1000 resultados para postpartum sadness syndrome
Objectives: estimate the Prevalence and track the risk factors associated with, Maternity blues (MB). Methods: a transversal study was performed with 113 women, on the tenth day of puerperium. The following instruments were used: Pitt Scale (1968), Stein (1980), Inventory for stressful life events by Holmes & Rahe (1967), and a questionnaire with sociodemographic and obstetric data. Results: the prevalence of MB was 32.7% according to the Stein scale. In the univariated analysis, civil status and tobacco use were associated with MB, Legally married women and nonsmokers showed a risk approximately 4 times lower of experiencing the problem. Conclusions: MB was very prevalent in this sample, Obstetricians must be aware of this condition which may be associated with postpartum depression.
Introducción La preeclampsia hace parte del espectro de los trastornos hipertensivos asociados al embarazo y es causa de alta morbimortalidad materna. La edad gestacional ha sido relacionada con la presentación más severa de esta cuando ocurren lejanas al término. Hoy en día existe la posibilidad de proporcionar manejo expectante en estos casos en unidades de cuidado obstétrico especializadas, con el fin de disminuir el riesgo de morbimortalidad asociada a la prematurez extrema. Metodología Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal que incluyó pacientes con preeclampsia lejos del término entre las 24 y 34 semanas que recibieron manejo expectante entre 2009 y 2012 en la Unidad de Cuidado Intensivo Obstétrico de la Clínica Colsubsidio Orquídeas. Resultados Se incluyeron 121 pacientes con preeclampsia lejos del término, quienes recibieron manejo expectante. La edad promedio fue 29.8, el promedio de días de manejo expectante fue 4 días, con una mediana de tres días. La edad gestacional de ingreso fue 30 1/7 semanas y la edad promedio de terminación 30 5/7 semanas. El 88.4% recibieron esquema de maduración completo. El 81.6% presentaron preeclampsia severa. El desenlace materno más frecuente fue Síndrome Hellp (37%) y el desenlace fetal fue restricción de crecimiento intrauterino (29%). Discusión Se debe considerar el manejo expectante en toda paciente con preeclampsia previa a la semana 34 para manejo antenatal con corticoesteroides, el cual demostró ser un factor protector para muerte perinatal temprana. No se encontraron diferencias significativas entre la aparición de complicaciones y la cantidad de días de manejo expectante.
Mastitis-Metritis-Agalactia (MMA), also known as postpartum dysgalactia syndrome (PPDS) is the most important disease complex in sows after birth. The present study compared 30 MMA problem herds (over 12% of farrowing sows affected) with 30 control farms (less than 10% of farrowing sows affected) to identify risk factors and treatment incidence. Important risk factors identified were in gilts the integration into the herd after the first farrowing, in gestating sows firm fecal consistency as well as in lactating sows soiled troughs, a low flow rate (<2 liters per minute) in drinking nipples and a high prevalence of lameness. The treatment incidence was also significantly different between the two groups. The MMA prevalence could be reduced through optimization of husbandry, feeding and management, which could essentially diminish the use of antibiotics.
Sheehan's syndrome occurs as a result of ischaemic pituitary necrosis due to severe postpartum haemorrhage. Improvements in obstetrical care have significantly reduced its incidence in developed countries, but postpartum pituitary infarction remains a common cause of hypopituitarism in developing countries. We report a case of severe postpartum haemorrhage followed by headache, central diabetes insipidus and failure to lactate, which prompted us to investigate and identify both anterior and posterior pituitary deficiency compatible with Sheehan's syndrome. A timely diagnosis allowed us to implement an adequate treatment and follow-up plan, which are known to improve clinical status and patient outcome.
