998 resultados para post-harvesting
The cleanness level in fresh market tomatoes cleaning equipment is essential for consumer acceptance and conservation of product quality. However, the washing process in cleaning current equipments demands an excessive volume of water, leading to serious economic and environmental concerns. The objective of this work was to contribute with technical information for the washing system optimization. The conventional washing system currently used in cleaning equipment, which consists of perforated PVC pipes, was compared with a proposed system which uses commercial sprays. Characteristic curves (flow rate versus pressure) for both systems were determined in lab conditions and the respective water consumptions were compared. The results confirmed the excess of water consumption in the conventional washing systems, and the proposed system proved that is possible to reduce it, and the use of sprays allowed the rational use of the water.
The post-harvesting cleaning process in fresh market tomatoes production is essential to the consumer acceptance, since the degree of dirtiness of the fruits is directly related to its quality. However, the washing stage of the cleaning process of commercial packinghouse demands an excessive water volume, bringing serious environmental concerns. The objective of this work was to compare the cleaning efficiency in two cleaning systems through the evaluation of different operational conditions of the cleaning process, related with the brush rotation, water flow and fruit standing time under the system. It was compared the conventional system utilized in commercial equipment with a system using commercial sprays. The results showed that the cleaning efficiency was not directly related to the water volume used, but to the water pressure, standing time and brushes rotation. Therefore, the use of commercial sprays can bring benefits to the cleaning efficiency, increasing it up to 13%, and to the environmental, decreasing water consumption.
A fruit chemical composition reflects its maturation stage. For coffee, it is also the reflex of the post-harvesting processing type, dry, semi-wet and wet. The object of this work was to verify if headspace solid phase microextraction coupled to gas chromatography (HS-SPME-GC) could be used to discriminate between samples harvested in different maturation stages and treated by different processes. With application of principal component analysis to the area of 117 compounds extracted by SPME, using divinylbenzene/Carboxen/polydimethylsiloxane fiber, it was possible to discriminate, in the roasted and ground coffee, the maturity stage and processing type used .
Peru agricultural exports have increased in recent years due to (i) free trade agreements with many countries (United States, Canada, European Union, China, Thailand, Singapore, Japan, Chile, among others), (ii) an increasing international demand for healthy products, (iii) country´s economic development and (iv) more private investments in this sector (Velazco 2012). Also, if we can compare among Peru three main regions (Coast, Andean highlands and the Jungle), It is the Coast (western region) that has a developed agricultural production due to unique weather conditions, private investments, public infrastructure, transport costs and quality of land (Gomez, 2008). This country development is also related to the production of non-traditional products for export like asparagus, artichokes, capsicums, bananas, grapes, among others; produced by agro industrial companies and small farmers and that are mainly labor intensive (Gomez, 2008 and Velazco, 2012). This very successful export diversification and self-discovery process was the result of a combination of strong natural comparative advantages (mainly excellent agro climatic conditions) and a significant innovation effort. It meant the introduction and expansion of new products and markets, the entry of new firms, and experimental research and the adoption of new techniques and process technologies developed abroad (in irrigation, crop management, post-harvesting, sanitary control, storage and packing) to produce high-quality, niche (gourmet) and higher value-added products, in line with consumer trends in sophisticated food markets. In products such as asparagus, mango, organic coffee and capsicums, Peru has become a leading world exporter (OECD). For this reason one of the government main tasks for the next years is to meet urgent agriculture producer’s needs in the areas of technological Innovation and business management (MINAG). In this context, this thesis analyzes the applicability of a new technology – the mechatronic arms – specifically to capsicums production sector in Peru. We chose Capsicums production sector (paprika, chilli pepper) because is mainly labor intensive and is the sector where my family company (DIROSE SAC) operates. This innovation consists in a 40 arms mechatronic combine, and it was first created in order to improve the efficiency on the labor intensive phase of harvest for this kind of agriculture products. It is estimated that a laborer with brief training operating the machine would be equivalent to 40 people that not only would work during daytime, but also on the night shift as well. Also, using this new technology can allow a company to make additional crops that would increase their yields and annual revenues. This thesis was developed as a business plan to make this new product available for other agriculture companies that operates in the capsicums production sector in Peru; however, this new technology has the potential to be modified in order to be available to other kind of agriculture products, in Peru and other countries.
