953 resultados para polimeri poliuretani poliesteri one-pot sintesi bio-based carbammati
Questo lavoro di tesi si inserisce in un contesto di ricerca molto attuale, il quale, studia nuove procedure sintetiche sostenibili per la preparazione di strutture poliuretaniche. Partendo dall’etilene carbonato e dall’esametilendiammina, due molecole che possono essere ricavate da fonti rinnovabili, sono state ottimizzate la sintesi e la purificazione di un carbammato: bis(2-idrossietil)-esan-1,6-diildicarbammato (BHEDC), senza l’impiego di solventi ed in condizioni blande. Il BHEDC è conosciuto in letteratura, ma è poco studiato e non viene attualmente utilizzato come monomero. In questo lavoro il bis(2-idrossietil)-esan-1,6-diildicarbammato è stato polimerizzato in massa con diverse percentuali di bis(2-idrossietil)-tereftalato (BHET), il quale non è ricavabile da fonti naturali ma è ottenibile dal riciclo chimico del Poli-Etilene Tereftalato (PET). Sono state successivamente analizzate la struttura chimica e le proprietà termiche nonché spettroscopiche dei nuovi composti poliuretanici, così da poterne definire le correlazioni tra la struttura e le prestazioni finali. Infine, è stata messa a punto una procedura di tipo one-pot per la preparazione dei poliuretani sopra citati; questa prevede la sintesi diretta dei polimeri senza la necessità dello stadio di purificazione del bis(2-idrossietil)-esan-1,6-diildicarbammato.
The development of cost efficient, selective and sustainable chemical processes for production of chiral building blocks is of great importance in synthetic and industrial organic chemistry. One way to reach these objectives is to carry out several reactions steps in one vessel at one time. Furthermore, when this kind of one-pot multi step reactions are catalyzed by heterogeneous chemo- and bio-catalysts, which can be separated from the reaction products by filtration, practical access to chiral small molecules for further utilization can be obtained. The initial reactions studied in this thesis are the two step dynamic kinetic resolution of rac-2-hydroxy-1-indanone and the regioselective hydrogenation of 1,2-indanedione. These reactions are then combined in a new heterogeneously catalyzed one-pot reaction sequence enabling simple recovery of the catalysts by filtration, facilitating simple reaction product isolation. Conclusively, the readily available 1,2-indanedione is by the presented one-pot sequence, utilizing heterogeneous enzyme and transition metal based catalysts, transferred with high regio- and stereoselectivity to a useful chiral vicinal hydroxyl ketone structure. Additional and complementary investigation of homogeneous half-sandwich ruthenium complexes for catalyzing the epimerization of chiral secondary alcohols of five natural products containing additional non-functionalized stereocenters was conducted. In principle, this kind of epimerization reactions of single stereocenters could be utilized for converting inexpensive starting materials, containing other stereogenic centers, into diastereomeric mixtures from which more valuable compounds can be isolated by traditional isolation techniques.
Sintesi e caratterizzazione di nuovi poliesteri alifatici per uso biomedicale.
The work presented in this thesis explores novel routes for the processing of bio-based polymers, developing a sustainable approach based on the use of alternative solvents such as supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2), ionic liquids (ILs) and deep eutectic solvents (DES). The feasibility to produce polymeric foams via supercritical fluid (SCF) foaming, combined with these solvents was assessed, in order to replace conventional foaming techniques that use toxic and harmful solvents. A polymer processing methodology is presented, based on SCF foaming and using scCO2 as a foaming agent. The SCF foaming of different starch based polymeric blends was performed, namely starch/poly(lactic acid) (SPLA) and starch/poly(ε-caprolactone) (SPCL). The foaming process is based on the fact that CO2 molecules can dissolve in the polymer, changing their mechanical properties and after suitable depressurization, are able to create a foamed (porous) material. In these polymer blends, CO2 presents limited solubility and in order to enhance the foaming effect, two different imidazolium based ILs (IBILs) were combined with this process, by doping the blends with IL. The use of ILs proved useful and improved the foaming effect in these starch-based polymer blends. Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR-ATR) proved the existence of interactions between the polymer blend SPLA and ILs, which in turn diminish the forces that hold the polymeric structure. This is directly related with the ability of ILs to dissolve more CO2. This is also clear from the sorption experiments results, where the obtained apparent sorption coefficients in presence of IL are higher compared to the ones of the blend SPLA without IL. The doping of SPCL with ILs was also performed. The foaming of the blend was achieved and resulted in porous materials with conductivity values close to the ones of pure ILs. This can open doors to applications as self-supported conductive materials. A different type of solvents were also used in the previously presented processing method. If different applications of the bio-based polymers are envisaged, replacing ILs must be considered, especially due to the poor sustainability of some ILs and the fact that there is not a well-established toxicity profile. In this work natural DES – NADES – were the solvents of choice. They present some advantages relatively to ILs since they are easy to produce, cheaper, biodegradable and often biocompatible, mainly due to the fact that they are composed of primary metabolites such as sugars, carboxylic acids and amino-acids. NADES were prepared and their physicochemical properties were assessed, namely the thermal behavior, conductivity, density, viscosity and polarity. With this study, it became clear that these properties can vary with the composition of NADES, as well as with their initial water content. The use of NADES in the SCF foaming of SPCL, acting as foaming agent, was also performed and proved successful. The SPCL structure obtained after SCF foaming presented enhanced characteristics (such as porosity) when compared with the ones obtained using ILs as foaming enhancers. DES constituted by therapeutic compounds (THEDES) were also prepared. The combination of choline chloride-mandelic acid, and menthol-ibuprofen, resulted in THEDES with thermal behavior very distinct from the one of their components. The foaming of SPCL with THEDES was successful, and the impregnation of THEDES in SPCL matrices via SCF foaming was successful, and a controlled release system was obtained in the case of menthol-ibuprofen THEDES.
High molecular weight semi crystalline thermoplastic poly(ester urethanes), TPEUs, were prepared from a vegetable oil-based diisocyanate, aliphatic diol chain extenders and poly(ethylene adipate) macro diol using one-shot, pre-polymer and multi-stage polyaddition methods. The optimized polymerization reaction achieved ultra-high molecular weight TPEUs (>2 million as determined by GPC) in a short time, indicating a very high HPMDI diol reactivity. TPEUs with very well controlled hard segment (HS) and soft segment (SS) blocks were prepared and characterized with DSC, TGA, tensile analysis, and WAXD in order to reveal structure property relationships. A confinement effect that imparts elastomeric properties to otherwise thermoplastic TPEUs was revealed. The confinement extent was found to vary predictably with structure indicating that one can custom engineer tougher polyurethane elastomers by "tuning" soft segment crystallinity with suitable HS block structure. Generally, the HPMDI-based TPEUs exhibited thermal stability and mechanical properties comparable to entirely petroleum-based TPEUs. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
La recente e innovativa filosofia della green chemistry che si sta diffondendo nell’industria chimica e l’incombente esaurimento di risorse fossili, stanno indirizzando la ricerca del settore chimico verso la realizzazione di processi sempre più sostenibili. Tra i processi che necessitano maggiormente di questi cambiamenti, vi è quello della produzione di resine epossidiche che per il 90% è costituito attualmente da resine a base di bisfenolo-A, neuro tossico e pericoloso per la riproduzione umana, ed epicloridrina cancerogena; entrambi ottenuti da risorse fossili. Per tali motivi, in questo elaborato si è cercato di sviluppare un processo di sintesi il più possibile “green”, per l’ottenimento di una molecola derivante da risorse rinnovabili, da sostituire all’epicloridrina nella sintesi di prepolimeri per resine epossidiche bio-based. Lo sviluppo del lavoro è avvenuto tramite lo studio dei reagenti, solventi e parametri operativi, ottenendo il glicidil tosilato a partire da glicerolo e tosil cloruro attraverso una reazione in sistema bifasico, semplice dal punto di vista pratico e senza l’utilizzo di composti tossici. Il glicidil tosilato è meno problematico in quanto meno volatile rispetto all’epicloridrina, ed inoltre le prove di reazione con il bisfenolo-A hanno portato all’ottenimento del prepolimero con rese maggiori rispetto a quelle ottenute nelle stesse condizioni con epicloridrina.
