938 resultados para portable extractor


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A new extraction method for sterols was tested in fruits of Ottonia martiana Miq., a shrub belonging to the family Piperaceae, popularly known as "anestésica" due to the use of its roots and aerial parts, in alcoholic preparations, in treatment of odontological problems. For this purpose, a portable extraction equipment was developed, to operate with liquified gases, which showed to be practical, fast and effective, besides being economical and ecological. In the chromatographic analysis of the extracts obtained in this equipment, it was demonstrated the presence of two sterols, isomers of b-sitosterol and stigmasterol.


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As technology improves human vision, some procedures currently performed may be causing a decrease of the natural UV protection of the cornea. A portable dual beam system prototype was assembled for physicians for clinical studies of these effects on the corneas endowing two types of 300-400 nm evaluations: 1, regularly donated corneas and 2, simulating refractive keratectomy by corneal lamellae removal. The system performs 500 measurements/s, providing +/- 0.25% precision for the transmittance. The measurements performed on the prototype are 95% in agreement with Cary 17 and HR4000CG-UV-NIR Ocean Optics spectrophotometers. Preliminary studies on cadaveric corneas demonstrate that, as the stromal layer is reduced (similar to 150 mu m depth), there is significant loss-an average of 7.1%.-of the cornea's natural UV protection. The prototype is being tested in an eye bank for routine evaluation of donor corneas. (C) 2010 Optical Society of America


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Introduction: Recently developed portable dental X-ray units increase the mobility of the forensic odontologists and allow more efficient X-ray work in a disaster field, especially when used in combination with digital sensors. This type of machines might also have potential for application in remote areas, military and humanitarian missions, dental care of patients with mobility limitation, as well as imaging in operating rooms. Objective: To evaluate radiographic image quality acquired by three portable X-ray devices in combination with four image receptors and to evaluate their medical physics parameters. Materials and methods: Images of five samples consisting of four teeth and one formalin-fixed mandible were acquired by one conventional wall-mounted X-ray unit, MinRay (R) 60/70 kVp, used as a clinical standard, and three portable dental X-ray devices: AnyRay (R) 60 kVp, Nomad (R) 60 kVp and Rextar (R) 70 kVp, in combination with a phosphor image plate (PSP), a CCD, or a CMOS sensor. Three observers evaluated images for standard image quality besides forensic diagnostic quality on a 4-point rating scale. Furthermore, all machines underwent tests for occupational as well as patient dosimetry. Results: Statistical analysis showed good quality imaging for all system, with the combination of Nomad (R) and PSP yielding the best score. A significant difference in image quality between the combination of the four X-ray devices and four sensors was established (p < 0.05). For patient safety, the exposure rate was determined and exit dose rates for MinRay (R) at 60 kVp, MinRay (R) at 70 kVp, AnyRay (R), Nomad (R) and Rextar (R) were 3.4 mGy/s, 4.5 mGy/s, 13.5 mGy/s, 3.8 mGy/s and 2.6 mGy/s respectively. The kVp of the AnyRay (R) system was the most stable, with a ripple of 3.7%. Short-term variations in the tube output of all the devices were less than 10%. AnyRay (R) presented higher estimated effective dose than other machines. Occupational dosimetry showed doses at the operator`s hand being lowest with protective shielding (Nomad (R): 0.1 mu Gy). It was also low while using remote control (distance > 1 m: Rextar (R) < 0.2 mu Gy, MinRay (R) < 0.1 mu Gy). Conclusions: The present study demonstrated the feasibility of three portable X-ray systems to be used for specific indications, based on acceptable image quality and sufficient accuracy of the machines and following the standard guidelines for radiation hygiene. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper discusses the design and characterisation of a short, and hence portable impact load cell for in-situ quantification of ore breakage properties under impact loading conditions. Much literature has been published in the past two decades about impact load cells for ore breakage testing. It has been conclusively shown that such machines yield significant quantitative energy-fragmentation information about industrial ores. However, documented load cells are all laboratory systems that are not adapted for in-situ testing due to their dimensions and operating requirements. The authors report on a new portable impact load cell designed specifically for in-situ testing. The load cell is 1.5 m in height and weighs 30 kg. Its physical and operating characteristics are detailed in the paper. This includes physical dimensions, calibration and signal deconvolution. Emphasis is placed on the deconvolution issue, which is significant for such a short load cell. Finally, it is conclusively shown that the short load cell is quantitatively as accurate as its larger laboratory analogues. (C) 2062 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Las etapas de estufado y secado en la elaboración de los productos cárnicos de humedad intermedia (0,90 – 0,80 aw) son críticas para alcanzar la auto estabilidad y, en consecuencia, la seguridad de estos alimentos. Poder controlar las variables (temperatura, humedad, velocidad de aire, etc.) de estas operaciones del proceso es determinante para lograr una fermentación y un secado adecuado que permitirán estandarizar el proceso, garantizar la inocuidad y prolongar la vida útil del producto. La construcción de un secadero automatizado que cuente con los últimos adelantos en ingeniería y electrónica resulta dificultoso en las pequeñas y medianas empresas cárnicas, no solo por los altos costos que hay que cubrir, sino además porque las dimensiones de estas pequeñas fábricas no cuentan, en muchos casos, con la escala comercial necesaria para afrontarlos. A través del proyecto se pretende diseñar y construir una unidad de estufado y maduración que sea aplicable al procesamiento de fabricación de embutidos fermentados, que permita su utilización como unidad móvil y que al mismo tiempo pueda emplearse como unidad experimental para complementar otros proyectos de investigación en el área de productos cárnicos. El desarrollo de un secadero modular portable permitirá, además de ofrecer un paquete tecnológico que garantizará la calidad y seguridad de los alimentos producidos, brindar un servicio de alquiler de secaderos para pequeños productores que no disponen del capital suficiente para realizar grandes inversiones o cuya producción es acotada en cantidad o en determinadas épocas del año.


