963 resultados para polimeri side-chain push-pull-push ottica non lineare (NLO) Third Harmonic Generation (THG)
L'osservazione di diversi fenomeni ottici come la generazione della seconda o della terza armonica (generazione di luce con frequenza raddoppiata (SHG) o generazione di luce con frequenza triplicata (THG)) quando un materiale interagisce con una sorgente ad alta intensità, ha portato ad un crescente interesse per le proprietà ottiche non lineari (NLO). Questi ed altri fenomeni ottici non lineari potrebbero essere impiegati per aumentare le prestazioni dei dispositivi optoelettronici e fornire soluzioni per progettare nuovi metamateriali funzionali. L'impiego di sistemi polimerici contenenti gruppi funzionali con caratteristiche NLO rappresenta una sfida per migliorare tali proprietà e la loro lavorabilità. In questo lavoro, è stata sviluppata una strategia sintetica per ottenere un cromoforo con struttura donatore-accettore-donatore (D-A-D), dove la simmetria dei dipoli (push-pull-push) può potenzialmente fornire proprietà NLO del terzo ordine. Attraverso una sintesi multistep è stato sintetizzato il monomero a base metacrilica con il cromoforo NLO, successivamente copolimerizzato con lo stirene per aumentare la lavorabilità del polimero. Il polimero ed il monomero saranno impiegati per preparare cristalli fotonici. Inoltre, verrà effettuata un'ampia caratterizzazione per approfondire le proprietà ottiche e quindi per ottimizzare i dispositivi finali.
Push-pull nonlinear optical (NLO) chromophores containing thiazole and benzothiazole acceptors were synthesized and characterized. Using these chromophores a series of second-order NLO polyimides were Successfully prepared from 4,4'-(hexafluoroisopropylidene) diphthalic anhydride (6FDA), pyromellitic dianhydride (PMDA) and 3,3'4,4'-benzophenone tetracarboxylic dianhydride (BTDA) by a standard condensation polymerization technique. These polyimides exhibit high glass transition temperatures ranging from 160 to 188 degrees C. UV-vis spectrum of polyimide exhibited a slight blue shift and decreases in absorption due to birefringence. From the order parameters, it was found that chromophores were aligned effectively. Using in situ poling and temperature ramping technique, the optical temperatures for corona poling were obtained. It was found that the optimal temperatures of polyimides approach their glass transition temperatures. These polyimides demonstrate relatively large d(33) values range between 35.15 and 45.20 pm/V at 532 nm. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The levels of alignment of the mesogenic units and of the polymer backbone trajectory for polyacrylate based nematic side-chain liquid crystal polymers and elastomers were evaluated by using wide angle X-ray and small angle neutron scattering procedures. The X-ray scattering measurements show that substantial levels of preferred orientation of the mesogenic units may be introduced through magnetic fields for uncrosslinked polymers and through mechanical extension for liquid crystal elastomers. Small angle neutron scattering measurements show that for highly aligned samples an anisotropic polymer backbone trajectory is observed in which the envelope is slightly extended by ∼ 10% in the direction parallel to the axis of alignment of the mesogenic units. The sense of this coupling differs from that recorded for other uncrosslinked side-chain liquid crystal polymers. Possible mechanisms to account for this anisotropy and its relationship to the properties of liquid crystal elastomers are discussed. The observed deformation behaviour of the liquid crystal elastomer is non-affine and this appears to confirm the dominating influence of the liquid crystal order of the side chains on the mechanical properties of these novel networks.
We present an analysis that synthesizes information on the sequence, structure, and motifs of antigenic peptides, which previously appeared to be in conflict. Fourier analysis of T-cell antigenic peptides indicates a periodic variation in amino acid polarities of 3-3.6 residues per period, suggesting an amphipathic alpha-helical structure. However, the diffraction patterns of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules indicate that their ligands are in an extended non-alpha-helical conformation. We present two mutually consistent structural explanations for the source of the alpha-helical periodicity, based on an observation that the side chains of MHC-bound peptides generally partition with hydrophobic (hydrophilic) side chains pointing into (out of) the cleft. First, an analysis of haplotype-dependent peptide motifs indicates that the locations of their defining residues tend to force a period 3-4 variation in hydrophobicity along the peptide sequence, in a manner consistent with the spacing of pockets in the MHC. Second, recent crystallographic determination of the structure of a peptide bound to a class II MHC molecule reveals an extended but regularly twisted peptide with a rotation angle of about 130 degrees. We show that similar structures with rotation angles of 100-130 degrees are energetically acceptable and also span the length of the MHC cleft. These results provide a sound physical chemical and structural basis for the existence of a haplotype-independent antigenic motif which can be particularly important in limiting the search time for antigenic peptides.
