997 resultados para pre-warming
Objectives: The aim of this study was to examine the effect of pre-warmed composite on the microhardness and marginal adaptation. Methods: Ninety six identical class II cavities were prepared in extracted human molars and filled/cured in three 2 mm increments using a metal matrix. Two composites (Tetric Evo Ceram (IvoclarVivadent) and ELS(Saremco)) were cured with a LED curing unit (Bluephase (IvoclarVivadent)) using curing cycles of 20 and 40 seconds. The composite was used at room temperature or pre-warmed at 54.5ºC (Calset(AdDent)). Twelve teeth were filled for every composite-curing time-composite temperature combination. The teeth were thermocycled (1000 cycles at 5º and 55ºC) and then stored at 37° C for seven days . Dye penetration (basic fuchsine 5% for 8 hours) was measured using a score scale. Knoop microhardness was determined 100, 200, 500, 1000, 1500, 2500, 3500, 4500 and 5500µm from the occlusal surface at a distance of 150 and 1000µm from the metal matrix. The total degree of polymerization of a composite specimen was determined by calculating the area under the hardness curve. Results: Statistical analyses showed no difference in marginal adaptation (p>0.05). Hardness values at 150µm from the matrix were lower than those at 1000µm. There was an increase of the microhardness at the top of each increment and decrease towards the bottom of each increment. Longer curing times resulted in harder composite samples. Multiple linear regression showed that only the curing time (p<0.001) and composite material (p<0.001) had a significant association with the degree of polymerization. The degree of polymerization was not influenced by pre-warming the composite at a temperature of 54.5ºC (p=4.86). Conclusion: Polymerization time can not be reduced by pre-warming the composite on a temperature of 54.5ºC. The marginal adaptation is not compromised by pre-warming the composite.
Introducción: La hipotermia perioperatoria se ha documentado como factor de riesgo para el aumento de la morbimortalidad de los pacientes aumentando morbilidad miocárdica, riesgo de infección, pérdidas sanguíneas y tiempo de hospitalización. La aplicación de anestésicos toma relevancia ya que causa la pérdida de control central de la temperatura. Nuestro objetivo con este estudio fue describir la proporción de casos de hipotermia en la población sometida a un reemplazo articular durante un periodo de cuatro meses. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio de cohorte prospectivo. La población a estudio fueron los pacientes que fueron sometidos a un reemplazo total de cadera, rodilla u hombro. Se registró la temperatura central en el momento previo a la inducción anestésica, 30, 60 y 90 minutos después, al finalizar el procedimiento y al ingresar a recuperación. Se reportó el porcentaje de pacientes con hipotermia en cada tiempo. Resultados: Se analizaron en total 88 pacientes, el 55,7% fue llevado a cirugía de cadera, 39,7% de rodilla y 4,5% de hombro. El tipo de anestesia más utilizado fue general y la duración promedio de anestesia fue 164 minutos. La medición de la temperatura central se realizó en nasofaringe, esófago o tímpano. La proporción de pacientes que presentaron hipotermia en la inducción fue 21,6%, a 30 minutos 83%, a 60 minutos 73,9%, a 90 minutos 68,2%, al finalizar 59,1% y en recuperación 58%. Se realizó una prueba Chi cuadrado comparando las proporciones entre la inducción y los cinco periodos posteriores, se encontró que la proporción de pacientes con hipotermia en los cinco tiempos posteriores tuvo una diferencia estadísticamente significativa (p=0,00) comparada con la proporción de pacientes con hipotermia durante la inducción. Conclusión: En los pacientes sometidos a un reemplazo articular la hipotermia fue una condición prevalente posterior a la aplicación de los anestésicos sistémicos. Los dispositivos de calentamiento intraoperatorio usados actualmente son insuficientes para evitar la hipotermia, lo que indica concordancia con la literatura en cuanto a las recomendaciones de calentamiento perioperatorio, con énfasis en el precalentamiento, para prevenir la caída significativa de la temperatura y la morbimortalidad asociada.
