999 resultados para plastic instability


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We investigate the possibility of projecting low-dimensional chaos from spatiotemporal dynamics of a model for a kind of plastic instability observed under constant strain rate deformation conditions. We first discuss the relationship between the spatiotemporal patterns of the model reflected in the nature of dislocation bands and the nature of stress serrations. We show that at low applied strain rates, there is a one-to-one correspondence with the randomly nucleated isolated bursts of mobile dislocation density and the stress drops. We then show that the model equations are spatiotemporally chaotic by demonstrating the number of positive Lyapunov exponents and Lyapunov dimension scale with the system size at low and high strain rates. Using a modified algorithm for calculating correlation dimension density, we show that the stress-strain signals at low applied strain rates corresponding to spatially uncorrelated dislocation bands exhibit features of low-dimensional chaos. This is made quantitative by demonstrating that the model equations can be approximately reduced to space-independent model equations for the average dislocation densities, which is known to be low-dimensionally chaotic. However, the scaling regime for the correlation dimension shrinks with increasing applied strain rate due to increasing propensity for propagation of the dislocation bands.


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This work is a continuation of our efforts to quantify the irregular scalar stress signals from the Ananthakrishna model for the Portevin-Le Chatelier instability observed under constant strain rate deformation conditions. Stress related to the spatial average of the dislocation activity is a dynamical variable that also determines the time evolution of dislocation densities. We carry out detailed investigations on the nature of spatiotemporal patterns of the model realized in the form of different types of dislocation bands seen in the entire instability domain and establish their connection to the nature of stress serrations. We then characterize the spatiotemporal dynamics of the model equations by computing the Lyapunov dimension as a function of the drive parameter. The latter scales with the system size only for low strain rates, where isolated dislocation bands are seen, and at high strain rates, where fully propagating bands are seen. At intermediate applied strain rates corresponding to the partially propagating bands, the Lyapunov dimension exhibits two distinct slopes, one for small system sizes and another for large. This feature is rationalized by demonstrating that the spatiotemporal patterns for small system sizes are altered from the partially propagating band types to isolated burst type. This in turn allows us to reconfirm that low-dimensional chaos is projected from the stress signals as long as there is a one-to-one correspondence between the bursts of dislocation bands and the stress drops. We then show that the stress signals in the regime of partially to fully propagative bands have features of extensive chaos by calculating the correlation dimension density. We also show that the correlation dimension density also depends on the system size. A number of issues related to the system size dependence of the Lyapunov dimension density and the correlation dimension density are discussed.


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A theoretical analysis of instability of saturated soil is presented considering the simple shearing of a heat conducting thermo-visco-plastic material. It is shown that the instability is mainly the consequence of thermal softening which overcomes the strain hardening and the other type of instability is controlled by strain softening. The effects of other factors such as permeability to the instability are discussed in this paper.


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As the production of a new technique that can offer both good formability and high image clarity for texturing metal sheet, laser-textured sheet has attracted the attention of many manufacturers and users. Among the many subjects to be studied, plastic instability behaviour of the laser-textured sheet is one of most important to understand its ability in extending material ductility and to appropriately control this technique. Experimental investigations are carried out in this paper to study the macroscopic behaviour and microstructural mechanism of the laser-textured sheet, and comparison is made with the normal sheet taken from the same coil of metal sheet. It is demonstrated that, the difference in the behaviour of plastic instability obviously shows tendency to delay strain localization and the onset of thickness necking. Shear banding and internal void damage are spread to a much wider region in the sheet being laser-textured. The prestrained microcraters enforced on the surface of the textured sheet act as hardening spots, which are likely to share out deformation and inhibit the increasing rate of voiding, and eventually favouring the ductility of the material used.


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A theoretical description of thermo-plastic instability in simple shear is presented in a system of equations describing plastic deformation, the first law of thermodynamics and Fourier's heat transfer rule. Both mechanical and thermodynamical parameters influence instability and it is shown that two different modes of instability may exist. One of them is dominated by thermal softening and has a characteristic time and length, connected to each other by thermal diffusion.A criterion combining thermal softening, current stress, density, specific heat, work-hardening, thermal conductivity and current strain rate is obtained and practical implications are discussed.


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We review the spatio-temporal dynamical features of the Ananthakrishna model for the Portevin-Le Chatelier effect, a kind of plastic instability observed under constant strain rate deformation conditions. We then establish a qualitative correspondence between the spatio-temporal structures that evolve continuously in the instability domain and the nature of the irregularity of the scalar stress signal. Rest of the study is on quantifying the dynamical information contained in the stress signals about the spatio-temporal dynamics of the model. We show that at low applied strain rates, there is a one-to-one correspondence with the randomly nucleated isolated bursts of mobile dislocation density and the stress drops. We then show that the model equations are spatio-temporally chaotic by demonstrating the number of positive Lyapunov exponents and Lyapunov dimension scale with the system size at low and high strain rates. Using a modified algorithm for calculating correlation dimension density, we show that the stress-strain signals at low applied strain rates corresponding to spatially uncorrelated dislocation bands exhibit features of low dimensional chaos. This is made quantitative by demonstrating that the model equations can be approximately reduced to space independent model equations for the average dislocation densities, which is known to be low-dimensionally chaotic. However, the scaling regime for the correlation dimension shrinks with increasing applied strain rate due to increasing propensity for propagation of the dislocation bands. The stress signals in the partially propagating to fully propagating bands turn to have features of extensive chaos.


