816 resultados para potassium intake


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Isotonic NaCl is ingested in addition to water by cell-dehydrated rats in two-bottle tests. The objective of the present work was to find out whether mineral intake in the cell-dehydrated rat is specific to NaCl in a five-bottle test. Adult male Sprague Dawley rats had distilled water and four mineral solutions at palatable concentrations (0.01 M KCl, 0.05 mM CaCl2, 0.15 M NaHCO3, 0.15 M NaCl) simultaneously available for consumption. Cell-debydration was produced infusing 1.5 ml of NaCl solution (0.15, 0.25, 0.5, 1.01, 2.0, 4.0 M) intravenously for 10 min and intakes were recorded for the next hour. It was observed a NaCl concentration-dependent increase in 0.01 M KCl intake. The ingestion of the other mineral solutions was not significantly altered compared to infusion of 0.15 M NaCl. The ingestion of KCl was not related to changes in serum potassium concentration. The ingestion of KCl was reduced in half and water was the preferred fluid when the five-bottle test was performed with mineral solutions at isomolar (0.15 M) concentrations. There was no increase in intake of other mineral solution in the isomolar test. No preference was observed for palatable or isomolar solutions during early extracellular dehydration until 4 h after subcutaneous injection of furosemide, in spite of the increase in total volume intake. Therefore, mineral intake induced by cell dehydration is not specific for NaCl solution. The type of mineral solution available influences the choice and KCl. is the preferred solution of the cell-dehydrated rat in the conditions of the present study. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Type II Bartter's syndrome is a hereditary hypokalemic renal salt-wasting disorder caused by mutations in the ROMK channel (Kir1.1; Kcnj1), mediating potassium recycling in the thick ascending limb of Henle's loop (TAL) and potassium secretion in the distal tubule and cortical collecting duct (CCT). Newborns with Type II Bartter are transiently hyperkalemic, consistent with loss of ROMK channel function in potassium secretion in distal convoluted tubule and CCT. Yet, these infants rapidly develop persistent hypokalemia owing to increased renal potassium excretion mediated by unknown mechanisms. Here, we used free-flow micropuncture and stationary microperfusion of the late distal tubule to explore the mechanism of renal potassium wasting in the Romk-deficient, Type II Bartter's mouse. We show that potassium absorption in the loop of Henle is reduced in Romk-deficient mice and can account for a significant fraction of renal potassium loss. In addition, we show that iberiotoxin (IBTX)-sensitive, flow-stimulated maxi-K channels account for sustained potassium secretion in the late distal tubule, despite loss of ROMK function. IBTX-sensitive potassium secretion is also increased in high-potassium-adapted wild-type mice. Thus, renal potassium wasting in Type II Bartter is due to both reduced reabsorption in the TAL and K secretion by max-K channels in the late distal tubule. © 2006 International Society of Nephrology.


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Hyperkalaemia, an elevated extracellular fluid potassium concentration, is a common electrolyte disorder and is present in 1-10% of hospitalised patients. Elevated serum potassium concentrations are usually asymptomatic but may be associated with electrocardiogram (ECG) changes. Hyperkalaemia occasionally leads to life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias. Prompt recognition of this disorder, patient risk management and administration of appropriate treatment can prevent serious cardiac complications of hyperkalaemia. Further assessment of the underlying basis for hyperkalaemia usually reveals a problem with renal potassium excretion (rather than transcellular shift of potassium or excess potassium intake). Reduced potassium excretion is typically associated with decreased potassium secretion in the aldosterone-sensitive distal nephron of the kidney. Common causes for hyperkalaemia include kidney failure, limited delivery of sodium and water to the distal nephron and drugs that inhibit the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. Treatment of life-threatening hyperkalaemia (particularly those patients with ECG changes) involves administration of intravenous calcium salts to stabilise the resting cardiac membrane potential. The potassium concentration can be lowered by administration of intravenous insulin combined with an infusion of glucose to stimulate intracellular uptake of potassium. Nebulised β-2 adrenoceptor agonists can augment the effects of intravenous insulin and glucose pending more definitive management of the recurrent hyperkalaemia risk. Additional management steps include stopping further potassium intake and careful review of prescribed drugs that may be adversely affecting potassium homeostasis. Changes to prescribing systems and an agreed institutional protocol for management of hyperkalaemia can improve patient safety for this frequently encountered electrolyte disorder.