A manutenção da integridade das membranas celulares, entre outros eventos, é um forte indicativo de que a qualidade do café foi preservada na pós-colheita. Objetivou-se neste trabalho, analisar o efeito de diferentes métodos de secagem na manutenção da integridade da parede celular e da membrana plasmática de café natural e café despolpado, buscando determinar as condições e o momento em que ocorrem as rupturas microscópicas. Os cafés foram submetidos a um período de pré-secagem em terreiro. Após este, uma parcela de cada tipo de café foi desidratada no terreiro e, outra, à temperatura de 40ºC e 60ºC em secadores de camada fixa, monitorando-se a temperatura e o teor de água até 11% (bu). Nesse período, grãos foram aleatoriamente amostrados e fragmentos do endosperma preparados para a microscopia eletrônica de varredura, registrando-se diversas eletromicrografias, avaliando-se as alterações na membrana plasmática da célula do endosperma dos grãos de cafés em função do teor de água e tempo de secagem. O citoplasma das células a 11% (bu) de teor de água não foi comprometido na secagem em terreiro e a 40°C; na secagem a 60°C, observou-se comprometimento nas estruturas celulares nos cafés com teor de água de 20% (bu).
Studies were conducted to show the effect of different temperatures in the drying process on the amount and quality of essential oils of peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) The leaves were harvested in the Demeter Farmer, Botucatu, SP, Brazil in december, 1997. The leaves were dried at 40°C, 60°C and 80°C, until establishment of the weights. The essential oil was extracted by destilation in Clevenger apparatus and analysed by GC-MS. Higher drying temperature sharply decreased the essential oil content (% v/w) from 1.0% (40°C) to 0.14% (60°C) and 0.12% (80°C). Higher drying temperatures also affected the composition, decreasing the contents of 1,8 cineol and citronelal until 80°C, and increasing the contents of menthol and neomenthol until 60°C.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Aplicação de biofungicidas no controle do fungo Aspergillus flavus L. em amendoim (Arachis hypogaea)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia e Ciência de Alimentos - IBILCE
Dissertação de mestrado, Qualidade em Análises, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2014
Agricultural techniques have been improved over the centuries to match with the growing demand of an increase in global population. Farming applications are facing new challenges to satisfy global needs and the recent technology advancements in terms of robotic platforms can be exploited. As the orchard management is one of the most challenging applications because of its tree structure and the required interaction with the environment, it was targeted also by the University of Bologna research group to provide a customized solution addressing new concept for agricultural vehicles. The result of this research has blossomed into a new lightweight tracked vehicle capable of performing autonomous navigation both in the open-filed scenario and while travelling inside orchards for what has been called in-row navigation. The mechanical design concept, together with customized software implementation has been detailed to highlight the strengths of the platform and some further improvements envisioned to improve the overall performances. Static stability testing has proved that the vehicle can withstand steep slopes scenarios. Some improvements have also been investigated to refine the estimation of the slippage that occurs during turning maneuvers and that is typical of skid-steering tracked vehicles. The software architecture has been implemented using the Robot Operating System (ROS) framework, so to exploit community available packages related to common and basic functions, such as sensor interfaces, while allowing dedicated custom implementation of the navigation algorithm developed. Real-world testing inside the university’s experimental orchards have proven the robustness and stability of the solution with more than 800 hours of fieldwork. The vehicle has also enabled a wide range of autonomous tasks such as spraying, mowing, and on-the-field data collection capabilities. The latter can be exploited to automatically estimate relevant orchard properties such as fruit counting and sizing, canopy properties estimation, and autonomous fruit harvesting with post-harvesting estimations.
