1000 resultados para polyether urethane polymer electrolytes


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Solid polymer electrolytes based on amorphous polyether-urethane networks combined with lithium or sodium salts and a low molecular weight cosolvent (plasticizer) have been investigated in our laboratories for several years. Conductivity enhancements of up to two orders of magnitude can be obtained whilst still retaining solid elastomeric properties. In order to understand the effects of the plasticizers and their mechanism of conductivity enhancement, multinuclear NMR has been employed to investigate ionic structure in polymer electrolyte systems containing NaCF3SO3, LiCF3SO3 and LiClO3 salts.

With increasing dimethyl formamide (DMF) and propylene carbonate (PC) concentration the increasing cation chemical shift with fixed salt concentration indicates a decreasing anion-cation association consistent with an increased number of charge carriers. 13C chemical shift data for the same systems suggests that whilst DMF also decreases cation-polymer interactions, PC does the opposite, presumably by shielding cation-anion interactions. Temperature dependent 7Li spin-lattice relaxation times indicate the expected increase in ionic mobility upon plasticization with a shift of the T1 minimum to lower temperatures. The magnitude of T1 at the minimum increases upon addition of DMF whereas there is a slight decrease when PC is added. This also supports the suggestion that the DMF preferentially solvates the cation whereas the action of PC is limited to coulomb screening, hence freeing the anion.


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Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is a technique that allows the probing of the dynamics of specific magnetically active nuclei. In the present study a polyethylene glycol network containing varying concentrations of LiClO4 have been studied using 7Li NMR relaxation techniques. A plasticiser, tetraglyme, has been added to several samples to improve the mobility of the polymer and thus of the ionic species. The effects of tetraglyme and salt concentration on the cationic mobility and environment have been investigated using T1 and T2 relaxation experiments, with the presence of two cationic species of differing relaxation times (and possibly mobility) reported. The results are discussed with relevance to conductivity measurements made on similar samples.


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The mechanical properties of urethane crosslinked poly(ethylene oxide-co-propylene oxide) glyceryl ether-plasticiser (tetraethylene glycol dimethyl ether, or methylformamide)-salt (LiClO4)-based polymer electrolytes have been studied. It was found that, with increasing concentration of salt, the elastic modulus and tensile strength of the materials unexpectedly decrease. This is interpreted in terms of a predominance of intramolecular coordination of the Li+ ions by the polymer.


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Recent studies have shown that composite polymer electrolytes, formed by dispersing nanosized ceramic particles in polyether-based electrolytes, have improved ion transport properties as compared to their unfilled analogues. In the present study polymer electrolytes with different loadings of nano-sized ceramic particles (TiO2) and different polymer chemistry and morphology have been investigated. Of special interest are filler induced effects on polymer, solvent and cationic mobility. Partly crystalline polymer electrolytes based on poly(ethylene oxide) have been compared to fully amorphous polymer electrolytes based on a polyether urethane, as well as gel electrolytes based on PMMA. 7Li pfg-NMR, linewidth and spin–spin relaxation times as well as 1H pfg-NMR and spin–spin relaxation times, were measured as a function of temperature and composition. The 1H spin–spin relaxation measurements reveal increased average polymer mobility with the addition of filler up to a maximum at 4 and 8 wt.% TiO2 for the fully amorphous and the partly crystalline electrolytes, respectively. The 7Li linewidth measurements for the fully amorphous system show a broadening of the linewidth with addition of filler. Based on variable temperature measurements this broadening is interpreted as a result of the inhomogeneity introduced by the filler particles. Pulsed field gradient (pfg) diffusion measurements were employed to determine ion and solvent self-diffusion coefficients. In the case of the PMMA-based gel electrolyte and the fully amorphous electrolytes enhanced cation self-diffusion was observed upon addition of TiO2.


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Measurements of the glass transition temperature (Tg) and free volume behaviour of poly(acrylonitrile) (PAN) and PAN/lithium triflate (LiTf), with varying salt composition from 10 to 66 wt% LiTf, were made by positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy (PALS). Addition of salt from 10 to 45 wt% LiTf resulted in an increase in the mean free volume cavity size at room temperature (r.t.) as measured by the orthoPositronium (oPs) pickoff lifetime, τ3, with little change in relative concentration of free volume sites as measured by oPs pickoff intensity, I3. The region from 45 to 66 wt% salt displayed no variation in relative free volume cavity size and concentration. This salt concentration range (45 wt%<[LiTf]<66 wt%) corresponds to a region of high ionic conductivity of order 10−5 to 10−6 S cm−1 at Tg as measured by PALS. A percolation phenomenon is postulated to describe conduction in this composition region. Salt addition was shown to lower the Tg as measured by PALS; Tg was 115°C for PAN and 85°C for PAN/66 wt% LiTf. The Tg and free volume behaviour of this polymer-in-salt electrolyte (PISE) was compared to a poly(ether urethane)/LiClO4 where the polymer is the major component, i.e. traditional solid polymer electrolyte (SPE). In contrast to the PISE, the Tg of the SPE was shown to increase with increasing salt concentration from 5.3 to 15.9 wt%. The relative free volume cavity size and concentration at r.t. were shown to decrease with increasing salt concentration. Ionic conductivity in this SPE was of order 10−5 S cm−1 at r.t., which is over 60°C above Tg, 10−8 S cm−1 at 25°C above Tg, and conductivity was not measurable at Tg.