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Cobb male broiler chicks (1,000) on new litter were used to evaluate effects of dietary electrolyte balance [DEB; Na+K-Cl, milliequivalents (mEq) per kilogram] under tropical summer conditions. Corn-soybean meal-based mash diets had salt (NaCl) alone or in combination with one or more supplements: sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), ammonium chloride (NH4Cl), or potassium bicarbonate (KHCO3). A completely randomized design, with five starter and grower feed treatments (control: 145, then 130 mEq/kg; or 0, 120, 240, or 360 mEq/kg throughout) and four replicate pens (1.5 x 3.2 m) per treatment (50 chicks per pen), was used. Diets were analyzed for Na, K, and Cl for confirmation. There were no significant (P < 0.05) effects of treatments on mortality or processing parameters. Water intake increased linearly with increasing DEB, giving higher litter moistures and lower rectal temperatures. Blood HCO3 and pH increased with the highest DEB (360 mEq/kg) causing respiratory alkalosis. The DEB of 240 mEg/kg gave best weight gain and feed conversion ratio, and ideal DEB predicted by regression analyses were 186 and 197 mEq/kg from 0 to 21 d of age and 236 and 207 mEq/kg of feed from 0 to 42 d, respectively. These DEB corresponded to estimated (interpolated) values in predicted optimal 186 to 197 mEq/kg starter of Na 0.38 to 0.40% and Cl 0.405 to 0.39% (K = 0.52%), in 207 to 236 mEq/kg starter, Na 0.409 to 0.445% and Cl 0.326 to 0.372% Cl (K = 0.52%), and in grower Na 0.41 to 0.445%, Cl 0.315 to 0.267% (K = 0.47%).


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Ross male broiler chicks (n = 480) on new litter were used in a randomized block design with two blocks (environmental rooms) and four treatments having four replicate pens (1.0 × 2.5 m; 15 chicks) each to evaluate dietary electrolyte balance (DEB; P < 0.05). Two rooms were 1) thermoneutral (Weeks 1 through 6, with decreasing maximum from 32 to 25°C and minimum from 28 to 19°C; relative humidity 49 to 58%) and 2) cyclic daily heat stress (Weeks 1 and 2, thermoneutral; Weeks 2 through 6, maximum temperatures 35, 35, 33, and 33°C, respectively; and minimum temperatures 23, 20, 19, and 19°C, respectively; relative humidity 51 to 54%). The DEB treatments (0, 140, 240, or 340 mEq Na + K - Cl/kg) had NaHCO3 plus NH4Cl, or KHCO3, or both added to corn-soybean meal mash basal diets with 0.30% salt (NaCl). In the thermoneutral room, DEB 240 increased 42-d weight gain and 44-d lymphocyte percentage and decreased heterophil percentage and heterophil to lymphocyte ratio compared to the DEB 40 treatment. The DEB 240 diets had 0.35 and 0.35% Na and 0.37% and 0.29% Cl in starter (0.75% K) and grower (0.67% K) diets, respectively. No DEB treatment differences were found in the heat stress room. For combined rooms, 42-d feed intake was higher for DEB 240 than for DEB 40. The 21-d weight gain was higher for DEB 240 than for DEB 40 or 140; and 21-d feed/gain was lower for DEB 40 than for DEB 340. The predicted maximum point of inflection for 21- and 42-d weight gains were DEB 250 and 201, with highest 42-d feed intake at 220.