The Middle Eocene diatom and silicoflagellate record of ODP Site 1260A (Demerara Rise) is studied quantitatively in order to throw light on the changes that siliceous phytoplankton communities experienced during a Middle Eocene warming event that occurred between 44.0 and 42.0 Ma. Both Pianka's overlap index, calculated per couple of successive samples, and cluster analysis, point to a number of significant turnover events highlighted by changes in the structure of floristic communities. The pre-warming flora, dominated by cosmopolitan species of the diatom genus Triceratium, is replaced during the warming interval by a new and more diverse assemblage, dominated by Paralia sulcata (an indicator of high productivity) and two endemic tropical species of the genus Hemiaulus. The critical warming interval is characterized by a steady increase in biogenic silica and a comparable increase in excess Ba, both reflecting an increase in productivity. In general, it appears that high productivity not only increased the flux of biogenic silica, but also sustained a higher diversity in the siliceous phytoplankton communities. The microflora preserved above the critical interval is once again of low diversity and dominated by various species of the diatom genus Hemiaulus. All assemblages in the studied material are characterized by the total absence of continental and benthic diatoms and the relative abundance of neritic forms, suggesting a transitional depositional environment between the neritic and the oceanic realms.
Permafrost response to last interglacial warming: field evidence from non-glaciated Yukon and Alaska
We present stratigraphic observations from three sites in eastern Beringia - Ch'ijee's Bluff in northern Yukon and nearby exposures on the Old Crow River, the Palisades on the Yukon River in Alaska, and placer mining exposures at Thistle Creek in west-central Yukon - which provide insight into the response of permafrost to regional warming during the last interglaciation. Chronology is based on the presence of Old Crow tephra, an important regional stratigraphic marker that dates to late Marine Isotope Stage 6, supplemented by paleoecology and non-finite C ages on wood-rich organic silts. Old Crow tephra overlies several relict ice wedges at the Palisades and Thistle Creek, indicating that permafrost at these sites did not thaw completely during the last interglaciation. Prominent deposits of last interglacial wood-rich organic silt are present at multiple sites in eastern Beringia, and probably represent accumulations of reworked forest vegetation due to thaw slumping or deposition into thermokarst ponds or depressions. Consistent stratigraphic relations between these deposits, Old Crow tephra, and ice wedge pseudomorphs at our three study sites, and at least six other sites in eastern Beringia, suggest that thaw of shallow permafrost was widespread during the last interglaciation. Limited stratigraphic evidence suggests that thaw was probably on the order of meters, rather than 10s of meters. The ubiquity of shallow permafrost degradation during the last interglaciation suggests that current ground warming may foreshadow widespread near-surface thaw under even modest future warming scenarios. However, the persistence of relict pre-last interglacial ice wedges highlights the potential for the regional antiquity of discontinuous permafrost, and provides compelling field evidence for the long-term resilience of deep permafrost during sustained periods of warmer-than-present climate.
Dissertação de mestrado, Biologia Marinha, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve; Instituto Español de Oceanografia; 2015
Climate change projections are usually presented as 'snapshots' of change at a particular time in the future. Instead, we consider the key question 'when will specific temperature thresholds will be exceeded?'. Framing the question as "when might something happen (either permanently or temporarily)?" rather than "what might happen?" demonstrates that lowering future emissions will delay the crossing of temperature thresholds and buy valuable time for planning adaptation. For example, in higher greenhouse gas emission scenarios, a global average 2°C warming threshold is likely to be crossed by 2060, whereas in a lower emissions scenario, the crossing of this threshold is delayed up to several decades. On regional scales, however, the 2°C threshold will probably be exceeded over large parts of Eurasia, North Africa and Canada by 2040 if emissions continue to increase- well within the lifetime of many people living now.
