966 resultados para politics relations


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A presente dissertação tem como objetivo pautar as possibilidades de leitura da obra do artista alemão Hans Haacke apresentando 6 obras bases de análise. A pesquisa cerca as relações entre arte e sociedade em uma esfera tanto micro quanto macropolítica contando com conceitos sociológicos que pautam a dimensão simbólica da arte frente às relações econômicas e políticas com as quais a obra de Haacke dialoga. A partir da construção de aspectos sociais simbólicos a dissertação visa também explorar o direcionamento afetivo tanto na leitura do trabalho de Haacke quanto no redirecionamento da posição crítica social e artística com que o artista joga enquanto aspecto conceitual de sua própria obra, focando pontos que lidam com a construção coletiva de subjetividades. A dissertação assim aponta para uma investigação de novos lugares de diálogo da própria arte submerssa em uma constante construção e negociação de seu espaço em meio a outras áreas de conhecimento


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O que Pandora e sua caixa pode nos revelar sobre a política educacional brasileira? O tema da centralidade da educação básica e sua incorporação como direito social transpassa toda esta tese com um enfoque teórico que se propõe a desvelar a realidade a partir de suas contradições e relações entre singularidade, particularidade e universalidade. A análise se propôs a entender o seu desenvolvimento histórico a partir de sua gênese, captando categorias mediadoras para apreender a totalidade. Concentramos nossa análise nas políticas governamentais para a Educação Básica no Brasil porque diante da complexidade e da desigualdade do sistema educacional brasileiro qualquer estudo abarca um conjunto de escolhas que estão conectadas com a nossa trajetória. Sendo assim, as relações de força organizam e estruturam as políticas educacionais brasileiras, com o objetivo de criar e/ou fortalecer uma sociabilidade, de acordo com a conjuntura e pautada nos interesses dos governos. Nossa análise terá como referencial teórico a perspectiva gramsciana da centralidade da política. A política como aporte teórico está relacionada à ideia de entendimento do programa de ação do Estado Brasileiro no seu sistema educacional. O nosso intuito ao recorrer a Antonio Gramsci está em absorver de sua análise a forma de problematização que o constitui como um revitalizador, e na maioria dos casos ampliador, dos conceitos marxianos, possibilitando assim novas reflexões do mundo vivido e das conjunturas contemporâneas.


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Las relaciones políticas entre Sudán y Chad en el período 2005-2009 se vieron afectadas por el conflicto armado de Darfur, que trajo consigo consecuencias graves para ambos países. La configuración étnica similar, los antecedentes históricos que muestran fuertes vínculos entre Sudán y Chad y las continuas acusaciones entre Omar Al-Bashir e Idriss Déby, hicieron que las tensiones entre los dos gobiernos llamaran la atención de la comunidad internacional y causara preocupación por una posible desestabilización de la región de África Central.