The potential replacement, partially or fully, of synthetic additives by bio-based alternatives derived from indigenous renewable non-food crop resources offers a market opportunity for a green supply of raw materials for different industrial and health products, with greater involvement of the farming community in crop production while addressing the ever more stringent environmental and pollution laws that now require the use of less potentially toxic/harmful ingredients, even if they are present in relatively small quantities. The work presented here relates to developing a new genre of environmentally-sustainable bio-based antioxidants (AO) for industrial uses that are obtained from extracts of UK-grown rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) plant. The performance of these AOs was tested, and their efficacy compared with some common and benchmark synthetic AOs from the same chemical class, in different products including polymers especially for packaging, as well as lubricants, cosmetics and health products. One of the main active ingredients in rosemary is Rosmarinic acid which is a water-soluble compound. This was chemically transformed into a number of ester derivatives, Rosmarinates, targeted for different applications. The parent and the modified antioxidants (the rosmarinates) were characterised and their antioxidancy were examined and tested in linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) and in polypropylene (PP) and compared with compounds of similar structure and with other well known synthetic antioxidants used commercially in polyolefins. The results show that antioxidants sourced from rosemary have the added benefit of being highly efficient and intrinsically more active than many synthetic and bio-based alternatives.
For all-solution-processed (ASP) devices, transparent conducting oxide (TCO) nanocrystal (NC) inks are anticipated as the next-generation electrodes to replace both those synthesized by sputtering techniques and those consisting of rare metals, but a universal and one-pot method to prepare these inks is still lacking. A universal one-pot strategy is now described; through simply heating a mixture of metal-organic precursors a wide range of TCO NC inks, which can be assembled into high-performance electrodes for use in ASP optoelectronics, were synthesized. This method can be used for various oxide NC inks with yields as high as 10 g. The formed NCs are of high crystallinity, uniform morphology, monodispersity, and high ink stability and feature effective doping. Therefore, the inks can be readily assembled into films with a surface roughness of 1.6 nm. Typically, a sheet resistance of 110 Ω sq-1 can be achieved with a transmittance of 88%, which is the best performance for TCO NC ink-based electrodes described to date. These electrodes can thus drive a polymer light-emitting diode (PLED) with a luminance of 2200 cdm-2 at 100 mA cm-2.
The quest for sustainable sources of fuels and chemicals to meet the demands of a rapidly rising global population represents one of this century's grand challenges. Biomass offers the most readily implemented, and low cost, solution for transportation fuels, and the only non-petroleum route to organic molecules for the manufacture of bulk, fine and speciality chemicals and polymers. Chemical processing of such biomass-derived building blocks requires catalysts compatible with hydrophilic, bulky substrates to facilitate the selective deoxygenation of highly functional bio-molecules to their target products. This chapter addresses the challenges associated with carbohydrate utilisation as a sustainable feedstock, highlighting innovations in catalyst and process design that are needed to deliver high-value chemicals from biomass-derived building blocks. © 2014 Woodhead Publishing Limited. All rights reserved.
Global warming, energy savings, and life cycle analysis issues are factors that have contributed to the rapid expansion of plant-based materials for buildings, which can be qualified as environmental-friendly, sustainable and efficient multifunctional materials. This review presents an overview on the several possibilities developed worldwide about the use of plant aggregate to design bio-based building materials. The use of crushed vegetal aggregates such as hemp (shiv), flax, coconut shells and other plants associated to mineral binder represents the most popular solution adopted in the beginning of this revolution in building materials. Vegetal aggregates are generally highly porous with a low apparent density and a complex architecture marked by a multi-scale porosity. These geometrical characteristics result in a high capacity to absorb sounds and have hygro-thermal transfer ability. This is one of the essential characteristics which differ of vegetal concrete compared to the tradition mineral-based concretes. In addition, the high flexibility of the aggregates leads to a non-fragile elasto-plastic behavior and a high deformability under stress, lack of fracturing and marked ductility with absorbance of the strains ever after having reached the maximum mechanical strength. Due to the sensitivity to moisture, the assessment of the durability of vegetal concrete constitutes one of the next scientific challenging of bio-based building materials.
We describe a one-step bio-refinery process for shrimp composites by-products. Its originality lies in a simple rapid (6 h) biotechnological cuticle fragmentation process that recovers all major compounds (chitins, peptides and minerals in particular calcium). The process consists of a controlled exogenous enzymatic proteolysis in a food-grade acidic medium allowing chitin purification (solid phase), and recovery of peptides and minerals (liquid phase). At a pH of between 3.5 and 4, protease activity is effective, and peptides are preserved. Solid phase demineralization kinetics were followed for phosphoric, hydrochloric, acetic, formic and citric acids with pKa ranging from 2.1 to 4.76. Formic acid met the initial aim of (i) 99 % of demineralization yield and (ii) 95 % deproteinization yield at a pH close to 3.5 and a molar ratio of 1.5. The proposed one-step process is proven to be efficient. To formalize the necessary elements for the future optimization of the process, two models to predict shell demineralization kinetics were studied, one based on simplified physical considerations and a second empirical one. The first model did not accurately describe the kinetics for times exceeding 30 minutes, the empirical one performed adequately.