La luxation du genou, bien que très rare, demeure une blessure dévastatrice car elle entraîne de multiples complications en raison de la nature complexe du traumatisme associé à cette lésion. La luxation peut résulter d'un traumatisme à haute ou basse énergie. Les blessures sévères aux ligaments et aux structures associées donnent à la luxation du genou un potentiel élevé d'atteinte fonctionnelle. Le traitement conservateur, qui était considéré comme acceptable auparavant, est maintenant réservé à un très faible pourcentage de patients. La reconstruction chirurgicale est maintenant préconisée dans la plupart des cas, mais de nombreuses options existent et le traitement chirurgical optimal à préconiser reste controversé. Certains chirurgiens recommandent la reconstruction complète de tous les ligaments endommagés le plus tôt possible, tandis que d'autres, craignant l’établissement d’arthrofibrose, limitent l'intervention chirurgicale immédiate à la reconstruction du ligament croisé postérieur et de l'angle postéro-externe. En raison des multiples structures endommagées lors d’une luxation du genou, les chirurgiens utilisent couramment la combinaison des autogreffes et des allogreffes pour compléter la reconstruction ligamentaire. Les complications associées au prélèvement de la greffe, l'allongement de la greffe, l’affaiblissement précoce du greffon ainsi que les risques de transmission de maladies ont poussé les chirurgiens à rechercher différentes options d’intervention. L'utilisation de matériaux synthétiques pour le remplacement du ligament lésé a été proposée dans les années ´80. Après une première vague d'enthousiasme, les résultats décevants à long terme et les taux élevés d'échec ont diminué sa popularité. Depuis lors, une nouvelle génération de ligaments artificiels a vu le jour et parmi eux, le Ligament Advanced Reinforced System (LARS) a montré des résultats prometteurs. Il a été utilisé récemment dans les reconstructions isolées du ligament croisé antérieur et du ligament croisé postérieur pour lesquelles il a montré de bons résultats à court et moyen termes. Le but de cette étude rétrospective était d'évaluer la fonction et la stabilité du genou après la luxation aiguë suivant la reconstruction des ligaments croisés avec le ligament artificiel de type LARS. Cette étude a évalué 71 patients présentant une luxation du genou et qui ont subi une chirurgie de reconstruction du ligament croisé antérieur et du ligament croisé postérieur à l'aide du ligament LARS. Suite à la chirurgie le même protocole intensif de réadaptation a été suivi pour tous les patients, où la mise en charge progressive était permise après une période d’environ 6 semaines pendant laquelle la force musculaire et la stabilité dynamique se rétablissaient. Les outils d’évaluation utilisés étaient le score Lysholm, le formulaire de «l’International Knee Documentation Committee», le «Short Form-36», les tests cliniques de stabilité du genou, l'amplitude de mouvement articulaire à l’aide d’un goniomètre et la radiographie en stress Telos à 30° et 90° de flexion du genou. Le même protocole d’évaluation a été appliqué au genou controlatéral pour des fins de comparaison. Les résultats subjectifs et objectifs de cette étude sont satisfaisants et suggèrent que la réparation et la reconstruction combinées avec ligaments LARS est une alternative valable pour le traitement des luxations aiguës du genou. Ces résultats démontrent que ces interventions produisent des effets durables en termes d’amélioration de la fonction et révèlent la durabilité à long terme des ligaments artificiels LARS. Les patients sont à la fois plus autonomes et plus satisfaits avec le temps, même si la luxation du genou est considérée comme une catastrophe au moment où elle se produit. Des études prospectives randomisées sont maintenant nécessaires afin de comparer la sélection de la greffe et le délai de reconstruction chirurgicale.
The effect of UV radiation on fruit secondary compounds of strawberry cv ‘Elsanta’ was recorded taking chronological age and fruit position on the truss into account. When fruit of similar age post-anthesis, and truss position were compared, we found that the concentration of secondary compounds differed according to fruit position on the truss. UV radiation hastened the rate of colour development and resulted in an increase in fruit anthocyanin (14–31%), flavonoid (9–21%) and phenolic (9–20%) contents at harvesting; but it had no effect on fruit soluble solid content, pH and volatile composition. It did, however, increase leaf flavonoid (16%) and phenolic (8%) concentrations. Fruit ripened under a UV transparent film were firmer, smaller but greater in number than fruit ripened under a UV opaque film. Overall, the results indicate that UV radiation does not affect all aspects of strawberry ripening but independently alters rate of colour development and fruit firmness
During the last decade peach and nectarine fruit have lost considerable market share, due to increased consumer dissatisfaction with quality at retail markets. This is mainly due to harvesting of too immature fruit and high ripening heterogeneity. The main problem is that the traditional used maturity indexes are not able to objectively detect fruit maturity stage, neither the variability present in the field, leading to a difficult post-harvest management of the product and to high fruit losses. To assess more precisely the fruit ripening other techniques and devices can be used. Recently, a new non-destructive maturity index, based on the vis-NIR technology, the Index of Absorbance Difference (IAD), that correlates with fruit degreening and ethylene production, was introduced and the IAD was used to study peach and nectarine fruit ripening from the “field to the fork”. In order to choose the best techniques to improve fruit quality, a detailed description of the tree structure, of fruit distribution and ripening evolution on the tree was faced. More in details, an architectural model (PlantToon®) was used to design the tree structure and the IAD was applied to characterize the maturity stage of each fruit. Their combined use provided an objective and precise evaluation of the fruit ripening variability, related to different training systems, crop load, fruit exposure and internal temperature. Based on simple field assessment of fruit maturity (as IAD) and growth, a model for an early prediction of harvest date and yield, was developed and validated. The relationship between the non-destructive maturity IAD, and the fruit shelf-life, was also confirmed. Finally the obtained results were validated by consumer test: the fruit sorted in different maturity classes obtained a different consumer acceptance. The improved knowledge, leaded to an innovative management of peach and nectarine fruit, from “field to market”.
