935 resultados para popular collecting
This chapter reports on eleven interviews with Pro-Am archivists of Australian television which aimed to find out how they decide what materials are important enough to archive. Interviewees mostly choose to collect materials in which they have a personal interest. But they are also aware of the relationship between their own favourites and wider accounts of Australian television history, and negotiate between these two positions. Most interviewees acknowledged Australian television’s links with British and American programming, but also felt that Australian television is distinctive. They argued that Australian television history is ignored in a way that isn’t true for the UK or the US. Several also argued that Australian television has had a ‘naïve’ nature that has allowed it to be more experimental.
Eleven Pro-Am curators of Australian television history were interviewed about their practice. The data helps us to understand the relationship between professional and Pro-Am approaches to Australian television history. There is no simple binary – the lines are blurred – but there are some differences. Pro-Am curators of Australian television history are not paid for their work and present other motivations for practice – particularly being that ‘weird child’ who was obsessed with gathering information and objects related to television. They have freedom to curate only programs and genres that interest them, and they tend to collect merchandise as much as program texts themselves. And they have less interest in formally cataloguing their material than do professional curators of Australian television history.
Collecting has become a popular hobby within Western society, with collectables including anything from ‘bottle tops’ to ‘skyscrapers’. As the nature and size of these collections can impact upon the use of space in the home, the purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between the collections, space in the home and the impacts on others. This qualitative study explores the experiences of 11 Australian collectors, investigating the motivations, practices and adaption techniques used within their urban home environment. The themes of sentimentality, sociability and spatial tensions, including physical, personal and use of space are discussed within the context of their home and family environments. Overall the practice of collecting objects is a complex, varied, sentimental and sociable activity, providing enjoyment, knowledge and friendships. Space can be a central consideration to the practice of collecting as collections shape and are shaped by the available space in a household.
É sobretudo nos finais do século XIX e princípios do século XX que, no contexto português, a literatura popular de expressão oral ganha evidência, fruto do trabalho de recolha e pesquisa que uma elite intelectual, predominantemente liberal e republicana, lhe consagra. Esta literatura popular, objecto de reconstrução erudita, é hoje ainda frequentemente vista como uma manifestação literária de “segunda ordem”, praticamente ausente nos currículos universitários, minoritariamente presente nas publicações académicas. Ela inscreve-se, contudo, junto de produções de autores “consagrados” e de produções não literárias, nos actuais programas de Português do Ensino Básico. É à compreensão dos modos de apropriação escolar desta literatura de tradição oral, em especial do conto, que este estudo se consagra. Em termos metodológicos, o estudo inscreve-se no âmbito da pesquisa qualitativa, centrando-se fundamentalmente na descrição e interpretação de dados verbais produzidos em sala de aula, bem como nos discursos que para as aulas se constroem. Focamos, assim, as práticas discursivas de professores de Português - leccionando a disciplina a alunos do 3º ciclo de escolaridade - e as instâncias discursivas que mediatamente regulam essas práticas: os programas Oficiais (as indicações aí preconizadas para a abordagem da temática) e os manuais (“tradutores” desse discurso oficial e fonte mais próxima do trabalho pedagógico do professor). As conclusões aqui evidenciadas poderão ser um contributo para a compreensão sobre o modo como “o conto popular vai à escola”, i.e., sobre o modo como a “tradição”, pela acção da “escolarização”, se transforma.
Le développement accéléré des technologies de communication, de saisie et de traitement de l’information durant les dernières années décennies ouvre la voie à de nouveaux moyens de contrôle social. Selon l’auteur Gary Marx ceux-ci sont de nature non coercitive et permettent à des acteurs privés ou publics d’obtenir des informations personnelles sur des individus sans que ceux-ci y consentent ou mêmes sans qu’ils en soient conscients. Ces moyens de contrôle social se fondent sur certaines valeurs sociales qui sont susceptibles de modifier le comportement des individus comme le patriotisme, la notion de bon citoyen ou le volontarisme. Tout comme les moyens coercitifs, elles amènent les individus à adopter certains comportements et à divulguer des informations précises. Toutefois, ces moyens se fondent soit sur le consentement des individus, consentement qui est souvent factice et imposée, soit l’absence de connaissance du processus de contrôle par les individus. Ainsi, l’auteur illustre comment des organisations privées et publiques obtiennent des informations privilégiées sur la population sans que celle-ci en soit réellement consciente. Les partisans de tels moyens soulignent leur importance pour la sécurité et le bien publique. Le discours qui justifie leur utilisation soutient qu’ils constituent des limites nécessaires et acceptables aux droits individuels. L’emploi de telles méthodes est justifié par le concept de l’intérêt public tout en minimisant leur impact sur les droits des individus. Ainsi, ces méthodes sont plus facilement acceptées et moins susceptibles d’être contestées. Toutefois, l’auteur souligne l’importance de reconnaître qu’une méthode de contrôle empiète toujours sur les droits des individus. Ces moyens de contrôle sont progressivement intégrés à la culture et aux modes de comportement. En conséquence, ils sont plus facilement justifiables et certains groupes en font même la promotion. Cette réalité rend encore plus difficile leur encadrement afin de protéger les droits individuels. L’auteur conclut en soulignant l’important décalage moral derrière l’emploi de ces méthodes non-coercitives de contrôle social et soutient que seul le consentement éclairé des individus peut justifier leur utilisation. À ce sujet, il fait certaines propositions afin d’encadrer et de rendre plus transparente l’utilisation de ces moyens de contrôle social.