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23Na and 19F nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy is used to investigate the effect of plasticizer addition on ionic structure and mobility in a urethane crosslinked polyether solid polymer electrolyte. The incorporation of dimethyl formamide and propylene carbonate plasticizers in a sodium triflate/polyether system results in an upfield chemical shift for the 23Na resonance consistent with decreased anion-cation association and increased cation-plasticizer interactions. The 19F resonances appears less susceptible to changes in chemical environment with only minor chemical shift changes recorded. Spin lattice relaxation measurements for the 19F nucleus are also reported. Two minima are observed in the relaxation measurements consistent with both an inter and intramolecular relaxation mechanism.


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Preliminary results are presented on the correlation between enhanced solvent mobility and ionic conductivity in plasticized polyetherurethane solid polymer electrolytes using 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic spin–lattice relaxation time measurements to probe polymer mobility.


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A recent report on the correlation between enhanced polymer mobility and ionic conductivity at room temperature in plasticized polyether-urethane solid polymer electrolytes (Forsyth et al.[1]), has prompted the present investigation. Positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy (PALS) has been used to study the effect of plasticizer addition on the room temperature free volume characteristics of the crosslinked polyether-urethane. The addition of low molecular weight plasticizers to the polyether-urethane results in a constant or decreasing mean free volume cavity radius, as measured by the orthoPositronium lifetime τ3, and a decreasing relative concentration of free volume cavities as measured by the ortho-Positronium intensity, I3. It is postulated that the plasticizers interrupt polymer-polymer interactions by occupying the inter- and intra-chain free volume. The plasticizer structure influences the polymerplasticizer interactions which affect inter- and intra-chain separation and hence the free volume of the system. The decrease in polymer-polymer interaction and the increase in polymer-plasticizer interaction in turn influence the glass transition temperature behaviour.


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The addition of low molecular weight solvents such as dimethyl formamide (DMF) and propylene carbonate (PC) to urethane crosslinked polyethers results in enhancement of polymer segmental motion, as determined in this work from polymer 13C spin lattice relaxation measurements (T1) and glass transition temperatures. The formation of salt-polyether complexes results in a decrease in T1, even in the presence of the plasticizer, indicating that the polymer ether molecules are still involved in the alkali metal coordination. In a polymer electrolyte containing 1 mol kg−1 LiClO4 the addition of DMF and PC have significantly different affects on the polymer mobility, although they both enhance the conductivity. The conductivity enhancement therefore is not solely the result of an increased solvent mobility.


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The addition of various kinds of plasticizers can enhance the conductivity of polymer electrolyte systems, in some cases by many orders of magnitude. The plasticizer may be a low molecular weight solvent, or be a low molecular weight polymer. As the plasticizer concentration increases there is an inevitable deterioration in material properties. In this work we have investigated the effect of plasticizer on the conductivity, thermal properties and matrial properties of a number of systems including urethane cross-linked polyethers and polyacrylates. In some of the systems, in particular the polyether electrolytes, the plasticizer acts to enhance conduction by acting as a cosolvent for the salt as well as increasing chain flexibility. Its efficacy is dependent on its structure and characteristics as a solvent. Although Tg is lowered in a close to linear fashion with increasing plasticizer content and thereby conductivity increased rapidly, the elastic modulus changes more slowly. This reflects the coupling of conduction to the local mobility of the molecular units of the combined solvent system and the relative decoupling of the mobility and glass transition from the material properties. In these systems the latter are a function mainly of the longer range structure of the polymer network. The changes in conductivity and materials properties are interpreted in terms of a configurational entropy model of the solution.


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Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (n.m.r.), dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (d.m.t.a.) and AC impedance techniques have been used in combination to probe the effect of electrolyte composition in an archetypal solid polymer electrolyte (SPE). A series of solid polymer electrolytes (SPEs) based on a urethane-crosslinked trifunctional poly(ethylene glycol) polymer host containing dissolved ionic species (LiClO4 and LiCF3SO3) have been studied. D.m.t.a. has established that increasing LiClO4 concentration causes a decrease in the polymer segmental mobility, owing to the formation of transient crosslinks via cation-polymer interaction. Investigation of the distribution of mechanical/structural relaxation times for the LiClO4/polymer complex with d.m.t.a. reveals that increasing LiClO4 concentration causes a slight broadening of the distribution, indicating a more heterogeneous environment. Results of n.m.r. 7Li T1 and T2 relaxation experiments support the idea that higher salt concentrations encourage ionic aggregation. This is of critical importance in determining the conductivity of the material since it affects the number of charge carriers available. Introduction of the plasticiser tetraglyme into the LiClO4-based SPEs suppresses the glass transition temperature of the SPE, and causes a significant broadening of the relaxation time distribution (as measured by d.m.t.a.).