886 resultados para poem
En aquest article em referiré molt sumàriament a la fi lologia del dinou, mirant de relacionar-la amb tot el joc de paraules en Lewis Carrol, per tal d'establir-hi una trama correcta de (dis)continuïtats. El meu objectiu és considerar el Jabberwocky de Humpty Dumpty en el context de la feina i les descobertes de la moderna fi lologia. F. A. Wolf i J. Grimm condensen bona cosa dels experiments radicals i les troballes que tingueren lloc en aquells moments, que podríem contrastar amb les aventures textuals d'Alícia a l'altra banda de l'espill. Els llibres de l'altra banda necessiten intèrprets i cerquen la versió correcta, original, de la mateixa manera que la interpretació dels mots depèn d'un mètode fi able. Segurament Lewis Carroll com a jove fi lòleg era capaç de jugar bé amb aquelles troballes, entre un món que s'acabava i un altre que començava.
Soitinnus: Huilu, ork.
Soitinnus: Ork.
Äänitetty: 20.11.1954, University of Minnesota, Northrop Memorial Auditorium.
The poem is unsigned and is not divided into stanzas. It mentions General Brock, General Dearborn, Sir Peregrine, Fort George and the militia men of Lincoln. General Isaac Brock was a British Army officer and administrator who was promoted to Major General. He was responsible for defending Upper Canada against the United States. He died at the Battle of Queenston Heights during the War of 1812. In 1812, Dearborn was in charge of the northeastern sector from Niagara to the New England coast in his role as senior Major General of the U.S. Army. Dearborn proved that he was neither psychologically nor physically fit enough to take control. He tried to persuade New England governors to allow their militia to be used to invade Canada. He was not successful in his quest and no major offensive was launched against Lower Canada. Sir Peregrine probably refers to Sir Peregrine Maitland who was appointed as the Lieutenant Governor of Upper Canada in 1818. Fort George is located in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario. It was the site of several battles during the War of 1812. The Lincoln Militia fought in battles on the Niagara Peninsula and the eastern shores of the Niagara River in the War of 1812.
A poem "written at the front in memory of comrades fallen in action while fighting with the First Battalion of the 5th Field Artillery". The final verse of the poem reads, "But the van-guard on before you, who you follow as is meet, They're the lads you left behind you With the poppies and the wheat!"
A poem by J.W. Keating, Poet Laureate of the Norton House, C. Sherwood Book and Job Printer, St. Catharines, March 3, 1886. There is a note on the front page which says "see page 11". There is a section of the poem which is marked. The poem first mentions Annie Conolly, who studied at Loretto in Niagara, then mentions Annie Wallace [this name is underlined], "who here did once sojourn with Nanna and Leslie".
1 cardboard clam shell case with a bronze medallion in a front portal. The medallion is 6 cm. in circumference with a bust of Commodore Isaac Hull on the face. The medallion was designed by John Reich. A translation of the words inscribed on the front is: “Isaac Hull conquers in July 1812, the skilled by stratagem and in August, the strong in battle” On the back is a ship and the words “Horae Momento Victoria” which translate to “Victory in the space of an hour”. The title on the front of the box has the words “War of 1812, Jonathan Russell, Commodore Hull”. Only 126 of these medallions were estimated to be struck. Also within this collection is a poem written by Jonathan Russell and 2 messages from President James Madison.
Poem by J.S. Buckingham entitled To Niagara written at the first sight of the falls on August 12, 1838, 22 cm. x 12 cm. This is slightly stained, 1838.
Colección de poemas, escritos sobre muy diversos temas (alimentación,animales,juegos), y adaptados a una gran variedad de formas, una cara, una casa, una pera, unas gafas. También es diversa la forma y el tamaño de las caligrafías.
Colección de poemas, escritos sobre diversos temas y adaptados a una gran variedad de formas, desde un triángulo hasta un cohete, pasando por un vaso y una jarra, el mapa de África o una paloma. También es diversa la forma y el tamaño de las caligrafías.