beta-turns are important topological motifs for biological recognition of proteins and peptides. Organic molecules that sample the side chain positions of beta-turns have shown broad binding capacity to multiple different receptors, for example benzodiazepines. beta-turns have traditionally been classified into various types based on the backbone dihedral angles (phi 2, psi 2, phi 3 and psi 3). Indeed, 57-68% of beta-turns are currently classified into 8 different backbone families (Type I, Type II, Type I', Type II', Type VIII, Type VIa1, Type VIa2 and Type VIb and Type IV which represents unclassified beta-turns). Although this classification of beta-turns has been useful, the resulting beta-turn types are not ideal for the design of beta-turn mimetics as they do not reflect topological features of the recognition elements, the side chains. To overcome this, we have extracted beta-turns from a data set of non-homologous and high-resolution protein crystal structures. The side chain positions, as defined by C-alpha-C-beta vectors, of these turns have been clustered using the kth nearest neighbor clustering and filtered nearest centroid sorting algorithms. Nine clusters were obtained that cluster 90% of the data, and the average intra-cluster RMSD of the four C-alpha-C-beta vectors is 0.36. The nine clusters therefore represent the topology of the side chain scaffold architecture of the vast majority of beta-turns. The mean structures of the nine clusters are useful for the development of beta-turn mimetics and as biological descriptors for focusing combinatorial chemistry towards biologically relevant topological space.
Activation of the cephalosporin side-chain precursor to the corresponding CoA-thioester is an essential step for its incorporation into the P-lactam backbone. To identify an acyl-CoA ligase involved in activation of adipate, we searched in the genome database of Penicillium chrysogenum for putative structural genes encoding acyl-CoA ligases. Chemostat-based transcriptome analysis was used to identify the one presenting the highest expression level when cells were grown in the presence of adipate. Deletion of the gene renamed aclA, led to a 32% decreased specific rate of adipate consumption and a threefold reduction of adipoyl-6-aminopenicillanic acid levels, but did not affect penicillin V production. After overexpression in Escherichia coli, the purified protein was shown to have a broad substrate range including adipate. Finally, protein-fusion with cyan-fluorescent protein showed co-localization with microbody-borne acyl-transferase. Identification and functional characterization of aclA may aid in developing future metabolic engineering strategies for improving the production of different cephalosporins. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
H-1 NMR spectra of the thyroid hormone thyroxine recorded at low temperature and high field show splitting into two peaks of the resonance due to the H2,6 protons of the inner (tyrosyl) ring. A single resonance is observed in 600 MHz spectra at temperatures above 185 K. An analysis of the line shape as a function of temperature shows that the coalescence phenomenon is due to an exchange process with a barrier of 37 kJ mol(-1). This is identical to the barrier for coalescence of the H2',6' protons of the outer (phenolic) ring reported previously for the thyroid hormones and their analogues. It is proposed that the separate peaks at low temperature are due to resonances for H2,6 in cisoid and transoid conformers which are populated in approximately equal populations. These two peaks are averaged resonances for the individual H2 and H6 protons. Conversion of cisoid to transoid forms can occur via rotation of either the alanyl side chain or the outer ring, from one face of the inner ring to the other. It is proposed that the latter process is the one responsible for the observed coalescence phenomenon. The barrier to rotation of the alanyl side chain is greater than or equal to 37 kJ mol(-1), which is significantly larger than has previously been reported for Csp(2)-Csp(3) bonds in other Ph-CH2-X systems. The recent crystal structure of a hormone agonist bound to the ligand-binding domain of the rat thyroid hormone receptor (Wagner et al. Nature 1995, 378, 690-697) shows the transoid form to be the bound conformation. The significant energy barrier to cisoid/transoid interconversion determined in the current study combined with the tight fit of the hormone to its receptor suggests that interconversion between the forms cannot occur at the receptor site but that selection for the preferred bound form occurs from the 50% population of the transoid form in solution.