Pós-graduação em Música - IA
Este estudo analisa o processo comunicacional em torno das manifestações populares e da história do santo não-canônico piauiense Motorista Gregório. O objetivo geral consistiu em observar, analisar e relacionar a comunicação popular que faz parte do processo à consolidação da figura do milagreiro. As teorias da cultura, especialmente a Folkcomunicação, assim como as da linguagem, configuraram-se referenciais relevantes nas análises das formas de comunicação dos devotos e dos jornais impressos de Teresina. Para isso, utilizou-se uma combinação de metodologias tais como a de Marques de Melo (2008) para inventariar os ex-votos, além de entrevistas semiestruturadas, coleta de depoimentos e observação participante para reunir dados e classificar as informações obtidas. A análise revelou que a oralidade é a forma de comunicação mais utilizada e que mais tem influencia sobre os devotos, que os jornais impressos reproduzem as histórias do povo e que o santo é criado e formado no cotidiano, no convívio dos familiares, vizinhos e amigos.
This thesis offers an examination of egg-collecting, which was a very popular pastime in Britain from the Victorian era well into the twentieth century. Collectors, both young and old, would often spend whole days and sometimes longer trips in a wide variety of different habitats, from sea shores to moorlands, wetlands to craggy mountainsides, searching for birds’ nests and the bounty to be found within them. Once collectors had found and taken eggs, they emptied out the contents; hence, they were really eggshell collectors. Some egg collectors claimed that egg-collecting was not just a hobby but a science, going by the name of oology, and seeking to establish oology as a recognised sub-discipline of ornithology, these collectors or oologists established formal institutions such as associations and societies, attended meetings where they exhibited unusual finds, and also contributed to specialist publications dedicated to oology. Egg-collecting was therefore many things at once: a culture of the British countryside, from where many eggs were taken; a culture of natural history, taking on the trappings of a science; and a culture of enthusiasm, providing a consuming passion for many collectors. By the early twentieth century, however, opposing voices were increasingly being raised, by conservation groups and other observers, about the impact that egg-collecting was having on bird populations and on the welfare of individual birds. By mid-century the tide had turned against the collectors, and egg-collecting in Britain was largely outlawed in 1954, with further restrictions imposed in 1981. While many egg collections have been lost or destroyed, some have been donated to museums, including Glasgow Museums (GM), which holds in its collections over 30,000 eggs. As a Collaborative Doctoral Award involving the University of Glasgow and GM, the project outlined in this thesis aims to bring to light and to life these egg collections, the activities of the collectors who originally built them, and the wider world of British egg-collecting. By researching archival material held by Glasgow Museums, published specialist egg-collecting journals and other published sources, as well as the eggs as a material archive, this thesis seeks to recover some of the practices and preoccupations of egg collectors. It also recounts the practical activities carried out during the course of the project at GM, particularly those involving a collection of eggs newly donated to the museum during the course of this project, culminating in a new temporary display of birds’ eggs at Glasgow Museums Resource Centre.
How does ‘Newstainment’ actually work? : ethnographic research methods and contemporary popular news
Much debate has taken place recently over the potential for entertainment genres and unorthodox forms of news to provide legitimate – indeed democratized – in-roads into the public sphere. Amidst these discussions, however, little thought has been paid to the audiences for programs of this sort, and (even when viewers are considered) the research can too easily treat audiences in homogenous terms and therefore replicate the very dichotomies these television shows directly challenge. This paper is a critical reflection on an audience study into the Australian morning “newstainment” program Sunrise. After examining the show and exploring how it is ‘used’ as a news source, this paper will promote the use of ethnographic study to better conceptualize how citizens integrate and connect the increasingly fragmented and multifarious forms of postmodern political communication available in their everyday lives.
The central cultural experience of modernity has been change, both the ‘creative destruction’ of existing structures, and the growth, often exponential, of new knowledge. During the twentieth century, the central cultural platform for the collective experience of modernising societies changed too, from page and stage to the screen – from publishing, the press and radio to cinema, television and latterly computer screens. Despite the successive dominance of new media, none has lasted long at the top. The pattern for each was to give way to a successor platform in popularity, but to continue as part of an increasingly crowded media menu. Modern media are supplemented not supplanted by their successors.
“When cultural life is re-defined as a perpetual round of entertainments, when serious public conversation becomes a form of baby talk, when, in short, a people become an audience and their public business a vaudeville act, then a nation finds itself at risk.” (Postman) The dire tones of Postman quoted in Janet Cramer’s Media, History, Society: A Cultural History of US Media introduce one view that she canvasses, in the debate of the moment, as to where popular culture is heading in the digital age. This is canvassed, less systematically, in Thinking Popular Culture: War Terrorism and Writing by Tara Brabazon, who for example refers to concerns about a “crisis of critical language” that is bothering professionals—journalists and academics or elsewhere—and deplores the advent of the Internet, as a “flattening of expertise in digital environments”.
I argue that a divergence between popular culture as “object” and “subject” of journalism emerged during the nineteenth century in Britain. It accounts not only for different practices of journalism, but also for differences in the study of journalism, as manifested in journalism studies and cultural studies respectively. The chapter offers an historical account to show that popular culture was the source of the first mass circulation journalism, via the pauper press, but that it was later incorporated into the mechanisms of modern government for a very different purpose, the theorist of which was Walter Bagehot. Journalism’s polarity was reversed – it turned from “subjective” to “objective.” The paper concludes with a discussion of YouTube and the resurgence of self-made representation, using the resources of popular culture, in current election campaigns. Are we witnessing a further reversal of polarity, where popular culture and self-representation once again becomes the “subject” of journalism?