AIMS: To investigate the relationships between gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and the metabolic syndrome (MS), as it was suggested that insulin resistance was the hallmark of both conditions. To analyse post-partum screening in order to identify risk factors for the subsequent development of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM). METHODS: A retrospective analysis of all singleton pregnancies diagnosed with GDM at the Lausanne University Hospital for 3 consecutive years. Pre-pregnancy obesity, hypertension and dyslipidaemia were recorded as constituents of the MS. RESULTS: For 5788 deliveries, 159 women (2.7%) with GDM were identified. Constituents of the MS were present before GDM pregnancy in 26% (n = 37/144): 84% (n = 31/37) were obese, 38% (n = 14/37) had hypertension and 22% (n = 8/37) had dyslipidaemia. Gestational hypertension was associated with obesity (OR = 3.2, P = 0.02) and dyslipidaemia (OR = 5.4, P=0.002). Seventy-four women (47%) returned for post-partum OGTT, which was abnormal in 20 women (27%): 11% (n = 8) had type 2 diabetes and 16% (n = 12) had impaired glucose tolerance. Independent predictors of abnormal glucose tolerance in the post-partum were: having > 2 abnormal values on the diagnostic OGTT during pregnancy and presenting MS constituents (OR = 5.2, CI 1.8-23.2 and OR = 5.3, CI 1.3-22.2). CONCLUSIONS: In one fourth of GDM pregnancies, metabolic abnormalities precede the appearance of glucose intolerance. These women have a high risk of developing the MS and type 2 diabetes in later years. Where GDM screening is not universal, practitioners should be aware of those metabolic risks in every pregnant woman presenting with obesity, hypertension or dyslipidaemia, in order to achieve better diagnosis and especially better post-partum follow-up and treatment.
Facial expression recognition was investigated in 20 males with high functioning autism (HFA) or Asperger syndrome (AS), compared to typically developing individuals matched for chronological age (TD CA group) and verbal and non-verbal ability (TD V/NV group). This was the first study to employ a visual search, “face in the crowd” paradigm with a HFA/AS group, which explored responses to numerous facial expressions using real-face stimuli. Results showed slower response times for processing fear, anger and sad expressions in the HFA/AS group, relative to the TD CA group, but not the TD V/NV group. Reponses to happy, disgust and surprise expressions showed no group differences. Results are discussed with reference to the amygdala theory of autism.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Cervicocephalic artery dissection (CAD) after childbirth is rare. The objective of this study was to determine differences between postpartum and nonpostpartum CAD. METHODS: We compared consecutive patients with postpartum CAD with a control group of women with nonpostpartum CAD. RESULTS: Of 245 patients with CAD, 102 women <50 years (6 with postpartum CAD and 96 with nonpostpartum CAD) were identified. Vascular risk factors and presenting characteristics did not differ significantly between postpartum CAD and nonpostpartum CAD women. By contrast, patients with postpartum CAD had more often coexisting conditions such as reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome (2 of 6 versus 2 of 96; P=0.017), reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome (2 of 6 versus one of 96; P=0.009), and subarachnoid hemorrhage without signs of intracranial extension of CAD (2 of 6 versus zero of 96; P=0.003). CONCLUSIONS: CAD and associated conditions should be looked for in women with unusual headache after childbirth.
OBJECTIVES To describe clinical-radiologic characteristics in a prospective series of patients having both confirmed reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome (RCVS) and cervical artery dissection (CeAD). METHODS From January 2004 to December 2011, from our prospective cohorts of RCVS and CeAD, we studied patients with both conditions. RESULTS Of 173 RCVS cases and 285 CeAD cases, 20 patients (18 women, 2 men; mean age 41 years) had both RCVS and CeAD. Main associated conditions were migraine (12/20) and postpartum (5/18). Clinical features included severe headache in all patients, neck pain in 15, focal neurologic deficit in 9, and seizures in 4. Pain was the only symptom in 10 patients. All patients had multifocal cerebral vasoconstriction. There were brain lesions in 12 patients, cortical subarachnoid hemorrhage in 11, posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome in 4, intracerebral hemorrhage in 3, and infarcts in 4. CeAD involved one artery in 13 patients and multiple arteries in 7. CeAD mostly affected vertebral arteries (25 of 30 CeAD). Only one vertebral CeAD was associated with a related symptomatic infarct. At 3 months, 18 patients had fully recovered, all patients showed reversal of cerebral vasoconstriction, and 21 dissected arteries had normalized, whereas 9 arteries showed residual stenosis (7) and/or aneurysm (3). CONCLUSION The association of RCVS and CeAD was found in 12% of our patients with RCVS and 7% of our patients with CeAD. Underlying mechanisms are unknown. In practice, our results point to the need for a systematic study of both cervical and intracranial arteries in the 2 conditions.
