998 resultados para potential curves
We present angular basis functions for the Schrödinger equation of two-electron systems in hyperspherical coordinates. By using the hyperspherical adiabatic approach, the wave functions of two-electron systems are expanded in analytical functions, which generalizes the Jacobi polynomials. We show that these functions, obtained by selecting the diagonal terms of the angular equation, allow efficient diagonalization of the Hamiltonian for all values of the hyperspherical radius. The method is applied to the determination of the 1S e energy levels of the Li + and we show that the precision can be improved in a systematic and controllable way. ©2000 The American Physical Society.
Iodine vapor is a very suitable substance to learn about molecular energy levels and transitions, and to introduce spectroscopic techniques. As a diatomic molecule its spectra are relatively simple and allow straightforward treatment of the data leading to the potential energy curves and to quantum mechanics concepts. The overtone bands, in the resonance Raman scattering, and the band progressions, in the electronic spectra, play an important role in the calculation of the Morse potential curves for the fundamental and excited electronic state. A weaker chemical bond in the electronic excited state, compared to the fundamental state, is evidenced by the increase in the equilibrium interatomic distance. The resonance Raman scattering of I2 is highlighted due to its importance for obtaining the anharmonicity constant in the fundamental electronic state.
Iodine vapor is a very suitable substance to learn about molecular energy levels and transitions, and to introduce spectroscopic techniques. As a diatomic molecule its spectra are relatively simple and allow straightforward treatment of the data leading to the potential energy curves and to quantum mechanics concepts. The overtone bands, in the resonance Raman scattering, and the band progressions, in the electronic spectra, play an important role in the calculation of the Morse potential curves for the fundamental and excited electronic state. A weaker chemical bond in the electronic excited state, compared to the fundamental state, is evidenced by the increase in the equilibrium interatomic distance. The resonance Raman scattering of I2 is highlighted due to its importance for obtaining the anharmonicity constant in the fundamental electronic state.
Ab initio calculations of the energy have been made at approximately 150 points on the two lowest singlet A' potential energy surfaces of the water molecule, 1A' and 1A', covering structures having D∞h, C∞v, C2v and Cs symmetries. The object was to obtain an ab initio surface of uniform accuracy over the whole three-dimensional coordinate space. Molecular orbitals were constructed from a double zeta plus Rydberg basis, and correlation was introduced by single and double excitations from multiconfiguration states which gave the correct dissociation behaviour. A two-valued analytical potential function has been constructed to fit these ab initio energy calculations. The adiabatic energies are given in our analytical function as the eigenvalues of a 2 2 matrix, whose diagonal elements define two diabatic surfaces. The off-diagonal element goes to zero for those configurations corresponding to surface intersections, so that our adiabatic surface exhibits the correct Σ/II conical intersections for linear configurations, and singlet/triplet intersections of the O + H2 dissociation fragments. The agreement between our analytical surface and experiment has been improved by using empirical diatomic potential curves in place of those derived from ab initio calculations.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Using the hyperspherical adiabatic approach in a coupled-channel calculation, we present precise binding energies of excitons trapped by impurity donors in semiconductors within the effective-mass approximation. Energies for such three-body systems are presented as a function of the relative electron-hole mass sigma in the range 1 less than or equal to1/sigma less than or equal to6, where the Born-Oppenheimer approach is not efficiently applicable. The hyperspherical approach leads to precise energies using the intuitive picture of potential curves and nonadiabatic couplings in an ab initio procedure. We also present an estimation for a critical value of sigma (sigma (crit)) for which no bound state can be found. Comparisons are given with results of prior work by other authors.
We present a nonadiabatic hyperspherical calculation of the highly excited and low lying doubly excited states of the barium atom using effective potentials for the two optically active electrons' interactions. Within the hyperspherical adiabatic approach the investigation of the spectra is performed with potential curves and nonadiabatic couplings of a unique radial variable, which allows clear identification of the states. The convergence of energy is obtained within well established bound limits, and the precision is comparable to accurate configuration interaction calculations. A very good agreement with experimental results is obtained with only few nonadiabatic couplings. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.