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El espacio geográfico, entendido como territorio que da soporte a la vida y a la civilización, ha estado siempre fuertemente supeditado a la presencia de agua. Desde la Prehistoria el hombre otorgó al agua, junto a otros elementos que aseguraban o protegían su vida, un valor superior, por encima de lo humano. Paralelamente y de manera natural, el jardín, en sus inicios en estrecha relación con la agricultura y con el paisaje, fue el ámbito idóneo para la creación de nuevas formas acuáticas artificiales. Este proceso dio lugar a un extenso repertorio de formas compositivas que parece que tuvo en el Renacimiento un punto de inflexión, en el que se observa como la mayoría de recursos y configuraciones básicas del agua estaban ya plenamente establecidas. Esta evolución y sus resultados ha sido el objeto de la primera parte de la tesis: su objetivo ha sido analizar cómo el agua configura, cualifica o puede llegar a construir el jardín y el territorio en el que se inserta, así como establecer las posibles relaciones entre estos dos ámbitos de estudio. Aunque la historia es su fundamento, el planteamiento aquí ha sido más bien conceptual; estudiando los componentes acuáticos desde un punto de vista fundamentalmente compositivo. Esta indagación previa ha sido indispensable para llegar a entender en profundidad los modos en los que el agua se muestra en el jardín y en el paisaje renacentista y manierista, momentos en que se insertan los dos casos de estudio que constituyen la segunda parte de la tesis. Sin caer en un determinismo geográfico extremo, puede admitirse que el jardín, como manifestación cultural intrínsecamente ligada al entorno, depende fuertemente del territorio en el que se asienta; hecho particularmente evidente en aquellas regiones en las que su especial geografía ha sido un claro factor condicionante de su historia. Por ello, Holanda y España han sido las dos localizaciones elegidas para profundizar en este estudio; no tanto por su estrecha relación política y cultural, sino por su profundo y sugerente contraste de medio físico y climático. La Península Ibérica, geográficamente el término del mundo conocido en Occidente hasta el final de la Edad Media, y por esta circunstancia convertida en destino, en territorio de permanencia y fusión, estará además supeditada en la mayoría de su territorio a la falta de agua, siendo a la vez heredera directa del universo y la tradición del jardín meridional originario de Oriente. En el extremo opuesto, Holanda, espacio de transición entre el mar y la tierra firme “real”, es un territorio permeado de humedad y surcado con generosidad por grandes ríos. El país, con una relación ambivalente con el agua, unas veces como amenaza y otras como fuente de nuevas oportunidades, será por el contrario especialmente favorable para el desarrollo de un modelo de jardín septentrional. Un jardín del norte, que no obstante, no surgirá de despejar los bosques, como en el arquetipo nórdico, sino que crecerá sobre planicies antes saturadas de agua o directamente anegadas. El marco temporal de los dos casos concretos ha considerado como fecha inicial 1548, momento en el que Felipe II, aún príncipe, realizó su primer viaje a los Países Bajos, y entró en contacto con el modelo holandés. La extensa producción posterior de jardines de Felipe II, siempre con el agua como protagonista, tuvo como destacado referente la adaptación al suelo y la geografía hispánicos de dicho modelo. Como fecha final se fija 1648, justo un siglo después, fecha coincidente con la firma de la Paz de Westfalia, tratado que supone la total reorganización política del territorio europeo y la pérdida de la hegemonía española en Europa. En Holanda sólo dos años después nacerá Guillermo III de Orange, estatúder de las Provincias Unidas, también futuro rey de Inglaterra, Escocia e Irlanda. Para entonces en Holanda ya se había asistido al desarrollo de un arte propio de jardín, íntimamente ligado al agua, sorprendentemente no demasiado bien conocido y que será uno de los temas de esta investigación. Finalmente, se propone una lectura conjunta de toda esta serie de intervenciones que tienen como argumento el agua, en la que se integra la información procedente de distintos campos de estudio, cada una con su metodología particular. El resultado es una tesis en la que el jardín y el territorio son tratados desde un nuevo y enriquecedor punto de vista. ABSTRACT Geographical space, understood as the territory that provides support to human life and civilization, has always been strongly subjected to the presence of water. From Prehistory man gave to water, along with other elements that ensured or protected life, a higher value than the merely human. At the same time and in a natural way, the garden, in its beginnings with a close relationship with agriculture and landscape, soon developed as the appropriate ground for the creation of new artificial aquatic forms, in a process that seems to have a turning point in the Renaissance, when most of the basic waterworks and resources were already fully established. This development and its outcomes are the subjects of the first part of the thesis: its scope has been to analyse how water configures, qualifies and might even help to construct the garden or landscape attached to it; and to establish the possible links between these two fields of study. Although history based, the point of view here is mainly conceptual, studying the water components understood as composite elements. This exploratory research has been essential to deeply understand the water patterns shown in the Renaissance and Mannerist garden and landscape, periods in which the two case studies are inserted. Without falling in extreme determinism, it can be accepted however, that garden, as a cultural expression linked to environment, is strongly dependant on territorial setting; something particularly evident in those areas where specific geography has been a clear history conditioning factor. This is the reason that leads to choose the Netherlands and Spain to deepen this study, no so much for their interesting cultural and politics relations as for the suggestive and profound contrast of their physical environment and climate. The Iberian Peninsula, geographically the limit of the known world in Occident until the end of the Medium Age, and by this circumstance understood as endpoint, more a destination than a crossroad, a territory of permanence and fusion, but also subjected to water shortage; is thus associated with the universe and tradition of the meridional garden imported from Orient. In the opposite, the Netherlands, a transitional space between the sea and the “real” firm land, is a territory permeated by water and crossed by big rivers. Always with an ambivalent relationship with water, sometimes seen as a threat and sometimes as a source of new opportunities, it was in the other hand the adequate land for the development of a special model of Northern garden. A garden that will not arise, however, from the clearing of woods as in the Nordic archetype, but that will grow on plains originally saturated of water or directly waterlogged. The timeframe of the two cases has 1548 as the initial year, moment in which Philip II, yet prince, made his first trip to the Low Lands and imbibed the Dutch garden model. The later and bountiful garden works of the king, always with the water as the main focus, adapted the imported model to the Spanish ground and geography. The final date is fixed in 1648, just a century after, in coincidence with the Westfalia Peace; a treaty that implied the total political reorganization of the European territory and the end of the Spanish hegemony in the continent. In Holland, only two years later, William III of Orange, Stadtholder of the United Provinces and also future king of England, Scotland and Ireland, was born. But by then the Netherlands had developed an own garden art, closely linked to water. This type garden, surprisingly not very well known, and its relationship with water, will be other of the addressing questions of this work. Finally, the investigation merges the different interventions that have water as an argument, integrating all the fields considered with their particular methodological approaches. The final result is a thesis in which garden and territory are treated from a new and enriching perspective.