Global efforts to mitigate climate change are guided by projections of future temperatures1. But the eventual equilibrium global mean temperature associated with a given stabilization level of atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations remains uncertain1, 2, 3, complicating the setting of stabilization targets to avoid potentially dangerous levels of global warming4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Similar problems apply to the carbon cycle: observations currently provide only a weak constraint on the response to future emissions9, 10, 11. Here we use ensemble simulations of simple climate-carbon-cycle models constrained by observations and projections from more comprehensive models to simulate the temperature response to a broad range of carbon dioxide emission pathways. We find that the peak warming caused by a given cumulative carbon dioxide emission is better constrained than the warming response to a stabilization scenario. Furthermore, the relationship between cumulative emissions and peak warming is remarkably insensitive to the emission pathway (timing of emissions or peak emission rate). Hence policy targets based on limiting cumulative emissions of carbon dioxide are likely to be more robust to scientific uncertainty than emission-rate or concentration targets. Total anthropogenic emissions of one trillion tonnes of carbon (3.67 trillion tonnes of CO2), about half of which has already been emitted since industrialization began, results in a most likely peak carbon-dioxide-induced warming of 2 °C above pre-industrial temperatures, with a 5–95% confidence interval of 1.3–3.9 °C.
Climate models provide compelling evidence that if greenhouse gas emissions continue at present rates, then key global temperature thresholds (such as the European Union limit of two degrees of warming since pre-industrial times) are very likely to be crossed in the next few decades. However, there is relatively little attention paid to whether, should a dangerous temperature level be exceeded, it is feasible for the global temperature to then return to safer levels in a usefully short time. We focus on the timescales needed to reduce atmospheric greenhouse gases and associated temperatures back below potentially dangerous thresholds, using a state-of-the-art general circulation model. This analysis is extended with a simple climate model to provide uncertainty bounds. We find that even for very large reductions in emissions, temperature reduction is likely to occur at a low rate. Policy-makers need to consider such very long recovery timescales implicit in the Earth system when formulating future emission pathways that have the potential to 'overshoot' particular atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases and, more importantly, related temperature levels that might be considered dangerous.
An unusually strong and prolonged stratospheric sudden warming (SSW) in January 2006 was the first major SSW for which globally distributed long-lived trace gas data are available covering the upper troposphere through the lower mesosphere. We use Aura Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS), Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment-Fourier Transform Spectrometer (ACE-FTS) data, the SLIMCAT Chemistry Transport Model (CTM), and assimilated meteorological analyses to provide a comprehensive picture of transport during this event. The upper tropospheric ridge that triggered the SSW was associated with an elevated tropopause and layering in trace gas profiles in conjunction with stratospheric and tropospheric intrusions. Anomalous poleward transport (with corresponding quasi-isentropic troposphere-to-stratosphere exchange at the lowest levels studied) in the region over the ridge extended well into the lower stratosphere. In the middle and upper stratosphere, the breakdown of the polar vortex transport barrier was seen in a signature of rapid, widespread mixing in trace gases, including CO, H2O, CH4 and N2O. The vortex broke down slightly later and more slowly in the lower than in the middle stratosphere. In the middle and lower stratosphere, small remnants with trace gas values characteristic of the pre-SSW vortex lingered through the weak and slow recovery of the vortex. The upper stratospheric vortex quickly reformed, and, as enhanced diabatic descent set in, CO descended into this strong vortex, echoing the fall vortex development. Trace gas evolution in the SLIMCAT CTM agrees well with that in the satellite trace gas data from the upper troposphere through the middle stratosphere. In the upper stratosphere and lower mesosphere, the SLIMCAT simulation does not capture the strong descent of mesospheric CO and H2O values into the reformed vortex; this poor CTM performance in the upper stratosphere and lower mesosphere results primarily from biases in the diabatic descent in assimilated analyses.