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A micromechanical approach is considered here to predict the deformation behaviour of Rheocast A356 (Al-Si-Mg) alloy. Two representative volume elements (RVEs) are modelled in the finite element (FE) framework. Two dimensional approximated microstructures are generated assuming elliptic grains, based on the grain size, shape factor and area fraction of the primary Al phase of the said alloy at different processing condition. Plastic instability is shown using stress and strain distribution between the Al rich primary and Si rich eutectic phases under different boundary conditions. Boundary conditions are applied on the approximated RVEs in such a manner, so that they represent the real life situation depending on their position on a cylindrical tensile test sample. FE analysis is carried out using commercial finite element code ABAQUS without specifying any damage or failure criteria. Micro-level in-homogeneity leads to incompatible deformation between the constituent phases of the rheocast alloy and steers plastic strain localisation. Plastic stain localised regions within the RVEs are predicted as the favourable sites for void nucleation. Subsequent growth of nucleated voids leads to final failure of the materials under investigation.


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Post-microbuckling is a fundamental feature of compressive failure process for the unidirectional-fiber-reinforced composites and laminated composites. The post-microbuckling behavior of composites under compression in the light of the Kevlar49-reinforced 648/BF3.400 (brittle epoxy) and EP (flexible epoxy) is studied, theoretically and experimentally. Analytical results of compressive strength are in good agreement with experimental results, qualitatively and quantitatively. By the experimental research, the post-microbuckling feature of the advancing kink band model is clearly displayed.


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The objective of the work is to consider the first-order effects of the realistic microstructure morphology in the macroscale modeling of the multiphase Advanced High Strength Steels (AHSS). Instead of using constitutive equations at macroscale, the strength–microstructure relationship is studied in the forms of micromechanical and multiscale models that do not make considerable simplifications with regard to the microscale geometry and topology. The trade-off between the higher computational time and the higher accuracy has been offset with a stochastic approach in the construction of the microscale models. The multiphase composite effects of AHSS microstructure is considered in realistic microstructural models that are stochastically built from AHSS micrographs. Computational homogenization routines are used to couple micro and macroscale and resultant stress–strain relations are compared for models built with the simplified and idealized geometries of the microstructure. The results from this study show that using a realistic representation of the microstructure, either for DP or TRIP steel, could improve the accuracy of the predicted stress and strain distribution. The resultant globally averaged effective stress and strain fields from realistic microstructure model were able to accurately capture the onset of the plastic instability in the DP steel. It is shown that the macroscale mechanical behavior is directly affected by the level of complexities in the microscale models. Therefore, greater accuracy could be achieved if these stochastic realistic microstructures are used at the microscale models.


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A new analytical theory including friction was developed to assess strain limits in punch stretching of anisotropic sheet metals. This new approach takes into consideration the anisotropic behaviour of sheet materials and could explain the mechanical behaviour of a variety of anisotropic sheet materials. The theory explains the sheet metal failure so for the drawing as the stretching region of the forming limit curve, particularly for materials that present the strain-ratio dependence of limit strain ε 1, where dε 1/dρ is not always greater than zero. dε 1/ dρ or dε 1/dε 2 could be equal to or smaller than zero for a range of materials. Therefore, this new theory can explains such experimental observations, besides to assuming that membrane element relations near the pole, for the case of punch stretching are dependent of sheet metal properties as the process history and also suggests that the onset of local necking is controlled by shear. Thus, theoretical results obtained through this new approach are compared with experimental results available in the literature. It is demonstrated the effect of friction on a FLC curve for both regions, drawing and stretching. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.