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Introducción. La hipertensión arterial es una de las patologías más representativas en términos de morbi-mortalidad y afectación de la calidad de vida de los usuarios de una EPS privada en Bogotá. Se cuenta en la literatura con múltiples prácticas para favorecer la adherencia al tratamiento de la hipertensión, pero se evidencia que en muchos pacientes no se logran las metas terapéuticas establecidas, generando a largo plazo complicaciones que impactan en la calidad de vida de los pacientes y en el costo en salud. Es por esto que en la EPS se establece desde el 2012 el programa: Ruta para la gestión del autocuidado, como una estrategia de intervención complementaria sobre los pacientes con enfermedades crónicas, con el fin de apoyar a los usuarios del programa de promoción y prevención Atención Específica integral (AEI) en el cumplimiento de las recomendaciones terapéuticas farmacológicas y no farmacológicas generadas por el equipo de salud. La ruta está dirigida especialmente al grupo de pacientes hipertensos con dificultades en la adherencia al programa de promoción y prevención, o en el logro de metas terapéuticas, y busca implementar estrategias de intervención educativa orientadas a fomentar la capacidad de las personas para adaptarse y auto gestionar los desafíos que representa convivir con el diagnóstico de una patología crónica. Por lo anterior la presente investigación busca evaluar el efecto del programa Ruta para la gestión del autocuidado en el control de cifras tensionales en pacientes hipertensos en en una EPS privada de Bogotá en el año 2015. Objetivo. Establecer si la participación en el programa Ruta para la gestión del autocuidado influye en los valores de cifras tensionales de pacientes hipertensos, graduados del programa en una EPS privada de Bogotá en el año 2015. Metodología. Estudio con enfoque cuantitativo, observacional longitudinal retrospectivo de una intervención antes y después, para evaluar el efecto del programa Ruta de gestión de autocuidado, en el control de cifras tensionales, índice de masa corporal y perímetro abdominal de pacientes con diagnóstico de hipertensión arterial afiliados a la EPS privada en Bogotá, graduados del programa entre el 1 de Enero de 2015 a Diciembre de 2015. Población del estudio 409 pacientes, con muestreo por conveniencia. La recolección de datos fue a partir de fuentes secundarias de historia clínica sistematizada de la EPS. Resultados. La población de estudio fueron 409 pacientes, de los cuales el 69,2% son mujeres (n=283). El promedio de la edad de los pacientes fue de 60,16+/-0.9 años, los mayores de 60 años son el grupo más representativo con un 54% (n=220), el estrato socioeconómico 1 es el 77% (n=315), , el tiempo de duración de la ruta de autocuidado de la población analizada más frecuente fue de 4 a 6 meses con un 60,4% (n=247) y el tratamiento más utilizado es el combinado con 53,1% (n=217). Antes del inicio de la Ruta de gestión de autocuidado, 138 pacientes tuvieron valores de tensión arterial sistólica en rangos de hipertensión, al finalizar la misma disminuyeron los valores a rangos de normalidad 96 pacientes (69,6%). De los pacientes que iniciaron con tensión arterial sistólica en rangos de normalidad (n=271), el 12,5% al finalizar la ruta tuvieron valores en rangos de hipertensión (n=34). El cambio en los rangos de tensión arterial sistólica evidenció que es estadísticamente significativo (p=0.000) con un OR de 2,8:1, lo cual indica que la variación de pacientes con valores de tensión arterial sistólica en rangos de hipertensión a valores en rango de normotensión, ocurre 2,8 veces más en quienes realizan la ruta de gestión de autocuidado que los que no. Antes del inicio de la Ruta de gestión de autocuidado, 70 pacientes tuvieron valores de tensión arterial diastólica en rangos de hipertensión, al finalizar la misma disminuyeron los valores a rangos de normalidad 56 pacientes (80%). De los pacientes que iniciaron con tensión arterial diastólica en rangos de normalidad (n=339), el 8,3% al finalizar la ruta tuvieron valores en rangos de hipertensión (n=28). El cambio en los rangos de tensión arterial diastólica, evidenció que es estadísticamente significativo (p=0.001) con un OR de 2,0:1, lo cual indica que la variación de pacientes con valores de tensión arterial diastólica en rangos de hipertensión a valores en rango de normotensión, ocurre 2 veces más en quienes realizan la ruta de gestión de autocuidado que los que no. Conclusión. La implementación de modelos educativos en la atención primaria en salud en las unidades de atención de servicios ambulatorios en la EPS, generan un impacto positivo en el control de las cifras tensionales. El tener pacientes controlados incide en la disminución de morbimortalidad, costos de hospitalización médica y mejora en la calidad de vida.