Preeclampsia (PE) is a pregnancy complication that is new-onset of hypertension and proteinuria after 20 weeks of gestation. However, subclinical renal dysfunction may be apparent earlier in gestation prior to the clinical presentation of PE. Although the maternal syndrome of PE resolves early postpartum, women with a history of PE are at higher risk of renal dysfunction later in life. Mineral metabolism, such as phosphate balance is heavily dependent on renal function, yet, phosphate handling in women with a history of PE is largely unknown. To investigate whether women with a history of PE would exhibit changes in phosphate metabolism compared to healthy parous women, phosphate loading test was used. Women with or without a history of PE, who were 6 months to 5 years postpartum, were recruited for this study. Blood and urine samples were collected before and after the oral dosing of 500mg phosphate solution. Biochemical markers of phosphate metabolism and renal function were evaluated. In order to assess the difference in renal function alteration between first trimester women who were or were not destined to develop PE, plasma cystatin C concentration was analysed. After phosphate loading, women with a history of PE had significantly elevated serum phosphate at both 1- and 2-hour, while controls had higher urine phosphate:urine creatinine excretion ratio at 1-hour than women with a history of PE. Women with a history of PE had no changes in intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH) concentration throughout the study period, whereas controls had elevated iPTH at 1-hour from baseline. In terms of renal function in the first trimester, there was no difference in plasma cystatin C concentration between women who were or were not destined to develop PE. The elevation of serum phosphate in women with a history of PE could be due to the delay in phosphate excretion. Prolong elevation of serum phosphate can have serious consequences later in life. Thus, oral phosphate challenge may serve as a useful method of early screening for altered phosphate metabolism and renal function.
Preeclampsia (PE) is a pregnancy complication that is new-onset of hypertension and proteinuria after 20 weeks of gestation. However, subclinical renal dysfunction may be apparent earlier in gestation prior to the clinical presentation of PE. Although the maternal syndrome of PE resolves early postpartum, women with a history of PE are at higher risk of renal dysfunction later in life. Mineral metabolism, such as phosphate balance is heavily dependent on renal function, yet, phosphate handling in women with a history of PE is largely unknown. To investigate whether women with a history of PE would exhibit changes in phosphate metabolism compared to healthy parous women, phosphate loading test was used. Women with or without a history of PE, who were 6 months to 5 years postpartum, were recruited for this study. Blood and urine samples were collected before and after the oral dosing of 500mg phosphate solution. Biochemical markers of phosphate metabolism and renal function were evaluated. In order to assess the difference in renal function alteration between first trimester women who were or were not destined to develop PE, plasma cystatin C concentration was analysed. After phosphate loading, women with a history of PE had significantly elevated serum phosphate at both 1- and 2-hour, while controls had higher urine phosphate:urine creatinine excretion ratio at 1-hour than women with a history of PE. Women with a history of PE had no changes in intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH) concentration throughout the study period, whereas controls had elevated iPTH at 1-hour from baseline. In terms of renal function in the first trimester, there was no difference in plasma cystatin C concentration between women who were or were not destined to develop PE. The elevation of serum phosphate in women with a history of PE could be due to the delay in phosphate excretion. Prolong elevation of serum phosphate can have serious consequences later in life. Thus, oral phosphate challenge may serve as a useful method of early screening for altered phosphate metabolism and renal function.
Background and Aims: Reproductive life events are potential triggers of mood episodes in women with bipolar disorder. We aimed to establish whether a history of premenstrual mood change and postpartum episodes are associated with perimenopausal episodes in women who have bipolar disorder. Methods: Participants were 339 post-menopausal women with DSM-IV bipolar disorder recruited into the Bipolar Disorder Research Network (www.bdrn.org). Women self-reported presence (N = 200) or absence (N = 139) of an illness episode during the perimenopausal period. History of premenstrual mood change was measured using the self-report Premenstrual Symptoms Screening Tool (PSST), and history of postpartum episodes was measured via semi-structured interview (Schedules for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry, SCAN) and inspection of case-notes. Results: History of a postpartum episode within 6 months of delivery (OR = 2.13, p = 0.03) and history of moderate/severe premenstrual syndrome (OR = 6.33, p < 0.001) were significant predictors of the presence of a perimenopausal episode, even after controlling for demographic factors. When we narrowed the definition of premenstrual mood change to premenstrual dysphoric disorder, it remained significant (OR = 2.68, p = 0.007). Conclusions: Some women who have bipolar disorder may be particularly sensitive to reproductive life events. Previous mood episodes in relation to the female reproductive lifecycle may help clinicians predict individual risk for women with bipolar disorder approaching the menopause. There is a need for prospective longitudinal studies of women with bipolar disorder providing frequent contemporaneous ratings of their mood to overcome the limitations of retrospective self-report data.