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In the bulge test, a sheet metal specimen is clamped over a circular hole in a die and formed into a bulge by the hydraulic pressure on one side of the specirnen. As the unsupported part of the specimen is deformed in this way, its area is increased, in other words, the material is generally stretched and its thickness generally decreased. The stresses causing this stretching action are the membrane stresses in the shell generated by the hydraulic pressure, in the same way as the rubber in a toy balloon is stretched by the membrane stresses caused by the air inside it. The bulge test is a widely used sheet metal test, to determine the "formability" of sheet materials. Research on this forming process (2)-(15)* has hitherto been almost exclusively confined to predicting the behaviour of the bulged specimen through the constitutive equations (stresses and strains in relation to displacements and shapes) and empirical work hardening characteristics of the material as determined in the tension test. In the present study the approach is reversed; the stresses and strains in the specimen are measured and determined from the geometry of the deformed shell. Thus, the bulge test can be used for determining the stress-strain relationship in the material under actual conditions in sheet metal forming processes. When sheet materials are formed by fluid pressure, the work-piece assumes an approximately spherical shape, The exact nature and magnitude of the deviation from the perfect sphere can be defined and measured by an index called prolateness. The distribution of prolateness throughout the workpiece at any particular stage of the forming process is of fundamental significance, because it determines the variation of the stress ratio on which the mode of deformation depends. It is found. that, before the process becomes unstable in sheet metal, the workpiece is exactly spherical only at the pole and at an annular ring. Between the pole and this annular ring the workpiece is more pointed than a sphere, and outside this ring, it is flatter than a sphere. In the forming of sheet materials, the stresses and hence the incremental strains, are closely related to the curvatures of the workpiece. This relationship between geometry and state of stress can be formulated quantitatively through prolateness. The determination of the magnitudes of prolateness, however, requires special techniques. The success of the experimental work is due to the technique of measuring the profile inclination of the meridional section very accurately. A travelling microscope, workshop protractor and surface plate are used for measurements of circumferential and meridional tangential strains. The curvatures can be calculated from geometry. If, however, the shape of the workpiece is expressed in terms of the current radial (r) and axial ( L) coordinates, it is very difficult to calculate the curvatures within an adequate degree of accuracy, owing to the double differentiation involved. In this project, a first differentiation is, in effect, by-passed by measuring the profile inclination directly and the second differentiation is performed in a round-about way, as explained in later chapters. The variations of the stresses in the workpiece thus observed have not, to the knowledge of the author, been reported experimentally. The static strength of shells to withstand fluid pressure and their buckling strength under concentrated loads, both depend on the distribution of the thickness. Thickness distribution can be controlled to a limited extent by changing the work hardening characteristics of the work material and by imposing constraints. A technique is provided in this thesis for determining accurately the stress distribution, on which the strains associated with thinning depend. Whether a problem of controlled thickness distribution is tackled by theory, or by experiments, or by both combined, the analysis in this thesis supplies the theoretical framework and some useful experimental techniques for the research applied to particular problems. The improvement of formability by allowing draw-in can also be analysed with the same theoretical and experimental techniques. Results on stress-strain relationships are usually represented by single stress-strain curves plotted either between one stress and one strain (as in the tension or compression tests) or between the effective stress and effective strain, as in tests on tubular specimens under combined tension, torsion and internal pressure. In this study, the triaxial stresses and strains are plotted simultaneously in triangular coordinates. Thus, both stress and strain are represented by vectors and the relationship between them by the relationship between two vector functions. From the results so obtained, conclusions are drawn on both the behaviour and the properties of the material in the bulge test. The stress ratios are generally equal to the strain-rate ratios (stress vectors collinear with incremental strain vectors) and the work-hardening characteristics, which apply only to the particular strain paths are deduced. Plastic instability of the material is generally considered to have been reached when the oil pressure has attained its maximum value so that further deformation occurs under a constant or lower pressure. It is found that the instability regime of deformation has already occurred long before the maximum pressure is attained. Thus, a new concept of instability is proposed, and for this criterion, instability can occur for any type of pressure growth curves.


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Instabilities of plastic flow in the form of localised shear bands were experimentally observed to result from equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP) of magnesium alloy AZ31. The appearance of shear bands and their spacing were dependent on velocity of the pressing and applied back-pressure. A generic gradient plasticity theory involving second-order strain gradient terms in a constitutive model was applied to the case of AZ31 deformed by ECAP. Linear stability analysis was applied to the set of equations describing the deformation behaviour in the process zone idealised as a planar shear zone. A full analytical solution providing a dispersion relation between the rate of growth of a perturbation and the wave number was obtained. It was shown that the pattern of incipient localised shear bands exhibits a spectrum of characteristic lengths corresponding to admissible wave numbers. The interval of the spectrum of wave numbers of viable, i.e. growing, perturbations predicted by linear stability analysis was shown to be in good agreement with the experimentally observed spectrum. The effect of back-pressure applied during ECAP was also considered. The predicted displacement of the shear band spectrum towards lower wave numbers, shown to be a result of the decreased shear strain rate in the shear zone, was consistent with the experimentally observed increase of the band spacing with increased back-pressure. A good predictive capability of the general modelling frame used in conjunction with linear stability analysis was thus demonstrated in the instance of the particular alloy system and the specific processing conditions considered.


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Plastic deformation behavior of Cu/Ni/Wmetallicmultilayers with individual layer thickness ranging from 5 nm to 300 nm is investigated by nanoindentation testing. The experimental results reveal that the composite still exhibits indentation-induced plastic deformation instability and the loss of strain hardening ability at the nanometer scale even if the composite contains two kinds of layer interfaces (face centered cubic(FCC)/FCC and FCC/ body centered cubic) simultaneously. Plastic deformation behavior of the nanolayered material was evaluated and analyzed.