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Background Alcoholism imposes a tremendous social and economic burden. There are relatively few pharmacological treatments for alcoholism, with only moderate efficacy, and there is considerable interest in identifying additional therapeutic options. Alcohol exposure alters SK-type potassium channel (SK) function in limbic brain regions. Thus, positive SK modulators such as chlorzoxazone (CZX), a US Food and Drug Administration–approved centrally acting myorelaxant, might enhance SK function and decrease neuronal activity, resulting in reduced alcohol intake. Methods We examined whether CZX reduced alcohol consumption under two-bottle choice (20% alcohol and water) in rats with intermittent access to alcohol (IAA) or continuous access to alcohol (CAA). In addition, we used ex vivo electrophysiology to determine whether SK inhibition and activation can alter firing of nucleus accumbens (NAcb) core medium spiny neurons. Results Chlorzoxazone significantly and dose-dependently decreased alcohol but not water intake in IAA rats, with no effects in CAA rats. Chlorzoxazone also reduced alcohol preference in IAA but not CAA rats and reduced the tendency for rapid initial alcohol consumption in IAA rats. Chlorzoxazone reduction of IAA drinking was not explained by locomotor effects. Finally, NAcb core neurons ex vivo showed enhanced firing, reduced SK regulation of firing, and greater CZX inhibition of firing in IAA versus CAA rats. Conclusions The potent CZX-induced reduction of excessive IAA alcohol intake, with no effect on the more moderate intake in CAA rats, might reflect the greater CZX reduction in IAA NAcb core firing observed ex vivo. Thus, CZX could represent a novel and immediately accessible pharmacotherapeutic intervention for human alcoholism. Key Words: Alcohol intake; intermittent; neuro-adaptation; nucleus accumbens; SK potassium channel


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The circumventricular structures and the lateral hypothalamus (LH) have been shown to be important for the central action of angiotensin II (ANGII) on water and electrolyte regulation. Several anatomical findings have demonstrated neural connection between circumventricular structures and the LH, the present experiments were conducted to investigate the role of the alpha-adrenergic antagonists and agonistic injected into the LH on the water intake, sodium and potassium excretion elicited by injections of ANGII into the lateral ventricle (LV), the water intake was measured every 30 min over a period of 120 min. The sodium, potassium and urinary volume were measured over a period of 120 min in water-loaded rats. The injection of ANGII into the LV increased the water intake, which was reduced by previous injection of clonidine (an alpha-2-adrenergic agonist) into the LH. The injection of yohimbine (an alpha-2-adrenergic antagonist) and prazosin (an alpha-l-adrenergic antagonist) into the LH, which was done before injecting ANGII into the LV, also reduced the water intake induced by ANGII. The injection of ANGII into the LV reduced the sodium, potassium and urinary volume. Previous treatment with clonidine attenuated the action of ANGII in reducing the sodium, potassium and urinary volume, whereas previous treatment with yohimbine attenuated the effects of ANGII but with less intensity than that caused by clonidine. Previous treatment with prazosin increased the inhibitory effects of ANGII in those parameters. The injection of yohimbine and prazosin, which was done before the injection of clonidine, attenuated the effect of clonidine on the ANGII mechanism. The results of this study led us to postulate that when alpha-2-adrenergic receptors are blocked, the clonidine may act on the imidazoline receptors to produce its effects on the ANGII mechanism. We may also conclude that the LH is involved with circumventricular structures, which present excitatory and inhibitory mechanisms. Such mechanisms are responsible for regulating the renal excretion of sodium, potassium and water, (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V.


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Utilizing a mono-specific antiserum produced in rabbits to hog kidney aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase (AADC), the enzyme was localized in rat kidney by immunoperoxidase staining. AADC was located predominantly in the proximal convoluted tubules; there was also weak staining in the distal convoluted tubules and collecting ducts. An increase in dietary potassium or sodium intake produced no change in density or distribution of AADC staining in kidney. An assay of AADC enzyme activity showed no difference in cortex or medulla with chronic potassium loading. A change in distribution or activity of renal AADC does not explain the postulated dopaminergic modulation of renal function that occurs with potassium or sodium loading.


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BACKGROUND: Observational studies suggest that patients with heart failure have a tendency to a reduced status of a number of micronutrients and that this may be associated with an adverse prognosis. A small number of studies also suggest that patients with heart failure may have reduced dietary intake of micronutrients, a possible mechanism for reduced status.