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BACKGROUND: Screening for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is recommended as part of the preoperative assessment of obese patients scheduled for bariatric surgery. The objective of this study was to compare the sensitivity of oximetry alone versus portable polygraphy in the preoperative screening for OSA. METHODS: Polygraphy (type III portable monitor) and oximetry data recorded as part of the preoperative assessment before bariatric surgery from 68 consecutive patients were reviewed. We compared the sensitivity of 3% or 4% desaturation index (oximetry alone) with the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI; polygraphy) to diagnose OSA and classify the patients as normal (<10 events per hour), mild to moderate (10-30 events per hour), or severe (>30 events per hour). RESULTS: Using AHI, the prevalence of OSA (AHI > 10 per hour) was 57.4%: 16.2% of the patients were classified as severe, 41.2% as mild to moderate, and 42.6% as normal. Using 3% desaturation index, 22.1% were classified as severe, 47.1% as mild to moderate, and 30.9% as normal. With 4% desaturation index, 17.6% were classified as severe, 32.4% as mild, and 50% as normal. Overall, 3% desaturation index compared to AHI yielded a 95% negative predictive value to rule out OSA (AHI > 10 per hour) and a 100% sensitivity (0.73 positive predictive value) to detect severe OSA (AHI > 30 per hour). CONCLUSIONS: Using oximetry with 3% desaturation index as a screening tool for OSA could allow us to rule out significant OSA in almost a third of the patients and to detect patients with severe OSA. This cheap and widely available technique could accelerate preoperative work-up of these patients.


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Aquesta memòria descriu el procés de desenvolupament del projecte de fi de carrera “Sistema de monitorització vital portable amb System on Chip i interfície SD Card”. Aquest es tracta d’un dispositiu de dimensions reduïdes, baix consum i portable amb capacitat d’enregistrar els biopotencials cardíacs dins d’una targeta de memòria flash SD Card. En temps real es mostra una representació d’aquests biopotencials mitjançant una pantalla LCD gràfica. El projecte, a més, inclou el desenvolupament d’un software de visualització per PC que permet l’anàlisi posterior més detallada dels registres emmagatzemats a la targeta SD Card.