To examine the long-term stability of Arctic and Antarctic sea ice, idealized simulations are carried out with the climate model ECHAM5/MPIOM. Atmospheric CO2 concentration is increased over 2000 years from pre-industrial levels to quadrupling, is then kept constant for 5940 years, is afterwards decreased over 2000 years to pre-industrial levels, and finally kept constant for 3940 years.Despite these very slow changes, the sea-ice response significantly lags behind the CO2 concentration change. This lag, which is caused by the ocean’s thermal inertia, implies that the sea-ice equilibrium response to increasing CO2 concentration is substantially underestimated by transient simulations. The sea-ice response to CO2 concentration change is not truly hysteretic and in principle reversible.We find no lag in the evolution of Arctic sea ice relative to changes in annual-mean northern-hemisphere surface temperature. The summer sea-ice cover changes linearly with respect to both CO2 concentration and temper...
Abstract Global change is characterized by increased {CO2} concentration in the atmosphere, increasing average temperature and more frequent extreme events including drought periods, heat waves and flooding. Especially the impacts of drought and of elevated temperature on carbon assimilation are considered in this review. Effects of extreme events on the subcellular level as well as on the whole plant level may be reversible, partially reversible or irreversible. The photosynthetically active biomass depends on the number and the size of mature leaves and the photosynthetic activity in this biomass during stress and subsequent recovery phases. The total area of active leaves is determined by leaf expansion and senescence, while net photosynthesis per leaf area is primarily influenced by stomatal opening (stomatal conductance), mesophyll conductance, activity of the photosynthetic apparatus (light absorption and electron transport, activity of the Calvin cycle) and {CO2} release by decarboxylation reactions (photorespiration, dark respiration). Water status, stomatal opening and leaf temperature represent a "magic triangle" of three strongly interacting parameters. The response of stomata to altered environmental conditions is important for stomatal limitations. Rubisco protein is quite thermotolerant, but the enzyme becomes at elevated temperature more rapidly inactivated (decarbamylation, reversible effect) and must be reactivated by Rubisco activase (carbamylation of a lysine residue). Rubisco activase is present under two forms (encoded by separate genes or products of alternative splicing of the pre-mRNA from one gene) and is very thermosensitive. Rubisco activase was identified as a key protein for photosynthesis at elevated temperature (non-stomatal limitation). During a moderate heat stress Rubisco activase is reversibly inactivated, but during a more severe stress (higher temperature and/or longer exposure) the protein is irreversibly inactivated, insolubilized and finally degraded. On the level of the leaf, this loss of photosynthetic activity may still be reversible when new Rubisco activase is produced by protein synthesis. Rubisco activase as well as enzymes involved in the detoxification of reactive oxygen species or in osmoregulation are considered as important targets for breeding crop plants which are still productive under drought and/or at elevated leaf temperature in a changing climate.
Orbital forcing does not only exert direct insolation effects, but also alters climate indirectly through feedback mechanisms that modify atmosphere and ocean dynamics and meridional heat and moisture transfers. We investigate the regional effects of these changes by detailed analysis of atmosphere and ocean circulation and heat transports in a coupled atmosphere-ocean-sea ice-biosphere general circulation model (ECHAM5/JSBACH/MPI-OM). We perform long term quasi equilibrium simulations under pre-industrial, mid-Holocene (6000 years before present - yBP), and Eemian (125 000 yBP) orbital boundary conditions. Compared to pre-industrial climate, Eemian and Holocene temperatures show generally warmer conditions at higher and cooler conditions at lower latitudes. Changes in sea-ice cover, ocean heat transports, and atmospheric circulation patterns lead to pronounced regional heterogeneity. Over Europe, the warming is most pronounced over the north-eastern part in accordance with recent reconstructions for the Holocene. We attribute this warming to enhanced ocean circulation in the Nordic Seas and enhanced ocean-atmosphere heat flux over the Barents Shelf in conduction with retreat of sea ice and intensified winter storm tracks over northern Europe.