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Drawing on a broader study that focused on examining principal leadership for equity and diversity, this paper presents the leadership experiences of ‘Jane’, a White, middle-class principal of a rural Indigenous school. The paper highlights how Jane's leadership is inextricably shaped by her assumptions about race and the political dynamics and historical specificities of her school community. A central focus is on Jane's tendency to deploy culturally reductionist understandings of Indigeneity that position it as incompatible or incommensurable with White culture/western schooling. The paper argues the central imperative of a leadership that rejects these understandings and engages in a critical situational analysis of Indigenous politics, relations and experience. Such an analysis is presented as imperative to supporting representative justice in that it moves beyond merely according a voice to Indigenous people to a focus on better understanding, problematising and remedying the racial relations that contribute to Indigenous oppression.


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Williams, Mike, 'Why ideas matter in International Relations: Hans Morgenthau, Classical Realism, and the Moral Construction of Power Politics', International Organization (2004) 58(4) pp.633-665 RAE2008


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The history of Alberta's meatpacking workers is closely connected with the broader historical struggles of the working class in North America. Like their counterparts from the packinghouses in Toronto and Montreal, the workers of Calgary and Edmonton organized and fought for union recognition between 1911 and 1920, thus joining a labour revolt that was spreading throughout Europe and North America in the wake of World War I and the October Revolution. They faced stiff resistance.


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This chapter examines gendered and sexual heirarchies in public relations workplaces.Specifically it investigates the clothes-body complex and two case studies of sexual harassment, together with the media representations of these cases, in order to discuss how reform in this area may build better social relations, equality and diversity. 


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What is meant by the term ‘bogan’ and how does its popular usage distinguish a new public occupying a particular class position and social presence in Australian society. Examining a number of media texts, this paper explores the bogan phenomenon and asks if it normatively repositions Marxist ideas of class within the contemporary construct of lifestyle politics and classless capitalism (Beck). Challenging the idea the term is politically benign, the paper argues that the rise ‘boganism’ and its stigmatic associations has implications for public relations. In particular, it argues successful framing techniques designate a group of people occupying social risk positions and that are dis-empowered by eco-discourses and targeted for social control. These marginalised publics lack the sociocultural resources required for participation in the public sphere and as such are malleable and highly receptive to intrinsic and extrinsic forms of public relations.


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 This study examines Indonesia’s responses to financial regionalism within ASEAN Plus Three cooperation. It derives largely from the discussions, debates and empirical findings on how the Indonesian financial agencies exercise their authority and mandates, formulate policy coordination with international counterparts, and internalize and execute policy options into domestic financial regimes.