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Rapport de SynthèseIntroductionLa recherche des apnées du sommeil est recommandée dans la prise en charge préopératoire des patients obèses chez qui une chirurgie bariatrique est envisagée. Toutefois le type d'examen nécessaire pour la détection des apnées dans cette population reste encore discuté. L'objectif de cette étude était de comparer la sensibilité de l'oxymétrie par rapport à la polygraphie lors du screening préopératoire de l'apnée obstructive du sommeil.MéthodeNous avons analysé rétrospectivement les données d'enregistrement de la polygraphie (moniteur portable de type III) et de l'oxymétrie de 68 patients consécutifs adressés au Centre du sommeil dans le cadre de leur bilan avant chirurgie bariatrique.Nous avons comparé la sensibilité de l'index de désaturation 3% ou 4% (à partir de l'oxymétrie seule) avec l'index d'apnée-hypopnée (à partir de la polygraphie) pour diagnostiquer l'apnée obstructive du sommeil. Les patients ont été réparti en 3 groupes selon la sévérité de leur atteinte: normale (< 10 événements/heure), faible à moyenne (10-30 événements/heure), sévère (>30 événements/heure).RésultatsSi l'on considère l'index d'apnée-hypopnée (polygraphie), la prévalence de l'apnée obstructive du sommeil avec un index d'apnée-hypopnée supérieur à 10 événements par heure était de 57,4% : 16,2% des patients étaient classés comme sévèrement atteints, 41,2% comme faiblement à moyennement atteints et 42.6% comme normaux.Si l'on considère l'index de désaturation 3%, 22,1% des patients étaient classés commes sévères , 47,1% comme faiblement à moyennement atteints et 30,9% comme normaux.Avec un index de désaturation de 4%, 17,6% étaient classés comme sévères, 32,4 % comme faiblement à moyennement atteints et 50% comme normaux.En comparant l'index de désaturation 3% à l'index d'apnée-hypopnée (>10 événements/heure), nous avons obtenu une valeur prédictive négative de 95% pour exclure une apnée obstructive du sommeil et une sensibilité de 100% dans la détection des cas sévères d'apnées obstructives du sommeil (index apnée-hypopnée >30 événements/heure). Le coefficient de concordance entre l'index d'apnée-hypopnée et l'index de désaturation 3% était de 0,759 alors qu'il était de 0,856 entre l'index d'apnée-hypopnée et l'index de désaturation de 4%.


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Aquest projecte neix de la necessitat que té una logopeda de gestionar la informació necessària per al desenvolupament de la seva activitat en iniciar la seva pròpia empresa. Un dels trets més rellevants d’aquest projecte és la portabilitat del programari, atès que aquesta professional exerceix en diferents àmbits i llocs de treball, on no sempre es disposa d’ accés a Internet. La idea és poder utilitzar l’aplicació en diferents ordinadors, sense haver de fer cap instal·lació de programari en l’ordinador on es vulgui executar aquesta aplicació. Així doncs, els objectius principals per a aquest projecte final de carrera són el desenvolupament d’una aplicació web per a la gestió de les tasques diàries de la logopeda i la portabilitat d’aquesta aplicació en un dispositiu de memòria USB


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We present a compact portable biosensor to measure arsenic As(III) concentrations in water using Escherichia coli bioreporter cells. Escherichia coli expresses green fluorescent protein in a linearly dependent manner as a function of the arsenic concentration (between 0 and 100 μg/L). The device accommodates a small polydimethylsiloxane microfluidic chip that holds the agarose-encapsulated bacteria, and a complete optical illumination/collection/detection system for automated quantitative fluorescence measurements. The device is capable of sampling water autonomously, controlling the whole measurement, storing and transmitting data over GSM networks. We demonstrate highly reproducible measurements of arsenic in drinking water at 10 and 50 μg/L within 100 and 80 min, respectively.