OBJECTIVE: The aims of this study were to assess dietary micronutrient intake and micronutrient status in a group of patients with heart failure.

METHODS: Dietary intake was assessed in 79 outpatients with chronic stable heart failure with a reduced ejection fraction using a validated food frequency questionnaire. Blood concentrations of a number of micronutrients, including vitamin D, were measured in fasting blood samples, drawn at the time of food frequency questionnaire completion.

RESULTS: More than 20% of patients reported intakes less than the reference nutrient intake or recommended intake for riboflavin, vitamin D, vitamin A, calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, copper, selenium, and iodine. More than 5% of patients reported intakes less than the lower reference nutrient intake or minimum recommended intake for riboflavin, vitamin D, vitamin A, calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, selenium, and iodine. Vitamin D deficiency (plasma total 25-hydroxy-vitamin D concentration <50 nmol/L) was observed in 75.6% of patients.

CONCLUSIONS: Vitamin D deficiency was common in this group of patients with heart failure. Based on self-reported dietary intake, a substantial number of individuals may not have been consuming enough vitamin D and a modest number of individuals may not have been consuming enough riboflavin, vitamin A, calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, copper, selenium, or iodine to meet their dietary needs.


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BACKGROUND: Monitoring of fruit and vegetable (F&V) intake is fraught with difficulties. Available dietary assessment methods are associated with considerable error, and the use of biomarkers offers an attractive alternative. Few studies to date have examined the use of plasma biomarkers to monitor or predict the F&V intake of volunteers consuming a wide range of intakes from both habitual F&V and manipulated diets. OBJECTIVE: This study tested the hypothesis that an integrated biomarker calculated from a combination of plasma vitamin C, cholesterol-adjusted carotenoid concentration and Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power (FRAP) had more power to predict F&V intake than each individual biomarker. METHODS: Data from a randomized controlled dietary intervention study [FLAVURS (Flavonoids University of Reading Study); n = 154] in which the test groups observed sequential increases of 2.3, 3.2, and 4.2 portions of F&Vs every 6 wk across an 18-wk period were used in this study. RESULTS: An integrated plasma biomarker was devised that included plasma vitamin C, total cholesterol-adjusted carotenoids, and FRAP values, which better correlated with F&V intake (r = 0.47, P < 0.001) than the individual biomarkers (r = 0.33, P < 0.01; r = 0.37, P < 0.001; and r = 0.14, respectively; P = 0.099). Inclusion of urinary potassium concentration did not significantly improve the correlation. The integrated plasma biomarker predicted F&V intake more accurately than did plasma total cholesterol-adjusted carotenoid concentration, with the difference being significant at visit 2 (P < 0.001) and with a tendency to be significant at visit 1 (P = 0.07). CONCLUSION: Either plasma total cholesterol-adjusted carotenoid concentration or the integrated biomarker could be used to distinguish between high- and moderate-F&V consumers. This trial was registered at www.controlled-trials.com as ISRCTN47748735.


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We investigated the role of alpha-adrenergic antagonists and clonidine injected into the medial septal area (MSA) on water intake and the decrease in Na+, K+ and urine elicited by ANGII injection into the third ventricle (3rdV). Male Holtzman rats with stainless steel cannulas implanted into the 3rdV and MSA were used. ANGII (12 nmol/µl) increased water intake (12.5 ± 1.7 ml/120 min). Clonidine (20 nmol/µl) injected into the MSA reduced the ANGII-induced water intake (2.9 ± 0.5 ml/120 min). Pretreatment with 80 nmol/µl yohimbine or prazosin into the MSA also reduced the ANGII-induced water intake (3.0 ± 0.4 and 3.1 ± 0.2 ml/120 min, respectively). Yohimbine + prazosin + clonidine injected into the MSA abolished the ANGII-induced water intake (0.2 ± 0.1 and 0.2 ± 0.1 ml/120 min, respectively). ANGII reduced Na+ (23 ± 7 µEq/120 min), K+ (27 ± 3 µEq/120 min) and urine volume (4.3 ± 0.9 ml/120 min). Clonidine increased the parameters above. Clonidine injected into the MSA abolished the inhibitory effect of ANGII on urinary sodium. Yohimbine injected into the MSA also abolished the inhibitory effects of ANGII. Yohimbine + clonidine attenuated the inhibitory effects of ANGII. Prazosin injected into the MSA did not cause changes in ANGII responses. Prazosin + clonidine attenuated the inhibitory effects of ANGII. The results showed that MSA injections of alpha1- and alpha2-antagonists decreased ANGII-induced water intake, and abolished the Na+, K+ and urine decrease induced by ANGII into the 3rdV. These findings suggest the involvement of septal alpha1- and alpha2-adrenergic receptors in water intake and electrolyte and urine excretion induced by central ANGII.


