958 resultados para pollutants
Electric arc furnace steel dust is a by-product of the steelmaking process and contains high amounts of the iron and zinc and significant amounts of lead, chromium, and cadmium. Metal recycling however, is not always economically feasible, especially due to the complex mineralogical composition of this material. In this study an application of this material is presented. Ceramics were produced with clay and variable amounts of steel dust. The bulk material was fired between 800 and 1100 degrees C. The influence of the composition and the processing temperature on the mechanical strength, linear shrinkage, water absorption, apparent density and bending strength and metal leaching of the ceramic samples was investigated. A blend of clay with up to 20% dust yielded ceramics with limited metal contamination risk and may thus be used for structural ceramics production. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The kinetics and mechanism of the thermal activation of peroxydisulfate, in the temperature range from 60 to 80 degrees C, was investigated in the presence and absence of sodium formate as an additive to turn the oxidizing capacity of the reaction mixture into a reductive one. Trichloroacetic acid, TCA, whose degradation by a reductive mechanism is well reported in the literature, was used as a probe. The chemistry of thermally activated peroxydisulfate is described by a reaction scheme involving free radical generation. The proposed mechanism is evaluated by a computer simulation of the concentration profiles obtained under different experimental conditions. In the presence of formate, SO(4)(center dot-) radicals yield CO(2)(center dot-), which are the main species available for degrading TCA. Under the latter conditions, TCA is more efficiently depleted than in the absence of formate, but otherwise identical conditions of temperature and [S(2)O(8)(2-)]. We therefore conclude that activated peroxydisulfate in the presence of formate as an additive is a convenient method for the mineralization of substrates that are refractory to oxidation. such as perchlorinated hydrocarbons and TCA. This method has the advantage that leaves no toxic residues. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The Canoparmelia texana epiphytic lichenized fungi was used to monitor atmospheric pollution in the Sao Paulo metropolitan region, SP, Brazil. The cluster analysis applied to the element concentration values confirmed the site groups of different levels of pollution due to industrial and vehicular emissions. In the distribution maps of element concentrations, higher concentrations of Ba and Mn were observed in the vicinity of industries and of a petrochemical complex. The highest concentration of Co found in lichens from the Sao Miguel Paulista site is due to the emissions from a metallurgical processing plant that produces this element. For Br and Zn, the highest concentrations could be associated both to vehicular and industrial emissions. Exploratory analyses revealed that the accumulation of toxic elements in C. texana may be of use in evaluating the human risk of cardiopulmonary mortality due to prolonged exposure to ambient levels of air pollution. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Total particulate matter (TPM) was passively collected inside two classrooms of each of five elementary schools in Lisbon, Portugal. TPM was collected in polycarbonate filters with a 47 mm diameter, placed inside of uncovered plastic petri dishes. The sampling period was from 19 May to 22 June 2009 (35 days exposure) and the collected TPM masses varied between 0.2 mg and 0.8 mg. The major elements were Ca, Fe, Na, K, and Zn at μg level, while others were at ng level. Pearson′s correlation coefficients above 0.75 (a high degree of correlation) were found between several elements. Soil-related, traffic soil re-suspension and anthropogenic emission sources could be identified. Blackboard chalk was also identified through Ca large presence. Some of the determined chemical elements are potential carcinogenic. Quality control of the results showed good agreement as confirmed by the application of u-score test.
In this paper we present a methodology which enables the graphical representation, in a bi-dimensional Euclidean space, of atmospheric pollutants emissions in European countries. This approach relies on the use of Multidimensional Unfolding (MDU), an exploratory multivariate data analysis technique. This technique illustrates both the relationships between the emitted gases and the gases and their geographical origins. The main contribution of this work concerns the evaluation of MDU solutions. We use simulated data to define thresholds for the model fitting measures, allowing the MDU output quality evaluation. The quality assessment of the model adjustment is thus carried out as a step before interpretation of the gas types and geographical origins results. The MDU maps analysis generates useful insights, with an immediate substantive result and enables the formulation of hypotheses for further analysis and modeling.
This work deals with the numerical simulation of air stripping process for the pre-treatment of groundwater used in human consumption. The model established in steady state presents an exponential solution that is used, together with the Tau Method, to get a spectral approach of the solution of the system of partial differential equations associated to the model in transient state.
This work deals with the numerical simulation of air stripping process for the pre-treatment of groundwater used in human consumption. The model established in steady state presents an exponential solution that is used, together with the Tau Method, to get a spectral approach of the solution of the system of partial differential equations associated to the model in transient state.
