物进行了初步的生物活性筛选。 发酵提取物采用常规的硅胶柱层析、反相硅胶柱层析,凝胶Sephadex LH-20柱层析、制备薄层层析、半制备高效液相色谱以及重结晶等分离手段,得到单体化合物。利用各种现代波谱技术(IR、UV、EI-MS、FAB-MS、HR-ESI-MS、1H-NMR、13C-NMR、DEPT、1H-1H COSY、HSQC、HMBC等)并结合化学方法从两种菌株发酵提取物中鉴定了55个化合物的结构。其中从菌株A. niger EN-13分离鉴定了31个化合物,发现9个新化合物,包括2个鞘酯类化合物(AN-1~2)、3个萘并-γ-吡喃酮类化合物(AN-3~5)、3个苯乙基取代的α-吡喃酮类化合物(AN-17, AN-19~20)和1个甾体Diels-Alder加成产物(AN-21),另有1个新的天然环二肽(AN-27)被分离鉴定;从菌株A. versicolor EN-7分离鉴定了24个化合物,发现2个新化合物,为蒽醌AV-12与AV-17,另外,从前一菌株(A. niger EN-13)中鉴定的2个新鞘酯类化合物(AN-1~2)在A. versicolor EN-7中也被再次分离到。 对大部分单体化合物进行了抗菌活性、DPPH自由基清除活性和细胞毒活性测试。结果显示新化合物AN-1、AN-5和AN-20具有弱或中等强度的抑制白色念珠菌生长的活性,AN-4、AN-5、AN-21显示了弱或中等强度的抑制黑曲霉生长的活性,AV-12、AV-17显示了弱的抑制大肠杆菌生长的活性。在DPPH自由基清除活性筛选中,AN-5显示了中等强度的活性,其EC50为109.3 mM,与阳性对照BHT相近(EC50为81.8 mM)。其它部分已知化合物在抗菌和DPPH自由基清除活性的筛选中也显示了弱或中等强度的活性。在针对人肝癌细胞株SMMC-7721和人肺腺癌细胞株A549的体外细胞毒活性筛选中,所测样品均未显示显著活性。


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The flora of the Yucatan peninsula (Mexico) includes approximately 3000 plant species. Sideroxylon foetidissimum Jacq. subsp. gaumeri (Sapotaceae) is an endemic plant to the Yucatan peninsula; its fruit is edible and local people use the plant for medicinal purposes, although no details on its preparation or application are available [1,2]. A preliminary cytotoxic evaluation of the ethanolic root extract of S. foetidissimum revealed a potent activity against murine macrophage like cell line RAW 264.7 (IC50=39.54±4.11µg/mL). The systematic bioassay-guided fractionation of the extract resulted in the identification of the active saponin-containing fraction (IC50=33.69±6.19µg/mL). Four new triterpenoid saponins and a 1:1 mixture of two saponins were isolated from the active saponin- containing fraction. The evaluation of their cytotoxic activity revealed no activity for the tested pure saponins; however, the 1:1 mixture of saponins showed a potent activity (IC50=11.91±1.49µg/mL). The isolation of the saponins was carried out using semi-preparative HPLC. The structural assignments of the pure saponins were based on 1D (1H and 13C and DEPT-135) and 2D (COSY, HMBC, HSQC and TOCSY) NMR and mass spectrometry analyses. In this presentation, the isolation, identification and cytotoxic activity of the isolated compounds is discussed in more detail.


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Herein we describe our application of the O-directed free radical hydrostannation of disubstituted alkyl-acetylenes (with Ph3SnH and Et3B) to the (+)-pumiliotoxin B total synthesis problem. Specifically, we report on the use of this method in the synthesis of the Overman alkyne 8, and thereby demonstrate the great utility of this process in a complex natural product total synthesis setting for the very first time. We also report here on a new, stereocontrolled, and highly practical enantioselective pathway to Overman's pyrrolidine epoxide partner 9 for 8, which overcomes the previous requirement for use of preparative HPLC to separate the 1:1 mixture of diastereomeric epoxides that was obtained in the original synthesis of 9.