The production of chlorine and hypochlorite is of great economical and technological interest due to their large-scale use in many kinds of commercial applications. Yet, the current processes are not without problems such as inevitable side reactions and the high cost of production. This work reports the photoelectrocatalytic oxidation of chloride ions to free chlorine as it has been investigated by using titanium dioxide (TiO2) and several metal-doped titanium dioxide (M-TiO2) material electrodes. An average concentration of 800 mg L-1 of free chlorine was obtained in an open-air reactor using a TiO2 thin-film electrode biased at +1.0 V (SCE) and illuminated by UV light. The M-doped electrodes have performed poorly compared with the pure TiO2 counterpart. Test solutions containing 0.05 mol L-1 NaCl pH 2.0-4.0 were found to be the best conditions for fast production of free chlorine. A complete investigation of all parameters that influence the global process of chlorine production by the photoelectrocatalytic method such as applied potential, concentration of NaCl, pH solution, and time is presented in detail. In addition, photocurrent vs potential curves and the reaction order are also discussed.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of the oral environment on the corrosion of dental alloys with different compositions, using electrochemical methods. The corrosion rates were obtained from the current-potential curves and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The effect of artificial saliva on the corrosion of dental alloys was dependent on alloy composition. Dissolution of the ions occurred in all tested dental alloys and the results were strongly dependent on the general alloy composition. Regarding the alloys containing nickel, the Ni-Cr and Ni-Cr-Ti alloys released 0.62 mg/L of Ni on average, while the Co-Cr dental alloy released ions between 0.01 and 0.03 mg/L of Co and Cr, respectively.The open-circuit potential stabilized at a higher level with lower deviation (standard deviation: Ni-Cr-6Ti = 32 mV/SCE and Co-Cr = 54 mV/SCE). The potenciodynamic curves of the dental alloys showed that the Ni-based dental alloy with >70 wt% of Ni had a similar curve and the Co-Cr dental alloy showed a low current density and hence a high resistance to corrosion compared with the Ni-based dental alloys. Some changes in microstructure were observed and this fact influenced the corrosion behavior for the alloys. The lower corrosion resistance also led to greater release of nickel ions to the medium. The quantity of Co ions released from the Co-Cr-Mo alloy was relatively small in the solutions. In addition, the quantity of Cr ions released into the artificial saliva from the Co-Cr alloy was lower than Cr release from the Ni-based dental alloys.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden Experimente beschrieben, die zu einem vertieften Verständnis fundamentaler Prozesse bei der elektrochemischen Herstellung von Dünnschichten, sog. Targets, für kernphysikalische und -chemische Studien führten. Targets wurden mittels 'Molecular Plating' (MP) hergestellt, indem eine Elektrodeposition aus organischem Medium in der Regel bei konstantem Strom in Zwei-Elektroden-Zellen. Die Resultate erlaubten, optimierte Herstellungs-bedingungen zu ermitteln, welche die Produktion deutlich verbesserter Targets erlaubten. MP bei konstantem Strom ist ein massentransportkontrollierter Prozess. Der angelegte Strom wird durch einen konstanten Fluss elektroaktiver Spezies zur Kathode – auf der die Schicht wächst – und Anode aufrechterhalten. Die Untersuchungen zeigten, dass das Zellenpotential des Elektrodepositionsystems immer durch den Ohm'schen Spannungsabfall auf Grund des Widerstandes der verwendeten Lösung dominiert wurde. Dies erlaubte die Herleitung einer Beziehung zwischen dem Zellenpotential und der Konzentration der elektroaktiven Spezies. Die Beziehung erlaubt die Erklärung des gemessenen zeitlichen Verlaufs des Zellenpotentials während der Abscheidung als Funktion der Elektrolytkonzentration. Dies dient als Basis, auf der nun ein umfassenderes Bild der Prozesse, die für die charakteristischen Minima im Potentialverlauf einer Abscheidung verantwortlich sind, gewonnen werden kann. