175 resultados para polychaetes


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Marine polychaetes, collected from the Vellar Estuary exhibited arylsulfatase activity. Lumbriconeries sp. Polydora sp. Monojis sp. and Heteromastus sp. were selected for this study. Of these, Heteromastus sp. showed maximum enzymatic activity and it has been chosen for the enzyme kinetic studies such as pH, optimal temperature, period of incubation and the effect of DDT. Enzyme activity showed single peak at pH 6.2 possibly indicating the presence of one type of arylsulfatase. Maximum activity was attained after 12h of incubation at 29°C. DDT has an inhibiting effect on the arylsulfatase activity even at the concentration of 10 p.p.m. and the activity was completely lost at 100 p.p.m.


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Distribution of polychaetes worms Nereidae in intertidal zone of Bandar Abbass indicated that distribution rate of worms from the west to east for the reason status of seabed type, habitat and feeding substrate used to worms increased. Also investigation description that last-mentioned worms are belong to Nereididae family, Perinereis genus and species of Perinereis nuntia. By viewpoint seabed soil types experiments implement indicated Nereididae worms have higher survival with sandy clay loam soil texture. Statistical analysis showed positive relation coefficient correlation of Pearson between substrate type to frequency of worms and too substrate type with soil organic matter value (P<0.05). By viewpoint feeding also experiments with different feed treatment indicated that Nereid worms is Omnivore but in natural condition more utilized algae substrate special Entermorpha and survival rate had the worms last-mentioned in dietary treatments on this algae 93/3% different significant with other treatments (P<0.05). In this project pond-reared white Indian shrimp (Fenneropenaeus indicus) were used in four maturation and spawning trials lasting 60 days. one group of shrimps was fed a formulated pelleted special of broodstock diet only, a second group was fed squid meat diet; a third group of shrimps with mollusca (Solen vagina) meat diet and fourth group was fed polychaete worms Nereidae family, collected in intertidal zone of Bandar Abbass. Four types of dietary treatments (M1, M4) were given to separate batches that were run in three duplicate. Results of experiments demonstrate that more grew rate and maturation and spawning rate and we found that shrimps fed with polychaete worms have the best condition and then shrimps fed with solen. This is demonstrate furthermore environmental circumstance, endocrine hormone, types of feed important of maturation and spawning of shrimps and in polychaete worms used HUFA help to maturation ovarian in shrimp.


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This paper describes six species of polychaete worms, which are new records from Pakistan. The species are: Arabella iricolor (Montagu), Capitella capitata (Fabricius), Mesochaetopterus sagittarius (Claparede), Phyllochaetopterus herdmani Willey, Lysidice natalensis Kinberg and Marphysa depressa (Schmarda).


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