Anthropogenic climate change confronts marine organisms with rapid trends of concomitant warming and CO2 induced ocean acidification. The survival and distribution of species partly depend on their ability to exploit their physiological plasticity during acclimatization. Therefore, in laboratory studies the effects of simulated future ocean acidification on thermal tolerance, energy metabolism and acid-base regulation capacity of the North Sea population of the blue mussel Mytilus edulis were examined. Following one month of pre-acclimation to 10 °C and control CO2 levels, mussels were exposed for two weeks to control and projected oceanic CO2 levels (390, 750 and 1120 µatm) before being subjected to a stepwise warming protocol between 10 °C and 31 °C (+ 3 °C each night). Oxygen consumption and heart rates, anaerobic metabolite levels and haemolymph acid-base status were determined at each temperature. CO2 exposure left oxygen consumption rate unchanged at acclimation temperature but caused a somewhat stronger increase during acute warming and thus mildly higher Q10-values than seen in controls. Interestingly, the thermally induced limitation of oxygen consumption rate set in earlier in normocapnic than in hypercapnic (1120 µatm CO2) mussels (25.2 °C vs. 28.8 °C), likely due to an onset of metabolic depression in the control group following warming. However, the temperature induced increase in heart rate became limited above 25 °C in both groups indicating an unchanged pejus temperature regardless of CO2 treatment. An upper critical temperature was reached above 28 °C in both treatments indicated by the accumulation of anaerobic metabolites in the mantle tissue, paralleled by a strong increase in haemolymph PCO2 at 31 °C. Ocean acidification caused a decrease in haemolymph pH. The extracellular acidosis remained largely uncompensated despite some bicarbonate accumulation. In all treatments animals developed a progressive warming-induced extracellular acidosis. A stronger pH drop at around 25 °C was followed by stagnating heart rates. However, normocapnic mussels enhanced bicarbonate accumulation at the critical limit, a strategy no longer available to hypercapnic mussels. In conclusion, CO2 has small effects on the response patterns of mussels to warming, leaving thermal thresholds largely unaffected. High resilience of adult North Sea mussels to future ocean acidification indicates that sensitivity to thermal stress is more relevant in shaping the response to future climate change.
La presente Tesis Doctoral se realizó con el fin de estimar conjuntamente la respuesta agronómica y fisiológica de la vid (Vitis vinifera L.), así como los efectos sobre la evolución de la maduración, composición y la calidad de la uva y del vino, bajo la aplicación de diferentes déficit hídricos en pre-envero y post-envero, dentro de un marco de referencia de cambio climático. La variación climática que prevén los estudios sobre el cambio climático, resulta un factor decisivo en la eficiencia del uso del agua en la vid. En zonas cálidas, las estrategias de cultivo del viñedo frente al cambio climático deben de ir dirigidas a atenuar sus efectos sobre el crecimiento y el desarrollo de la vid, haciéndose imprescindible el estudio pormenorizado del déficit hídrico como factor decisivo en la obtención de las uvas adecuadas, ya que son la clave indispensable para el éxito en la elaboración del vino, y de forma muy especial en los vinos enfocados a un sector de alta calidad. El ensayo se llevó a cabo en un viñedo comercial de Bodegas Licinia, en la Comunidad de Madrid, durante los años 2010 y 2011. La variedad estudiada fue Cabernet sauvignon / 41 B, plantada a un marco de plantación de 3 m x 1 m, con un guiado vertical de la vegetación. El dispositivo experimental fue totalmente al azar, y se establecieron 4 tratamientos experimentales con 4 grados de disponibilidad hídrica, déficit moderado continuo (T0,45-0,6), déficit severo continuo (T0-0,3), déficit severo después de envero (T0,45-0,3) y déficit severo antes de envero (T0-0,6). En cada tratamiento se distribuyeron 3 repeticiones. El año 2010 fue el más lluvioso de los años de ensayo, con 478 mm de precipitaciones anuales, lo que supuso 146 mm más