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Minima mit der fast vollständigen Entfernung (durch Abscheidung) der aus einem gelösten Salz erzeugten Nd-Ionen korrespondieren. Die abgeschiedene Spezies wurde als Nd3+ identifiziert, vermutlich als Carboxylat, Oxid oder Hydroxid, was auf Grund der hohen negative Werte des Standardredoxpotentials der Lanthanide verständlich erscheint. Von den vorliegenden elektroaktiven Spezies tragen die Nd3+ Ionen nur zu knapp 20% zum Gesamtstrom bei. Durch Elektrolyse tragen auch die Lösungsmittelkomponenten zu diese Strom bei. Die Gegenwart von elektrolysiertem Lösungsmittel wurde in Analysen der Dünnschichten bestätigt. Diese waren immer mit chemi- und physisorbierten Lösungsmittelmolekülen bedeckt. Die Analyse der Dünnschichten zeigte, dass die Oberflächen von einem furchenartiges Netz durchzogen waren, und dass diese während des Trocknen der Schichten nach dem MP entstanden. Ob die Schichten an Luft oder in inerter Atmosphäre trockneten, hatte keinen Einfluss. Es wurden Experimente mit mehreren Lösungsmitteln durchgeführt, die sich deutlich in ihren physikalischen Eigenschaften, v.a. dem Siedepunkt, unterschieden. Furchenfreie Dünnschichten konnten insbesondere bei MP in N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) erzeugt werden. Die Verwendung von DMF in Kombination mit einer Abscheidung auf sehr glatten Substraten erlaubte die Produktion von sehr homogenen, glatten und defektfreien Schichten. Diese waren vermutlich geringeren inneren Spannungen während des Trocknens ausgesetzt, als Schichten auf raueren Substraten oder solche, die aus flüchtigeren Lösungsmitteln hergestellt wurden. Die Oberflächenrauigkeit des Substrats und das gewählte Lösungsmittel wurden so als Schlüsselfaktoren für die Produktion hochqualitativer Schichten identifiziert. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass mit MP eine sehr effiziente Methode zur Herstellung homogener Schichten mit exzellenter Ausbeute ist. In weiteren Experimenten mit dem primordialen Alpha-Emitter 147Sm als Modellisotop wurde die Eignung solcher Schichten als Alpha-Quelle untersucht. Sowohl die Energieauflösung als auch der Anteil der Alpha-Teilchen, die den Detektor erreichten, waren von den Quelleneigenschaften abhängig. Die Effekte wurden verschiedenen Variablen der Dünnschicht zugeordnet, welche die Alpha-Spektren beeinflussten. Dominant war die Wahl des Lösungsmittels und die Rauigkeit des Substrats. Dies beeinflusste Schichtdicke und -morphologie sowie die Art des Schichtwachstums und veränderte die Detektionseffizienz in Alpha-Messungen bis zu 15%. Nur homogene, ebene Schichten, die aus DMF auf glatten Substraten abgeschieden wurden, eignen sich optimal als Alpha-Quelle. Die gewonnenen Ergebnisse erlauben die optimierte Herstellung nuklearer Targets durch MP. Künftige Anwendungen beinhalten insbesondere die Herstellung von Targets für neutroneninduzierte Spaltexperimente und untergrundarmeAlpha-Messungen sehr kleiner Aktivitäten.
Total energy SCF calculations were performed for noble gas difluorides in a relativistic procedure and compared with analogous non-relativistic calculations. The discrete variational method with numerical basis functions was used. Rather smooth potential energy curves could be obtained. The theoretical Kr - F and Xe - F bond distances were calculated to be 3.5 a.u. and 3.6 a.u. which should be compared with the experimental values of 3.54 a.u. and 3.7 a.u. Although the dissociation energies are off by a factor of about five it was found that ArF_2 may be a stable molecule. Theoretical ionization energies for the outer levels reproduce the experimental values for KrF_2 and XeF_2 to within 2 eV.
A LCAO-MO (linear combination of atomic orbitals - molecular orbitals) relativistic Dirac-Fock-Slater program is presented, which allows one to calculate accurate total energies for diatomic molecules. Numerical atomic Dirac-Fock-Slater wave functions are used as basis functions. All integrations as well as the solution of the Poisson equation are done fully numerical, with a relative accuracy of 10{^-5} - 10{^-6}. The details of the method as well as first results are presented here.