Intrathecal injections of 50 to 100 micro g of (N-acetylmuramyl-L-alanyl-D-isoglutamine) muramyl dipeptide (MDP)/rabbit dose-dependently triggered tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) secretion (12 to 40,000 pg/ml) preceding the influx of leukocytes in the subarachnoid space of rabbits. Intrathecal instillation of heat-killed unencapsulated R6 pneumococci produced a comparable leukocyte influx but only a minimal level of preceding TNF-alpha secretion. The stereochemistry of the first amino acid (L-alanine) of the MDP played a crucial role with regard to its inflammatory potential. Isomers harboring D-alanine in first position did not induce TNF-alpha secretion and influx of leukocytes. This stereospecificity of MDPs was also confirmed by measuring TNF-alpha release from human peripheral mononuclear blood cells stimulated in vitro. These data show that the inflammatory potential of MDPs depends on the stereochemistry of the first amino acid of the peptide side chain and suggest that intact pneumococci and MDPs induce inflammation by different pathways.
The protection of arginine (Arg) side chains is a crucial issue in peptide chemistry because of the propensity of the basic guanidinium group to produce side reactions. Currently, sulfonyl-type protecting groups, such as 2,2,5,7,8-pentamethylchroman (Pmc) and 2,2,4,6,7-pentamethyldihydrobenzofurane (Pbf), are the most widely used for this purpose. Nevertheless, Arg side chain protection remains problematic as a result of the acid stability of these two compounds. This issue is even more relevant in Arg-rich sequences, acid-sensitive peptides and large-scale syntheses. The 1,2-dimethylindole-3-sulfonyl (MIS) group is more acid-labile than Pmc and Pbf and can therefore be a better option for Arg side chain protection. In addition, MIS is compatible with tryptophan-containing peptides.
The prediction of proteins' conformation helps to understand their exhibited functions, allows for modeling and allows for the possible synthesis of the studied protein. Our research is focused on a sub-problem of protein folding known as side-chain packing. Its computational complexity has been proven to be NP-Hard. The motivation behind our study is to offer the scientific community a means to obtain faster conformation approximations for small to large proteins over currently available methods. As the size of proteins increases, current techniques become unusable due to the exponential nature of the problem. We investigated the capabilities of a hybrid genetic algorithm / simulated annealing technique to predict the low-energy conformational states of various sized proteins and to generate statistical distributions of the studied proteins' molecular ensemble for pKa predictions. Our algorithm produced errors to experimental results within .acceptable margins and offered considerable speed up depending on the protein and on the rotameric states' resolution used.
A series of methacrylate-based side-chain liquid crystal polymers has been prepared with a range of molecular weights. For the high molecular weight polymers a smectic phase is observed with a very narrow nematic range; however, for low molecular weight polymers only the nematic phase is observed. A marked reduction in the glass transition temperature, TSN and TNI is observed with a reduction in the molecular weight. The orientational order parameters for these polymers in the liquid crystal phase have been determined using infra-red dichroism. It is found that the higher the molecular weight of the polymer, the greater is the threshold voltage of the electro-optic response and the lower the order parameter. The increase in the threshold voltage with increasing molecular weight may be related to the intrinsic curvature elasticity and hence to the coupling between the mesogenic units and the polymer backbone.
Side chain liquid crystal polymers and elastomers exhibit a rich phase behaviour which arises from the antagonistic influences of the entropically disordered polymer chain configuration and the long range orientational ordering of the mesogenic units. This competition arises since the natural macroscopic phase separation is inhibited by the inherent chemical connectivity of the system. At the heart of this connectivity is the spacer link and we consider here its influence on the phase behaviour. In particular we consider a series of elastomers in which the number of alkyl units in the spacer is systematically varied from 2 to 6. The lengthening of the coupling spacer is accompanied by an alternation of the sign of coupling between the polymer chain and the mesogenic unit. These results demonstrate the dominating influence of the so-called hinge effect in determining the phase behaviour. In addition to the alternation of the sign there is some decrease in the magnitude of the coupling with increasing spacer length.
The influence of cross-linking on the phase behaviour of a series of side-chain liquid crystalline elastomers has been studied. For samples cross-linked in the temperature range corresponding to the nematic phase, the phase transition was shifted compared to that observed when an identical sample was cross-linked in the isotropic phase. This shift represented a stabilisation of the nematic phase in the former case, in line with theoretical expectations. By utilising a novel, slow cross-linking method, which allows the polymer backbone to take up an equilibrium conformation prior to network formation, it proved possible to monitor the shifts in phase transition temperature as a function of the length of the methylene chain coupling the mesogenic units to the polymer backbone. The results obtained are related to the backbone anisotropy and indicate that the level of orientational order of the polymer in the nematic phase backbone increases with a reduction in the length of the coupling chain.