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Fulgimides monosubstituted with [M(bpy)(3)](2+) (M = Ru, Os; bpy = 2,2'-bipyridine) chromophore units and with a single bpy group were synthesized and investigated as components of conceivable dinuclear photochromic switches of luminescence. The E-, Z- and closed-ring (C) photoisomer forms of the bpy-bound fulgimide were successfully separated by semi-preparative HPLC. The same procedure failed, however, in the case of the [M(bpy)(3)](2+)-substituted fulgimides. Energy transfer from the excited photochromic unit to the metal-bpy centre competes with the fulgimide cyclization, reducing the photocyclization quantum yields by approximately one order of magnitude compared to the non-complexed fulgimide-bpy ligand (phi(EC) = 0.17, phi(EZ) = 0.071, phi(ZE) = 0.15 at lambda(exc) = 334 nm). The cycloreversion of the fulgimide-bpy ligand is less efficient (phi(CE) = 0.047 at lambda(exc) = 520 nm). The intensity of the (MLCT)-M-3-based luminescence of the metal-bpy chromophore (in MeCN, phi(deaer) = 6.6 x 10(-2) and tau(deaer) = 1.09 mu s for Ru; phi(deaer) = 6.7 x 10(-3) and tau(deaer) = 62 ns for Os) is not affected by the fulgimide photoconversion. These results and supporting spectro-electrochemical data reveal that the lowest triplet excited states of the photochromic fulgimide moiety in all its E-, Z- and closed-ring forms lie above the lowest 3MLCT levels of the attached ruthenium and osmium chromophores. The actual components are therefore unlikely to form a triad acting as functional switch of energy transfer from [Ru(bpy)(3)](2+) to [Os(bpy)(3)](2+) through the photochromic fulgimide bridge.


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Examination by high temperature GC (HTGC) of the methyl esters of the so-called 'ARN' naphthenic acids from crude oils of North Sea UK, Norwegian Sea and West African oilfields revealed the distributions of resolved 4-8 ring C-80 tetra acids and trace amounts of other acids. Whilst all three oils contained apparently the same the proportions of each differed, possibly reflecting the growth tempe acids, ratures of the archaebacteria from which the acids are assumed to have originated. The structures of the 4, 5, 7 and 8 ring acids are tentatively assigned by comparison with the known 6 ring acid and related natural products and an HPLC method for the isolation of the individual acids is described. ESI-MS of individual acids isolated by preparative HPLC established the elution order of the 4-8 ring acids on the HPLC and HTGC systems and revealed the presence of previously unreported acids tentatively identified as C-81 and C-82 7 and 8 ring analogues.


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The isolation of polyphenolic compounds from an infusion of the Brazilian plant Davilla elliptica (Dilleniaceae), used as tea by virtue of its digestive properties, is described. An improved preparative HPLC method was used in order to isolate pure polyphenols from the complex mixture. Liquid-liquid extraction and solid-phase extraction were employed to minimise the interference of polymeric compounds and to provide an enriched fraction of the compounds of interest. The identification of the isolated compounds was performed using analytical HPLC as well as direct injection electrospray ionisation ion trap tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-IT-MS/MS). The high flavonoid content suggests that D. elliptica may be a promising source of compounds to produce natural phytomedicines. Copyright (C) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Leaves from Carpolobia lutea (Polygalaceae) were screened to establish the antiulcer ethnomedicinal claim and to quantitatively isolate, elucidate the active compounds by semi-preparative HPLC. The anti-nociceptive effects of Carpolobia lutea (CL) G. Don (Polygalaceae) organic leaf extracts were tested in experimental models in mice. The anti-nociceptive mechanism was determined using tail-flick test, acetic acid-induced abdominal constrictions, formalin-induced hind paw licking and the hot plate test. The fractions (ethanol, ethyl acetate, chloroform, n-hexane) and crude ethyl acetate extract of CL (770 mg/kg, i.p.) produced significant inhibitions of both phases of the formalin-induced pain in mice, a reduction in acetic acid-induced writhing as well as and an elevation of the pain threshold in the hot plate test in mice. The inhibitions were greater to those produced by indomethacin (5 mg/kg, i.p.). Ethyl acetate fraction revealed cinnamic and coumaric acids derivatives, which are described for the first time in literature. These cinnamalglucosides polyphenols characterised from CL may in part account for the pharmacological activities. These findings confirm its ethnomedical use in anti-inflammatory pain and in pains from gastric ulcer-associated symptoms. © 2011 Springer Basel AG.