The synthesis of nanocomposite materials combining titanate nanofibers (TNF) with nanocrystalline ZnS and Bi2S3 semiconductors is described in this work. The TNF were produced via hydrothermal synthesis and sensitized with the semiconductor nanoparticles, through a single-source precursor decomposition method. ZnS and Bi2S3 nanoparticles were successfully grown onto the TNF's surface and Bi2S3-ZnS/TNF nanocomposite materials with different layouts. The samples' photocatalytic performance was first evaluated through the production of the hydroxyl radical using terephthalic acid as probe molecule. All the tested samples show photocatalytic ability for the production of this oxidizing species. Afterwards, the samples were investigated for the removal of methylene blue. The nanocomposite materials with best adsorption ability were the ZnS/TNF and Bi2S3ZnS/TNF. The dye removal was systematically studied, and the most promising results were obtained considering a sequential combination of an adsorption-photocatalytic degradation process using the Bi2S3ZnS/TNF powder as a highly adsorbent and photocatalyst material. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Química, especialidade de Engenharia Bioquímica
Doctoral dissertation for Ph.D. degree in Sustainable Chemistry
En Argentina, existe escasa información sobre las características y concentración de sustancias orgánicas en la atmósfera y, en particular, la información referida a compuestos polifluorados (como por ej. Ácidos perfluorocarboxílicos, PFCA) es prácticamente nula. Los niveles de concentración de estos compuestos están aumentando de manera alarmante en todo el mundo. Se conoce la elevada toxicidad de algunos de ellos debido a que son bioacumulativos, persistentes en el ambiente y potencialmente cancerígenos. En estos momentos se está investigando cuales son los precursores de estos compuestos en el medio ambiente y los mecanismos involucrados en la generación de los PFCA.El uso de biomonitores constituye una excelente alternativa al monitoreo instrumental automático, especialmente para países en desarrollo porque no requieren la aplicación de tecnologías complicadas y son de muy bajo costo. Con este fin se pretende evaluar la factibilidad del empleo de bioindicadores pasivos para la detección de sustancias orgánicas, entre ellos, alcoholes fluoroteloméricos y ácidos perfluorados y estimar el daño que estos compuestos provocan en los organismos expuestos. Se emplearán dos especies autóctonas de epífitas del género Tilandsia para evaluar modificaciones quimico-fisiológicas provocadas por la exposición a concentraciones conocidas de estos compuestos y la especie Tradescantia pallida para evaluar efectos genotóxicos. Se espera, además estimar las concentraciones ambientales de los compuestos bajo estudio mediante el empleo de biomonitores. En este contexto, el desarrollo de este proyecto tendrá un impacto favorable sobre el medio ambiente ya que sus resultados permitirán conocer la capacidad bioindicadora de especies biomonitoras autóctonas, con el fin de emplearlas para identificar ambientes contaminandos con compuestos orgánicos polifluorados y en un futuro extenderla a la mayor variedad de contaminantes atmosféricos orgánicos posibles. Además, la calibración de biomonitores servirá para realizar seguimientos temporales de este tipo de contaminantes en distintos ambientes en Argentina, o en el lugar donde exista el problema de contaminación.
IDENTIFICACIÓN DEL PROBLEMA DE ESTUDIO. Las sustancias orgánicas solubles en agua no biodegradables tales como ciertos herbicidas, colorantes industriales y metabolitos de fármacos de uso masivo son una de las principales fuentes de contaminación en aguas subterráneas de zonas agrícolas y en efluentes industriales y domésticos. Las reacciones fotocatalizadas por irradiación UV-visible y sensitizadores orgánicos e inorgánicos son uno de los métodos más económicos y convenientes para la descomposición de contaminantes en subproductos inocuos y/o biodegradables. En muchas aplicaciones es deseable un alto grado de especificidad, efectividad y velocidad de degradación de un dado agente contaminante que se encuentra presente en una mezcla compleja de sustancias orgánicas en solución. En particular son altamente deseables sistemas nano/micro -particulados que formen suspensiones acuosas estables debido a que estas permiten una fácil aplicación y una eficaz acción descontaminante en grandes volúmenes de fluidos. HIPÓTESIS Y PLANTEO DE LOS OBJETIVOS. El objetivo general de este proyecto es desarrollar sistemas nano/micro particulados formados por polímeros de impresión molecular (PIMs) y foto-sensibilizadores (FS). Un PIMs es un polímero especialmente sintetizado para que sea capaz de reconocer específicamente un analito (molécula plantilla) determinado. La actividad de unión específica de los PIMs en conjunto con la capacidad fotocatalizadora de los sensibilizadores pueden ser usadas para lograr la fotodescomposición específica de moléculas “plantilla” (en este caso un dado contaminante) en soluciones conteniendo mezclas complejas de sustancias orgánicas. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS A UTILIZAR. Se utilizaran técnicas de polimerización en mini-emulsión para sintetizar los sistemas nano/micro PIM-FS para buscar la degradación de ciertos compuestos de interés. Para caracterizar eficiencias, mecanismos y especificidad de foto-degradación en dichos sistemas se utilizan diversas técnicas espectroscópicas (estacionarias y resueltas en el tiempo) y de cromatografía (HPLC y GC). Así mismo, para medir directamente distribuciones de afinidades de unión y eficiencia de foto-degradación se utilizaran técnicas de fluorescencia de molécula/partícula individual. Estas determinaciones permitirán obtener resultados importantes al momento de analizar los factores que afectan la eficiencia de foto-degradación (nano/micro escala), tales como cantidad y ubicación de foto- sensibilizadores en las matrices poliméricas y eficiencia de unión de la plantilla y los productos de degradación al PIM. RESULTADOS ESPERADOS. Los estudios propuestos apuntan a un mejor entendimiento de procesos foto-iniciados en entornos nano/micro-particulados para aplicar dichos conocimientos al diseño de sistemas optimizados para la foto-destrucción selectiva de contaminantes acuosos de relevancia social; tales como herbicidas, residuos industriales, metabolitos de fármacos de uso masivo, etc. IMPORTANCIA DEL PROYECTO. Los sistemas nano/micro-particulados PIM-FS que se propone desarrollar en este proyecto se presentan como candidatos ideales para tratamientos específicos de efluentes industriales y domésticos en los cuales se desea lograr la degradación selectiva de compuestos orgánicos. Los conocimientos adquiridos serán indispensables para construir una plataforma versátil de sistemas foto-catalíticos específicos para la degradación de diversos contaminantes orgánicos de interés social. En lo referente a la formación de recursos humanos, el proyecto propuesto contribuirá en forma directa a la formación de 3 estudiantes de postgrado y 2 estudiantes de grado. En las capacidades institucionales se contribuirá al acondicionamiento del Laboratorio para Microscopía Óptica Avanzada (LMOA) en el Dpto. de Química de la UNRC y al montaje de un sistema de microscopio de fluorescencia que permitirá la aplicación de técnicas avanzadas de espectroscopia de fluorescencia de molecula individual. Water-soluble organic molecules such as certain non-biodegradable herbicides, industrial dyes and metabolites of widespread use drugs are a major source of pollution in groundwater from agricultural areas and in industrial and domestic effluents. Photo-catalytic reactions by UV-visible irradiation and organic sensitizers are one of the most economical and convenient methods for the decomposition of pollutants into harmless byproducts. In many applications it is highly desirable a high degree of specificity, effectiveness and speed of degradation of specific pollutants present in a complex mixture. In particular nano/micro-particles systems that form stable aqueous suspensions are highly desirable because they allow for easy application and effective decontamination of large volumes of fluids. Herein we propose the development of nano/micro particles composed by molecularly imprinted polymers (MIP) and photo-sensitizers (PS). The specific binding of MIP and the photo-catalytic ability of the sensitizers are used to achieve the photo-decomposition of specific "template" molecules in complex mixtures. Mini-emulsion polymerization techniques will be used to synthesize nano/micro MIP-FS systems. Spectroscopy (steady-state and time resolved) and chromatography (GC and HPLC) will be used to characterize efficiency, mechanisms and specificity of photo-degradation in these systems. In addition single molecule/particle fluorescence spectroscopy techniques will be used to directly measure distributions of binding affinities and photo-degradation efficiency in individual particles. The proposed studies point to a more detailed understanding of the factors affecting the photo-degradation efficiency in nano/micro-particles and to apply that knowledge in the design of optimized systems for photo-selective destruction of socially relevant aqueous pollutants.
As is known, the Kyoto Protocol proposes to reinforce national policies for emission reduction and, furthermore, to cooperate with other contracting parties. In this context, it would be necessary to assess these emissions, both in general and specifically, by pollutants and/or among productive sectors. The object of this paper is precisely to estimate the polluting emissions of industrial origin in Catalonia in the year 2001, in a multivariate context which explicitly allows a distinction to be made between the polluter and/or the productive sector causing this emission. Six pollutants considered, four directly related to greenhouse effect. A multi-level model, with two levels, pollutants and productive sectors, was specified. Both technological progress and elasticity of capital were introduced as random effects. Hence, it has been permitted that these coefficients vary according to one or other level. The most important finding in this paper is that elasticity of capital has been estimated as very non-elastic, with a range which varies between 0.162 (the paper industry) and 0.556 (commerce). In fact, and generally speaking, the greater capital the sector has, the less elasticity of capital has been estimated. Key words: Kyoto protocol, multilevel model, technological progress