The environmental problems caused by human activity are one of the main themes of debate of the last Century. As regard plastics, the use of non-renewable sources together with the accumulation of waste in natural habitats are causing serious pollution problems. For this reason, a continuously growing interest is recorded around sustainable materials, potential candidate for the replacement of traditional recalcitrant plastics. Promising results have been obtained with biopolymers, in particular with the class of biopolyesters. Their potential biodegradability and biobased nature is particularly interesting mainly for food packaging, where the multilayer systems normally used and the contamination by organic matter create severe recycling limits. In this framework, the present research has been conducted with the aim of synthetizing, modifying and characterizing biopolymers for food packaging application. New bioplastics based on monomers derived from renewable resources were successfully synthetized by two-step melt polycondensation and chain extension reaction following the “Green chemistry” principles. Moreover, well-known biopolyesters have been modified by blending or copolymerization, both resulting effective techniques to ad hoc tune the polymer final characteristics. The materials obtained have been processed and characterized from the chemical, structural, thermal and mechanical point of view; more specific characterizations as compostability tests, surface hydrophilicity film evaluation and barrier property measurements were conducted.
La tesi riguarda lo studio di resine polimeriche derivanti da oli vegetali, impiegabili come leganti nei prodotti vernicianti per l’edilizia ed altri settori. I prodotti vernicianti plant-based sono stati confrontati con altri prodotti attualmente commercializzati, provenienti da fonti fossili. Considerata la produzione ingente dei prodotti vernicianti su base mondiale (8,31 kg/persona) sarebbe determinante impiegare delle fonti rinnovabili per garantirne una produzione sostenibile, diminuendo l’inquinamento, ritardando l’esaurimento del petrolio e riducendo le emissioni di CO2 e di conseguenza l’effetto serra ed il cambiamento climatico. Sono state trattate, quindi, alcune vie di sintesi “green” di leganti poliuretanici ed epossidici per prodotti vernicianti ad elevate prestazioni. Gli oli vegetali sono stati scelti come materie prime in quanto relativamente economici e disponibili in grandi quantità, risultando adatti per produzioni su scala industriale. Sono inoltre riportati i metodi di formulazione di uno smalto opaco bio-based per esterni (ad es. infissi e staccionate) e una vernice opaca per parquet (interni). Le formulazioni sperimentali sono state poi caratterizzate e confrontate con altri prodotti fossil-based presenti in commercio. I prodotti vernicianti sono stati sottoposti a test di brillantezza (gloss), adesione, presa di sporco, durezza, resistenza all’abrasione e resistenza chimica.
Plastics are polymers of conventional and extensive use in our day-to-day life. This is due to their light weight, adaptability to different uses and low prices. A downside of such extensive use is the environmental pollution arising from plastic production and disposal. Indeed, many commodity polymers are produced from non-renewable resources while other do not bio-degrade after their end-of-life disposal. Consequently, the ideal polymer comes from renewable raw materials and bio-degrades after its disposal, meaning that it would do little or no harm to the environment from the beginning to the end of its life cycle. In this thesis project a class of bio-based and bio-degradable co-polymers, namely poly(ester-amide)s, was investigated because of their tunable mechanical and bio-degradation properties as well as their renewable origin. Such polymers were synthetized and characterized thermically and mechanically. Furthermore, a scale-up procedure was developed and applied to one polymer and processing trials were made with the material obtained after scale-up.
Described herein is a one-pot synthesis of a,p-epoxy ketones using a palladium-catalyzed epoxidation-oxidation sequence. Functionalized terminal allylic alcohols are treated with m-CPBA Under mild reaction conditions to obtain the alpha,beta-epoxy ketones. The main benefit of this approach is that the epoxidation of the terminal double bond and the oxidation of the secondary alcohol occured in the same reaction under mild reactions and both electron-donating and electron-withdrawing functionalities are tolerated in the reaction sequence. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.