BACKGROUND: Harvesting techniques can affect cellular parameters of autogenous bone grafts in vitro. Whether these differences translate to in vivo bone formation, however, remains unknown. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of different harvesting techniques on bone formation and graft resorption in vivo. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Four harvesting techniques were used: (i) corticocancellous blocks particulated by a bone mill; (ii) bone scraper; (iii) piezosurgery; and (iv) bone slurry collected from a filter device upon drilling. The grafts were placed into bone defects in the mandibles of 12 minipigs. The animals were sacrificed after 1, 2, 4 and 8 weeks of healing. Histology and histomorphometrical analyses were performed to assess bone formation and graft resorption. An explorative statistical analysis was performed. RESULTS: The amount of new bone increased, while the amount of residual bone decreased over time with all harvesting techniques. At all given time points, no significant advantage of any harvesting technique on bone formation was observed. The harvesting technique, however, affected bone formation and the amount of residual graft within the overall healing period. Friedman test revealed an impact of the harvesting technique on residual bone graft after 2 and 4 weeks. At the later time point, post hoc testing showed more newly formed bone in association with bone graft processed by bone mill than harvested by bone scraper and piezosurgery. CONCLUSIONS: Transplantation of autogenous bone particles harvested with four techniques in the present model resulted in moderate differences in terms of bone formation and graft resorption.
Gebiet: Chirurgie Abstract: Background: Preservation of cardiac grafts for transplantation is not standardized and most centers use a single administration of crystalloid solution at the time of harvesting. We investigated possible benefits of an additional dose of cardioplegia dispensed immediately before implantation. – – Methods: Consecutive adult cardiac transplantations (2005?2012) were reviewed. Hearts were harvested following a standard protocol (Celsior 2L, 4?8°C). In 2008, 100 ml crys-talloid cardioplegic solution was added and administered immediately before implanta-tion. Univariate and logistic regression analyses were used to investigate risk factors for post-operative graft failure and mid-term outcome. – – Results: A total of 81 patients, 44 standard (?Cardio???) vs. 37 with additional cardiople-gia (?CardioC?) were analyzed. Recipients and donors were comparable in both groups. CardioC patients demonstrated a reduced need for defibrillation (24 vs. 48%, p D0.03), post-operative ratio of CK-MB/CK (10.1_3.9 vs. 13.3_4.2%, p D0.001), intubation time (2.0_1.6 vs. 7.2_11.5 days, p D0.05), and ICU stay (3.9_2.1 vs. 8.5_7.8 days, p D0.001). Actuarial survival was reduced when graft ischemic time was >180 min in Cardio?? but not in CardioC patients (p D0.033). Organ ischemic time >180 min (OR: 5.48, CI: 1.08?27.75), donor female gender (OR: 5.84, CI: 1.13?33.01), and recipient/donor age >60 (OR: 6.33, CI: 0.86?46.75), but not the additional cardioplegia or the observation period appeared independent predictors of post-operative acute graft failure. – – Conclusion: An additional dose of cardioplegia administered immediately before implan-tation may be a simple way to improve early and late outcome of cardiac transplantation, especially in situations of prolonged graft ischemia.A large, ideally multicentric, randomized study is desirable to verify this preliminary observation.