que en el año 2011. Su distribución a lo largo del ciclo fue más homogénea en el año 2010, mientras que en 2011 las precipitaciones contabilizadas en el período de maduración de la uva fueron nulas. La temperatura media subió 0,9ºC en 2011, respecto a 2010 y en cuanto a la integral térmica eficaz, en 2011 se acumularon, desde el 1 de abril hasta el final de ciclo, 217 grados•día más que en 2010. El déficit hídrico en pre-envero, modificó notablemente el crecimiento vegetativo y la producción de cosecha de la parcela de ensayo, no así la fertilidad de las yemas. El tratamiento con mayor disponibilidad hídrica (T0,45-0,6) obtuvo el mayor peso de baya, y los tratamientos con menor déficit hídrico en pre-envero (T0,45-0,6 y T0,45-0,3) registraron los mayores rendimientos de cosecha, mientras que las menores tasas de cuajado correspondieron al tratamiento con un déficit severo continuo (T0-0,3). La parcela de ensayo se caracterizó por un exceso de vigor y un alto crecimiento vegetativo. El pH del mosto se vio afectado por el déficit hídrico, disminuyendo su valor en el tratamiento de déficit hídrico severo antes de envero (T0-0,6). Organolépticamente, no se percibieron diferencias significativas en los vinos elaborados en función del déficit hídrico, y respecto a su composición físico-química, solo existieron diferencias en la concentración de ácido L-Málico, con mayores concentraciones en los tratamientos sin déficit hídrico en pre-envero, T0,45-0,6 y T0,45-0,3. El déficit hídrico modificó notablemente el color del vino, aumentando los valores de las coordenadas CIELAB a* y b*, la luminosidad (L*), croma (C*) y tonalidad (H*), para los tratamientos con un déficit severo en pre-envero (T0-0,3 y T0-0,6) y disminuyendo estas en el tratamiento con mayor disponibilidad hídrica (T0,45-0,6). Del mismo modo, mediante el análisis de color por métodos tradicionales, IPT e IC de los vinos, aumentó en los tratamientos con mayor déficit hídrico en pre-envero (T0-0,3 y T0-0,6), respecto a los tratamientos de mayor disponibilidad (T0,45-0,6 y T0,45-0,3). La concentración de taninos de la baya en vendimia, no se vio afectada por el déficit hídrico, aunque sí estuvo relacionada positivamente con el tamaño de las bayas. Organolépticamente, los hollejos del año 2011 resultaron con menor frescura, acidez, afrutado, sensación herbácea e intensidad tánica, aunque con mayor astringencia respecto a 2010. Las pepitas fueron más astringentes y aromáticas pero menos crujientes, sin llegar a los niveles de madurez del año 2010. El catador relacionó los taninos con la calidad del vino, asociándolos con un mayor cuerpo, acidez, intensidad, equilibrio gustativo, amargor y menor astringencia en la fase gustativa. La concentración de taninos en los vinos se vio favorecida con el déficit hídrico en pre-envero y post-envero. Los tratamientos con mayor déficit hídrico en pre-envero, T0-0,6 y T0-0,3, obtuvieron las menores concentraciones de potasio en mostos y vinos. Las relaciones entre la concentración de potasio, ácido L-Málico y el porcentaje de color rojo puro (dA(%)) resultaron altamente significativas, de modo que las mayores tasas de potasio en el vino se asociaron a los valores más bajos de color rojo y a los mayores de ácido L-Málico. ABSTRACT The present Doctoral Thesis has been done in order to estimate the grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) agronomic and physiologic performance or response as well as the impact in the grape and wine maturity, composition and quality evolution, with different water deficits. The variation in climate that the global warming studies for seen is a key factor for the grapevine water use efficiency. In warm areas the farming vineyards strategy to face the climatic change, should be focused on diminish the effects on the grapevine growth and development, so that the water deficit detailed analysis becomes decisive to obtain the appropriate grapes, that are the main subject for a successful wine production and especially for top quality wines. The trial was carried out in a commercial vineyard in Chinchón (Madrid), Licinia winery, during the 2010 and 2011 seasons. The grape variety studied was Cabernet Sauvignon grafted onto 41B with a vine spacing 3m x 1m