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Individually caged male Cobb broilers (24), 44 d of age, were used to evaluate effects of heat stress (1 d of data collection) and dietary electrolyte balance (DEB; Na + K - Cl, mEq/kg from 1 d of age). During summer rearing, mortality was variable, but DEB 240 improved growth, feed conversion ratio, water intake, and waterrfeed ratio vs. DEB 0. The temperature sequence for heat stress was 24 to 32°C in 30 min, 32 to 36°C in 30 min, 36 to 37°C in 15 min, and 37 to 41°C in 45 min. Maximum temperature was held for 15, 60, 90, or 360 min for data collection (relative humidity averaged 42 ± 7%). Results from the same room before and after heat stress were analyzed by DEB (1-factor ANOVA) and before vs. after heat stress compared across DEB (2-sample t-test). Heat stress decreased blood Na, K, and pCO2, and lymphocytes but increased heterophils. Blood HCO3 rose, Cl declined, and hematocrit gave a concave pattern (lowest at DEB 120) as DEB increased. After heat stress, DEB O decreased blood Na and K, and DEB O and 120 levels decreased blood HCO3. After heat stress blood pCO2 and hemoglobin decreased with DEB 240, but it had highest pCO2, a key factor. The DEB 120 gave longest times to panting and prostration with DEB O and 240 results lower but similar statistically. In heat stress, DEB 360 was excessive, DEB 120 and 240 were favorable, and DEB 0 was intermediate based on hematology, panting, and prostration responses.


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In this study, we investigated an interaction between noradrenergic and cholinergic pathways of the medial septal area (MSA) on the control of water intake and urinary electrolyte excretion by means of injection of their respective agonists. Noradrenaline (a nonspecific α-adrenergic agonist) and clonidine (an α2-adrenergic agonist), but not phenylephrine (an α1-adrenergic agonist), induced natriuresis and kaliuresis. α-Adrenergic activation had no effect on the natriuresis and kaliuresis induced by carbachol (a cholinergic agonist) and it inhibited the antinatriuresis and antikaliuresis induced by isoproterenol (a ß-adrenergic agonist). Interactions related to volume excretion are complex. α-Adrenergic activation induced a mild diuresis and inhibited the antidiuresis induced by isoproterenol, but phenylephrine combined with carbachol induced antidiuresis. The water intake induced by carbachol was inhibited by clonidine and noradrenaline, but not phenylephrine. These results show an asymmetry in the interaction between α-adrenergic and cholinergic receptors concerning water intake and electrolyte excretion. © 1992.


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Diets with more than 30 g K/kg DM have previously been associated with hypomagnesaemia in grazing cattle, and to test whether such diets lead to mineral disorders in sheep, the absorption of Mg and other elements was investigated using experimental diets to which KC I had been added to provide 27, 29, 32 or 34 g K/kg DM. The apparent absorption, balance and apparent retention of Mg, and to a lesser extent Ca, were reduced for sheep offered the diets with 32 or 34 g K/kg DM. The absorption and retention of K, Na, P, Zn, Pb and Cd was not affected by treatment. The blood intracellular Ca concentration was reduced by the diets with 29, 32 or 34 g K/kg DM, compared to the diet with 27 g K/kg DM, but the concentration of other elements was unaffected. Blood plasma Ca concentration was increased at the highest level of K inclusion, providing evidence of mild hyperkalaemia and the involvement of Ca homeostatic mechanisms. It is concluded that Mg absorption by sheep will be impaired if the diet contains more than 30 g K/kg DM, equivalent to an intake of approximately 13 g K/d, but that a high K diet may be beneficial before parturition to accustom the sheep to Ca mobilization before lactation. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.