Introduction: Auricular chondritis has been occasionally described in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and antiphospholipid syndrome (APS). Materials and methods: We report the case of a woman with a previous history of APS who presented with auricular chondritis with onset of SLE symptoms during the postpartum period. Conclusion: SLE and APS should be taken into consideration in the differential diagnosis of auricular chondritis.
Desmoid tumor (DT) is a common manifestation of Gardner's Syndrome (GS), although it is a rare condition in the general population. DT in patients with GS is usually located in the abdominal wall and/or intra-abdominal cavity. We report a case of a 32 years-old female patient with familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP), who was already submitted to total colectomy and developed multiple DT, located in the abdominal wall and in the left breast. The patient underwent several surgical procedures, with a multidisciplinary team of surgeons. Wide surgical resections of the left breast and the abdominal wall tumors were performed in separate steps. Polypropylene mesh reconstruction and muscle flaps were needed to cover the defects of the thoracic and abdominal walls. After partial necrosis of the adipose-cutaneous flap in the abdomen that required a new skin graft, she had a satisfactory outcome with complete healing of the surgical incisions. DT is frequent in GS, however, breast localization is very rare, with few cases reported in the literature. Recurrence of DT is not negligible, even after a wide surgical resection. GS patients must be followed up closely, and clinical examination, associated with imaging studies, should be performed to detect any signs of tumor. DT represents one of the most significant causes of the morbidity and mortality that affects FAP patients following colectomy. In general, the surgical procedures to excise DT are highly complex, requiring a multidisciplinary team.
To assess the prevalence of Climacteric Syndrome (CS) in women from a municipality of Northeastern Brazil which is less developed socioeconomically. A prospective household survey was performed in São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil with 1,210 climacteric women aged 45 to 60 years. Interviews were applied using previously tested standard questionnaires from April to July 2008. The severity of climacteric symptoms was analyzed by circulatory and psychological indexes and the latter were associated with menopausal status. Multiple correspondence analysis was used to assess the relation among climacteric symptoms. Most patients were 55 to 60 years old (35.3%), mulatto (37.9%), with 9-11 years of schooling (39.8%), with a partner (56%), Catholic (73.9%) and belonged to the socioeconomic class C (51.1%). The prevalence of CS was 85.9%, and hot flashes (56.4%) and sweating (50.4%) were the most prevalent symptoms. The most frequent psychological symptoms were nervousness (45%) and emotional liability (44.8%). The severity of vasomotor and psychological symptoms was significantly higher during the peri and postmenopausal period (p<0.05). Vaginal dryness (62.7%) was the most prevalent urogenital complaint. The prevalence of CS was high among women from São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil.
There is great interindividual variability in the response to GH therapy. Ascertaining genetic factors can improve the accuracy of growth response predictions. Suppressor of cytokine signaling (SOCS)-2 is an intracellular negative regulator of GH receptor (GHR) signaling. The objective of the study was to assess the influence of a SOCS2 polymorphism (rs3782415) and its interactive effect with GHR exon 3 and -202 A/C IGFBP3 (rs2854744) polymorphisms on adult height of patients treated with recombinant human GH (rhGH). Genotypes were correlated with adult height data of 65 Turner syndrome (TS) and 47 GH deficiency (GHD) patients treated with rhGH, by multiple linear regressions. Generalized multifactor dimensionality reduction was used to evaluate gene-gene interactions. Baseline clinical data were indistinguishable among patients with different genotypes. Adult height SD scores of patients with at least one SOCS2 single-nucleotide polymorphism rs3782415-C were 0.7 higher than those homozygous for the T allele (P < .001). SOCS2 (P = .003), GHR-exon 3 (P= .016) and -202 A/C IGFBP3 (P = .013) polymorphisms, together with clinical factors accounted for 58% of the variability in adult height and 82% of the total height SD score gain. Patients harboring any two negative genotypes in these three different loci (homozygosity for SOCS2 T allele; the GHR exon 3 full-length allele and/or the -202C-IGFBP3 allele) were more likely to achieve an adult height at the lower quartile (odds ratio of 13.3; 95% confidence interval of 3.2-54.2, P = .0001). The SOCS2 polymorphism (rs3782415) has an influence on the adult height of children with TS and GHD after long-term rhGH therapy. Polymorphisms located in GHR, IGFBP3, and SOCS2 loci have an influence on the growth outcomes of TS and GHD patients treated with rhGH. The use of these genetic markers could identify among rhGH-treated patients those who are genetically predisposed to have less favorable outcomes.