trained as VSP. Experimental design consisted on 4 irrigation treatments with 3 replications totally randomized. Irrigation treatments were: moderate regulated deficit (T0,45-0,6), severe continuous deficit (T0-0,3), severe post-veraison deficit (T0,45-0,3) and severe pre veraison deficit (T0-0,6). The 2010 was rainier year than the 2011; Total annual rain in 2010 was 478 mm, which resulted in 146 mm more than in 2011. The distribution along the vine cycle was more homogeneous in the 2010, whereas precipitations in 2011 along the grape maturity period were nonexistent. The average temperature in 2011 was 0,9ºC higher than that of the 2010 and regarding to the thermal integral, in the 2011 from 1st April to the end of the growing cycle, was 217 degrees•day higher than that in 2010. Water deficit significantly modified the vegetative growth and yield but, it did not modified bud fertility. The treatment with the highest water availability (T0,45-0,6) got the highest berry size, the lowest berry set rates were found in the severe continuous deficit treatment (T0-0,3). The plot studied in this trial was characterized by both excessive vigour and vegetative growth. Water deficit modified the pH must by, reducing it in the severe water deficit during pre-veraison (T0-0,6). There were not differences in wine tasting between the water deficits treatments. Regarding to the physical-chemical composition, it only existed differences in the L-malic acid concentration, resulting higher concentrations in the water deficit pre-veraison treatments: T0,45-0,6 y T0,45-0,3. Water deficit significantly modified wine colour by, increasing the CIELAB coordinates a* and b*, the brightness (L*), croma (C*) and tonality (H*), in the lower water availability pre-veraison treatments (T0-0,3 y T0-0,6), and reducing them in the in the moderate continuous water deficit ones (T0,45-0,6). By means of traditional wine colour parameters analyses, red colour percentage, TPI, they became higher in the lower water availability pre-veraison treatments (T0-0,3 y T0-0,6), than in those with higher availability (T0,45-0,6 y T0,45-0,3). At harvest, berry tannins concentrations was not affected by the water deficit although it did in a positive way, in the berry size. Berry tasting in 2011, resulted in a lower freshness, acidity, fruity, herbaceous flavour and tannic intensity, but with higher astringency respect to the 2010 season. Seeds, in 2011, were more astringent and aromatic as in the 2010, but less crunchy, without getting to the point of maturity. The taster linked the tannins to wine quality, associating them with a higher bodiest wine, acidity, intensity, taste balance, bitterness and with a lower astringency in the tasting stage. Treatments with a higher water deficit up to veraison T0-0,6 y T0-0,3 got less musts and wines potassium concentration. The relation between L-malic acid and the full red color percentage (dA(%)), were highly related, resulting the higher potassium content the lower wine quality.
During summer 2014 (mid-July - mid-September 2014), early life-stage Fucus vesiculosus were exposed to combined ocean acidification and warming (OAW) in the presence and absence of enhanced nutrient levels (OAW x N experiment). Subsequently, F. vesiculosus germlings were exposed to a final upwelling disturbance during 3 days (mid-September 2014). Experiments were performed in the near-natural scenario "Kiel Outdoor Benthocosms" including natural fluctuations in the southwestern Baltic Sea, Kiel Fjord, Germany (54°27 'N, 10°11 'W). Genetically different sibling groups and different levels of genetic diversity were employed to test to which extent genetic variation would result in response variation. The data presented here show the phenotypical response (growth and survival) of the different experimental populations of F. vesiculosus under OAW, nutrient enrichment and the upwelling event. Log effect ratios demonstrate the responses to enhanced OAW and nutrient concentrations relative to the ambient conditons. Carbon, nitrogen content (% DW) and C:N ratios were measured after the exposure of ambient and high nutrient levels. Abiotic conditions the OAW x nutrient experiment and the upwelling event, are shown.